Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A loose Chiss Agent


Location: Pirate gunship
Objective: Capture 3 targets

The trandoshan hissed as he looked at the three in front of him, a human, a twi'lek, and a zabrak. Something was wrong. Their ship had only just taken from a smaller ship, at first it had given in easily but they ended up facing droid resistance still, it was hardly anything that couldn't be handled. They dealt with it and moved on but...there was still something nagging at the trandoshan.

Her snarled and turned his head, [DOSH: "Meet me in the kitchen in 4 hours, lay your sorry rumps down if you expect rest."]

The group disbanded. The zabrak and the twi'lek to a room of bunkbeds and the human to the second room of bunks. An hour later, the human and twi'lek were far deeper in sleep than they would have hoped. And on the chance they weren't, rope and stun cuffs would be enough. The trandoshan was more problematic. As Regel closed in on him from behind, hidden by his Stealth Field generator, the creature turned around and narrowed its eyes at the 'empty hallway.

There was no point in waiting to see what the trandoshan would do, he'd smelled the change in the air and Regel's disguise wouldn't save him now. He shot a blast from his disruptor pistol completely destroying the weapon at the trandoshans side and causing the stealth field to disperse, "You may accompany me peacefully, or in pieces that no trandoshan could regenerate from." his voice was unpleasantly cold and at first the trandoshan was going to hiss about betrayal until he saw the very clothing around the 'zabrak' change and his own skin begin to shift to its bluer tint and the 'horns' recede, if far slower. "Your ally was already taken care of."

"I relent."

This was nothing that Regel was proud of, it was another job. Had all the crew stayed up like the trandoshan it might have been something of interest. But they actually did let themselves sleep, giving him the chance to easily further drug them and thus leaving him only one target, who he inherently had the jump on. The droids were a calculated cost, and he'd get back anything he'd lost to them. So expenses would make up for themselves.

Tags: Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun
Location: The Utopia

Mur'egel'kormu looked at the credits as he entered the rest of the ships decks after the pirates were taken off his hands. He took in a breath, bounty hunting. It was a different job than what he signed up for. Not too far off, it was the closest thing he could get without working more directly for a government. Which he was happy to do, but the last one had failed him. So he was on the loose again. The Chiss had returned fully to his original form, the cybernetic disguise implant combined with the Polyweave clothing and stealth field generator were extremely effective at infiltrating unsuspecting groups in the short term. He rarely operated on long run missions, besides it was much more effective to operate in small bursts, and more profitable.

The Elysium Empire had had a convenient job, pirates, they'd give a shot to weaken engines or stun the vessel, make threats, board and take what they wanted, and leave. So rigging a ship along a convenient route that fit their target audience wasn't too hard. From there it was just a matter of taking over a crew mates position and dealing with them on board. He'd considered just poisoning the air vents of the bait vessel, but realized if they were even mildly more careful than an average pirate they might just be fine. So it was safer to infiltrate and attempt similar methods.

Now, where to go next.

Cybernetic enhancements:
Alacrity Implant
Fitness package
Cybernetic disguise implant

Stealth field generator
Gambit disrupter pistol
Viper series multi role blaster rifle
Second King of The Elysium Empire

Rex was on board The Utopia. Once again he was doing something behind The King's back. There was a specific Chiss on board, willing to do jobs as long as the creds were good. He had done work for Heath before, dealing with pirates. Now Rex was going to try and recruit the man into what was to become The Imperial Security Bureau.

Chances were the Chiss man would be near the bounty boards, looking for more work within The Empire. This man in particular had done an outstanding job...not that the other mercenaries and bounty hunters weren't good. This one was just better. His name was Regel . Rex had seen pictures...he was slightly shorter than one would expect, and had short black hair. The black hair wasn't much of a distinguisher but the height and the hair's length should be enough. While The Empire had many Chiss residents, not many were mercenaries....


Regel looked at the list of bounties in thought, decisions running through his mind. He was used to live captures, but he'd consider ones that had both on the table. Speaking of which, he needed to invest in more non-lethal weapons. Not everyone was willing to come peacefully, and a disruptor pistol was often a bit excessive if you wanted them to be living. Perhaps more gaseous weapons. The rifle he had did indeed have a stun mode option, but he liked the idea of being able to subjugate multiple enemies at once. Before, that was rarely an issue. And he could simply request equipment if need be. But now he was relying more on his own methods, so more on-hand equipment was preferable. He'd set out for a proper ship as well, one that would serve him better than any temporary methods. Ignoring bait ships of course. Maybe a proper melee weapon as a back-up, he didn't deal with sith or jedi often, but he'd rather be prepared if they forced him into close range.

Maybe more enhancements would be worthwhile as well, he already invested in some implants, but perhaps an implant for breath filtering would be good. Or some kind of shock maybe that would be too risky.

His red eyes turned to the side as he glimpsed eyes on him. He rolled his shoulders, feeling the blaster rifle across his back. Probably wasn't under threat, but best be prepared. Then he'd wait, if they openly approached, great. Looked like it was a formal authority anyway. If not he'd keep doing what he was doing, but with eyes open.

Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun
Second King of The Elysium Empire

The heir had arrived at the contract terminals. Sure enough there were about 20 mercs checking the terminals, sitting at tables and cleaning their weapons, or talking with their groups. He looked around, scanning for the blue skinned, black haired man. It was an easy find, there were Ithorians, Trandoshans, Humans, and everything in between, but there was only one Chiss. Rex walked up to the man, and asked, "Regel? I'm Rex Valhoun, I have an offer for you."


Yup, they approached. Regel turned his eyes, and then body to face him, maintaining a neutral expression and pose. He seemed important, and when he spoke, Regels mind responded with recognition. Ah, the prince. He nodded his head to him and responded, "Yes, I am Mur'egel'kormu, Regal. I am listening Prince Valhoun. What is it you would like to say or offer?" He tried to avoid being uncourteous. A head bow and calling him by his title. It wasn't out of some fear, simply that that was his position and just as he would have expected to rexbe called an Agent when preforming his job, unless it was detrimental in some way, he would call the prince by his title.

Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun
Second King of The Elysium Empire

"Good." He lowered his voice just a bit "I am forming a task force to combat corruption within this Empire. This is a long term job. A career, in a way. You will be faced with many challenges, not just physical but mental. You will be ordered to kill some very rich people, you will be sent to hubs of scum and villainy to seek and destroy key individuals. You will often find yourself breaking planetary and nation wide laws. However I can give you anything, anything, you need to accomplish this mission."

He looked around, making sure nobody had heard this offer. So far it seemed that no one had. Good. Still his heart was racing. He felt the guilt creeping in...he was using corruption to fight corruption. Going behind his father's back, offering any reward imaginable to a bounty hunter, all to fight the rest of the corruption within The Empire.

Worse than the guilt was the fear that The Dobsons had already reached this agent. If they had, then he could easily inform them of everything Rex just revealed.

But it was a risk that needed to be taken.


Regel took a slight step forwards as his voice was lowered, listening and maintaining the same expression throughout. Things immediately got more serious and he knew that much, and as Rex spoke, it showed to what degree. Or at least, a portion of it. For one, this turned quickly from bounty hunting to assassination. While he definitely possessed the skillset, it was not his usual job. And was in some ways much more dangerous, capturing a person might get a grudge against you. Killing, or worse, failing to kill, a person tended to bring worse.

But this was not a commoner, or some random businessman approaching him about this. It was a prince. And it seemed there would be little restriction on what was required. Valhoun seemed desperate, especially to do this personally. Regel would be taking quite a risk in accepting, no doubt, a lot of money could be made out of simply knowing this.

But that just wasn't the kind of jobs he took, information dealing and betrayals were for the targets, and Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun was not one. He spoke quietly, and with emphasis, "I'm sure you know the risk this could pose to both of us." He began, "We can detail this in private. Even if nobody's heard us yet, to my knowledge, there's always risk in public. I'm willing, for now. But first somewhere safe."
Second King of The Elysium Empire

"Agreed. Follow me."

The duo then made their way to a less populated part of the room, Rex in the lead. Once there, Rex turned to Regel again. "Alright, this is better. Now, what are your thoughts on my offer?"

Rex scanned the room around them, making sure there were no eavesdroppers. They should be safe to discuss things here, the nearest mercenary was busy at a terminal, about 30 feet away. If anyone were to overhear the conversation, it could be a tremendous problem, but Rex was certain he had the means to prevent a disaster if necessary. The same went for Regel. If the man were to decline the offer, Rex would need to secure the information one way or another.


Regel kept close behind, though he was wary. Not just of the man, but anyone else. They were not in the best position still, but it'd have to do. Regal gave a little more thought to the question, but ultimately, he'd already done most of the thinking. Now he was just making sure he worded things right, "I can take the career with good pay, and assets. But importantly, that that anything will include the means of disguise. My talents and resources only go so far before laws get broken, covering physical changes are the easy part, but true fake identities often involve more complicated forging and slicing. Though often quite short term, this can be vital for infiltration attempts, even in those pits. You'll need to either over-look my means of obtaining one, or ensure I have someone who can do it. Also understand that in order to get to key individuals, I'll need to overlook things myself along the way or risk jeopardizing the entire thing. I'm sure you understand that, but I need to make sure. Stopping an arms deal when the big boss is still a mile away, just isn't an option for a safe mission."

He spoke plainly. He saw nothing wrong with the job, it was risky, yes, but it wasn't too far from what he'd done before in regards to legal means. Not that he'd say that. He was a scout first, then came the assassination. And in truth the scouting was where the most ignorance of the law came in. Going places full of crime and not saying or doing a thing, even pretending to be one of them. Not everyone, even in your own government, looked upon you with anything but fear or disgust.

Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun
Second King of The Elysium Empire

Rex nodded before solidifying his position, "Agreed. Everything you have requested will be provided as long as you continue to bring in results for us."

It was a risky agreement. He was providing a lot of resources and political power to acquire one agent. However if the Chiss man performs well, the risk will be worth the reward. He could bring an end to The Dobsons, potentially. As long as they don't find him and make a better offer, that is...

"Do you have any other concerns? If not, you may return to what you were doing before. Either Loreena or I will contact you in the next few days with your first job."

They already had a job picked for the man. It was simple, just a test to see how he performs. Once completed, they'd be able to decide if he needed more tests or if he is ready for a real assignment. Rex just hoped the gamble would pay off. He needed allies, and he needed them quickly if he is to keep up with the Dobson threat.


Regel nodded, it seemed they would be accommodating. The trouble was, he was going to be on a thin line. When working for a local government in mostly local matters, he knew the laws, he knew the expectations, and his position would be safe. He knew he could get the job done because he knew, always, what he was dealing with. When he became a bounty hunter, things were treated more lightly. It was only rewards for jobs done, never in preparation. Or at least, most of the time. This was going to be a little rougher in every measure, but if he could get it done, it'd be better for everyone.

He nodded his head, "One. I'm sure these jobs will no doubt be more...difficult than previous ones, and impactful in success. With more repercussions for failure. Should I fail and be questioned, I assume you'd want no connections made to you or your government, at least until another route is found."

That question would shape his career moving forwards. For one, if he said yes, it meant Regel would definitely want more money...and be on thin ice for personally safety more often. But if he said no, than his successes would be more required, since they'd have to make up for the failures.

Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun
Second King of The Elysium Empire

Rex thought on the question for a moment. He knew that if he were to say yes, the prices would hike. He was inclined to say no because the man would be fighting criminals, corruption, gangs, etc., not really foreign governments. However if he were to say no, and then Regel were to be captured by a foreign power, perhaps they could use the information somehow. Rex thought for a moment more, then shook his head, "No, you don't have to hide anything, but use your best judgement. If there is something that you think may be vital, don't give it up."

Another risky answer, but it was hopefully the correct one. He was already going to be using a significant amount of resources. A price hike was not in the budget. There wasn't much that Regel could give away that would have dire consequences. He'd be dealing with criminals. The worse thing that could happen would be a bounty on Rex's head...and as he understood it, The Galactic Alliance already had placed one there with the justification that The Elysium Empire is the Second Galactic Empire. Rex doubted any criminals could match that bounty.

"Regel, there is one more thing I should mention. One of the most powerful foes you will eventually be tasked with undermining is Arken Dobson Arken Dobson . Him or his children may find you and attempt to bribe you over to their side. I need your word that you won't accept his offers unless it is to infiltrate his business empire. Is that clear?"


He nodded to his response. A perfectly acceptable answer. At least he'd have the ability to turn to the government if need be. Avoiding revealing information should be perfectly acceptable, at least intentionally. He was well trained mentally, but he knew there were likely abilities or technologies out there that might exceed his capabilities. He wasn't bothered by it, if anything it was safer, and so for the better.

Regel let out a grunt at the mention of Arken Dobson. Powerful foe would be a practical answer, however, what he would most likely fear from him would be non physical measures. People with that kind of money might have access to the likes of force users, and thus, abilities that Regel might not have counters for. He'd need to look into that. He heard of void stones, that was an option. But they'd probably sense that, he had to be stealthy...maybe the Empire had members more knowledgeable about those kinds of opponents than he was. A discussion for later.

Another nod of his head as Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun finished, "You have my word that so long as I remain in your employment, I will not be bribed or outbid except where I see it beneficial to you or your government, not a replacement or opponent. Regardless, I prefer governmental work over individuals, bounty hunting was only because that was no longer an effective option. Until now anyway." He gave a slight chuckle to himself, "Not the expected outcome but it is acceptable."

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