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Private A Matter of the Banks [Diarch Reign]

Lucrehulk battleship in CS for ship variety? Thoughts? :  r/StarWarsBattlefront

The Trade Federation achieved the highest growth rate for the current economic quarter; nonetheless, it continued to fall behind more dynamic enterprises such as the Dashiells. Despite being regarded as politically inconsequential, the Dashiells successfully navigated the tumultuous conditions of the galaxy and epitomized true neutrality, in stark contrast to most war profiteers.

The agenda was already in motion to reclaim their influence and power, as they discreetly financed the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, aiming to keep the Alliance in a state of tension and by having begun the process of appointing a prominent Muun ally to assume the leadership of the Sith-Imperial Banking Clan.

The Alliance-Sith Empire War created an opportunity for profit, placing the responsibility on Deputy Viceroy to sustain this advantage. However, complications arose within the Bastion Diarchy, where the governor of Dantooine openly opposed the Federation, resulting in a temporary downturn of relations.

Nevertheless, rumors suggested that this governor had been removed from power, indicating an opportune moment to incorporate the Federation into the economic framework of the Diarchy.

"We are honored by your presence today, and we ask for your understanding regarding the absence of the Banking Clan. They are currently occupied with the task of managing the economic fallout of Muunilinst, and are diligently working to purge sensitive accounting information prior to the impending fall of Scipio." The Neimoidian said.

Rising from the conference table aboard the Lucrehulk Class Battleship to acknowledge one of the main figures behind the rapid rise of the Diarchy and its bold proclamation to the galaxy that they were declaring war on everyone in order to restore order.
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Location: Aboard a Lucrehulk
Tags: Veyko Agapoui Veyko Agapoui

Tensions had been high of late. With the Grand Declaration and subsequent fallout afterwards. The Diarch had been focusing inward as of late, and recalled the fate of the banking clan on Muunilinst.

Now that the raid had been concluded and matters had settled on Bastion, Reign had been keen on responding when he received word from the federation.

As the Diarch entered the main conference room, the Neimoidian had risen to greet him.

Reign bowed low and responded to his host.

“Thank you for receiving me. I apologize that this meeting could not have taken place sooner, there were… complications that needed to be addressed. However; I believe it time to discuss the future.”

He waited for his host to sit before taking his own seat at the table. He had not brought his Myrmidons at this time, Reign was here in good faith.


Lucrehulk battleship in CS for ship variety? Thoughts? :  r/StarWarsBattlefront

"There is no need to apologize to a humble functionary like myself, Diarch Reign. The Diarchy needs time to establish itself as one of the main powers within the galaxy so there are bound to be certain complications." The Neimoidian presented a subtle smile as he resumed his seat at the opposite end of the conference table, mirroring the actions of Lord Reign.

Within the confines of this room, both individuals were regarded as equals; however, the duration of this parity would hinge on the ability of the man to rival the cunning and commercial expertise of one of the most esteemed corporations still in operation.

Veyko personally conducted the calculations in collaboration with the Executive Board and determined that reaching an agreement at this moment, even if it were to be unbalanced, would provide the Federation with a slight opportunity to enhance its profit margins through transportation fees and industrial investments.

And so it was time to act, as a white-colored service droid would bring in a couple of bottles of Coruscanti Wine, sourced directly from the old capital before the assault by the Dark Empire which was eventually rebuked and started their decline as a major power.

"On the subject of the future - there is an opportunity for both the Diarchy and the Trade Federation-Banking Clan Alliance to become equitable partners now that certain troublesome individuals are no longer within the orbit of power. Though I do not know your thoughts on the matter, so enlighten me if you would not mind" The Neimoidian raised the wine glass from the table to his lips.

While not all problematic individuals had been banished from the Diarchy, such as the N&Z Corporation, a contender for the status of corporate hegemon.

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Tags: Veyko Agapoui Veyko Agapoui

The Diarch listened to his host, he knew the Neiomoidians to be shrewd negotiations and even more avid mathematicians.

The Diarch knew that he was outclassed in the realm of business. His only lessons truly coming from Damos Vakaro Damos Vakaro and Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath so he did not believe he could stand up to the other being in knowledge of business.

But there was one thing the Diarch understood far better than most… Power.

He had power here. Holding Muunilinst as well as a fleet close enough to Scipio and Mygeeto to be of aid should it be needed.

“I would agree, there is much opportunity here for both the Diarchy and The Trade Federation-Banking Clan alliance to prosper. That is why I am here. I would like to discuss what the future for us both may hold.”

The Diarch paused, taking a sip of the wine as well before continuing.

“Tell me, Deputy Viceroy. What is it you desire?”


Lucrehulk battleship in CS for ship variety? Thoughts? :  r/StarWarsBattlefront

"Personally I desire nothing from the Diarchy" The Neimoidian explained with a degree of honesty, his lack of interest in becoming part of the Diarchy of Bastion.

This reluctance stemmed from their declaration and ambition to dismantle the current power structures, a move that could jeopardize his financial interests. Though that was not to say that the Trade Federation organization would not be able to benefit from pressuring the Diarch to hand control over the Braxant Run Hyperspace Route.

"If you mean the Trade Federation's desire, there have been musings of being granted control of commercial transportation and banking services along the Braxant Run in order to better allow you a degree of financial stability in the evershifting landscape of the galaxy. " Veyko took another sip of the Coruscanti beverage while observing the Diarch in front of him, reflecting on how an individual who appeared to have emerged from obscurity could ascend to the leadership of a significant power.

It was somewhat amusing, though the reality was that public authority frequently invited scrutiny, a situation that was intolerable for those who preferred to manipulate affairs from behind the scenes.



Tags: Veyko Agapoui Veyko Agapoui

The Diarch's face remained neutral as he listened to the deputy viceroy.
He supposed he should have been surprised at the Federation's Desires, but he was not. The Braxant run is an important hyperspace route for trade and control of the run was part of the desire to claim Bastion.

"I imagine that the Federation wants full control of the hyperspace route, correct?"

There would be a large number of people within the Diarchy that would take exception to this. Not least was their current financial backer the N&Z Corporation.
Full control would not be on the table, but perhaps an agreement could be reached.

"And what would be The Diarchy's stake in this? Our forces protect this vital trade corridor at this time."


Lucrehulk battleship in CS for ship variety? Thoughts? :  r/StarWarsBattlefront

Veyko carefully placed the partially filled glass onto the conference table while Diarch Reign Diarch Reign raised a pertinent question. Would the Trade Federation seek to exert complete authority over the Braxant Run Hyperspace Route, despite the potential for discord within both the Diarchy and the N&Z Corporation?

This route, after all, was significant for former imperial traffic, yet it ended in Neo-Crusader Space as well which was filled with Mandalorian raiding fleets which could disrupt commerce within the region and result in financial losses.

"The Trade Federation does not desire full commercial rights to the hyperspace route - say perhaps 35% share with the other 65% share going towards the Diarchy's other corporations. That would be enough to satisfy the Executive Board and keep things from spiraling out of political control." the Neimoidian explained.

Recognizing that even a small portion of a hyperspace route holds significant value and aiming to present an offer that appears equitable to the Diarchy, which is emerging as a new power with fresh financial resources.

"Naturally the Diarchy could expect to receive full rights and privileges to the Federation Holonet Catalog as part of this exchange. While we may not offer some of the best products on the market, they will serve adequate in a combat situation where funds and supplies can be quite limited. " Veyko further commented, wanting to offer the Diarchy something they could not refuse at this critical juncture.

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Tags: Veyko Agapoui Veyko Agapoui

The Diarch stroked his beard for a moment, collecting his thoughts. The deal seemed equitable at the forefront, especially adding in the trade federation's product catalog. But the Diarch knew that to cover the Braxant Run would mean dealing with both the Dark Empire and the Mandalorians. Something which would cost in security.

"The Braxant Run, while the majority is held by the Diarchy, the remaining half is divided between the Dark Empire and the Mandalorians. What is your plan to protect profits that cross into their sphere's of influence?"

He paused once more, ensuring his proposal sounded equitable to the ever business minded Trade Federation representative in front of him.

"I propose a 30-70 split of the commercial rights, and the Diarchy's armed forces will provide security along the route, saving the Federation from any potential loss of manpower and material, and laying the risk for the security of the run at the feet of the Diarchy"


Lucrehulk battleship in CS for ship variety? Thoughts? :  r/StarWarsBattlefront

Veyko paid close attention as the Diarch inquired about the measures the Trade Federation intended to implement for safeguarding cargo and arms shipments along the Braxant Run.

This concern was particularly pertinent given that a segment of the hyperspace route traversed directly through Neo-Crusader Space and the realm of the Dark Empire. Both of these entities possessed significantly larger territories than the Diarchy and had a greater capacity for deploying personnel to monitor the route and prevent unauthorized traffic.

"You do not have to concern yourself - Lord Diarch, for the Trade Federation has been in constant contact with both the Neo-Crusader Clans and the Neo-Imperial Government on Carlac to respect our neutrality when it comes to commerce and trade." The Neimoidian expressed reluctance to incur a debt to the Diachy, as it could potentially result in further bribery and blackmail directed at the Executive Board.

Maintaining their autonomy from the influences of the Galactic Powers was of utmost importance as they moved into 902 ABY.

"Your forces have more pressing concerns than safeguarding freighters; therefore, we propose a 50/50 division of the commercial rights to maintain a fair trade balance with the Diarchs Government." Veyko asserted this with greater determination, recognizing that a 30/70 division of the commercial rights would lead to a significant financial deficit for the Trade Federation in terms of travel and shipping fees.



Tags: Veyko Agapoui Veyko Agapoui

Now they were into the thick of things, an area the Diarch would admit to no one, save his wife, that he felt out of his depth. He knew not the intricacies of shipping routes and trade bargains. He understood the movement of troops and the waging of war, it was why he had surrounded himself with some of the best, to make up for this shortcoming. But here, alone with the trade federation representative, Reign owed it to those counting on him to reach a deal beneficial for the Diarchy.

"The Mandalorians, and the Dark Empire, are facing war on all fronts. You have their word now, but what happens when their wartime economy fails? And they start pillaging the Braxant Run to fuel their ever marching war machine?"

The Diarch made no mention of his own plans at peace for now. He needed the finances secure for their next great venture.

"A 50/50 split would put the Diarchy too much into the pocket of the Federation, you must understand my reticence. I would however, agree to a 33/66 division, while returning Muunilinst to your control, and offering a Federation appointed delegate to our governing body"


Lucrehulk battleship in CS for ship variety? Thoughts? :  r/StarWarsBattlefront

The Neimoidian observed the subtle flicker in the Diarch's eye, indicating a clear understanding that within the board room, they were clearly at a disadvantage when compared to those who had mastered the craft of commerce and trade, right down to the last cargo container delivered and exactly when that cargo had been distributed to the populace.

Though, Veyko recognized that individuals with force abilities were not uncommon in the business realm, as many had established their own fully operational companies. However, he understood that they would never grasp the complexities of the situation entirely, as they were caught between the realms of influence and the force—two aspects that were not inherently compatible.

" You are quite convinced that the Dark Empire and the Mandalorians would so readily violate the Trade Federation's trust by plundering their shipments along the Braxant Run or even have the manpower to do so. It begs to question - are you aware of something that we are not. " He asked with a raised expression, indicating that he had ensnared the Diarch in a verbal trap of his own design. It is essential to ensure that the term "potentially" is included in any business agreement; otherwise, one risks implying prior knowledge of an event that may occur.

" I find it difficult to comprehend your hesitation regarding a 50/50 distribution of resources, as such an arrangement would not significantly benefit the Trade Federation at the expense of the Diarch. For example, you could provide us with resources that are not particularly lucrative while retaining the majority of your far more valuable assets, since we did not discuss what resources each of us would find acceptable as part of this bargain." Veyko explained, further illustrating that the Diarch was ill-equipped to engage in direct negotiations with the Trade Federation.

However, this situation highlighted a significant issue: if the Diarchy was not prepared to engage on equitable terms, it indicated a reluctance to regard them as a vital partner in this arrangement, which was unacceptable.

" Though - perhaps you do not take this agreement seriously?" He commented with another raised glass of wine.

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Tags: Veyko Agapoui Veyko Agapoui

"The eyes and ears of the Network see and hear much, Deputy Viceroy. I mean only to ensure that the illustrious Federation is aware of the potential risk and is taking steps for mitigation"

This was all the Diarch would say in regards to the Dark Empire or Mandalorians for the remainder of the negotiations, yet Reign's mind was always turned towards the conflict looming on the horizon, it was but time, not circumstance that would determine when the hammer fell.

Reign focused his sights on the Deputy, he would not give in to provocations from the Neimoidian, seeming to counter the stereotype of their species by showing strength instead of cowardice.

"To your point, we have not discussed what would be acceptable or not in terms of bargain. I take all things regarding the future of my people seriously, Deputy Viceroy, I will not misplace their trust. I wish the deal to be equitable to all parties, Your opening offer was 35% I will concede 40% and the return of Muunilinst with the establishment of a jointly owned banking system and a state currency"

The Diarch could feel the frustration rising within him, but he knew he needed to keep a level head. The being across the table would be quick to take advantage of an emotional response.


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