Galen Paven
Galen Paven had been awake, from his hyper-sleep, for over a month now. Had had found Arken Rhau on Coruscant and a few days later, on Batuu,
. Both force sensitive and both promising. Shavara was just a force user through her species where as Arken Rhau was, well, a Sith who had conflicting feelings. Both were exemplary in their own ways. Of course Galen wasn't convinced. Shavara did not understand the way of the Jedi fully. he tried to explain but to him she didn't seem interested in joining. Maybe in some capacity but as a Jedi Padawan Learner, No. Arken on the other hand was a VERY willing participant in wanting to be trained. As a Jedi? He didn't think so. Arken Rhau was so conflicted, Galen didn't even think the Grey Jedi approach, such as him self, was even a pliable idea. Galen was stuck between and a rock and a hard place.
After his encounter with Arken, Rik Vonden, Brass Turga, Do'Tala and his welcomed encounter with Shavara, Galen had retreated a bit. He had done some research and managed to find a home on Devaron. Devaron was a temperate and heavily forested planet[SUP] [/SUP]located in the Colonies. Numerous rivers and valleys dotted the mountainous landscape, while the planet's ecological balance was maintained by the natives for countless generations. Sparsely populated areas were allowed to thrive in their natural state without urbanization or industrialization spreading beyond contained cities or settlements. With in the forested planet sat a Jedi Temple, Old, ran down and shot to hell, The Temple of Eedit had been left abandoned after the care-takers had been killed by separatists forces. Galen thought this temple would be a great place to hide out.
Galen had sat in his quarters, at the top of the temple tower, where the masters would convene, because it had the best of a 360º view of the surrounding forested areas. Galen sat, meditating, concentrating on rebuilding the Jedi order. He had found a few Sith and 1 extremely force sensitive, oh what was she? Vo'? and He wondered to himself if there were actually Jedi in this time period he had been missing. Galen kept his eyes closed and took a couple deep breathes.
He remembered after he had began his trying going to the planet Ilum. There he would be instructed, by Master Yoda and Master Windu, to search and find his Kyber crystal. It was a task. Climbing jagged ice formations, slipping, sliding, falling and even crashing through a lake with in the Kyber caves but in the end it paid off. A Kyber crystal called to Galen from deep with in that cave which eventually helped him form the lightsaber he uses today. Galen reached through the force to try and locate Ilum. Galen had an idea to maybe create a new Jedi temple there. It was frozen, isolated, and very hard to gain access to. Unfortunately Galen sensed the worst.
Years prior to his waking, 100s of years prior, Ilum had been turned into a massive space station. Designated Star Killer Base. The Kyber crystals, years prior to that were harvested to create what was known as The Death Star and Death Star 2. Mining of the Kyber crystals and managed to crack the center of the planet and left a huge trench from core to surface. This had left the predecessor of the Empire, The First Order, to create the base with in the planet. Galen had felt that it was destroyed 100's of years prior to his awakening.
Galen's head had hung low. He had remembered his time in that temple cave finding his crystal and now, now it was gone. Galen was dumbfounded. he stood up from his meditation and looked out the windows with that 360 view. Galen had found some trip sensors with in the temple. Assuming it was from previous occupants after the Jedi. Galen had placed said sensors about 100 years surrounding the temple. This way if any one were to pop up, He would know.
Galen had decided he was going to go into the town, closest to the temple, and gather some supplies until he saw what the thought he saw. A man, riding a speeder, traveling at unnecessary speeds through the forest. Why hasn't the sensors gone off yet? The trail of dust behind him had been getting closer and closer until, from the top of the tower, he could not see the person any more. Galen made his way down the lift to the ground floor. Galen made his way to the temple opening and there, in the light stood a hooded figure.
"Who is there!? How did you know I was here!? Who are you!? Galen barked. he had placed his hand on his lightsaber just in case. Why hadn't the sensors gone off!? Galen was angry at that fact. Galen tried all he could to cover his tracks for being here. Meditating? Maybe, He did reach out pretty far to learn things, but, that, that would mean that this, the person, standing no more then 15 yards from him, sensed him.
"Relax Jedi! You really think it's hard to find someone who you've fought against and with!? I mean, what do you take me for? Some Womp-Rat herder? I expected more from you OLD MAN" That voice, Arken Rhau! Galen had kept his hand on his lightsaber just in case. Arken was a Sith as a matter of fact and, well, still couldn't be trusted 100%. Galen looked as he stepped forward. Yep, Arken Rhau. Arken removed his tunic hood and looked at Galen. "We have a bit to discuss including Rik Vonden, Brass and your Jedi Order!"
Galen didn't know how to take that. He removed his hand from his lightsaber and watched as Arken had managed to walk closer to him.

After his encounter with Arken, Rik Vonden, Brass Turga, Do'Tala and his welcomed encounter with Shavara, Galen had retreated a bit. He had done some research and managed to find a home on Devaron. Devaron was a temperate and heavily forested planet[SUP] [/SUP]located in the Colonies. Numerous rivers and valleys dotted the mountainous landscape, while the planet's ecological balance was maintained by the natives for countless generations. Sparsely populated areas were allowed to thrive in their natural state without urbanization or industrialization spreading beyond contained cities or settlements. With in the forested planet sat a Jedi Temple, Old, ran down and shot to hell, The Temple of Eedit had been left abandoned after the care-takers had been killed by separatists forces. Galen thought this temple would be a great place to hide out.
Galen had sat in his quarters, at the top of the temple tower, where the masters would convene, because it had the best of a 360º view of the surrounding forested areas. Galen sat, meditating, concentrating on rebuilding the Jedi order. He had found a few Sith and 1 extremely force sensitive, oh what was she? Vo'? and He wondered to himself if there were actually Jedi in this time period he had been missing. Galen kept his eyes closed and took a couple deep breathes.
He remembered after he had began his trying going to the planet Ilum. There he would be instructed, by Master Yoda and Master Windu, to search and find his Kyber crystal. It was a task. Climbing jagged ice formations, slipping, sliding, falling and even crashing through a lake with in the Kyber caves but in the end it paid off. A Kyber crystal called to Galen from deep with in that cave which eventually helped him form the lightsaber he uses today. Galen reached through the force to try and locate Ilum. Galen had an idea to maybe create a new Jedi temple there. It was frozen, isolated, and very hard to gain access to. Unfortunately Galen sensed the worst.
Years prior to his waking, 100s of years prior, Ilum had been turned into a massive space station. Designated Star Killer Base. The Kyber crystals, years prior to that were harvested to create what was known as The Death Star and Death Star 2. Mining of the Kyber crystals and managed to crack the center of the planet and left a huge trench from core to surface. This had left the predecessor of the Empire, The First Order, to create the base with in the planet. Galen had felt that it was destroyed 100's of years prior to his awakening.
Galen's head had hung low. He had remembered his time in that temple cave finding his crystal and now, now it was gone. Galen was dumbfounded. he stood up from his meditation and looked out the windows with that 360 view. Galen had found some trip sensors with in the temple. Assuming it was from previous occupants after the Jedi. Galen had placed said sensors about 100 years surrounding the temple. This way if any one were to pop up, He would know.
Galen had decided he was going to go into the town, closest to the temple, and gather some supplies until he saw what the thought he saw. A man, riding a speeder, traveling at unnecessary speeds through the forest. Why hasn't the sensors gone off yet? The trail of dust behind him had been getting closer and closer until, from the top of the tower, he could not see the person any more. Galen made his way down the lift to the ground floor. Galen made his way to the temple opening and there, in the light stood a hooded figure.
"Who is there!? How did you know I was here!? Who are you!? Galen barked. he had placed his hand on his lightsaber just in case. Why hadn't the sensors gone off!? Galen was angry at that fact. Galen tried all he could to cover his tracks for being here. Meditating? Maybe, He did reach out pretty far to learn things, but, that, that would mean that this, the person, standing no more then 15 yards from him, sensed him.
"Relax Jedi! You really think it's hard to find someone who you've fought against and with!? I mean, what do you take me for? Some Womp-Rat herder? I expected more from you OLD MAN" That voice, Arken Rhau! Galen had kept his hand on his lightsaber just in case. Arken was a Sith as a matter of fact and, well, still couldn't be trusted 100%. Galen looked as he stepped forward. Yep, Arken Rhau. Arken removed his tunic hood and looked at Galen. "We have a bit to discuss including Rik Vonden, Brass and your Jedi Order!"
Galen didn't know how to take that. He removed his hand from his lightsaber and watched as Arken had managed to walk closer to him.