Relyk Derlzia
Relyk was bored. His day had started like any other day. He had awoken early, went through with his regular training regime, and then he had gone home. That had been the man's life since returning to Mandalore a year ago. This was the life he had chosen for himself. A break from the travelling he had done as a young boy. It had been a nice change of pace for once, but he had always craved something more than this. As the man lay on his bed he stared at the ceiling contemplating his life. A rethinking of it was in order from the looks of things. A small smile graced his features as he thought of the place to think. A small place not far from his home. He wasn't entirely sure of the name of it, but the drinks were decent and the company wasn't all that bad either. With his mind set on his destination he rolled out of his bed. With the grace of a blind rancor stalking it's next meal he made his way from his home and out into the open. As usual he dressed casual. A loose fitting white shirt and black pants, as well as a leather bracelet on his left wrist. The good thing about having short hair meant that it was easy to maintain. He had experienced first hand what a pain it was to have long hair, back when he was young and foolish. A simple run through of his hair with his hand and the man was ready. One two minute walk later and he was sitting in the corner of the cantina. In his hand was a cup of tihaar made from the native fruit of Mandalore, varos. While originally not a fan of the drink, over time he had grown used to the burning sensation while drinking. Though honestly, the only reason Relyk was drinking it was because the place was out of everything else. It seemed he had missed the prime hour however, as the place was practically devoid of life. Relyk had thought that perhaps the bartender simply disliked him and had lied about being out of stock. If Relyk were in a better mood he would likely have questioned the man, but he didn't feel like it right now. So the man simply sat there, drinking and savoring the burning sensation.