Petrovska laid in his bedroom, alone, and awake. It was the dead of night on Christophsis, but he could not rest his weary eyes. His health had taken a very bad turn as of recent. With the attacks on his own home planet, the near bankruptcy of his monarchy after the death and destruction, stress had aged him years in only months. Not only the progressed aging, but he had begun to drink and even eat more to cope with the stress. Slowly the Imperator was deteriorating, but he was still well enough to reign as sovereign monarch, and he would do it till his last breath.
The dead silence was broken by the ping of a datapad, indicating a message had arrived. Petrovska was relieved to hear it, giving him an excuse to sit up in his bed and watch it. Without pause, Petrovska enabled the message to be displayed on the holoprojector in his bedroom. The blue life size hologram of [member="Lady Kay"] materialized in front of the emperor, reiterating her message. Petrovska spared not a second leaping from his bed, preparing to give a reply. Through a sliding door he entered his prep room, where a control panel with a alert notification to the dressers, make up artists, and other needed specialists in the nearby servant houses to ready Petrovska for his reply. Knowing he would have some time before they arrived he picked up a nearby commslink, inputing the correct frequency, he opened it up to some of his administration staff, one of which was bound to be awake, "Prepare one of my luxury vessels for departure to Commenor within the hour," Without waiting for a reply he set it down and glanced in the mirror, assessing his current state.
His staff, well trained and mostly intact form the constant raids and battles that Christophsis had lasted, arrived within a short amount of time, maybe a little tired, but still ready to prepare Petrovska for his transmission. First, two of them undressed the Imperator from his nightly gowns to begin the first levels of semblance of the image of Imperator. First the dressers began with the spare tire that had grown of recent bad habits, but it was of no trouble to them. A quick strapping on of a male corset and now he could fit into the royal garb without trouble. Next they gathered the correct undergarments for the attire he was to wear and like that he was out of his birthday suit. Next came the rest of his uniform, with bright but stately colored dress made of the finest materials, he started to look his part. Next came the make up artists, who began covering up the wrinkles and blemishes that covered his face, adding blush here and there to give him a more catching look. Finally came the hair stylists, oiling and combing his long, luxurious hair and dignified mustache. As the final hair stylist stepped away, the Imperator was ready.
Petrovska strode elegantly out the door he came in, his exhausted staff exiting more secluded entrance, heading back to their slumbers. Now, it was off to his communications office, only a few rooms down the hallway out his bedroom. Despite the redundancy of the hallway interior, Petrovska knew this home like the back of his hand. It was one of his more favored homes away from home, near the south of Christophsis, thousands of kilometers away from the fast paced capital of Chaleydonia, where on could really connect to the more finer virtues of life. It had been in the family for generations, this is where he had come as a child when his own father wanted a good retreat, and where he had taken his own ungrateful offspring when they were younger. Now it was infrequently used, only when Petrovska wished to be alone, to a certain degree.
A comms operator was already at the station, being ordered there by an administrator who must have heard of the transmission, not an uncommon occurrence due to the lack of privacy the monarch held, of his own will of course. Without speaking the Imperator stepped upon the proper area to record a full body holo message, a circular metal disc that helped capture the features of the Imperator, and the Imperator only. Petrovska nodded to the operator and began his message, "Queen Kay-Larr, I am honored by your offer and have no option other than to accept it. Some sort of deal between our two monarchies shall with no doubt strengthen our bonds and fatten our planet's, and personal, wallets. I shall arrive in no time on my personal vessel, the Astounder. " Petrovska rubbed his neck as he stepped down from the holorecording device, his spine felt stiff from the forced posture, but it quickly went away as he walked it off, heading towards the hangar built adjunct to the home.
The pilots and wait staff had already boarded, only a small guard of two, and a steward stood outside it, a small greeting party he did not care for. The Imperator climbed the ramp with grace, followed by the steward who's fake smile could nearly convince a bystander that it was genuine. Inside the yacht, Petrovska slumped against one of the expensive couches neatly placed inside, whilst it began take off. It did not take long for one of the young waitresses to take his order for food and drink. When she returned with his drink, she was followed by two of the ship's courtesan women, because no one said he couldn't have a little fun on the trip. Petrovska let out a sigh of comfort as he nursed his whiskey while the courtesans graced his arms, it was good to be king.