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Private A Meeting of Fates

Tag: Darth Centax Darth Centax

Dreidi had pursued the chance to work with the least fortunate in the Outer territories of the Galactic Alliance, the war was finally coming to an end and it was time for Dreidi to learn the other aspects of the Jedi lifestyle. Dreidi was a warrior in a lot of ways, perhaps too much, so being on a relief mission that could provide care and support, it was a crucial part of her Jedi training. It was also a solo mission that could be paving the way to her Knighthood, which was something Dreidi was eager in pursuing. Wearing her usual Jedi attire, her Lightsaber and energy bow attached to her.

Wandering through the streets, Dreidi paused and looked around at the orphans and less fortunate people having to live stressed out, rough lives that Dreidi had no experiences with. She had always thought of herself as lucky in most regards, she always had a home. Food. Support when she needed it. Though she suffered plenty and she was by no means normal or fine most of the time, she knew that others had suffered more. Dreidi also knew that these people needed to know how Jedi would be able to support them and demonstrate her abilities not as a warrior but as someone looking to maintain peace, healing and providing comfort to those in need. Being a warrior had been such a large focus of her Jedi training, she had focused on the aspects of Jedi that were important for the war against the Maw and in general Sith, that she had forgotten that there was more to the role than fighting.

This was what had brought her out here. If Dreidi learn these key factors, if she could show a softer side to her then the Masters and key figures in the New Jedi Order would be more accepting of her. At least, that was what she was hoping. It was fine being an outsider, Dreidi had always lived her life as an outsider, she had been a Jedi amongst Grey and Sith in the CIS, she was a Jedi as well as a Witch which made her stand out and separate from the Witches of Dathomir since they held such strong dislike for the Jedi and Sith. The Jedi Order had been difficult to settle into since she was struggling to understand what was required of her or how to impress since she had so many different, conflicting advice in her head.

For now, the best she could do was demonstrate a willingness to listen, adapt and prove her independent thinking and mindset.

Stopping at the refuge center, Dreidi stepped inside and asked around if there was anything that she could do to help today. They handed her bags of blankets and bedding, stating that it would be helpful for her to wander around and offer warm, dry bedding for those who were unwilling to stay at the center for whatever reason they may have. Dreidi took the task serious and nodded her head, it was nothing fancy as a Jedi but it was something that was considered important and she knew she would start with the orphans that she had passed on her way to the refuge center. Turning down the street, she made her way back along the path she took.
Two Souls in the balance | Two more on their path.​

Black mirrors of Dreidi's ascension for another soul on this path. Keth had something Centax lacked, a history of twisting men against their brothers, turning their hearts and minds. Taking what he wanted from the youngest, and leaving the shell behind when he was done. As much as Centax hated the pitful dead Sith Lord, there were still some milestones to conquer of his own.

Levels and depths. Slowly all of your humanity was stripped away to leave nothing but hardened purpose. This was that day…

Down one rundown alleyway of many, he walked alone. Murkey puddles splattered under his steps, his metal footsteps harsh and uncaring for distraction. Silver Khan-OSK armor, two lightsabers, and a single Valarith coin in his hand. A black cloak covered him, keeping his details from view.

This particular area was dire, where people fell through the cracks. Elderly people shuffled about over rough stone steps, the children sat begging on corners. Misery was the word and way of life. Coming to a large run-down old building, with so many children inside. All creeds and colors, races and temperaments. Two elderly kiffar people from nearby tried to cope, but they were stretched beyond breaking point with this many children. Forced into desperate measures, outside sat a few of the oldest orphans, begging for scraps or work.


Without hope there was crime. Centax watched as a particularly disgusting fat Belugan, known as the toll keeper, paid food to take a few of the children on errands. Thefts that would get them caught, harmed, or worse. Everyone here was afraid of him, the fear ran through them all to the core. Off the miserable parasite exited, for now, sure to return later.

There was a plan here. Not one but two younglings with force potential amongst the nearly two dozen orphans. One Kiffar girl and boy. Centax needed a strong apprentice. He had a plan for when the tollkeeper returned, a demonstration of power over someone who commanded fear. Centax entered, paying the elderly male Kiffar a credchit for his silence and going upstairs out of the way to lay in wait.

Little did he know fate would give these children a second option, a balancing of the scales. Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic On his way back after getting a full meal, a little Kiffar boy's voice asked, "Please Miss, can I have a blanket..... my sister's at home and really cold....."
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Tag: Darth Centax Darth Centax

There had been plenty of those accepting blankets and the same measures of comfort that she had been sent on providing. Part of her had initially wanted to kill the rumoured tollkeeper since he was the right kind of chit who deserved to be put down. However, Dreidi had to keep reminding herself that she was not here to conduct vigilante justice and she couldn't go around killing those she disliked and claim to be a Jedi. Instead, she was focusing on providing other opportunities, to remove the need of such scum so that people didn't have to resort to selling their souls. It was a slower method that often frustrated the impatient, hot-headed Jedi but she was making it work this time around. Ensuring things worked out for the best.

Offering a smile to others, and a reassuring touch before she placed a blanket down for an elderly couple. Looking up, a young child had approached her and requested a blanket. Dreidi nodded her head, "Of course you can. Is your sister well? If she is ill, I can take a look and see if she needs to see the doctor?" Dreidi offered, extending the blanket so that the child knew this wasn't a conditional offer but something that she could offer with no strings. "Being cold is never particularly nice feeling I find." Extending a warm smile.

Dreidi could sense something. A presence that brought foreboding, dread, something buried deep in the Dark Side, but Dreidi couldn't figure out where a presence would be coming from and wasn't sure if this was a Sith, Mawite or something else. A connection amongst the people living in the worst conditions that brought that air of darkness.
Ash and Dust
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

Centax never hid. His aura and signature beaconed out to attract conflict and challenge. A heavy gravity or sensation pressing on the mind, demanding attention, or just sith arrogance deciding he owned it. Awaiting the return of the Tollkeeper on the third floor of the ruined building. Beset by creaking wood planks and walls that looked like they might give way with a solid push. The Sith slightly turned his head at the approach of another force signature. Narrowing his focus through the force on the Padawan.

Most of the orphans wisely avoided Centax, instructed to by the elders. Yet one or two were either emboldened or naive. One curious pair of eyes watched from the corner, a little Kiffar girl named Althenea. Last name, unknowingly Uos, or perhaps Kerrigan depending on fate's tricky threads. She couldn't be more than five. Having mock orange Kiffar face paint because she was both too young, and lacked a clan tattoo to call her own family.

"You are more than this," Centax stated to the girl. Who didn't really understand what he was talking about, but watched, and that was enough. "Everything you suffer here," he extended a small crackle of force lightning around his hand, "is ash and dust compared to you." The girl flinched, hiding behind a decaying wall.

Meanwhile on the streets.

Blankets were received with heartwarming smiles! "She's in anyways, you know, mostly sad but ill too. Just stuck." The boy replied to Dreidi with a frown, he looked maybe six or seven. He just knew he needed to get her food and a blanket. Having shoved a few items up his tattered coat, in what looked like a bread and cheese bulge around his waistline. "But she'd be real happy to get a visitor miss!" She never gets out, perking up at the thought, "it's not far!" For his small steps it was really far, but his enthusiasm carried him along, trying not to spill his belly bulge.

Deidi might need to watch her pockets as they got closer to home. Many hungry orphan hands meant for sticky fingers. Some of the kids were too ill to journey far for food, and the occasional cough could be heard too from the building. All were easily treatable with the right meds, it was just getting them here.
Tag: Darth Centax Darth Centax

"Stuck? Well stuck is never a nice thing to be. Perhaps we can see what's wrong and get her moving again." Dreidi nodded her head as she allowed the young boy to lead the way. She noted the dark presence that she could feel looming around and knew that she would have to investigate once she had seen to the young boy and his sister. There were priorities in her mind, there was no clear threat that she could detect right now, more a looming, intimidating presence. Something that could wait till she made sure the two siblings were safe and comfortable.

Noticing the bread and cheese stuffed away, it was a clear sign of being stolen goods which was common in the area. Dreidi followed steadily behind, "you know I have some nutrient packs if you want some of those as well. Nothing fancy but helps build up some energy." It was an offer made as Dreidi was noticing how much had been taken away from these people and how lucky her life growing up was. She had never starved, which was probably a good thing since she would have wasted away in a day given how she was always a thin child no matter what she ate.

There was fortunately nothing too valuable in her pockets that caused her to be concerned about pickpockets, however she did make sure to keep a hand on her Lightsaber. To lose that would be unforgiveable, especially since in the hands of someone else it could be a dangerous and deadly weapon. She fully refused to lose that. "So, tell me about yourself, I'm Dreidi. I'm training to be a Jedi Knight."

The orphan's demonstration was close, the tollkeeper wouldn't be long now. This new interruption grated on him, gnawed at him, and ground down into his stomach. Unless he could use it. His senses were not that of a Sith Lord but they were strong enough in the darkside to sense roughly what or who came his way.

"Your brother returns," Centax stated to the Kiffar girl, who had pulled out an Eldorai hand toy to hold on to. Beautifully carved, a relic of a long-lost family past. One part delicate and one part practical to teach, a graceful race and far from where these children had found themselves.

"Go to him." And offer the kiffar girl ran, downstairs as fast as she could. Sith steps would follow a minute or two later when the timing suited his purpose exactly.



On the tight alleyways and dirty streets, they walked for a few more minutes, fate getting closer.

Food! "Awww yeah miss," he'd try and fit anything he could into his clothing, even to the point of collapsing. "sis will love them. She don't eat so good. Dags keeps saying she's thin as a rake." Then Dreidi told him she was a Jedi, "Wow a Jedi, a real Jedi. You must be really strong miss Dreidi!" He wasn't sure he believed her, lots of people said a lot of things here, but she was really kind and he was smiling too much to say anything.

"They call me Tucks, because I tuck away so much food," he tapped his clothing, "but I dunno my real name, sis said it was somethin fancy, but I told her I don't ever want to know." He seemed upset and didn't want to share much more. "Never knew my folks, so sis is all I got. Then my friend got ill, so we had nowhere to go." Having got left here when their guardian was taken ill, something that was also affecting their mother.

With a creak of an old door. The boy led her inside the large first floor, which was mostly open, with decrepit sparse seating. Not many comforts, the kids mostly played on the floor. Cheap toys lay scattered about, boxes of leftovers that they sorted through, and the occasional liberated old item someone didn't need anymore.

An elderly female Kiffar spoke first, hard of sight and hearing, "oh hello! Blankets, how thoughtful! A guest and I don't have tea! Tommac! Tommac! A lovely lady brought blankets. Well, come in dearie." About to offer her three-day-old leftover soup or a broken bed. Her husband seemed much more reluctant to speak because he knew who was upstairs, trying to avoid eye contact. They didn't live here but you could tell they tried to take care of the younglings underfoot, a small bundle of them now dining on cheese and bread snacks that tucks had dropped at the door.

Down the stairs, little Althenea came with an Eldorai toy in her hands. She ran on over and started tugging at Tucks sleeve. Very unsettled, barely more than five. She really wanted to warn everyone but didn't have the words, just fear. Whistling down the street, a certain fat parasite of a man was returning with orphans.

Sith steps could be heard at the top of the stairs. Warnings in the force.

Flawless timing.

And here we go…..

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
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Tag: Darth Centax Darth Centax

With the presence of the Sith getting stronger as she approached the home of the young boy, there was absent minded nodding as she barely listened to Tucks' conversation. Not because she was attempting to be rude but a gnawing thought of there being a trap or something deeply wrong with the situation was growing inside her. What was a Sith doing around here and what was he doing in this home. It seemed confusing yet troubling. Something sinister was afoot that much had been clear to Dreidi but she still couldn't figure out what was going on. Looking to the elderly lady, Dreidi gave a respectful small bow, "I am fine, just here to offer my services to help in anyway that I can." Dreidi knew that the Sith was above her but that meant he knew where she was and there was no intentions of him shifting to attack her. No, this Sith was focusing on something else, someone else.

Seeing the sister, Dreidi handed over the nutrition bars that she carried with her. Offering a small smile to be polite before turning to the elders. "Excuse me, I am sorry to depart swiftly but there seems to be a dangerous situation brewing here and my duties as a Jedi are required. I will try remove the issue from your area but I have to recommend that you four find somewhere safe and far from here." Dreidi didn't want to risk anyone's life with the destructive and chaotic natures that Sith held. She wasn't sure if this Sith would use the lives of innocents as a method of disarming her. It was more important to keep them safe then it was to defeat a Sith, that was a fact Dreidi always knew.

Hearing the whistling of the tollkeeper, Dreidi realised that this was the Sith's target as the swift changes in the Force surrounding him provided context to such matters. Dreidi rushed outside and ignited her green Lightsaber, holding the weapon in a reverse grip as she positioned herself between the tollkeeper and the window from the house the Sith was hiding within. Defending the life of someone as criminal as the tollkeeper was never a pleasant work, but no one had the right to act as jury and executioner, that was something Dreidi had learnt. A hard lesson for her ever practical mind of removing threats but necessary one.

"Come out Sith. You won't be taking a life this day." Dreidi called out as she took the defensive stance.
Tag: Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic

All life was precious, any Jedi would tell you so. Her training was true to their code, and he would burn it from her soul. Clever for the Jedi to take the battle outside, where he could no longer dictate terms. The gnawing anger and rage he felt for his plan to fail at the last second was palpable, crushed inside him, and solidified like molten hot metal.


Collecting orphans in a rush was not easy! The elderly lady in the house was trying to move any younglings out. Most of them were scattering quicker than you could blink. in the streets, and in the house. They were survivors and great at finding exits or hiding holes. Slamming the back door to block further retreat. "Break our agreement, and die," Centax stated to the older man as he reached the bottom of the stairs. The poor elder man kept young Althenea behind him protectively, fearful of what would happen if he moved. Her foster brother Tucks had run but could return when he realized his sister was trapped.

Force Combustion

A low resonating came from within the building, as anger spilled out, old glass shattered on the main window, flying outward towards the Jedi. What was left of the front wall was just force-pushed aside, and the old decaying rubble gave away. It didn't take much, this place was already falling to bits. It seemed Centax had begun to master one of Keth's techniques, one step closer to the Kethenite throne.

If Dreidi wanted to go outside. He'd bring the outside in. Opening it up like a can for his vision.

The fat Belugan tollkeeper wobbled, about to bolt off at a run. He found his face smashed into the stone floor when his legs were force pulled, trying to snatch him from behind the Jedi and drag him along the street past her.

From inside the rubble of their now-broken home. "Show me the life in this." Centax stated to the Jedi. Then looked behind him at the girl, "do you see it?" Both man and youngling were shaking too afraid to answer. He was speaking about all of this. The criminal, the life they led, the home they tried to preserve, the scraps they ate. "It is a mockery of life."
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Tag: Darth Centax Darth Centax

As the front of the house exploded, Dreidi protected herself through the Force and allowed the debris scatter around her. Dreidi wasn't too sure what power that was, it seemed much more explosive than a Force Push and a lot more deadlier. Dreidi held her Lightsaber firmly and breathed in deeply, it seemed that this Sith was here to cause destruction, kill the tollkeeper and spread the lies that Sith love to weave about fighting corruption, though their Order always seemed to be filled with corrupt, cruel, harmful people.

Dreidi pushed the tollkeeper with the Force, keeping him away from the Sith. She couldn't let the Sith kill the being, that much was clear. Dreidi's eyes flickered from the Sith to the elder with the children, what was happening, was this Sith attempting to recruit children? There was so much going on that Dreidi wasn't sure what to think or how she should act. Instead, she remained silent for the time being. Holding her Lightsaber as she figured out the best way to approach the attack, striking first wasn't something that she should do, that much she knew. Better to attack second.

"It is only a mockery because you cannot see the good having a community like this brings. Is it perfect? No, but nothing in life is perfect, we can only improve and that is what these people were trying to do. Now you have destroyed their only home and made them fear for their lives, all in your pursuit of murder." Dreidi called out, she had finally found her voice, knowing that she had to protect the family.
Rubble behind them continued to fall, and lives continued to twist in Keth's echo​

The Jedi wanted the criminal back, so Centax granted her wish. Accelerating her own force push with a push on the worthless man. Sending him into the nearby wall with a painful crack, he lay dazed. Stepping forward over the rubble ground of broken homes and shattered lives. An endless Kethenite vow and cycle that had stretched back and back…

Sickenly she held her ground, standing strong and firm like a Jedi should. You could feel the loathing in him as he was forced to go to her. Step by step. Reaching. Was there more here behind her words? Her statement had meant a lot to her, "yes a home from nothing, crumbling," the sith's voice began to grate. "Struggling young lives abandoned when they should have had guidance," Would it break them, or push them to greatness, "Did it make you?" Another step. He was reaching and testing to see if that was the truth of her resolve. The grating voice held a pressure, buzzing at her temples.

Deadly Sight | Force Crush

Most of the lives here were nothing to him, only those with force potential mattered. A concentrated focus became piercing around Dreidi's legs, her knees might feel crushing pain, attempting to buckle her stance and place her "kneeling" on the ground "before it" To unlock her greatness, first all must fall or they must rise.

Shii-Cho. His deep Maroon lightsaber ignited, a deeper color for purpose and potential. The saber raised up, angled from right to left, covering the majority of the potential areas of attack along his body. Tilting his body sideways, gave her even less room to strike. His legs with a slight bend at the knee, and light push-pull grip, gave him the flexibility to move. The most basic of forms for many, for Centax it was the most solid and reliable to perfect. Pushing off and forward in momentum, he swung his saber down across her potentially weakened stance, aiming for the knee joints again to continue to knock her off balance.

Defense and offense, the beam tried to angle diagonally upward again to deny any easy zones to strike. While his footwork continued to propel him forward into or over her, almost with a Djem So twist. Momentum building….

Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
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Tag: Darth Centax Darth Centax

Dreidi made sure she could still sense the life in the criminal before she allowed herself to focus on the fight with the Sith. It was not ideal situation and she already knew that this Sith was displaying skills and abilities well above her own. In fact she wasn't sure if this was a Knight or a Sith Lord, either way, it mattered little, all she had to do was ensure everyone else got out of the area and then make sure she lived.

When the Force Crush came for her knees, Dreidi held her ground and gritted her teeth hard to hide the pain. She refused to give the man the pleasure of having her kneel or hearing her cries of pain. She just glared at the man with her golden eyes with a cold fire, ready to take on the task of fighting for her life. "You preach as if you know what is best for people but you do not seek to lift others up, you just want yourself as the criminal controlling their lives, torturing them for your own pleasure." There was little difference between this tollkeeper and the Sith, only one was strong with the Force and the other wasn't.

When the Sith came at her with his Lightsaber, Dreidi was ready. She had trained well in combat and was able to note the level of skill that was being applied to Shii-Cho. Her stance seemed to be Makashi though she held her Lightsaber in the style of a user of reverse Shien. Dreidi blended the two forms very well together, able to parry and counter the strikes. Her skills suited a one on one fight well and she was able to keep apace with the Sith for a time. Her young energy and adrenaline able to move past the pain in her body and focus more on the fighting, blocking and ensuring others had the chance to run away.

Though Dreidi was skilled and defending herself well, she was still very much outmatched and there too many close calls and near hits, eventually her luck ran out and a strike to her leg was coming that she could not defend in time. Instead she puffed out of existence leaving only green smoke trails. Re-emerging behind the Sith and kicking the back of his leg to force him to kneel. Her breathing was hard as she was working hard to ensure she didn't die or get seriously maimed in this encounter. She doubted her Master would be pleased if she got killed on a mission that was meant to be demonstrating the importance of relief support.
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Momentum built but she held her own well, her style was fast, sharp, and full of strength. Scoring several painful burning marks against his runic armor and weakening the left shoulder. Then momentum was snatched as she appeared behind him. Her kick staggered him and got a snarl of pain. Which he used.

He span around, attacking... attacking... attacking... two overheard swings down and a big sweeping cut from her left side. Pushing his saber against hers, going for a saber lock to static the beams together. Centax's eyes bored into her skull, seeking potential and purpose as Keth had. Crushgaunt reached for her arm and tried to grab. The pressure would be unbearable if they connected with any part of her. Even the saber's beam could be grasped to hold her in place if she blocked, then there would be no escape.

In truth, Centax was a self-declared Sith Lord but never free of Keth's reigns, not yet. Speaking of vile scum, the criminal yet lived but he was beginning to feel the blows. While Dreidi held the Darth's focused attention, putting herself now in the way of his potential apprentice. The older man tried to move the girl away behind her, even knowing the risk.

"Doing what you cannot…" He said with gritted teeth behind the helmet, trying to hold his saber lock with one hand, and potentially crushing or holding pressure with the other on her body, clothing, or saber. There was fire in her, potential in the Jedi, if only she let loose more. "Shaping them through sacrifice." A high kethenite law. Offering her pain or struggle to remember in the same way.

With a sudden yank, he tried to get his foot behind her weakened leg in a sweeping motion. Twisting his hip the other way to apply pressure, an attempt to drop her backwards to the floor, or just knock her away. Lightning shot out of his fingertips but not at her, at the elderly man as he'd tried to walk away. "Tomacc! Tomacc!" The little girl SCREAMED in horror as the older man was racked by darkside energy, she ran to hide and watch.

Centax looked at the Jedi. Getting ready to blast Tomacc again. This was her real test. Right now. How would she act when everything was on the line? What had made her. What was in front of her. And every day that she might live after this.

"What you feel makes you. No boundaries." The Darth demanded from her. "Or you will watch all she has loved die." Again separating child from family, could she let that happen again? His attention fixed on her and he stretched out his hand toward the old man, his other hand still on his saber ready to block if she let loose.

The moment of truth came, what would she do when all hope seemed lost? Every Jedi faced it.
Dreidi Xeraic Dreidi Xeraic
Tag: Darth Centax Darth Centax

The blow seemed to only fuel his anger and to create more determination to push forward as he continued to attack. The onslaught of attacks was intense and Dreidi was doing her best to defend and ensure she was not overwhelmed, it was taking all of her training and concentration to block, parry and ensure she dodged each hard blow. The efforts were wearing down her stamina swiftly and she was quickly panting deeply as she felt her body working hard. Sparring with others had ensured that her combat skills and endurance for fighting were high but she hadn't sparred with someone so intent on killing her, so intent on giving every bit of strength into their blows. It was demonstrating how much further she had to go in order to stand strong one day.

As the Sith reached forward, Dreidi saw an opportunity to slice the hand of the Sith. However, he was able to grip her Lightsaber and she cursed, Dreidi should have known this man would be wearing some kind of Lightsaber resistant armour. While she never did herself, others were often wearing them while on missions or fighting enemies. It was something she needed to invest in. For now, her focus and panic was on the fact that the man had her stuck since she could release her grip on the Lightsaber and get away but then she would be defenceless and he would have two Lightsabers. She didn't want to remain stuck in place either since she had no other way to block incoming blocks. The panic was setting in deeper and deeper until it clicked.

Dreidi switched her blade off, allowing her to free up the space and focus once again on the fight. "Torturing and breaking someone down is not shaping them... You inflict harm, pain, leave people broken and call them stronger... You do not lift them up, work with them." Dreidi panted as she blocked another attack, locking the sabers together.

When she saw the first blasts of Lightning strike out at the elderly man, she called out, "Nooo!" Dreidi was devastated that the man was suffering due to her inabilities.

Before the second blast could strike, Dreidi shifted herself, standing directly in front of them. Standing her ground as the Lightning came at her, she knew what she needed to do. Her Lightsaber blocked the blast and she held her ground. "Go! Get out of here! It's too dangerous to hang around!" Dreidi shouted at the two. Her golden eyes staring back at the Sith.

"I will not let you succeed in your mission!" Dreidi growled.

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