Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Merc And A Stormie


@Mit Tuxaire

Nar Shaddaa, things happened here that you wouldnt believe, and there were quite a few things GC-9001 would believe. Being part of the 501st Legion, he was part of one of the best fighting forces in the galaxy. He had challenged a merc by the name of Mit for no holds duel, and planned on wiping the floor with the guy. He didnt know him, didnt even know his name till now, and he was pumped for the fight. Wearing standard Imperial Stormtrooper armor, and the equipment just the same, it was all he needed. He was waiting by a railing, that if you fell over,'re dead. Crowds surfed by, some starring at him, others ignoring him. The white made him stand out, but it also was intimidating to a lot as well.
He yawned, and stretched his arms, and leg a little, still waiting.


Well-Known Member
Mit walked up to the stormie, he had enhanced heavy rebel armor, and was armed to the teeth, he was planning to completely destroy this stormie, how dare he challenge me? who does he think he is? just because he is part of the 501st doesnt mean hes better than me. "You ready stormie?" he muttered, "i've got some tricks ready for ya"



(Everyone Just Pop In When You Feel Like It)

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]

The man was wearing that cruddy Rebel armor, old enemies fighting because they can, that sounded nice to him. "I was born ready Rebel scum." He said back to the man quickly pulling out his pistol, and jumping backwards as he fired it. Because he was jumping, and not really aiming, the shots wouldnt be accurate, but they were going in his direction.


Well-Known Member
Mit hit the floor, rolled, and by the time he was on his feet he had his blaster ready, he dove for cover and started shooting at the stormie.


Zade rolled away from the fire, while lying prone on the ground, his HUD showing him some cover nearby. He quickly jumped to his feet, and sprinted to it, sliding behind a wall. Civvies ran screaming from the battle, but he still didnt care enough to choose his aiming. The fire blasted the wall over, and over, but he was safe for now. He turned his pistol around the corner, blind firing in the general direction of the rebel.
"Gonna have to do better than that Rebel!" He yelled from his cover.
[member="Mit Tuxaire"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka was flying in his FT-18 Pillar with his droid when he saw a duel with Mit and a storm trooper. For some reason, he brung a rotary canon in his ship covering most of his seat. He let B7 fly away as he jumped down with the heavy weapon. Oka also brung a pistol which he planned on using when the rotary canon ran outta ammunition.

Oka landed by Mit expecting him to team up with him. "I brought the big gun, not sure what you're doing fighting a storm trooper. At all costs, let's do this." He said smiling as he fired the heavy gun.

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
"Sure thing stormie!" he primed a thermal detonator and tossed it at the imperial, making sure it landed just out of his reach, he leaned out from his cover and shot the detonator, not waiting for it to go off. He could care less that civies were everywhere, this was a battle now, colateral damage happens.


Well-Known Member
"Thanks for the help Oka!" he called as he pulled out more detonators, "Here take a few." he said as he tossed some to him.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"No problamo. I'll throw some and you shoot, okay?" Oka said getting down for cover.

"Why would you fight an opponent such as this one? He's a trooper for goodness sake." He said firing the rotary canon again. This duel could get hot pretty soon.

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Between a heavy fucking gun blasting his wall, and. "What the...shit!" He lunged backwards away from the explosion, shrapnel hitting his armor along with some small debris, but he was okay, just rattled up. The Rebel nearly got him with the surprise grenade. "Two, against one huh? I got ya'll's number." He holstered his pistol, bringing out his E-11 for some real fire power. Doubling back, he planned to check them by surprise as he threw a little recon droid to stay at the corner to fire, making them think he was still there.
As he sprinted around another wall, then a corner, he could see where the two were firing at. He smirked under his helmet. Pulling out his thermal grenade, he lobbed it at them. He then proceeded to fire his blaster carbine at them, hoping that they would be too distracted by two place firing at them to notice the clank of the grenade as it fell near them, apart form the large gun firing, he suspected his odds were good.
[member="Oka Osaa"]
[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
"He's a trooper that challenged me, I had to didn't I?" he grinned, suddenly they were being shot at from two places, "Oka, fire at him", he said gesturing to where the new blaster bolts were coming from, he never noticed the grenade.

[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"I guess so, hey, you hear that?" It was the sound of a beep but also hard to hear over the gunfire. "On it!" He started firing at the new blaster shots and threw a detonator at the other shots causing the area to explode.

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
"wait... get down!" he yelled, tackling Oka, just as the detonator exploded. "whew..." he muttered as he ran for cover, firing a few blasts in the general direction of the stormie.
[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"That was way too close, and the rotary canon is outta of charge but not ammunition. This is no use for now." Oka said tossing the gun to the side. He pulled a pistol from his holster as he started firing at the blaster bolts.

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Firing came back into his direction, but he leapt back behind his new wall, sending his little Devon drone further at them, firing away. He primed it to self destruct as it got to the two, it wouldn't be a massive explosion, but shrapnel would be right over their heads. The stormtrooper fire behind his wall with blind shots.
"Come scum!!! I thought I was getting a fight here!!!" He yelled behind his cover.
[member="Oka Osaa"] [member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
Right... i've had enuf of this drone... Mit thought as he jumped up, swung it around and through it at the imperial, "You want a fight, stop hiding behind your drones and come fight!" he yelled at the trooper.
[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
Oka put the pistol in his holster and threw a flash bang attempting to stun the trooper and lose hearing for a bit. "I've did my part, you do yours."

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]


Well-Known Member
"Sure thing," He pulled out his rifle and zoomed in, the imperials blaster was sitting just a little bit out of his cover, he shot the barrel of the e-11, destroying it, "Now what are you going to do imperial scum?" he grinned, "good enuff?" he asked oka jokingly.
[member="Oka Osaa"]

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
"If I know a trooper, they always have more weapons." Oka said before walking towards the trooper. He grabbed the pistol in his holster just in case.

[member="Mit Tuxaire"]

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