Aaralyn had been in touch with various contacts throughout the Galaxy - some weren't exactly the most "legit" in nature but they were all trying to fight the good fight. Something the Republic had failed to do and something that her own brothers and sisters within the Jedi Order had lost sight of - the bigger picture.
She had made a contact by the name of [member="Malachi Blake"], it just so happened to be through [member="Chloe Blake"] - a girl she had once been at odds with - perhaps over something silly until she too, saw the bigger picture.
To be short and sweet about it, she had been in contact with [member="Alyesa Organa"] at Incom Corporation. She had requested thirty-six XA-5 X-Wings, twenty-four XJ-9 Advanced X-Wings, six XJ-7 Stealth-X Starfighters and 12 E-Wing Defender X-27. To compliment the deal with the Corellian resistance, she had also thrown in two Aegis Class Stealth Dropships that they had revoked from the Corellian R&D facility. Finally, a gutted Stormhead class to carry what it could not normally handle.
A rather sweet deal with limited costs to Incom Corporation beyond transportation but they had their reasons - once the contract was pulled from the Republic, the overflow had begun from excess orders and there were resistance groups across the Galaxy who understood the bigger picture and needed the firepower to stand up against the darkness that was there.
It had to be done - no matter the cost.
Aaralyn would be on the bridge of the Stormhead Class Frigate - which remained nameless for the sake of it's new owners. She'd reach out to the communication console and hail the frequencies she was given, waiting for the proper sequence to return and their ships to appear from hyperspace.
It reminded her of the days of the Rebellion - from what she could remember as a youth - even of the days of the young New Republic. Secret meetings, deals that cost lives and money...just for freedom.
She had made a contact by the name of [member="Malachi Blake"], it just so happened to be through [member="Chloe Blake"] - a girl she had once been at odds with - perhaps over something silly until she too, saw the bigger picture.
To be short and sweet about it, she had been in contact with [member="Alyesa Organa"] at Incom Corporation. She had requested thirty-six XA-5 X-Wings, twenty-four XJ-9 Advanced X-Wings, six XJ-7 Stealth-X Starfighters and 12 E-Wing Defender X-27. To compliment the deal with the Corellian resistance, she had also thrown in two Aegis Class Stealth Dropships that they had revoked from the Corellian R&D facility. Finally, a gutted Stormhead class to carry what it could not normally handle.
A rather sweet deal with limited costs to Incom Corporation beyond transportation but they had their reasons - once the contract was pulled from the Republic, the overflow had begun from excess orders and there were resistance groups across the Galaxy who understood the bigger picture and needed the firepower to stand up against the darkness that was there.
It had to be done - no matter the cost.
Aaralyn would be on the bridge of the Stormhead Class Frigate - which remained nameless for the sake of it's new owners. She'd reach out to the communication console and hail the frequencies she was given, waiting for the proper sequence to return and their ships to appear from hyperspace.
It reminded her of the days of the Rebellion - from what she could remember as a youth - even of the days of the young New Republic. Secret meetings, deals that cost lives and money...just for freedom.
36 http://starwarsrp.net/topic/3569-xa-5-x-wing/
24 http://starwarsrp.net/topic/32898-xj-9-advanced-x-wing/
12 http://starwarsrp.net/topic/49337-e-wing-defender-x-27/
6 http://starwarsrp.net/topic/35060-xj-7-stealth-x-elite-starfighter/
2 http://starwarsrp.net/topic/33241-aegis-class-heavy-drop-ship/- Stealth Variant.
1 http://starwarsrp.net/topic/33247-stormhead-class-escort-frigate/- Removed some Cargo space to accommodate the extra vessels.
24 http://starwarsrp.net/topic/32898-xj-9-advanced-x-wing/
12 http://starwarsrp.net/topic/49337-e-wing-defender-x-27/
6 http://starwarsrp.net/topic/35060-xj-7-stealth-x-elite-starfighter/
2 http://starwarsrp.net/topic/33241-aegis-class-heavy-drop-ship/- Stealth Variant.
1 http://starwarsrp.net/topic/33247-stormhead-class-escort-frigate/- Removed some Cargo space to accommodate the extra vessels.