On the planet Teth, within one of the larger cities, an unusual crime had taken place. Authorities had been called out on what they believed was a shoot out within one of the apartment complexes within the city. When they arrived this was confirmed, only they'd found it was anything but normal.
This had been the home of a well known Rodian slicer, Grellet Choven who, as they discovered, was one of the victims from the fighting. The other bodies present were from a local gang which, after a brief investigation, was believed to have been the cause of the shoot out in the first place. A blaster was found on Grellet which confused the authorites as he did not seem the type to have taken out all of the thugs on his own. But then came the evidence that someone else had been present.
After searching through his files and apartment they found that he had a droid who was missing from the scene. If it was destroyed it would've been here and if it was stolen by the remaining thugs then why? Unless there had been another reason why it was missing.
The captain in charge of the investigation ordered for his men to search for the droid and any witnesses to the crime. With that everyone was out and about, looking high and low.
Meanwhile, in an alley not far enough from the crime scene, a damaged luxury droid was limping her way through trying to find assistance. A shot from a blaster had ruptured her chest armor which was causing energy to slowly drain from her. She had one hand over the "wound" while the other had to support her as she walked onward. She knew she couldn't stay with the local authorities for they would likely disintegrate her for being involved with her now dead master's works. Or they may leave her on a junk planet to rot, something else she didn't want.
Her internal systems kept repeating how lack of energy would also mean hindrance to mobility and other functions. While acknowledging this she continued on, needing to find some means of assistance. The only problem was where that would be, given she was a modified luxury droid without an owner. And she did not know whom could be trusted, given her dealings with the less than truthful organic beings she'd encountered over the year.
As she'd approached the entrance to the alleyway the droid stopped when she could see authorities nearby and asking around about the incident back at the apartment. She needed to hide but was unsure where would be safe. And then, in a mix of luck and clumsiness, she'd tripped over a pile of junk and into a bigger one of garbage. This had actually proven a secure enough place for the time being as her legs were slowly losing functionality now.
As she sat there in the garbage, waiting for the authorities to leave, the droid had no true idea what she would do now. The only thing that repeated in her mechanical mind was a need to survive and the final words of her master kept in a recording.
This had been the home of a well known Rodian slicer, Grellet Choven who, as they discovered, was one of the victims from the fighting. The other bodies present were from a local gang which, after a brief investigation, was believed to have been the cause of the shoot out in the first place. A blaster was found on Grellet which confused the authorites as he did not seem the type to have taken out all of the thugs on his own. But then came the evidence that someone else had been present.
After searching through his files and apartment they found that he had a droid who was missing from the scene. If it was destroyed it would've been here and if it was stolen by the remaining thugs then why? Unless there had been another reason why it was missing.
The captain in charge of the investigation ordered for his men to search for the droid and any witnesses to the crime. With that everyone was out and about, looking high and low.
Meanwhile, in an alley not far enough from the crime scene, a damaged luxury droid was limping her way through trying to find assistance. A shot from a blaster had ruptured her chest armor which was causing energy to slowly drain from her. She had one hand over the "wound" while the other had to support her as she walked onward. She knew she couldn't stay with the local authorities for they would likely disintegrate her for being involved with her now dead master's works. Or they may leave her on a junk planet to rot, something else she didn't want.
Her internal systems kept repeating how lack of energy would also mean hindrance to mobility and other functions. While acknowledging this she continued on, needing to find some means of assistance. The only problem was where that would be, given she was a modified luxury droid without an owner. And she did not know whom could be trusted, given her dealings with the less than truthful organic beings she'd encountered over the year.
As she'd approached the entrance to the alleyway the droid stopped when she could see authorities nearby and asking around about the incident back at the apartment. She needed to hide but was unsure where would be safe. And then, in a mix of luck and clumsiness, she'd tripped over a pile of junk and into a bigger one of garbage. This had actually proven a secure enough place for the time being as her legs were slowly losing functionality now.
As she sat there in the garbage, waiting for the authorities to leave, the droid had no true idea what she would do now. The only thing that repeated in her mechanical mind was a need to survive and the final words of her master kept in a recording.