Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Metal Feather (Open to Red Ravens)


On the planet Teth, within one of the larger cities, an unusual crime had taken place. Authorities had been called out on what they believed was a shoot out within one of the apartment complexes within the city. When they arrived this was confirmed, only they'd found it was anything but normal.

This had been the home of a well known Rodian slicer, Grellet Choven who, as they discovered, was one of the victims from the fighting. The other bodies present were from a local gang which, after a brief investigation, was believed to have been the cause of the shoot out in the first place. A blaster was found on Grellet which confused the authorites as he did not seem the type to have taken out all of the thugs on his own. But then came the evidence that someone else had been present.

After searching through his files and apartment they found that he had a droid who was missing from the scene. If it was destroyed it would've been here and if it was stolen by the remaining thugs then why? Unless there had been another reason why it was missing.

The captain in charge of the investigation ordered for his men to search for the droid and any witnesses to the crime. With that everyone was out and about, looking high and low.

Meanwhile, in an alley not far enough from the crime scene, a damaged luxury droid was limping her way through trying to find assistance. A shot from a blaster had ruptured her chest armor which was causing energy to slowly drain from her. She had one hand over the "wound" while the other had to support her as she walked onward. She knew she couldn't stay with the local authorities for they would likely disintegrate her for being involved with her now dead master's works. Or they may leave her on a junk planet to rot, something else she didn't want.

Her internal systems kept repeating how lack of energy would also mean hindrance to mobility and other functions. While acknowledging this she continued on, needing to find some means of assistance. The only problem was where that would be, given she was a modified luxury droid without an owner. And she did not know whom could be trusted, given her dealings with the less than truthful organic beings she'd encountered over the year.

As she'd approached the entrance to the alleyway the droid stopped when she could see authorities nearby and asking around about the incident back at the apartment. She needed to hide but was unsure where would be safe. And then, in a mix of luck and clumsiness, she'd tripped over a pile of junk and into a bigger one of garbage. This had actually proven a secure enough place for the time being as her legs were slowly losing functionality now.

As she sat there in the garbage, waiting for the authorities to leave, the droid had no true idea what she would do now. The only thing that repeated in her mechanical mind was a need to survive and the final words of her master kept in a recording.
Moments before Cryax Bane, sent to Teth to suss out some possible locations for Red Raven operations, spied a heavy police presence around what looked to be a crime scene, he had been walking the streets of the former Hutt resort planet rather aimlessly. He was curious about the crime that had been committed, but itchy around the police so he ducked into an alley, hoping he could take a shortcut to a less patrolled street.

As he skulked through the alley, he saw something on the ground that was too shiny to be ordinary street garbage. It almost looked like...was that a droid? He blinked his eyes, surprised that someone would leave one of those hospitality or luxury units just lying in the garbage like that. Glancing left and right for the droid's master, he bent down on his good knee and took a closer look. It looked a little banged up but still operational. He tilted his head at it and gave it a concerned look.

"Well, what do we have here?"



At the presence of someone the droid had reached out and grabbed his collar. She held him close and spoke in two different languages that seemed to be muddled by her malfunctioning body. One was Rodian while the other was vaguely Huttish. Finally she'd managed to clear her voice and speak English but it was broken by static as her energy was failing her systems again.

{Ple****zzzz. I re-re-require assissssssssssst-ance. Must-Must-Mussssssst have matni********maintenance for*******master cho-cho-cho*****}

Her head was twitching as she spoke more indication of her malfunctioning self. And finally she'd removed her hand from her blaster wound to reveal it before the Chiss before her. Her red eyes looked right into his as she tried to speak again.


With that she seemed to shut down, her energy going into reserves in order to sustain what was still left.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
Wow... Teth... Another planet I'd been so unceremoniously dumped on. I was just walking along, and there was a freaking crowd of cops in uniform around a scared-looking little guy with a blaster. Oh, look, they were cuffing him. Kind of sad. I moved sort of stealthily to avoid them...

So stealthily I managed to crash into a blue guy and a droid who were sitting in an alley. So much dexterity and skill on my part. And I wasn't eve drunk, yet. I picked myself off the ground, and grimaced, trying to apologize to the Chiss.

"So sorry, man. I was just trying to avoid those cops."

I looked down at the droid to see her completely silent. It certainly looked like a 'her', anyway. No lights in her eyes, or power in her systems.

"Do you need help with your droid?"

[member="Kara"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
Cryax was just about to try and calm the droid down when he felt a shove. A big lizard fellow had literally stumbled onto the scene. He looked up at the guy, a young Xanthi and blinked his red eyes.

"No problem, man. And the unit's not mine. It's pretty damaged. Look." He pointed to the blaster wound.

"A model like this is expensive. I can't for the life of me figure out why someone left it here like this." He scratched his head and looked around.

"Actually maybe I could use your help. If you've got a ship, I'd like to get this droid off planet. It deserves better than sitting in a dumpster on Teth. Could I hitch a ride to Antecedent maybe?"

He smiled up at the lizard hopefully.

[member="Riv'Stak"] [member="Kara"]
I clenched my jaw, and sighed.

"I'm stuck here, too. My dear friends ditched me here."

I perked up and grinned, possibly creeping the Chiss out, but whatever.

"We could probably fix her anywhere. We've just gotta find a place that takes credits with no question. I'm good with circuits, too."

[member="Cryax Bane"]
"Hey man, I appreciate it." said the Chiss smiling, but worriedly eyeing the Xanthi's large teeth. "If you help me get her into a speeder taxi and back to Antecedent, I'll pick up your fare for a shuttle. Not sure if you want to go there, but at least it's not Teth." he shrugged with a smirk. "I have a workshop in my office. We can fix her up there?"

He stood up and brushed his hands off on his pants, thrusting out his hand. "I'm Cryax by the way."

Cryax went back to inspecting the Droid. It had no restraining bolts and he carefully scanned its body to see if he could find out anything else about it, like its registered owner. Once he could get the luxury model working, he could find out much more.

I gripped the proffered hand with both thumbs, and nodded.

"Riv'Stak. Now, let's get going. I should probably carry her, no offense."

Releasing the Chiss' hand, I reached down and gently picked up the droid. She was actually pretty heavy. I found myself wondering if this particular luxury droid had a few hidden surprises.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
"Thanks, man." Cryax said gratefully. If Riv'Stak wanted to do all the heavy-lifting that was fine by him. The lizard seemed like a good-hearted fellow, and it would be nice to talk shop with a fellow mechanic. This was turning out to be an entertaining day. The Chiss stepped out of the alley gingerly, making sure he wasn't on the street with all the cops, and whistled for a speeder taxi.

As he held the door open for the Xanthi and their cargo, he mused that he was probably stealing something that could belong to a very dangerous person. Well, kark it, he already had a Black Sun bounty on his head, what did it matter if others piled on as well? Cryax realized he was currently taking risks that the old Cryax would never have taken. That's what you did when you were a dead man walking.

The Chiss guy... Cryax, was it? He had the practiced stealth of somebody who had a bounty on his head. I had the practiced stealth of an idiot carrying a very pretty hunk of metal. Sadly, there wasn't much distinction between the two. I stepped into the speeder taxi, laying the droid out across my lap. With a wire cutter and a hand-held soldering iron, I went at some wires that were sticking out of the back of her torso. When I reconnected them, there was a short moment where her eyes flashed back on, but they died out again. Damn.

"There's more than just a few wires to fix, here. Hope we don't have to rewire her processors and batteries and stuff. I can do it, but it takes a while."

[member="Cryax Bane"]
Cryax got in the front seat next to the driver. "To the nearest Space Port." Cryax told the man handing him a credit stick. He turned all the way around in his seat so that he could have a look.

"Yeah, it's in pretty bad shape," he said. He stuck his hand in his trenchcoat pocket and pulled out a keyring that had some small repair tools on it. "It looks a little like something in the BD-3000 series, but it's definitely been modded." He unscrewed the back panel of the droid's head. Still no registration. Then he noticed something interesting.

He grabbed one of the droid's wrists, inspecting the arms and hands. "It's got slicing mods. Someone was using this droid for more than a companion."

The taxi screeched to halt in front of the Teth Space Port, and Cryax heard calls for a Shuttle soon boarding for Antecedent. "C'mon, if we want to catch the next shuttle, we'd better haul jets."

I grinned at my new friend, and hefted the mysterious droid into my arms. Boarding the shuttle, I marveled at the lack of reaction of some of the passengers.

"Never seen a BD like this. Montrals aren't usually your average politician's secret fetish."

I halfheartedly poked at the back of the droid's head.

"Wish she'd wake up. Might find out why she was in that alley."

[member="Cryax Bane"]


All the fumbling with the circuits in the droid's head had inadvertently caused her to suddenly turn on and jump to attention. He body went stiff as she sat up, possibly hitting someone in the process, but she wasn't so much 'on' as she was seeming to short out.

Suddenly she started spouting random nonsenses like saying things in other alien languages while broken words of enligh would seep in. At the same time she started showing different emotion that seemed to go around in her head like a crazed typhoon.

{In test for sodium palpitate******I am just so fed up with your stupid face and******** Oh no! *crying* He's been sleeping with******HAHAHA!******Watch out for bantha poodooooooooooo.....}

Finally she seemed to go into stasis again and shut off, her head falling back forward and her whole body going limp again.

(Just thought to add in a little funny moment lol)

[member="Riv'Stak"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
The Shuttle ride to Antecedent was interesting. At one point the droid started malfunctioning like crazy, and Cryax tried to shove her under the seat. He didn't want to draw too much attention. The main reason being, the droid wasn't theirs. He wasn't sure if he would consider it stolen though. After all, "finders, keepers."

As the Shuttle pulled into the dock, Cryax was relieved to be back on Antecedent. He was eager to get the droid to his workshop and get it working again. Then find out what its deal was.

He realized that they might have to sneak it in. A luxury droid would be a pretty hot commodity amongst the Ravens and it was likely she'd be scooped up by a Raven with more clout than he. Maybe he'd have to hide her in his office for a while.

"Hey Riv'stak. When we get to the casino, we're gonna go in the back way, ok?"

[member="Kara"] [member="Riv'Stak"]


Hours went by as the droid sat in silence. In her cybernetic mind it was the equivalent of sleeping as she was in stasis while her battery slowly drained. Information was on the verge of becoming lost in deletion in order to accommodate for power reserves. Whatever issues the two who'd picked her up had gone through Kara was in no condition to help or intervene in anyway. All she did was hang like a dead body, a very heavy metal one at that, while they did what they could for her. All the while a single recording kept playing over and over in her mind while in stasis, the one thing she seemed so intent on keeping above most other information.

Finally, however, power was restored and her systems began to full reboot. She activated and woke where she was, her red eye flashing open as she looked around as to where she was, who was with her, and what condition her body was in.

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Riv'Stak"]
When the luxury droid finally awoke, they were in Cryax's office at the Dragon Palace Casino on Antecedent. Cryax was currently rifling through his office desk for the right kind of tools to tinker with her. When he heard her come to life, it startled him so much he hit his head on the underside of the desk and cursed in Cheunh. He stood up and crossed the room to her.

"Hey, you finally decided to join us." He carefully stood a few feet back in case she malfunctioned again. Then peered in at her, tilting his head and blinking his red eyes.

"So, is there anything you can tell me about yourself? Like a name? Or a master?"



Upon seeing the Chiss that, as her internal records showed, was the one she met before, the droid looked at him and coked her head as she did before looking around. She took note of everything around her in the office before looking back to him. When she spoke, however, it was not in English but Mon Calamri. She stopped when she realized that wasn't what she meant to say before banging her head and trying to speak. Only this time she wound up speaking Kel Dorian. At that she tried indicating to the Chiss that her vocal receptor was broken and needed fixing, tapping the back of her head as indication.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
The Chiss noticed the droid looking around his office. The space would have looked like your typical corporate office except for the fact that it was filled with computers and slicing equipment, plus a workbench for droid repairs. There was also access to every security Holocam in the casino as Cryax was one of the main eyes and ears of the Ravens. The title on his desk read "Secretary."

It was a good sign that the luxury droid was trying to get her bearings, he thought. Then he heard the string of foreign languages.

"Oh frell!" he exclaimed grabbing his repair tools. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he removed the panel on the back of her head. After carefully reconnecting a few wires, precisely and efficiently, he snapped shut the panel. He chuckled at the droid.

"Ok, now let's try that again in Basic."



As the Chiss fiddled with her wires the droid twitched a little as everything was slowly reconnected. Once he'd finished she took a moment to check that everything was in order. She made sure the panel on her head was secure before looking to him.

{Thank you.} she said in perfect basic. {Apologies for y malfunctioning. I was unaware of how badly I had been damaged. Apologies. I have failed to answer your questions earlier. Hello. I am designated as model #BD-#3457. Also know as 'Kara'. My former master was one Grellet Choven.}

The way she answered was a somewhat pleasant voice yet still very flat and robotic at points. It was like she was stuck in the middle of having a personality and none at all.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
He smiled as she finally was able to communicate with him. Now they were getting somewhere. He put his hands on his hips, his red eyes scanning her shiny, chrome frame.

"Well, Kara, you're still pretty damaged, and you won't be going far if we don't get you repaired. There's some carbon scorching on your frame and who knows what else is wrong with you." He gestured to his workbench with one blue hand. "I've never worked on a droid from the luxury BD 3000 series before, but I'm good with most automatons. If you hop up there, I can probably fix the worst of the damage. We can't have you going to a factory, as they'll just sell you for scraps."

The Chiss narrowed his eyes, "Former Master eh? So what happened to this guy, this Grellet fellow? What can you tell me about him? And you for that matter?"


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