[SIZE=11pt]Souras Amur didn’t bother looking out the cockpit viewport of his star cruiser as it slowly entered the atmosphere of Mygeeto. There was nothing to see but a desolate, destroyed junkpile, covered in fog and ice. A planet destroyed by chaotic infighting and power struggle. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]No, the location itself and its history was more interesting than anything anyone might see on it. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]The Dark Jedi had rather taken the opportunity to meditate, and to clear his mind. Any time he had between his constant journeys he wished to use to grow and develop in the Force. Such was why he dedicated himself to perpetual travel in the first place. Power was not handed to you; you had to search it out. Discover and uncover it. Commit yourself to the development of it. In such a sense, it was not cheap. And yet, the offer to achieve power was forever open. There were some which forbade, restricted, and advised against the procuring of it. But the bumbling fools which espounded such a pitiful ideology could speak no more once there lies and jealousy were revealed. Power, once it is acquired, reveals true wisdom, enlightens one to the true path. And once such a path is shown, trite, idealistic platitudes and dogmatic censors are found to be worth only laughter. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]As the ship landed onto the broken-up stone ground, the rumble of his ship striking down awoke him from his meditative trance. A grunt of exasperation escaping due to his early arrival, he pushed himself off the ground and quickly grabbed his lightsaber off of a nearby table and attached it to his belt, and began to head down the ramp of the ship, towards the outside world. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]As he exited the cruiser he was immediately struck with a harsh chill, soon revealing itself to be an ongoing winter breeze that bit into him harshly. On something of impulse, he lifted his cloak hood onto his head to protect and cover himself somewhat from the cold that sieged him, and gave a cursory glance of his surroundings - seemingly miles of mundane, broken-down industrial lands - and began a long trudge on a journey of which the duration of such he hadn’t a clue. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Somewhat ironically, the reason he was here - despite his distaste for the aesthetic outlook of the planet he was visiting - was for purely “aesthetic” reasons. Unlike the myriad of other journeys he had subjected himself to, he was not searching for a forgotten artifact of sith lore, or a long-lost sepulcher. There were no tomes of the dark side that spoke of the importance of this planet. There were no relics of worship, or messages to be found in the rubble. But what had certainly been laid out for him was just as valuable as any trinket or holocron - a moment of reflection.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Mygeeto was a planet torn apart by war, by various factions vying for power, honor, and glory, to grow in title and strength. Imbeciles would bemoan of the consequences of this struggle, and give a futile cry for peace. But this would not do. It is the nature of all intelligent species to secure their own existence and grandeur. They revel in their successes and do whatever they must to prevent their own failings. War was a natural consequence of such - but contrary to the baseless ramblings of the Jedi and other charletons, it was a beautiful display of the deepest nature of all creatures. Nevermind the rather disappointing, destructive result. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Mygeeto was an exemplification of these principles. And as such, it was a valuable planet to reflect and meditate on.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Amur’s boots scraped across the torn surface of the world as he dodged the holes and craters torn into its surface. The chill continued to kick harshly into him, but he pressed on, somewhat absent-mindedly, wandering the quiet planet.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]His stroll was abruptly interrupted as he nearly tripped over an object in his way. Composing himself, he glared down, and he was rather shocked to see a small furry creature directly in his path. A lurmen.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Rather on impulse, he was quickly determined to remove the nuisance. Unhooking his lightsaber, he ignited it and was prepared to remove the creature from his path by force...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Rominaria Basaar"][/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]No, the location itself and its history was more interesting than anything anyone might see on it. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]The Dark Jedi had rather taken the opportunity to meditate, and to clear his mind. Any time he had between his constant journeys he wished to use to grow and develop in the Force. Such was why he dedicated himself to perpetual travel in the first place. Power was not handed to you; you had to search it out. Discover and uncover it. Commit yourself to the development of it. In such a sense, it was not cheap. And yet, the offer to achieve power was forever open. There were some which forbade, restricted, and advised against the procuring of it. But the bumbling fools which espounded such a pitiful ideology could speak no more once there lies and jealousy were revealed. Power, once it is acquired, reveals true wisdom, enlightens one to the true path. And once such a path is shown, trite, idealistic platitudes and dogmatic censors are found to be worth only laughter. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]As the ship landed onto the broken-up stone ground, the rumble of his ship striking down awoke him from his meditative trance. A grunt of exasperation escaping due to his early arrival, he pushed himself off the ground and quickly grabbed his lightsaber off of a nearby table and attached it to his belt, and began to head down the ramp of the ship, towards the outside world. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]As he exited the cruiser he was immediately struck with a harsh chill, soon revealing itself to be an ongoing winter breeze that bit into him harshly. On something of impulse, he lifted his cloak hood onto his head to protect and cover himself somewhat from the cold that sieged him, and gave a cursory glance of his surroundings - seemingly miles of mundane, broken-down industrial lands - and began a long trudge on a journey of which the duration of such he hadn’t a clue. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Somewhat ironically, the reason he was here - despite his distaste for the aesthetic outlook of the planet he was visiting - was for purely “aesthetic” reasons. Unlike the myriad of other journeys he had subjected himself to, he was not searching for a forgotten artifact of sith lore, or a long-lost sepulcher. There were no tomes of the dark side that spoke of the importance of this planet. There were no relics of worship, or messages to be found in the rubble. But what had certainly been laid out for him was just as valuable as any trinket or holocron - a moment of reflection.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Mygeeto was a planet torn apart by war, by various factions vying for power, honor, and glory, to grow in title and strength. Imbeciles would bemoan of the consequences of this struggle, and give a futile cry for peace. But this would not do. It is the nature of all intelligent species to secure their own existence and grandeur. They revel in their successes and do whatever they must to prevent their own failings. War was a natural consequence of such - but contrary to the baseless ramblings of the Jedi and other charletons, it was a beautiful display of the deepest nature of all creatures. Nevermind the rather disappointing, destructive result. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Mygeeto was an exemplification of these principles. And as such, it was a valuable planet to reflect and meditate on.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Amur’s boots scraped across the torn surface of the world as he dodged the holes and craters torn into its surface. The chill continued to kick harshly into him, but he pressed on, somewhat absent-mindedly, wandering the quiet planet.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]His stroll was abruptly interrupted as he nearly tripped over an object in his way. Composing himself, he glared down, and he was rather shocked to see a small furry creature directly in his path. A lurmen.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Rather on impulse, he was quickly determined to remove the nuisance. Unhooking his lightsaber, he ignited it and was prepared to remove the creature from his path by force...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][member="Rominaria Basaar"][/SIZE]