Taeli Raaf
LydraxAlbanin Scetor
In orbit of the planet Lydrax, a fleet of ships hung in a holding position above a slowly expanding outpost. The outpost itself was nothing too special yet, just prefabricated structures to house the workforce employed by Aurora, a few self-sustaining droid factories to keep production of their Starbright line going locally, and an atmospheric shield and processor to keep the polluted world's still poisonous air away. Even further out, patrols of corvettes and fighters kept any ship that arrived without proper authorization away... or destroyed them outright if they refused to jump somewhere else. Security was tight around the planet, all to protect the valuable work going on.
The purification of Lydrax was coming splendidly, if the reports were to be believed that Taeli had been receiving. The thousands of Anemoi droids that were in constant rotation in the planet's atmosphere were expected to be done with the heaviest part of the purification in another standard month, slightly ahead of schedule. By then, the planet's atmosphere would at least be breathable, if not still somewhat unpleasant to do so.
The droids would be continuing their work even after they reached that critical tipping point for one simple reason; the planet was still a complete junkyard and still poisoning everything. Outside of the safe zone established by Aurora Industries when they took the planet, the planet was still hellish and dangerous. Super acid rivers, unique combination of pollutants, exposed radioactive waste, parts from wrecked ships and other junk the Hutts had discarded on the world. She had been assured by her Doctor Votoc that he would have the next droid for Project Starbright ready soon to help with cleaning up the land.
Looking out over the Aurora outpost from the tower erected at its center, Taeli waited in her temporary office for her guest. She had heard of this [member="Kalak the Raykkan"] and the creature's ambitions sounded perfect for a partner for the project's other reasons. He came recommended to her, and she hoped this Raykkan held up to her expectations.