Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public A Mysterious Culinary Encounter.

Tag: Zerei Zerei
Location: Aquila Manor, Jixuan Desert, Ryloth.

Felix had been licking his wounds since his Reaving, he hadn't expected the Lord Commander of his order to go quite that hard on him. Bruises and internal wounds peppered his olive skin making it difficult to move or perform simple task without flinching. Bacta treatment had helped for the most part, however he was more than certain he had a bruised liver which the treatment had yet to touch. Thankfully, he was at home, surrounded by the few people he knew he could care for. But a sullen feeling slowly ate at him

The specters of his family haunted the halls of the Aquila manor, one of the reasons he seldom found his way here, he couldn't help the feeling that he had betrayed each and every one of them. The truth of the matter was, he had done exactly that. Now they were lost somewhere within the territory of the Hutts as little more than surfs to the myriad underground cartels which shifted like the sands themselves. Felix was quickly finding there was no book, record, training or pleasantry he could delve into in order to fill the void of his deeds. It continued to eat away at him on the inside. It had been almost fifteen years since he had sentenced them... was it time to play host to their rescue?

The manor was split into five wings, one for each of the cardinal directions and the center wing which was reserved for the family members of House Aquila as well as the personal staff who kept it maintained. Many of the walls were lined with bookshelves containing both electronic records and original paper records perfectly preserved to create the homely rustic feel that had been intended by his mother. The young noble would find himself in the center of an open lounge, picked at fruit bowls lay on the table before him laden with grapes and other Rylothian fruit.

But truth be told, Felix was writhing with the mundanity of the day, he felt trapped within this mansion as people steered clear of him, he wondered what the people he had met in the galaxy were up to. What was Quinn doing? That girl he'd met during the end of the world... Tremiru... Though the vampire who had almost ended his life should be the last person he was thinking of, he wondered if she had gotten as strong as he had in recent days. He'd found himself taking amazing strides even with the smallest sums of instruction... and now all he could do in his bandaged up state was practice controlling they reys of light that shone through his open lounge-room blinds.

Wishing that today would get more exciting.


Zerei had no idea how long she fell.


A heartbeat?

Not long enough to scream. Long enough to wonder whether she had, in fact died.

If this was death, it was not what she had been led to believe. The dull throb of a twisted ankle still hummed the length of her leg. The smell of rot and swamp mud still drifted up to her nose, sickeningly sweet.

She had thought...had hoped, maybe, that she might have some sense of those who were lost to her. That she might join them in their rest.


Instead, the peace she had been promised... ...well, that was nowhere she could discover. Her stomach twisted in time with the tilting of the world. Of the galaxy? The universe?

Her fingers still felt the solid weight of her staff's hilt between her fingers. She willed her grip to tighten, as if by holding on to her lightsaber she might hold on to some part of herself in this descent. How long could it possibly go on? Was it some kind of test? Perhaps...yes...that made sense. She eased the tension in her spine and jaw, inhaled, and---


She noticed the light before her back collided with something solid. There was a deafening crack before the impact flipped her backward over her shoulders and onto her hands and knees. But...for the pain that jolted up to her shoulders and hips, that meant she landed. Landed on something solid.

The world was silence again, except for a slow, steady drip of thick, sticky liquid pooling around her fingers, staining her white fur a dark purple. It couldn't be. Her next breath excaped in a high, thin laugh. Jogan fruit....

Tag: Zerei Zerei
Location: Aquila Manor, Jixuan Desert, Ryloth.

There was a thunderous crash from the other room which jolted Felix with surprise hard enough that he was thrown from his couch, hitting the ground and aggravating every dingle bruise and cut on his person, causing him to cringe under the weight of the temporary anguish. Groaning loudly as he would pry himself from the floor, gripping the side of the furniture he would draw himself upward, biting the sharp words which would slither onto his tongue.

What the hell was that? He thought, adrenaline spiking and pushing his mind to calculate at a thousand miles a minute. He couldn't remember asking the cooks to make anything for him, it was also midday... there was no need to have anyone back there in the kitchens' area. Which in turn begged the question as to what could make a noise like that. Questions abounded...

Putting a hand to his side, resting it on his saber he would begin to move forward, otherwise unarmed and unarmoured safe for the fact that most of his jackets had a light lining of armour-weave, but such design was more to keep the jackets from creasing, they could withstand the odd pistol shot so long as it wasn't too high powered, but it was hardly protection.

As he would approach the kitchenettes door, he'd place one hand to its entrance from the family side, beginning to touch it open as he would hedge his way inward. "Hello..? Who's there?" He'd let out a call, hoping to call the attention of the creature or person that was there. But from the smallest of openings in the wall he was able to pool on his rather unique power in the force, calling the natural light in the room to curve around towards himself, bending around the door allowing his perspective to widen, as if he were projecting his senses forward, but in truth it was the reverse.

Felix's eyes stained yellow with fright and apprehension, little more than a reflection of his mood filtered through his ability to manipulate light. He'd see the woman slumped upon the table. Felix couldn't tell that much about her from this distance, but he could sense a massive disturbance in the force stemming from this room... like someone had torn it apart and stitched it together, leaving a scar in his kitchen.

She did however crush their supply of fresh Jogun fruit... that was going to be another trip made to restock them. They'd always been Felix's favorite.

"Wh... who are you? And... w-what are you doing in my kitchen?"


Who are you?

Such a logical question. Quite reasonable, actually. As if she hadn't just been tumbling for a lifetime or more. Was she certain of the answer?


She stood slowly, so as not to startle or offer offence. As if the galaxy might continue to tilt under her feet. She was careful, however, to place the table between herself and the newcomer as she slid down, jogan fruit pulp squishing under her feet. She furtively stashed her 'saber hilt under her cloak and raised her hands. She had a fleeting wish that she might also hide her face under her hood, but it was too late for that, and her slanted blue eyes blinked calmly.

"My name is Zerei. I offer my sincerest apologies. I seem to have interrupted your meal." Her slow gaze took in the human male on the far side of the room. Not overly tall for a human, but moved with all the surety of a highly skilled fighter - injured, perhaps - a tightness of the muscle around pain.

Zerei glanced up at the solid, smooth, arched ceiling with absolutely no sign of cracks, windows, holes or other gaps that might explain her presence here. She resisted the urge to wipe her fingers on her already disreputable, filthy robes. Someone else might have felt uncomfortable in these obviously elegant surroundings, but Zerei had been trained differently. She offered her very best courtly bow.

"I am not certain..." Of anything. "I don't know how I came to be here, but I will be out of your hair as soon as you can point my way back to the jungle..."
Last edited:

Tag: Zerei Zerei
Location: Aquila Manor, Jixuan Desert, Ryloth.

The boy couldn't help but notice the attire of the visitor as he would reveal himself fully to the person in the room, stepping in and closing the door behind him to lean up against it. Looking at the fruit she had crushed it seemed as though the cooks had intended to make the Jogan fruit into a series of small pastries. A flash of red moved past his eyes as he felt the sting of that slight a little harder than he expected, the destruction and subsequent denial of a craving that he didn't even know he'd had until now and it rose a surprisingly visceral reaction. He would sigh audibly before continuing.

"Seems it was dessert, but that's fine." He couldn't help but bleed some of his internal bitterness into that last word. "My name's Felix, and you seem to have landed in my home."

He'd be somewhat taken aback by the almost perfect bow, responding in kind as a noble host would he would smile, at least knowing that the person was not some kind of Vagabond. He could feel the patterns of light that struck her eyes, seeing them, feeling them react as they would pass through her optic nerves he would replicate the signals in his left eye to get a sense of what she was seeing, observing the arches and the fine details of the area around them... was she lost? Her following response would make it seem that way.

"The Jungle is, to put plainly, hundreds of Miles away, you'd die before you ever reached it from the heat of the Jixuan. " Felix would give pause a moment and think, feeling his own eyes move up to the ceiling it seemed that she had almost dropped through. It did so happen that as of now the Nether was behaving strange, with the revelation of the Hypergates which led there, its possible that some of the anomalies surrounding them might cause other things like this.

"You look like you've been through hell, so, as long as you're not here to kill me, why dont we try and figure out what's going on here together, and get you cleaned up? You look like you've been through hell." Felix would respond kindly, still on guard though his walls were dropping. His mind going to his superiors... if this was happening because of the portals, there may be others displaced, so he would breath in turn... "Reporting this to the vicelord is going to be a headache..."

Not knowing what a sentence may spark.




In the darkness, a head lifted. Something was happening. The Force moved once again, the song filling Kyyrk's mind. Something was wrong. Something...unnatural. Kyyrk pushed himself to his feet, reaching out a hand to call his Lightsaber to him. He'd felt this before. On Roon.

Except that time, he'd been at the epicenter. Something was happening on Ryloth. He needed to hurry.

Kyyrk strode through the habitation dome of Ryloth, the first time he'd been back to this planet since the terrorist attacks launched by the Agents of Chaos. Not that he could remember much of that attack anyway. He held a rather bemused look on his face as he remembered the former Knights Obsidian who had turned on their nation attempting to destroy what few marks the Solanaceae left upon this world, and to broker a deal with their god. How paltry such a being seemed in comparison now.

Kyyrk paused, looking over a whole street of destroyed buildings and frowned. The wars had been....two, three years ago? Why had this not been fixed? He knew that the Confederacy had the resources. What could cause the nation to leave one of her founding worlds in such a state of disrepair? Kyyrk turned, and pressed on towards his destination. There was a small taxi terminal that could shuttle people into the few homesteads that existed in the desert beyond. This was Kyyrk's goal. As the speeder drew closer, he realized that he recognized the homestead in question. Well, more of a manor, really. Aquila Manor.

And if he wasn't mistaken, it belonged to one Felix Aquila Felix Aquila . The very same individual he'd met upon his first outing alongside Srina Talon Srina Talon . Why would a Force Anomaly be occurring out here? Kyyrk had been unable to make contact with anyone within the manor, so he was forced to do things the old fashioned way. The speeder came to a halt in front of the main doors, and Kyyrk stepped out, a small owl flying out from behind him and perching upon his right shoulder. "I'm sorry sir, Master Aquila is not expecting visitors." Voph withdrew a small item from his belt, and held it up for inspection to the butler as he approached the door. "He is now. Business for the Exarch. Take me to him." The ID card, for once, did not show an alias. He had cast off the names of old, both Voph and Iskellion. Today, he was Kyyrk Verros. The Right Hand of Exarch Talon. The butler glanced at it for a moment, then bowed, ushering the taller Knight inside. Voph did not don his helmet for this encounter. There was no need. Not yet, anyways...

Zerei's brow furrowed as if the human was speaking a language she didn't understand. But, the words seem to come together as Galactic Basic, they just...refused to make sense.

Maybe she'd hit her head on the way down?

Down from where?

One question at a time, please.


Battle was never clean. Never easy. But Zerei's fighting experience - although plenty - was restricted to small skirmishes or one-on-one combat. She was used to only being responsible for her own life. This...this kind of mass rage seemed designed to tear a planet apart from the core. When she felt the first of the soldiers - her soldiers - die - it seemed designed to tear her apart from the core. The punch of it left her gasping, eyes combing the ground as if by finding him, she could still save-...but then another. And another.

Do better!

Zerei clenched her teeth against the pain of it and gripped the hilt of her 'saber a little tighter, and then...deliberately not looking at the steady brightness of Blaze, just to her left ... roared.

The sound echoed off the rock walls, drawing the bright electronic gazes directly to her. She would apologize to the rest of the unit later. Now...for now, she stepped forward, her staff a blur of indigo light. See me! I am the threat!

No. No! That was...had long ago. Zerei kept her fingers clenched at her sides, away from her belt. Away from her weapon.

That campaign had...eventually...freed Ryloth. But at what a cost. Her own batallion had been decimated. Blaze had been surprised when she'd taken the time to visit the wounded. She pushed the memory away with surprising force. It had all been futile, of course. Ryloth had been made a protectorate of the Empire. The Republic army never left, and it...morphed like some mutant moth, its wings darkening the hope of the Twi'lek population. Had the Emperor assigned a Vicelord? She silently cursed herself for not keeping up on the politics.

Zerei wiped the jogan fruit pulp from her fingers, leaving an indigo streak along with the jungle rot on her robes and lifted her cool blue gaze to the stranger's rather...striking counterpart.

"I...I am sorry. I must have misunderstood." She tried for a smile that hid the points of her teeth. "I was...I was on Dxun. Historical exploration. Scientific mission."

She exhaled slowly, gathering her scattered thoughts.

Get it together.

You have a purpose.

Something is coming.

"Thank you for your most gracious offer of clothing, but they would only suffer the same fate. I do not...I do not mean to be rude, but it is imperitive that I get back to my mission." I have three more to find. To free. "It is rather a matter of life and death."

Tag: Zerei Zerei / Kyyrk Kyyrk
Location: Aquila Manor, Jixuan Desert, Ryloth.

The young man listened as the woman hesitated a moment, awash with thought before expressing some confusion, she seemed, disoriented. Though Felix couldn't quite place the cause of it, he didn't know her but if she were capable of effecting the force on this kind of level he was certain that he likely should. He could not see any insignia on her person that would identify her, as his eyes moved to attempt to scan her belongings and possessions, yet they remained hidden from even his advanced sight. She mentioned that she had been on Dxun... Felix hadn't heard there being a hypergate near there, not to his recollection at least, but it was possible that any number of things could occur, energy waves seldom cared for distance after all. "Dxun? You're a long, long way from Onderon Lady Zerei... Are you a Jedi?"

He would ask on little more than knowing that Onderon was a hairs breath from Kashyyyk, the homeworld of the Silver Jedi, which sat so far as the only Jedi aligned faction that hadn't sparked Felix's ire. He was, however, a little surprised at the decline of his offer, being soiled to the point of the mud and muck dripping from one's person, be it skin or fur was something that took a lot of exposure to get used to, so he figured that in conjunction with her practical attire, she was far more comfortable as she was. "I respect your choice, but if you should change your mind, the offer to change or shower remains open. I tend to find that helps clear my head... What manner of mission were you tasked with that would see you stray this far out... of course you need not answer."

Felix would smile softly, with a refreshing kindness. He also didn't want to get yelled at by his cleaning staff, they worked hard enough as it was, though he was pretty sure he was already going to get an earful from his cooks. The Annodat chef that they employed could be quite rowdy when they wanted to be. Merely thinking about it sent a shiver of dread up his spine as his attention would be drawn to an alert on his holowatch, a message that a guest was arriving.

"Of course, Master Verros, please, right this way." Meanwhile, Kyyrk would be led directly towards the central wing of the Aquila estate, passing by some of the defense force and the raised terraced gardens that were planted around the area. The white clean marbled stone of the manufactured island stood within the miniature canyon it was settled in like a hideaway oasis, shielded by the elements while eyes would follow the hand of the Exarch. He'd surely note the press on a small datapad, sending a signal toward the house, Felix's profile raised in some form of system so that the dutiful lord wouldn't be taken by surprise.

"Master Felix is just inside the main building, he is in recovery, but should you have need of anything, please do not hesitate to ask. The grounds are of course yours to peruse if you wish it. I will inform the guard and the servants of your presence and that you are to be left to your devices and to aid wherever possible if you so wish it." The Major-domo would smile politely, placing a hand on a scanner at the front door of the central estate spire, opening up into a two story lounge, open design with balcony over hanging it from the second floor. Couches, a water feature, hanging pictures and shelves with books, records and ornaments lining some of the walls.

"Mr Aquila should be with you shortly sir."
The older man would say, before leaving Kyyrk.

Felix, hearing the doors open for a moment would smile apologetically from the kitchen towards his new guest. "One moment, my apologies, it seems I have a surprise visitor... I'll, um, be right back. Help yourself to the baked goods in the cabinet here if you're hungry." Felix would indicate towards a dry chiller before turning on a heel and exiting the kitchen back into the lounge, the open door would swing wide enough so that Kyyrk could see his guest for a moment before it closed.

"Oh, uh, Lord Verros... I didn't expect you today. How may I be of service?" Felix found himself reeling, he hated being on the back foot like this, reacting as opposed to acting. Control was oh so important in these kinds of interractions and he, as of now had none of it. But, it was to be expected once in a while. After Voph stated his purpose, perhaps command of the situation could be wrestled free.




The man that stood before Felix was a new face. Yet the stature and stance, as well as the rather distinctive white armor, all confirmed for Felix what his servant's notification had not. This man before him was the very same Iskellion that he had spoken with at the gala. Now, without his helmet, the man could see him in all his...strangeness. The being before him was still every bit the titan he had been. But the lack of a helmet drew attention to the strange growths along his jaw line, and a soft purple glow in the man's eyes. Were it not for his pale complexion, he would certainly seem to be a Sith Pureblood. A rarity outside the Empire. An albino? Perhaps. But most importantly? Unlike the night at the gala, Kyyrk was armed. The hilt of a lightsaber protruded from behind his shoulder.

"Lord Aquila. We meet again. It has been brought to my attention that there was a disturbance somewhere within this region." The man's voice was deep, his accent impeccable and crisp, just as it had been at the gala, further removing all doubt of who Felix spoke to. "After the appearance of the gates, the powers that be are on high alert. I was sent to investigate." Kyyrk's eyes flicked towards the door behind Felix for the briefest of moments. He'd seen the woman within, the bedraggled state of her. Rather out of place for a manor such as this.

But the same as he had seen her, she had surely seen him. More over, Kyyrk could feel her. She resonated with the Song, same as he and Felix. And though he may have appeared the very enemy of the Jedi, he did not feel it. In fact, the Light seemed to course through him, with naught but mere traces of the Dark dancing within the stream. His white armor was also uncharacteristic of a Sith. But it certainly reflected his position as apprentice of the Wintered Woman. It did not present an intimidating profile, instead hugging his form to offer both mobility and protection in the event of battle. There were small artistic flairs to it, but it was certainly the armor of a warrior. And his stance was one all to easily recognized. General. Kyyrk frowned slightly as he turned his attention back to Felix. She was covered in mud. In a desert. "I have the feeling you will only confirm that which I do not wish to hear. She also appeared from the mists? If so, I would speak with her."

The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he spoke aloud the cause of this...anomaly. He'd been ejected from the afterlife mere months ago. And with the advent of the Oblivion Gates, it would seem that more and more people were being plucked from their homes, and deposited in the galaxy at large. Deep down, Kyyrk wondered if...

Well, he could not hope too strongly. Fate and he had never gotten along. But good counsel was hard to come by. And if there was a chance that this anomaly could undo what damage the war had done...

Kyyrk stepped forward, not waiting for Aquila's permission. He paused at the doorway, lifting a hand to gently push it open. He paused, regarding the woman within silently for a moment, then turning back to look at Felix. He remained in the doorway, but standing to the side, silently communicating a simple message: He was not a threat, and she was not trapped.
"I am Lord Verros of the Knights Obsidian. You are safe."

Oh, what have I stepped in?

Zerei felt very small as these two men eyed her. Staying small seemed to be the wisest course of action. Not every ant which stays under the elephant's foot dies; the most powerful cannot always kill the weakest! A small, sad smile curved her mouth as she remembered her Master. Gone with the rest in the purge, long as she lived his wisdom survived. She had no need for glory or pride.

She hunched her shoulders, curving inwards and dipping her head low, pointed ears laid back. "You have my deepest gratitude, m'lords. But I have obviously ... stumbled into matters far greater than myself. I regret my intrusion."

Her gaze darted around, looking for another way out. These were obviously men of power and influence, and since the fall of the Republic, that meant only one thing for someone like her. Trouble. She'd never heard of these Knights Obsidion, and wondered if the Empire was trying to develop its own type of Jedi Council. That ... that would not be good for anyone.

There were undercurrents of tension here that she had no way of deciphering. She took a step back and bumped into another table, stacked high with food. The sickly sweet scent of jogan fruit tickled her nose. Her stomach growled loudly. A small, breathless laugh escaped her lips. What would you say to that, Master? To hunger is to be alive and to hope? Always so full of hope, you were.

Zerei spent a futile moment wishing desperately that someone smarter, more...connected...than her was here in her place. Someone with the wisdom to untangle these threads. She had only the skill to cut through them, and that was of no use here. Force, she despised being useless.

"If someone could, perhaps, direct me toward a servants' entrance, I will bring no more disturbance to your business." She bowed again. "As it happens, I have a task to complete and I am...rather certain that I cannot do it, here..."

Felix Aquila Felix Aquila Kyyrk Kyyrk

Tag: Zerei Zerei / Kyyrk Kyyrk
Location: Aquila Manor, Jixuan Desert, Ryloth.

As soon as Verros would speak, like the stars aligning in sacred conjunction he would remember the man he had met at the party who had stood between his advancement with Quinn. Frustration welled up within him doubled over as it seemed that so it was history did indeed seem to enjoy to repeat itself. Back then Kyyrk was wearing his armour, Felix had assumed much of his impressive size had to do with his regalia, only now did the young man truly appreciate the magnitude of the man who stood before him. The Lord was a colossus of a being, tall and built as though he had been chiseled from marble.

But Felix would stand adroit, refusing a bow while within his own manor or other pleasantries as they seemed to be in turn denied to him by his visitor. All business with a comment which barely passed as a greeting, was this simply how the man was? Or was it a particular attitude towards the aspiring knight of House Aquila... Lesser nobles peppered across this desert would have already had a blade drawn. It was a sad fact that the other nobles of Ryloth, born from their survival / hunter nature the honor of the best hunters translated to a borderline feudal temperament. One that Felix had been embroiled in since birth. He would simply not in response to his comments, saying;

"Seems as though you must enjoy making a habit of barging in unannounced where you're not wanted." He would state bluntly, meeting Kyyrks' eyes with no small amount of hesitance to allow him to go any further. However, Felix would remain civil, malicious compliance aside. He couldn't help but admire the form he seemed to be in, was he like this at the ball? Alabaster white and appearing like the race of the ancient sith. He'd not seen one before, but several of his books talked about the Kissai and Massassi, their ancient ways as villains. One particularly rare book was said to be from their time, one of stark few stories which had a young member of the Massassi as the protagonist, a heroic character who overcame many foes. It was a particular treasure to Felix's mother, and was worth a fortune. Felix couldn't help but superimpose that figure with the white cut of the being before him.

Yet as he would simply push through his home without permission granted in the slightest, opening a door into the beating heart of his home disregarding him as a host, invading a place he barely had rights to set foot in, Felix would begin to seethe. This was his sanctum, his home and it was being trampled upon by someone without respect, grace or gratitude. But first his attention was drawn to the newcomer, it was all he could do to hold back his first, far more violent reaction towards someone who was meant to be his ally.

"Apologies Zerei, but I think you misunderstand, recently a series of Hypergates have been seen peppering the galaxy, one of them somewhat nearby. Since they have been activated, we have no idea what effects they may have, and you simply appearing here is extremely odd. And concerning. If you could hold on your mission, just a little longer. We could get to the bottom of this and then I will personally ensure you're transported where you need to go." He would end, turning his attention then to Verros... the calmed emotions rising again as he would attempt to swallow them just a little longer.

Felix would all but bark in command,

"You can disregard me all you like during a mission, but this is my own home, I will not allow you to accost my guests! So don whatever mask would have you behave, or you can leave..."
A hand would have without thought landed upon the hilt of a weapon, resting upon it to feel the singing steel as his weight would transfer to that leg, his fingertips teetering on the edge of the the ancient hunters blade. A weapon that hungered to massacre the very creations that a body like the one before him once created in the Great Hunt. The light in the room would seem to get a little brighter, surfaces glimmered with a little extra sheen and the colour saturation of the world would almost seem to glow warmly as the temperature inside would begin to spike.

Felix had to attempt to predict an incredibly serious man, if were anything like the Sithari of old, strength was the name of the game. To that ends Felix was unfortunately wounded. But, he was in the closest thing to a force nexus he could be placed in, a desert with the brilliant shining golden sun blazing gallantly above them. As such it was one that most opponents were unlikely able to capitalize on.

The mind of the boy raced, would his challenge be risen to? In such a manner that the two of them could come to blows? Or would the Lord relent, seeing the error in his ways and bid an apology before setting into the role that he should have assumed in the very beginning. For at the heart of the matter to Felix, was the matter of trust, should he have been left, there would have been a report of this incident upon the Lord Commander's desk by morning. The required appearance of this higher ranking person spoke to nothing more or less than trust and competence. Had Kyyrk trusted the young lord, he could have taken a back seat, allowed Felix to use what rapport he had built and relied on him to gain such pertinent information.

But the evidence acted in contrary.





Kyyrk smiled gently as the Cathar before him spoke of a mission to accomplish. "Please, do not feel yourself a burden. As Lord Aquila has said, we--" He was cut off by the man behind him barking orders at him like a master to a dog. He paused, turning back to look at Felix slowly. His hand rested upon his weapon, and his stance suggested he was preparing for combat. "So she is your guest, then, is she? And that gives you the divine right to speak to her and no one else?" Kyyrk's eyes narrowed as the light began to pour from the younger man, though it had little effect on him. As a creature born of the light, it was not a harsh light, but simply an amplification of what already burned within.

"After your conduct with Princess Varanin, it makes me wonder about your true motives, young Aquila. I am here on a duty to the Exarch. You would do well to accept that. And you had best leave your sword where it sit, child. With an injury like that I wouldn't even break a sweat putting you to the ground." Kyyrk turned back to the Cathar within the kitchen. His tone was cold, but not spoken from hostility. More...annoyance. To him, Felix was little more than a child who still felt he had something to prove to the galaxy.

"While I might have been gracious enough to offer you transport towards your mission, and have asked my questions along the route, it would seem that the good Lord Felix has made up his mind that you are to be interrogated here and now. And we all know there is no greater injustice than being poor guests in times of war." Kyyrk gestured to the room behind him, inviting the Cathar out. "Please, I feel this will be quicker and far less grating if you submit to his demands. While he is permitted to persist in whatever charade of power he has erected." Kyyrk turned his attention back to Felix, the look on his face suggesting that he was daring Felix to make good on his threat and draw his sword. Yet at the same time, he was silently stating a very simple fact: Society and rules be damned, he had a job to do. Perhaps if Felix had wanted to claim the right of polite society, he would have informed his superiors within the Knighthood of a mysterious woman appearing within his home, as protocol had dictated...


The word stuck in her throat and twisted there. She'd seen what the Empire's interrogators left of their subjects - husks, broken in body and spirit. She allowed the tremor that ran up her spine to show itself in her hands. At the temple, they had debated the nature and the dangers of fear - but Zerei had always remained distant from that philosophy. In her experience, fear offered ... motivation. Clarity, even.

The trick was not letting it take over.

Still. She remained small.

In her experience, those who had rarely experienced fear mistook it as weakness in others. She was perfectly fine with appearing weak.

"Masters, of course I am a servant to your will," she bowed low, as if to hide the shaking of her fingers. "Please, I - I'll answer whatever questions you have for me."

The strangers appeared to be leaning into the 'good trooper, bad trooper' act. was something more. The tension between the men in the room was building, turning into something darker. Old Master Beryl would have been able to exploit that, twist it to her advantage, play them off each other until they either killed each other, or were distracted enough to ignore their prisoner. Zerei had no such skill.

"You work with the Jedi you have, not the one you want."

Blaze's voice seemed to near, so real, that Zerei nearly turned her head to look for him. When he'd spoken those words to her, she'd felt them as a sting. But now, much later - too late - she understood what he had meant. And, for a heartbeat, the loss rose up and drowned even the fear.

There is no death. There is the Force.

And loss, and pain, and sorrow are temporary things.

Zerei released her breath and felt the muscles of her neck and shoulders ease. She wasn't giving up. Not by a long shot. But, she knew she'd be able to accept whatever these two would throw at her. Lifting her head, she aimed a small, tremulous smile at the younger of the men.

"Although, if I am to be spending some time here, it may benefit us all if I take you on on that offer of clean clothing..."

Felix Aquila Felix Aquila Kyyrk Kyyrk

Tag: Zerei Zerei / Kyyrk Kyyrk
Location: Aquila Manor, Jixuan Desert, Ryloth.

As tensions continued to flare, at least Felix was not being ignored within his own home, testing as it was that Kyyrk had decided to be, he had yet to commit a sin to egregious in his opening statement at least. At the beginning of his response it would seem that he was putting up some resistance. There were power plays abound in scenarios like these, but Kyyrk had shown up with no writ for investigation on his private land. Planetary lords long before the Aquila had ensured there be protocol to follow. After all, bureaucracy was always the weapon of the rich.

"As long as she's here, she's afforded my protection, by Divine right of the law of Ryloth and of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, by this being my private estate. Of course, she's free speak to whomever she wishes. But she's been invited to, you however were not. Anything you're given here Kyyrk, is a gift I allow. Until i see the the permission from the Exarch here in writing that is... and you arrived much too fast to have that on hand. You could have simply awaited my inevitable report once my investigation was over..."

Felix would let out a smile, allowing the comment about his loyalties and intentions lay, he knew where they were, and if Kyyrk knew half of what his motives were, it would make the poor creature blush. So his focus would be drawn to allowing Kyyrks comments roll of him as little more than water for the moment, he could see their squabble was upsetting their guest. Stepping forward he would meet her smile with one far warmer, more confident as Kyyrk would take one last attempt at Felix. A thinly veiled threat of permission to his place here struck a chord within Felix's pride, openly airing and further wrenching the fissure between the two of them wider.

And to think he had to but apologize and this could have moved on civilly... He'd answer for that in a moment.

"Of course, Lady Zerei, if you come this way I'll show you to the guests-room, there's a dresser and wardrobe there in which you can pick out anything you wish" But as he would arrive to the stairs he would stop at their base to one side and simply point upwards, allowing her to pass. "It's the second door on the left when you get up there, you can't miss it. There should be some good boots and more practical attire for you too, if it pleases. You're also free to the facilities in the room also, oh, but just watch for the bottom drawer in the bathroom, its a little hard to open sometimes" He was trying, the force knows he was trying to keep it together, but, in case she needed it there was a gift in that drawer for her should it be needed, or to help her feel safe. Suffice it to say, Feelix no longer trusted this albino creature known as Kyyrk.

No sooner than she was out of sight, He would close the door at the base of the stairwell tube, pivoting on a heel, whipping his
saber blade out with a telekinetic jaunt from his side and aiming its point directly at Kyyrks' chest as its brilliant amber-gold blade ignited with fury with a single fluid motion. The amplification of all light in the room made Felix's saber appear to flicker with golden flames. Keeping his profile side-on to minimize it should combat erupt. The glowing reflections in the room would brighten still as his focus on the force would deepen, it would be as if the desert sun sat parallel to the earth, casting its light across the polished speckled marble and steel of his estate.

"Threaten me or the person i care about one more time, I implore you, Kyyrk. That's if you want that pretty marble face of yours shaved. I may be wounded, but underestimating me will be the last thing you ever do. So, we can continue down this road of tit for tat despite my best efforts to accommodate your ego OR, you can doff the nerf herder and put on whatever persona makes you a living person rather than a vacuous doll, and we deal with the problem at hand with some common decency ... choice is yours."

Felix wouldn't yell, wouldn't scream or shout havoc or demands, his tone was low, dull and matter of fact. His eyes a steely Scarlett filled as he teetered on the brink of a power only executed should his emotional state become uncontrollable, spared only by the interceding needs of the guest they had here. Were she not present, Felix may well have taken the first strike out of anger... which ultimately would have led him to be disappointed in himself. Zerei had saved him in a way, he'd need to thank her for that later.

After all, despite the over-hyped nature of the Exarch's reputation, rushing into one who was mentored by them blindly was a quick road to a fools death.


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As the Cathar was ushered upstairs to change, Kyyrk turned and moved back towards the various chairs within the small space, and selected a seat. Assuming that the girl changing would take a moment, he pulled out his datapad to check what messages had been delivered to him during his travels. He paused, however, finger hovering over the datapad when the sound of a lightsaber filled the room. He sighed softly, looking up at the man standing across from him. "Son, let me make one thing clear to you." Kyyrk put the tablet on the side table and folded his hands together and placed them upon his lap. His right ankle had been lifted to rest upon his opposite knee. All in all, the picture of leisure.

"I. Don't. Give a damn."

Kyyrk watched the young man for a moment, head tilting to one side. Much the same as the younger man, he did not speak with malice nor raised voice. He spoke as a statement of fact, though with a good deal of weariness to his voice. Young men who believed themselves to be the alpha had long since grown irritating to him. "By Confederate law, any matter pertaining to the Force and its mysteries is the jurisdiction of the Knights Obsidian and affiliated parties. And per the emergency council that you and I were BOTH in attendance of, any matter relating to the hypergates is to be treated with the utmost priority. By all rights I should have an entire battalion here placing your home in quarantine with you in it for fear that she'd corrupted you." Kyyrk spread his hands in a "What can you do" form of gesture. "What I've seen here is enough to have you dismissed from station for failure to follow protocols."

His hands returned to his lap, and he stared expectantly at the boy. "But, given that you're far more interested in your ability to revoke the chain of command, and recognize Ryloth as a system not beholden to the Confederacy, I will certainly speak with the Wolf about having you formally dismissed so that you may pursue your true interests. Your threat of violence against a sanctioned operative of the Confederacy has been noted, and if you value your position here on Ryloth, I suggest you put it back where you found it, lest I put it somewhere less desirable. Unless you left room next to the stick that's already there. And that, my boy, is already too much said on the matter. So you either conduct your investigation while I still let you, or strike me and let's get this over with." Kyyrk's fingers interlaced once more, and he leaned back in the chair. He was here to do a job, and the child's insistence that there had been some slight against him was growing tiresome. The ball was in his court now. He could either act like a big boy, or he could make possibly the biggest mistake of his life, and follow through on his threat.

To Kyyrk, it didn't matter. He was here to conduct an investigation. And after his last failing, he wasn't going to let anything stand in his way.

Zerei let out a slow, cautious breath when she heard the click of the door. Alone, she felt her fur smooth itself out as the crackling tension followed her host when he left. There was so much going on under the surface even she could feel it. She was no Consular, to trace and soothe the lines of conflict, seeking peace. The best she could hope for would be to get out of here alive and get back to Dxun. Or...perhaps there were some Clones here. Didn't the human say Ryloth? She knew of several clone units that had requested postings on Ryloth. Some of them had...formed attachments to the people, here.

Zerei scanned her surroundings.

Luxury. An excess of luxury. Smooth stone and marble, lush, velvet-toned fabrics.

No windows.

She snorted softly. What did you expect? An escort out and 'thanks for the visit'...? The room had a small but equally luxurious bathing chamber. She wasn't overly fond of being doused in water...but she had to admit it could only improve the way she smelled. She laid her satchel, her 'saber, her comm and the rest of the meagre contents of her pockets on the glistening marble counter - well within sight of the shower - and stripped off her jungle-fouled clothes. Although, the purple stains of Jogan pulp still held the power to make her smile.

Zerei paused, the filthy rags in her hand. She should throw them away. There really was no saving them. Except... ... except...

She threw them on the shower floor, doused them with some outrageously scented soap and wrung them out until the streaming water was no longer a shade of fungus. She lay them out over the marble to dry, resisting the urge to drift her fingers over the Jedi insignia on the worn collar. Dangerous sentiment, Zerei. Someday, someone is going to see that.

She flipped it over, so the insignia rested against the cold marble.

A quick inspection of the wardrobes revealed clothing in every variety of extravagent fabrics - velvet, adesote, nearly transparent zoosha, auropyle, Cantonican golden silk. All of it felt too much for her. She longed for the simplicity of her own clothing. Sighing, she pulled out a garment of Oplovis linens. Still too rarified for her comfort, but at least it felt familiar, and the vantablack might be...useful, at some point.

She rolled up her still-damp cloathing and tucked them in her satchel, clipped her 'saber to the new belt and allowed the blacker-than-black cloak to float down over it. In the mirror, her white fur stood out shockingly from the ebony hood. Almost ready. Almost.

The bottom drawer. Zerei knelt on the cool floor and tugged on the drawer pull. It didn't move. It's a little hard to open sometimes.

She didn't think it was a trap. She'd been completely vulnerable in this room. Her host could have ended her life in many different ways. She slid her fingers over the seams of the drawer, eyes closed, until her fingertips found the slight, oh so slight, irregularity. The gentlest push just so, and the drawer loosened. Just enough. So...what do we have here?

Tag: Zerei Zerei / Kyyrk Kyyrk
Location: Aquila Manor, Jixuan Desert, Ryloth.

Felix almost scoffed, his eyes laser focused on the pale being as he moved with datapad in hand to take a seat in one of his own soft seats, acting as though he owned the place. Casting his his pompous shadow against leather in a show of nonchalance and malicious compliance, a childish move for someone who wanted to somehow take the moral high ground in all of this. Though it seemed as though it was a method to deescalate the scenario. Felix wasn't about to strike at a person not ready and able to fight from an even stance. So the blade would lower... though not yet be retracted as it would hum in the tense ambiance at his side.

Only now, did it seem that he was able to construct an argument, a discussion surrounding the events that are here and what should have happened. Felix agreed, he should have been here with a proper force to conduct an investigation like this, with the permission of the Knights Obsidian at the helm, but Kyyrk had made a couple of errors, the fact was that they were no-where near the hyper-gate which lay literal light-years from Ryloth, and that while the Hyper-gate should remain in their minds about any given interaction with the force, there was no sign yet that it had anything to do with the structure. Curiosity piqued he would touch his finger to his own holo-device, streaming numbers and data with a 3D representation of the open Hyper-gate miniaturized spinning to one side. Felix had devised an easy method to berid himself of the bother... As several other alerts crossed his stream labelled 'Falling Star.'

"If you had shown up here with a quarantine unit and a Battalion then at least you would have followed some of the steps you presume to take so seriously. But, having looked into you since last we ran into each other I couldn't find a rank to your name within the Knights Obsidian at least. So, as far as all your pomp, all I can possibly consider you to be is the pet of Srina Talon. Who has no official capacity within the Knight Obsidian as an Exarch of the confederacy due to the separation of powers under confederate law. And, as you said, all matters to do with the force are under the jurisdiction of the Knights Obsidian, which, you hold no rank in. So yes, I'll be conducting my investigation, to which you can feel free to read the report of at your leisure if allowed to. You can report as you wish to Lord Commander Lechner, you'd best believe I'll be doing the same with all the video evidence at my disposal and your threats upon my livelihood, Sir." His record spoke for itself.

Felix would finish pouring over the data from the gates, it seemed as far as he was concerned as well as the House Aquila Quartermaster's Guild that were stationed there monitoring energy signatures and wave frequencies that there seemed to be no additional disturbance at the gates in confederacy space around the time of the woman appearing here. When an object moved through the Hyper-gate they were able to monitor the wave fluctuations given off by the portal, though they were minor they could be measured, logged and reported. Much was unknown about the gate, but the scientists there had discovered quickly that the gate itself was an incredibly precise... if not eerily perfect machine.

"But seeing as you bought up that emergency council, there have been no energy spikes or anything denoting an activation around the gate, no stray signature strong enough to travel light-years across the galaxy. I can't speak for other gates. But we know that they seem to lead to locations within the Nether, not the material world and, unless the woman happens to be a wondering spirit, which I think either of us would have picked up on by now. We could rule that out. Which moves me to conclude that this instance is separate from the gates entirely. A rogue event. Not uncommon with the force. But well and truly out of the realm of emergency protocol, and into the realms of"

Felix would sigh, not awaiting the mans' reaction to the end of his findings, as he would retract the blade, opening the stairwell door and moving upstairs, a stray thought thinking it humerous to close the security locked door behind him and leave Kyyrk locked, alone and left to simmer in the lounge as the light would dim to the usual brightness of the midday desert. But tiredness seemed to get the better of him, and his fingers kept from the button as he would trudge upstairs to the room he had indicated and knocking on the door a few moments later.

In the lower drawer, like many of the guest rooms here there was a small fixture with a light blaster pistol within a slight glassteel case, able to be broken or removed in times of emergency. The Nightjar pistol was a small, concealable firearm that was comfortable to fit in the palm of a persons hand and simple enough to be fired by a child if need be. Most guest rooms and especially the rooms of Aquilas Family came equipped with a bathroom that if locked doubled as a panic room with some means for them to defend themselves should the worst come to pass.

A light knocking on the door would sound Felix's arrival.

"Hello, Are you decent? " Felix would await a response before speaking, thinking first to apologize for the events occurred downstairs, but now would be a good a time as any. "Forgive us for the issue downstairs, seems the wheels of beurocrasy aren't always as well oiled as we would like. So, We do have a couple of important questions." Should she answer affirmative or open the door Felix would be holding a recording device, having already announced himself and his title with a small brief of the scenario leading up to here, sans confrontation, he would smile and begin.

"Just to confirm for the record, your name is Zerei and its the 23rd of the summer solstice, Jixuan Desert, Ryloth 867 ABY. So, what's the last thing you remember before appearing here?"




Kyyrk sighed quietly as Felix finally lost his will to fight, and turned to disappear up the stairs after his oh-so-esteemed guest. The small owl that had been perched on his shoulder this entire time finally lit from his perch, and took a position on the back of another chair in the room. The small being ruffled his feathers and puffed up ever so slightly. Kyyrk shook his head in exasperation. "Don't." Horace paused, his feathers sinking back into place. <<But I-->>

"Just because he's being petty is no right for you to do the same." Kyyrk picked up his datapad, and typed out a quick message. 'Establish perimeter. Subject not immediate threat. Standby for further orders.' Contrary to what Felix might think, Kyyrk was following procedure. But he alone was able to arrive faster than the rest of the squad. He sighed quietly. Felix wanted to do this his way, so Kyyrk would let him. He had heard the click of the door locking, which meant the two wanted to be alone. He picked up his datapad, unbeknownst to him, and began an audio log to coincide with the one Felix was now making.

"Ryloth Anomally, Former Lord Commander Kyyrk Verros, otherwise known as Lord Voph, reporting. Knight Aquilla has demanded he be given the right to conduct this investigation, up to and including threats against my wellbeing, thus my findings will only contain auxiliary information. Subject is a young Cathar, no more than thirty cycles, calling herself Zerei. Clothes were caked in a strange dirt, molecular composition foreign to Ryloth. No storms recorded in the area, leading me to believe that this event was not connected to my own. Felix insists that this event is in no way related to the Hypergates, but I have yet to find adequate proof."

Voph's eyes flicked upwards towards the door. "As I understand the young knight has also been put through his Reaving, I will also state that the Knight's conduct brings some doubt to his ability to effectively conduct the business required of an Obsidian Lord. His duties will often require him to operate alongside other aspects of the Confederacy, and the blatant hostility shown to the Office of the Exarch has been noted." Kyyrk paused, his eyes still lingering on the door. "I dread to think what state this nation is descending to if this is what I am to guide..."
A blaster? Was this a test to determine her peaceful intent? Would it be suspicious if she didn't take it? Force, she could think herself to death sometimes. She reached into the drawer and pulled the weapon out.

While she wasn't particularly fond of blasters, it might be enough in a pinch to alleviate the need to reveal her 'saber. She tucked it one of the black robes' many hidden pockets and straightened.

The soft tap made Zerei's muscles want to leap and spin like a startled manka. The jolt up her nerves made her fur stand on end. Do pull yourself together. You have dealt with worse.

She inhaled deeply through her nose and released a long, slow exhale through her teeth.

"Apologies. I seem to have lost track of time." She clipped her 'saber to her belt under the sleek cloak and slung the battered satchel over her shoulder, creating a rather incongruous fashion statement. She also clipped her san-ni staff to her belt - a bit more conspicuously. The weapon swung at her hip, a simple baton to the casual observer. I want them to think I'm normal, she muttered to herself, not stupid.

She swung the door open, a warm, pleasant smile on her face. "I want to thank you again for y-..."

Summer solstice. Jixuan Desert. 867 ABY. The last thing you remember...

The smile stayed even as her platitudes died in infancy. "Yes. Yes. I am Zerei. And I...I was scavenging on Onderon's moons. Dxun, to be precise." Admit the lesser sin. She blinked, brow furrowing as she tried to piece together the fragments of memory that seemed to come from the other side of an endless tunnel. "There....there was a temple I hadn't seen before..."

How odd. She hadn't seen it before. And she'd been combing those jungles for weeks. In fact, she was certain she'd been in that exact spot before temple. And yet...

"I don't know whose temple. It just seemed...very old..."

Jedi. Sith. The average galactic citizen couldn't even tell them apart any more. It broke her heart.

"If...if I might... ...I to understand it's Ryloth's solstice...but, I'm afraid I seem to be unsure of your local timekeeping. What is...ABY?"

Felix Aquila Felix Aquila Kyyrk Kyyrk

Tag: Zerei Zerei / Kyyrk Kyyrk
Location: Aquila Manor, Jixuan Desert, Ryloth.

The Knight was making mental calculations, When it came to Dxon, if there were temples in and around an area on one of the moons, many of them were entirely ancient, having likely not been disturbed in an age. Maybe even two ages. It may have been likely that something there was found, but if it were strong enough to mess with space and time on that level, someone somewhere would have noticed it... But he did happen to notice that she seemed to fluster a little at some of the more standard questions going over her story, something was amiss.

Felix began to keep a keen eye on her, looking to the staff at her side, another concealed weapon that appeared out of nowhere. And it seemed that Kyyrk had elected not to follow him upstairs in the mean time. While he was thankful at the privacy he had a feeling that the snake would put acouple of gears into motion to make his life that little bit more inconvenient in the short term. Nonetheless, it was when she asked the question about the date that Felix began to get truly intruiged. There wasn't a colonized planet in the system that didn't know the anagram for the legendary battle of Yavin. And seeing as she was a Jedi... it became exceedingly peculiar.

"ABY, as in... after the battle of Yavin... the date which marked the end of the Galactic Empire after the clone wars ended." He would speak precisely, in the hopes to jog memories in case of something like amnesia, but, as the response would likely incur some more confusion. Felix would lean in a little closer. "What... year did you think this was?" It was a hunch, but it was something possibly far more important than he would have liked to admit. Hitting a button on the wall the door to the hallway where Kyyrk was would open, and Felix would speak into a servants intercom which would route to the lounge-room. Assuming she would answer with some honesty, the boy's anger at prior events would see his sense of judgement cleaned as he would speak to his tentative ally downstairs.

"Kyyrk, you may want to come up here, we may have a slight problem."

Should he arrive, Felix would inform him in short, and of a mysterious temple on Dxon which may lay at the root of the issue, difinitive proof it had less and less to do with the Hyper-gates, but something concerning to date. A temple like that, if it had within in an artifact that could perhaps manipulate the flow of time on that level was dangerous beyond imagining... however, it lay outside the traditional borders of the CIS, that hadn't stopped forces to seeking out issues like this before.

"Can you tell me any details about this temple? Size? Architecture? Did it look Jedaii or Sithari? Maybe something else entirely? If you could remember something like coordinates or anything else that could prove very helpful."

He had heard of force artifacts and temples having strange and sometimes befuddling effects that were known to circulate around key areas on their grounds... But this was a first in all of his time.

His eyes would look to Kyyrk for his response, eager for some insight in the task at hand, if only there could be some.



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