Pharazon Draken
Untrained FS Stormtrooper
I must stop agreeing to meet people in these foul establishments Pharazon thought to himself as he looked around yet another seedy bar on Nar Shaddaa from his relatively secluded booth. The pungent stench of vomit, stale alcohol and cigarra smoke permeated the bar. Given its proximity to one of the spaceports, Pharazon was unsurprised to see numerous "galactic entrepreneurs" also known as smugglers in the civilized systems, drinking their profits or sorrows away, or both. Perhaps this contact is one of them Pharazon thought, but no, he was told that he would be approached, but not who or what would contact and approach him and none had approached him while he had been there.
Hiding his disgust Pharazon sipped on his ale as he reviewed the rather cryptic offer he had received from a rather snivelling Duros that Pharazon had protected and worked for for a time in the industrial sector, who had in turn received it from a distant acquaintance. He had informed Pharazon of an offer to get off planet and of an ambiguous contact who he must meet to achieve this. Despite a lack of information regularly being a thinly veiled trap in places like this, Pharazon could not afford to reject it. He had been in one place for too long and was already occasionally seeing an increasingly seemingly familiar face in the corners of his eyes, belonging to someone who he desperately hoped it was not.
With one eye on the door and another on the other patrons Pharazon awaited from the arrival of this mysterious figure, hands resting casually near the blaster and dirk on his belt, heart pounding in his ears.
[member="Daxton Bane"]
Hiding his disgust Pharazon sipped on his ale as he reviewed the rather cryptic offer he had received from a rather snivelling Duros that Pharazon had protected and worked for for a time in the industrial sector, who had in turn received it from a distant acquaintance. He had informed Pharazon of an offer to get off planet and of an ambiguous contact who he must meet to achieve this. Despite a lack of information regularly being a thinly veiled trap in places like this, Pharazon could not afford to reject it. He had been in one place for too long and was already occasionally seeing an increasingly seemingly familiar face in the corners of his eyes, belonging to someone who he desperately hoped it was not.
With one eye on the door and another on the other patrons Pharazon awaited from the arrival of this mysterious figure, hands resting casually near the blaster and dirk on his belt, heart pounding in his ears.
[member="Daxton Bane"]