Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A NekGhoul is Lost


The Moulted Flesh
Sup. It's been a while since I've ran myself ragged and found myself stumbling, fumbling and conniving when I got bored on Wookiepedia and saw RakGhoul a year back. I came up with an idea, and mulled over it for about a few months now just never sure if I'd have the steam to come back to Forum Writing. Well, I still don't know if I've got the steam and the mojo, but I do know I've got a character written up, Zeahl and wanted to know if there were any Dark Force User's interested in abducting this lovable ray of misery and hatred.

Up for Apprenticeship, threads, Training Etc. But do need a thread to get him outta his cave and into the wider world first off.

PM Me if interested, make a post here if interested. Either or, happy to be back on Starwars and running this ol' ringer again.

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