Undead Cyborg
[member="Jyoti Nooran"]
- DAY 94 -
The Shadow Vorld of Umbara...
Looking out over the edge of a tall balkony, at the shadow-y suroundings of this dark vorld, Auspex01's blue-ish glowing optics implants mised nothing.
Zooming-in to maximum, the unit culd see a pair of wild animals in the thick forest, figting it out. Closer, at the out-skirts of the smal city it vas in, it culd see a group of Umbarans talking in the street. Civilijans. If there wer such thing as civilijans on this planet.
In the short time it has spended here, just over 3 months, since it decided to leave the smuggler that taken it off the vorld vhere it rested for 30k years, Auspex01 has come to see this vorld and its people, as being just as under-handed and un-trustvorthy, as a smuggler crew. Deception and double-dealing vas a way of life here, among the Umbarans.
Vhich is why Auspex01 had its hands full, ever since it vas ofered a job as a law enforcer for this city. It vas a job the ansient cyber-nekrotic unit did wel. Its efisiency, lack of emotional response, and in-partial, objektive analitical mind helped it alot.
In spite of its superiors being as corupt and bribe-able as most Umbarans, vhich often hamperd its eforts to keep order.
In spite of this vhole alien culture being very kaotic.
And now, obzerving that group of Umbarans on the out-skirts, the unit culd see this vas about to get ugly. It vasnt anithing they wer doing, they wer just a group of people talking next to vhat looked like a store-front, or some kind of private busines. They wer not armed, it vasnt anithing around them, the paser-by looked to just go around on there busines. It vasnt even the proximity to the city-limit, and the wild animals roaming out there. They usualy didnt go in-to the city. Usualy. And if they tryed, the perimeter turets usualy taken care of them.
But, in its time here, Auspex01 has got to know the habits of the Umbarans wel. Nothing is EVER vhat it seems on the surface, vith them. Plus, it vasnt there nature to meet in groups on the street. They wer more secretive then that, they liked to socialize in private, especialy in a larger group. So that vas the first clue that sayed 'beter check this out', to Auspex01.
Vhat are they up to?, the cyber-nekrotic unit thoght, its quazi-human female face frowning sligtly.
Turning, the black-armored female figure walked back in-to the building, and tovard the stair-wel down. A security-cam in the korner of the halway folowed its movement. As it descented down-stairs, the metal creaking sligtly under its imense weigt, the unit recived a message from the security-station boss, its superior, on its internal com-link:
"Auspex, you have new orders. You are to begin patrol of east-perimetar. Do not interfer vith the security operation taking place in Sektor 11." the voice come prety clyarly, since the unit had time to adapt its langage-analizer, in the past months, to beter translate the modern Basic.
Auspex01 vasnt suprised by the comunikue. It wuld hav been more suprised if it didnt come. Evryone and evrything on this vorld vas being monitored. Vhat did suprise it, vas the reason.
"Security operation? I vas not aware of any under-cover op ocuring here, sir. Nothing in the status reports I have examind." the unit replyed it its semi-monotone, reazonable voice.
"Did anybody sayed it vas under-cover? It doez not koncern you. Lisen to me very carefuly, cyborg... do as you are ordered, and do not kuestion things that arent your busines." the Umbaran voice come back, noticebly iritated and rizing in pitch.
"Sir, as a security oficer it is my--" Auspex01 started to ansver, but the link vas cut off.
"...busines." it finishd, the mono-tone of its voice changing just a litle. Just enogh to let-thru a meazure of frustration.
Another under-handed deal. Another deception. Another instanse of politics inter-fering vith the law. Auspex01 vas sure of it. And the unit vas also tired of it. As the black-clad figure leaved the building, it borded a police speeder going east, making it look like it vas going to folow orders, and head out to patrol the perimetar. Once the speeder vas going down a relativly dezerted part of the city, Auspex01 sudenly speaked up to the speeder driver.
"You wil now turn, at the next inter-sektion, and double-back tovard the west."
The Umbaran female oficer looked up at the cyber-nekrotic being behind her in suprise.
"That.. thats not in the orders. Vhat do you plan to do?" she asked.
"Vhat is rekuired to be done. Diskover vhat exacly is this... covert operation... the chief mentioned. I do not belive it is vhat he states."
The Umbaran woman glared. "Do you know vhat wil hapen vhen the chief finds out? Havent you been here long enogh to know by now, that it is best not to get involved in internal politics? Just let it go."
Auspex01 looked at her, its pale face twisting in sligt kontempt. "And here I vas, thinking that our duty is to up-hold the law, not kater to some local baron's private plot or other."
The Umbaran shaked her head at the unit's naivete. "That kind of thinking wil get you kiled around here, before to long." she warned. To that, Auspex01 did its best impresion of a smirk.
"Lady, I hav out-lasted a planet leveled to glass around me. I hav endured, for a lengt of time you can not even imagine. And more to the point. I can not be killed. I am alredy dead. I do not care. I have tolerated this departments bias vhen it comes to up-holding the law, for long enogh. Now, you wil eiter turn this craft around, or I wil disable you, and do it my-self. Your decizion."
The calm konfidence in the units voice maked the Umbaran woman lick her lips in un-certinty and worry.
"Alrigt! Alrigt... your call. But I tell you, this vont end wel."
Vith that, the speeder maked a turn to a side-street, then another, starting its trip back the vay it come.
- DAY 94 -
The Shadow Vorld of Umbara...
Looking out over the edge of a tall balkony, at the shadow-y suroundings of this dark vorld, Auspex01's blue-ish glowing optics implants mised nothing.
Zooming-in to maximum, the unit culd see a pair of wild animals in the thick forest, figting it out. Closer, at the out-skirts of the smal city it vas in, it culd see a group of Umbarans talking in the street. Civilijans. If there wer such thing as civilijans on this planet.
In the short time it has spended here, just over 3 months, since it decided to leave the smuggler that taken it off the vorld vhere it rested for 30k years, Auspex01 has come to see this vorld and its people, as being just as under-handed and un-trustvorthy, as a smuggler crew. Deception and double-dealing vas a way of life here, among the Umbarans.
Vhich is why Auspex01 had its hands full, ever since it vas ofered a job as a law enforcer for this city. It vas a job the ansient cyber-nekrotic unit did wel. Its efisiency, lack of emotional response, and in-partial, objektive analitical mind helped it alot.
In spite of its superiors being as corupt and bribe-able as most Umbarans, vhich often hamperd its eforts to keep order.
In spite of this vhole alien culture being very kaotic.
And now, obzerving that group of Umbarans on the out-skirts, the unit culd see this vas about to get ugly. It vasnt anithing they wer doing, they wer just a group of people talking next to vhat looked like a store-front, or some kind of private busines. They wer not armed, it vasnt anithing around them, the paser-by looked to just go around on there busines. It vasnt even the proximity to the city-limit, and the wild animals roaming out there. They usualy didnt go in-to the city. Usualy. And if they tryed, the perimeter turets usualy taken care of them.
But, in its time here, Auspex01 has got to know the habits of the Umbarans wel. Nothing is EVER vhat it seems on the surface, vith them. Plus, it vasnt there nature to meet in groups on the street. They wer more secretive then that, they liked to socialize in private, especialy in a larger group. So that vas the first clue that sayed 'beter check this out', to Auspex01.
Vhat are they up to?, the cyber-nekrotic unit thoght, its quazi-human female face frowning sligtly.
Turning, the black-armored female figure walked back in-to the building, and tovard the stair-wel down. A security-cam in the korner of the halway folowed its movement. As it descented down-stairs, the metal creaking sligtly under its imense weigt, the unit recived a message from the security-station boss, its superior, on its internal com-link:
"Auspex, you have new orders. You are to begin patrol of east-perimetar. Do not interfer vith the security operation taking place in Sektor 11." the voice come prety clyarly, since the unit had time to adapt its langage-analizer, in the past months, to beter translate the modern Basic.
Auspex01 vasnt suprised by the comunikue. It wuld hav been more suprised if it didnt come. Evryone and evrything on this vorld vas being monitored. Vhat did suprise it, vas the reason.
"Security operation? I vas not aware of any under-cover op ocuring here, sir. Nothing in the status reports I have examind." the unit replyed it its semi-monotone, reazonable voice.
"Did anybody sayed it vas under-cover? It doez not koncern you. Lisen to me very carefuly, cyborg... do as you are ordered, and do not kuestion things that arent your busines." the Umbaran voice come back, noticebly iritated and rizing in pitch.
"Sir, as a security oficer it is my--" Auspex01 started to ansver, but the link vas cut off.
"...busines." it finishd, the mono-tone of its voice changing just a litle. Just enogh to let-thru a meazure of frustration.
Another under-handed deal. Another deception. Another instanse of politics inter-fering vith the law. Auspex01 vas sure of it. And the unit vas also tired of it. As the black-clad figure leaved the building, it borded a police speeder going east, making it look like it vas going to folow orders, and head out to patrol the perimetar. Once the speeder vas going down a relativly dezerted part of the city, Auspex01 sudenly speaked up to the speeder driver.
"You wil now turn, at the next inter-sektion, and double-back tovard the west."
The Umbaran female oficer looked up at the cyber-nekrotic being behind her in suprise.
"That.. thats not in the orders. Vhat do you plan to do?" she asked.
"Vhat is rekuired to be done. Diskover vhat exacly is this... covert operation... the chief mentioned. I do not belive it is vhat he states."
The Umbaran woman glared. "Do you know vhat wil hapen vhen the chief finds out? Havent you been here long enogh to know by now, that it is best not to get involved in internal politics? Just let it go."
Auspex01 looked at her, its pale face twisting in sligt kontempt. "And here I vas, thinking that our duty is to up-hold the law, not kater to some local baron's private plot or other."
The Umbaran shaked her head at the unit's naivete. "That kind of thinking wil get you kiled around here, before to long." she warned. To that, Auspex01 did its best impresion of a smirk.
"Lady, I hav out-lasted a planet leveled to glass around me. I hav endured, for a lengt of time you can not even imagine. And more to the point. I can not be killed. I am alredy dead. I do not care. I have tolerated this departments bias vhen it comes to up-holding the law, for long enogh. Now, you wil eiter turn this craft around, or I wil disable you, and do it my-self. Your decizion."
The calm konfidence in the units voice maked the Umbaran woman lick her lips in un-certinty and worry.
"Alrigt! Alrigt... your call. But I tell you, this vont end wel."
Vith that, the speeder maked a turn to a side-street, then another, starting its trip back the vay it come.