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The Hutt Lorda had been devouring more of his specialized buffet platters in front of himself. While he waited for the alien to speak about the arrangement; while also focusing on the alien's generalized appearance that he regarded as strange and disgusting at times. Although he didn't show that on his face; because this was a guest and it would be rude to tell him this and he might lose out on the arrangement that could benefit himself and his food empire; that was starting to expand across the galaxy at a rapid rate. Pressing the button again to better understand; what was being said due to the intense language barrier between the two; he would proceed to listen to the alien as he was speaking in a blunt manner. Which was something that he could admire; considering he often did blunt speaking himself to speed up arrangements instead of word games that would confuse his enemies. Now that the alien had revealed more of himself by looking at him in the eyes; Paranoda would take note of the reason for this language barrier; a set of mandibles, an interesting part of evolution; or so he thought because it allowed them to communicate with such a distinctive tone that forgetting them was almost impossible unless you had a large amounts of alcohol. While his guest would gaze over from time to time; whispering about him as most of them were xenophobic towards anything non-humanoid or didn't have humanoid features. Although they didn't say anything out loud; to the fact that the Lord President of Darvannis was in the room and that he was speaking to the alien about arrangements.
Once the alien had spoken about his request for slaves. Paranoda would ponder inside of his blob of a head; knowing that the Silver Jedi Concord was against slavery and they held a majority of the former hutt space in their grasp. Between having an ally or facing invasion by the jedi for slavery operations; Paranoda would take a gamble and choose to give slaves to him, once understanding that the Alien didn't suggest for him to have anything in return for this deal. Paranoda would quickly deduced that he could pick his own prize in exchange; and having the offer presented to himself. He decided to take and proceeded to speak to the alien. "Well; I believe an arrangement could be made for about 500 slaves to be delivered to you; if that number isn't sufficient enough then I will raise the number for a small fee of course. As for my demands; I run a food empire in the galaxy and need unique and interesting respieces to draw in more customers and grow my power in the food industry across the galaxy. So I'll make the arrangement with you and your tribe if I could borrow some of your tribe's respieces." Exclaimed the Hutt Lorda; knowing that whatever the tribes had to eat would make him a nice profit with new customers wanting to try exotic flavors from across the galaxy. Although he had spoken of the request in a politful manner of course; as to not draw hostility from the alien. He himself knew that tribes had sacred traditions and didn't like outsiders taking them for their own. But he was willing to play the gamble if it meant having more power to himself to shame his rivals in the Hutt Families. While he waited for a response from the alien in front of himself; he would carry on consuming large amounts of food and drink to satisfy his eternal hunger due to his intense genetic defect that require him to eat large amounts of food to keep his body stabilized.