Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A New Beginning


Taam strolled through the halls of New Cov Enclave. The recently rejuvenated Jedi Temple there had become a part of the Cathar knight. The remoteness, the richness of life that surrounded the temple, appealed to him. Memories too, some good, some melancholic, all of them fond, clung to the ancient stones and jungle trees. His visit on this occasion had a specific purpose. His affinity for New Cov was the reason he had chosen it for this purpose, far from the hustle and bustle of the Jedi Temple in Coruscant.

Taam had agreed to take on a padawan. It was a difficult choice to make. He had a padawan learner a few years earlier. A bright and promising Kiffar named Kalisha Watu. But she was lost, cut down in battle during the latest Hyperspace War. Taam had only recently come to grips with her death and moved on. The big Cathar paused along a passage open to the air on one side, with a stone railing. He turned to look out over the jungle below. He had been asked to take on a padawan, not only as part of his duty to the Order, but to get him fully engaged again. Taam finally agreed after some encouragement by Jonyna Si Jonyna Si .

Taam took in a deep breath of the flora-rich humid air. A deep hum rumbled in his chest as he turned and continued down the hallway. Taam was garbed in the loose tan pants of his Jedi robes and boots, but his torso was covered only by an open vest of light brown material. His wooden-hilted lightsaber hung from the sash around his waist. Finally, he walked onto the open balcony where he was to meet his padawan. The young jedi was a Cathar like himself, or more accurately like Jonyna, a Denik. Jonyna was, in fact, the ancestor of Nir Si, the name of his new learner.

Nir Si Nir Si

Rock and Roll MotherFluffers

Tag: Taam Moghul Taam Moghul


Five masters over the course of two years.

Nir had lousy luck, but part of it was his own stubbornness. A lack of commitment, as his elder master Allyson pointed out. Really, he was split in whether he wanted to be a jedi, or a rock star. The latter held so much renown, so much glory in how he carried himself on stage. His band, H.A.W.K., had really taken off in recent months, their second album on the way to releasing within the week.

And yet, he couldn't simply give up on being a jedi. To do so would betray his people, betray his culture. To be gifted in the Force, it was expected of a Denik to become a jedi. To become a representative of his people, and stand tall against the evils of the galaxy.

Still, he couldn't help it. That feeling of confliction. Of wanting to be...both.

Could he be both?

That was the question that rung in his head like a bell.

Still, the trip to New Cov was a welcome change of scenery. He hadn't been back to Cathar since leaving to become a jedi, and the jungle world, admittedly, did feel like home.

He'd be tempted to go tree-surfing if he hadn't had to meet with his new master today.

Wearing his leather jacket over his robes, as usual, the teen exited his ship once more, taking in a long breath through his nose as he stepped into the temple, looking for his new Master.

The open balcony was a nice spot. Looked over the jungle, let him think...

Then the tall Knight joined him. Another Cathar.

At least this one might understand him, then...


Great opener Nir, got anything else to say?

"'re tall."




The young Denik Cathar was not nearly as tall as Taam, but Nir was stout with a muscled frame. The leather coat was somewhat unusual over his robes, but that was the least of what made this padawan unusual, from what the knight had learned. After all, Taam had a coat he wore as well, gifted to him by Jonyna.

Taam had looked briefly over Nir's datafile, noting he had been matched with five masters and none seemed to work out. The consensus seemed to be that the boy lacked commitment to the Jedi Order, given his preoccupation with secular pursuits. But Taam didn't read the file in depth. He wanted to draw his own conclusions about Nir Si and go from there.

The two males' gazes met, amber fixed on emerald. Taam had to look down considerably to do so. The padawan managed to provide a less than eloquent greeting. Taam's eyes remained fixed, his features unreadable as he stared at the younger cathar without response. A moment passed.

Then Taam broke out in a laugh.

"Well, if anything, you're observant." The bigger Cathar chuckled, breaking the tense silence. "I'm Taam Moghul, I assume you knew that."

Taam walked over to the railing, leaned bigh arms upon it and looked out over the temple gardens, and the jungle beyond. The air was so thick with the scent of flora and the sound of the jungle wildlife beyond. <"I like it here. I grew up on Kashyyyk. There is an old Cathar tribe there. But I've been to Cathar as well. This place gives me a bit of the feel of both. It's why I like to come here."> Taam monologued idly in catharese. He only had the opporutnity to speak it when he was around Jonyna, and he thought Nir might miss speaking it as well.

<"Do you have a favorite place?"> Taam asked, just looking for some casual, get-to-know you conversation.

<.> = Catharese

Nir Si Nir Si

Rock and Roll MotherFluffers

Tag: Taam Moghul Taam Moghul

The sudden switch to his native language was a bit of a culture shock to the boy. He hadn't spoken it in ages now, and yet he was quick to pick it up. <...The stage. Not just in the sense of being a musician, but also a warrior. I've always been a bit of a dramatic kid, and...>

Nir paused, holding a hand up. Nowhere on his person did Taam see a saber, the boy seeming to be entirely unarmed. In a bright flash from his hand, a silver tube appeared in his hand. <I find myself enjoying it. Being there, on the stage, on the battlefield, performing. Whether that be to a crowd of thousands, or just one person standing behind me looking for hope. Being a hero, being a's all a performance.>


The older Cathar male quirked a brow. The padawan's favorite place was not a location, it was a setting. He knew Nir was a musician, the love that vied with being a jedi within his being. But he sensed there was more.

The bright flash caused Taam to blink. In fraction of time that blink took, a saber hilt appeared in Nir's hand. A small smirk touched the knight's muzzle. He also knew of the boy's rather unique gift. He had so much potential, but as Nir further explained his answer, Taam saw a glimpse of what may have contributed to his struggle with finding a master. Whether as a musician or as a jedi, Nir seemed to seek an audience who could admire him. A celebrity artist or a celebrated hero, his heart was not focused on what his music or feats did for others, it was focused on getting attention from others.

"Hmmm..." A deep hum rumbled in Taam's broad chest.

<"I agree, making music is a performance, it's designed for the entertainment of others, and to gain the admiration of them. To call the deeds of good done on a battlefield a performance is curious. Do you fight for the cause, or for the attention?"
Taam's tone was not judgemental or condemning, it was an honest question to understand where his new protege was coming from.

<.> = Catharese

Nir Si Nir Si

Rock and Roll MotherFluffers

Tag: Taam Moghul Taam Moghul

<I want to help people, it's just...> He let out a sigh. <That's not what I meant. I meant like...I've always been the dramatic type. Part of wanting to be a jedi is, for me at least, putting on a show. Being that icon on the battlefield that inspires hope. I don't need attention, but being a jedi is about being...a symbol. A symbol of hope. That moment you see one on the battlefield, you hear that hum of a lightsaber, that things are gonna be okay. I wanna be that. I wanna put on a show.>

To him, that as just as important as the training, or the spiritual nature. To him, being a jedi meant being a hero. And while he didn't much care for being the center of attention, he knew the power of it.

He wanted to be the one who inspired. The paragon.


As the young Cathar explained more of what he meant by his answer, Taam listened silently, his amber gaze showing his attention to Nir' words. While words like 'putting on a show' 'hero' and 'performance' describing behavior as a jedi, it was more semantics than anything. The older Cathar grasped what the colorful Denik was saying. He wanted to be that inspiration for others, a visible symbol of hope to onlookers.

<"I see, you want your presence and behavior to instill a sense of hope, safety and courage to those that see you."> Taam summarized Nir's comments, checking to see if he had understood correctly.

<"That is admirable."> Taam continued, nodding slightly, his mane rustling in the light breeze. <"People need visible beacons of hope. Sometimes desperately. The trick to it is not to make being the beacon the goal, but having it be a result of your deeds. Then it is genuine."> The big leonine knight offered.

<"May I see your lightsaber?"> He asked straighten up for leaning on the balcony railing.

<.> = Catharese

Nir Si Nir Si

Rock and Roll MotherFluffers

Tag: Taam Moghul Taam Moghul

<Uh...yeah.> He offered his saber to the elder Cathar, looking slightly confused. While the wisdom of the elder rung in his head, he mulled over oti. Maybe he had been trying to hard to force it. He had spent much of his time in the temple simply training his body, his skills. He hadn't put a lot of work into...him.

Then again, the boy hadn't really considered himself something in need of improvement. It was teenage ignorance, the sense of being 'already good enough'.

He'd grow out of it, but that would take time.


Taam took up Nir's lightsaber hilt, his eyes studying the craftsmanship and design with a discerning amber gaze. The weapon hilt was constructed of carved wood, much like his own, but more intricate in the woodwork. He recognized the grain of the wood immediately, City-Tree wood. Several fond memories came to mind as he held the unique Cather material in his hand, mof them related to visiting Cathar with Jonyna.

A small smile touched his face. Taam's saber hilt was crafted from wroshyr wood from Kashyyyk, his homeworld. He could appreciate having a weapon that honored one's home.

Handing the lightsaber back to Nir, he nodded. < "A fine-looking hilt, would you show me the blade?"> Even though he was a knight and Nir a padawan, Taam wouldn't ignite the boy's saber himself, out of respect. A jedi's lightsaber was a part of its creator and owner. <"What sort of crystal does it contain?"> The tall Cathar added.

<.> = Catharese

Nir Si Nir Si

Rock and Roll MotherFluffers

Tag: Taam Moghul Taam Moghul

Nir watched the elder jedi inspect his lightsaber. The boy had always been a bit of a craftsmen, going back to when he would carve his own guitars back on Ran Dom Kuun, but lightsabers were still new to him.

He intended to make more, eventually.

"Oh, it's a crystal I found on Ilum. It sorta...absorbs lightning, which is handy. I don't really think it's all that special, but it makes me faster, so that's kinda neat...I guess..."

Nir seemed slightly awkward when he was talking shop. The boy was not used to people admiring his work.


Nir's response elicited a grin and a small chuckle from Taam. The knight knew well what that crystal was that Nir had found for his lightsaber.

<"The Wind of Change crystal. That is actually quite special, I think. I have one in Kta Dom Lya, a greatsword someone special made for me."> Taam replied with some nostalgia. <"I hope it serves you well."> The weapon Jonyna had forged with that crystal had indeed served the knight well.

It was true, the boy's weapon may not have been of the finest construction but, after all, it was his first. But the craftsmanship of the hilt was impressive, the boy was good with wood, which piqued Taam's interest, having learned basic woodworking from the Wookiees.

Taam knew of Nir's true interests, that which others suggested were an obstacle. The Cather knight sought to find a way to fold Nir's other interests into his learning as a padawan.

<"I hear you are a musician, a good one. Tell me about your music, you're in a band, right?">
Taam continued the conversation.

<.> = Catharese

Nir Si Nir Si

Rock and Roll MotherFluffers

Tag: Taam Moghul Taam Moghul

<Oh! Yeah!> Nir seemed to light up at the mention. <We're working on our third album now, need a name though.> He pouted, still stuck on that one thing. <We've got a few bangers on this one, I think. You listen to much rock and roll?>

It was clear Nir was invested in his band, even if he knew being a jedi was more important.


Taam discerned the change in Nir's demeanor, how his emerald eyes seemed to light up, the timbre of his voice more engaged. It was a clear distinction from his attitude during the conversation about his lightsaber. A jedi's lightsaber was an integral part of who he was, yet Nir was not near as interested in discussing jedi matters as he was his music. His guitar over his lightsaber, it seemed.

Taam concealed these thoughts from his leonine features. His observations were not judgements, they merely revealed more of who Nir was.

At the question probing his preference in music, Taam grinned. <"You could say I do, though I prefer it with a heavy tribal beat. I suppose I should listen to some of your music."> The knight responded thoughtfully. <"I do play the kalikset, though probably not has hard as you play your guitar."> He chuckled.

<.> = Catharese

Nir Si Nir Si

Rock and Roll MotherFluffers

Tag: Taam Moghul Taam Moghul

Nir's demeanor shifted slightly at his new master's tone. Nir wasn't dumb, in fact he was quite perceptive. One had to be to perform on stage, being able to cater to a crowd of ten as much as one of ten thousand. "...I like both, by the way. Being a jedi, and being a rock star." He let out a sigh, rolling his shoulders and flicking his tail. "I just...don't feel as confident doing the whole jedi thing. Seems like no one wants me."


The brief interaction had already revealed some things about Nir that helped Taam understand where the younger Cathar was coming from. Of course, Taam didn't presume to believe he knew all there was to Nir. He might have been younger, but there was certainly much more to Nir. In time Taam would discover more and more about the boy. The more he understood, the more he could help Nir succeed. In all his endeavors.

A deep "Hmmm..." rumbled in Taam's chest at Nir's words. "Maybe its not that you aren't wanted. I sense its just that you haven't been understood. Artists rarely are." The older Cathar offered. "But you have gifts, and if you have the will to be a Jedi, it us upon the Order, on me, to help you find your place as one." Taam reached and put a big hand on Nir's broad shoulder. "If you will give me a chance." He added.

Nir Si Nir Si

Rock and Roll MotherFluffers

Tag: Taam Moghul Taam Moghul

"I..." Nir paused, letting out a sigh, centering himself. Another master. Another try.

What was it mom used to say?

Failing is only when you give up.

"...alright. I'll give you a shot. Got any tricks you'd want to show me? New force powers? Some new lightsaber style? I'll admit, half the time I spent in the temple the last few months was just me practicing with my saber, so I've gotten pretty good at it."

And there it was, his real face. Slightly cocky, self assured, but self aware. Not the Hurricane he presented himself on stage, but not the depressed loner mask he put up when Taam had first seen him arrived. Somewhere in the middle, a boy with a lot of promise, and a flair for the dramatic.


There was a subtle shift in Nir's demeanor, one that Taam thought revealed a bit more of the Cathar behind the bravado. He was willing to give Taam a try, just as Taam had done the same for the padawan.

"I don't think you need me to teach you tricks. New Force powers will come. But your lightsaber style, well, if you are as practiced as you say, I think you are going to come up with your own style. I have some ideas. I know you have a kya, one you made yourself? I think if you can combine what you know, Cathar fighting, bladesmanship, and that talent for teleporitng, use those skills to crafted a fighting unique style that will catch your oppoents offf guard." Taam suggested.

Nir Si Nir Si

Rock and Roll MotherFluffers

Tag: Taam Moghul Taam Moghul

Nir paused, considering this. He had trained quite a bit to control his strange teleportation, but he hadn't considered using it strategically. "I can try that. You've got a sword of your own, yeah?" Nir eyed the greatsword on his back. "Jonyna gave you that, didn't she?"

Nir had always had an estranged relationship with the now Jedi Master. A legend among his family, and among his tribe, and yet he never felt the pull of her himself. She had kept her distance, and he intended to as well. Still, Nir wasn't ignorant to Taam's former relationship with the jedi master.


Nir agreed to try.

Do or do not, there is no try.

It was a quote repeated by the Jedi ad nauseam for centuries. But Master Yoda's words still rang true. Taam didn't recite them to Nir, it was not the moment for that lesson. The Cathar knight was just pleased that the padawan was willing to explore the idea.

At the mention of his own sword, Taam slipped the large greatsword from it's place on his back. The larger Cathar handled the meter and half long sword almost reverently. The Kta Dom Lya was arguably more well known that its weilder, just as its creator certainly was. The Blade of Light was a powerful bane to anyone who embraced the Dark Side.

Taam held it before him, the sword laying in his open hands for Nir to inspect. Golden amber eyes slid over the songsteel blade, leather-wrapped hilt and the blue crystal embedded at the base of the blade. "Yes, she forged it for me, with the help of her mother." Taam answered, his tone tinged with nostalgia. He added no more, assuming Nir knew of his past with Jonyna. If not, he would learn along the way. Just as Taam would learn how Nir felt about his heroic ancestor who walked among them.

"I'd like to see yours."

Nir Si Nir Si


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