Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A New Chapter.

The room the auction was taking place in a quite large to accommodate the amount of people attending. This auction house was know for selling items that tended to have been made before 400 ABY, which why its auctions tend to draw many individuals. Items being sold were anything from droids to weapons to art. The current auction had been going on for about six hours now.

“Do I hear 97,000cr on the painting,” the Human auctioneer uttered in a monotone and clear voice. A female Nautolan signaled the auctioneer by lifting her hand. “The highest bid is 97,000cr. Do I hear 98,000cr. 97,000cr. Going once, twi..” as the auctioneer was cut off by an overweight male Rodian.

“150,000cr,” said the Rodian as he threw his credits around as he had been for quite a few of the items. Quite a few individuals chatted amongst themselves about the Rodians, other groaned as the backed out of the bidding

“Bid is at 150,000 credits. Do I hear 155,000cr? 150,000 going once, twice, gone. Sold to the male Rodian,” voiced the Human smiling. The painting was move out of view, as a droid was brought out.

“This next item our last item. It is a droid from what we can tell was made sometime before 20 ABY. Even with its age it is still in great condition. Though from what we were told it has been inactive for many years,” announced a human female. The droid had a few dents and scratches across its body, but other than that it looked to be in fair condition.

“Beginning bid is at 35,000cr. Do I hear 35,000cr,” asked the auctioneer. A Lyra on a repulsor sled raised one of its tentacles. “Is there someone willing to bid 36,000cr?”
Kalyn was at this auction, she had no idea why, she liked history, old stuff, she just did not have a clue, but this droid seemed interesting enough to warrant buying, she wondered if they bothered to wipe the memory. She liked droids too. She had done well for herself, so she would by this droid
"50,000 Credits" She shouted holding her still injured left arm.
[member=the biographer]
Nyicon stood within the auction room, a stern look on his face as he looked about at the others in attendance. He had some off-duty time, and decided to spend it at the auction, looking about at all the different items being sold. He was mildly intrigued about them, mainly because of their age. He watched as the droid came out, an eyebrow raised as he almost scoffed at it.
"What a piece of junk." He thought to himself, watching the Lyra put her hand up to make a bid. Nyicon wasn't standing too far from the woman that offered 50,000 credits from the droid, his facial expression turning to one of shock at the leap in an offer.
"You think this pile of scrap is worth that much? I think you're setting yourself up for a loss, ma'am."
"I could care less what you think, its my money." Kalyn said to the man
Kalyn then raised her hand continuing on a bidding war with the Lyra, Kalyn wanted this droid, she had done well for herself in life, so she could really bid as much as she wanted.
[member="Nyicon Sadachbian"]
[member="The Biographer"]
Nyicon shrugs his shoulders, his hands folded behind his back as he listens to the two bid over the droid, a sly, egotistical smirk on the man's face.

"I mean no offense, I'm just merely surprised one would be willing to spend so much on that droid. If I might ask, what do you see in that hunk of metal?"

[member="Kalyn Skirata"]
[member="The Biographer"]

2-1B 35

At that very moment a medical droid walked into the room.

"My master would like to bid 40,000c sir!"

He raised his hand and took a step forward.

"Yep, that's right, 40,000c"

The droid stepped back and lowered his hand.
[member="Kalyn Skirata"] | [member="Nyicon Sadachbian"] | [member="2-1B 35"]

The auctioneer smiled as another bidder hiked the bid up more the minimum. "Current bid is 50,000cr, do I hear 51,000cr." The human female who 'introduced' the droid was off to the side excitedly talking to another human.

The medical droid was told "The highest bid is currently 50,000cr, your bid is to low," by a protocol droid.

"55,000cr for the droid," declared a female Twi'lek.

"Do I hear 56,000cr," encouraged the auctioneer. "56,000cr."
Nyicon watched the bidding war rage, shocked that people were so desperate for the droid.
"What do they see in that thing?" He asked himself, listening to all the amounts shouted around him. This was almost as much as he gets paid! He shook his head, silently observing the bidding.
[member="The Biographer"]
[member="2-1B 35"]

2-1B 35

The droid realized he'd be punished if his master didn't have the droid. He raised the bid again.

"100,000c sir, over here!"

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