Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A New Curriculum

Deshra Labs Headquarters

Magnus leaned back in his chair, his fingers tapping idly on the T-Visored helmet on his desk. He watched a small screen that came from the desk in front of them, his bright yellow eyes studying the camera feed. He watched, curious as he switched between views from the inside of the large building itself to one of its external landing pads, seperated from the city itself and at the end of one of the large, underground tunnels funneling from the Headquarters.

A small squad of Deshra Security Forces fanned out, taking positions at the end of the landing pad as the shuttle made its final landing on it. This was them, then. Both of the contracters he had been keeping tabs on for a while now; one was more familiar to him than the other, they had similar contacts. The other, more experienced and inependent, someone that responded well to credits and a lucrative deal. His kind of asset. If all went as negotiated, the Sleens would soon be under contract with him, at least a good portion of their manpower.

The individual, Skobra, he was a bit more of an unusual one. Not only a potential training target, but excellent genetic template. He could use his DNA for all manner of elite units, and he had no doubt they would stand out amongst their brethren. The shuttle's landing ramp opened, allowing the passengers to leave and join the wating Security team at their leisure. Once they were escorted into the tunnel, they would be chauffered by speeder to the lowest levels of the headquarters; he'd planned out their journey to him meticulously. They would pass by the cloning labs and training facilities for the company's security teams, a small demonstration of what it could offer to them. He had no doubts that they'd take it.

[member="Kirk Skobra"]
Private meetings with clients weren't usual, it was how the assassin business typically started and carried along to the very end; discreet. This meeting, however, was slightly different compared to the rest. Throughout his career, Faceless had conducted these contract discussions in various places, some more respectable than others but, at the end of the day, he still got paid. What made this one so special was the fact that he was not only going to Zeltros, a place where you could probably seduce the problem rather than kill it, the potential client was rather unique. Deshra Labs, a name that had never crossed paths with Faceless before, nor was he familiar with the man at the top, one Magnus Deshra. As the shuttle took them to the headquarters of Deshra Labs, Faceless could only wonder what work he was to be offered; corporate espionage? Simple wet-work? All he knew was where there were companies and competition, there was extreme amounts of credits to be made.

Of course, he wasn't travelling alone, nor was he travelling with one of the Sleens; which at this point had fallen into a state of semi-degradation for one reason or another. It was to be expected, trying to put a bunch of heads with the sole interest of credits motivating each one to try and work together, sooner or later things were bound to go down the drain. Yet there he was, a man looking well for his years, about middle aged as far as Faceless could tell, armored and armed like he would expect any other mercenary to look sat opposite him. That only put questions on the assassin's mind; why were they together even though they had never met? Would they be told to work together? Just how capable was this guy, anyway?

It didn't take long into the journey for Faceless to pipe up, mimicking a Corellian accent; "So, you got the message too, huh? You know this Magnus guy?"

[member="Kirk Skobra] | [member="Magnus Deshra"]

Kirk Skobra

The scent of nicotine filled the room
Kirk Skobra
Location: Deshra Labs Headquarters, Zeltros
Status: On a Tour Ride

“Not particularly.”, replied the aged bounty hunter in a rich Kuati-German accent. “Personally, I’ve never been picky with who I’ve worked for.”

Kirk had been relatively quiet throughout the brief shuttle ride. He was mild-mannered in his demeanor, and possessed an exceptionally cool and tame exterior. Although, he’d been itching to make some small talk, and it looked like this was his opportunity. In between his lips, Kirk had a cigarra firmly gritted in between his lips. He took a drag, as he paused in between sentences for Faceless-

“I know this, though.", said Kirk, "I know he’s a smart guy. He’s into the cloning business.”

After all, that’s what Kirk dug up on the background of Deshra Labs; he’d deciphered the information from the public advertisements on the holonet that he’d dug up on the corporation. He didn’t care who it was, but that didn’t mean he was just going to walk in blind; he wouldn’t have made it this far if he’d been that careless.

“And let me tell you, when you’re in the cloning business, you need DNA.”, continued Kirk, ”If I had to pick, I’d go with my gut, and put my money on us two being candidates.”

"But, that's just my guess.", finished Kirk.

[member="Magnus Deshra"] [member="Faceless"]
Magnus watched the cameras with interest, more curious about what aspects of the facility attracted the attention of his two guests. He remained quiet, giving only a passing glance to one of his Security Officers as he marched in through the door. "Show them in." The tone was firm, but with nothing else to it; the voice was dry and coarse despite its age. The officer didn't say anything, and Magnus watched as he simply turned and walked away. They wouldn't be long now.

He was right about that, as the tour didn't have much left on it now. He spun his chair properly to face where they would enter, putting away his screen so as not to unnerve anyone that he'd been watching them. Deshra leaned forward on his desk as he saw the two men being led in, motioning to two chairs in front of his desk, large and comfortable. "Sit, please." He usually wasn't so polite, but this meeting was on friendly terms. He didn't get to do friendly very often.

The bright yellow, almost lizardlike eyes watched the two. They were predatory, scanning everyone they saw for weaknesses and strengths; to bounty hunters and guns for hire, they must've looked familiar. Magnus had a feeling all three of them had similar backgrounds. "I've called the two of you here because I want to make you an offer. No doubt you're aware of the usual business; implants, mercenary crews and accepting DNA donations. And while I would like your DNA, and you'll receive bonus compensation for that, I had something else in mind." He reached under his desk, pulling out two seperate sheets of paper onto the desk, one to each of them.

Magnus almost cracked a smile as he did so, but he held back from anything so stupid. He was intending to be friendly, not affectionate. There was no need for unnecessary pleasantries. "For you, Mister Skobra; I'd like to take you on as a training sergeant for our DET Operatives and Units. Not only will you be used as a template, but you'll instruct them, take them through the courses and whether or not a unit passes is down to your discretion. We'll also trust you to send us any standouts or outliers and give your personal recommendation for how they should be handled."

The eyes darted over towards the other man. Or was he a man today? Magnus had heard of Faceless and done his research; they found similar allies, after all. He knew his ways, which was why he included special wording in the contract. "You may have noticed that in your contract, I've mentioned your physical person. No matter who you are, you share the same body. For that reason, this contract would still be binding. I extend the same offer to you, but for our Security Forces. Chief Tjanno would love to have someone else handling most of the legwork there." He wasn't kidding; Tjanno complained constantly. It was only his skill that got him so far. "I also have an offer for the...Sleens, as well. If you're interested."

[member="Faceless"] | [member="Kirk Skobra"]
Faceless presented himself on such a rare occasion with his face in view of everyone. More so, his true face had been lost thanks to a long, complicated state of affairs. Instead, he appeared as a clean shaven man within his twenties, face as stern as any businessman would look when given a considerable offer. Even his stance within the chair he had been so graciously offered to sit on was formal and businesslike. This was a client after all, one that seemed to be more business orientated rather than a simple man needing some wet work done to rid of a nuisance. Indeed, Deshra made a very good offer, easy money for a job that surely would provide heaps of benefits down the line. It was too good to deny, that much was certain, the endless possibilities that could be gained.

Faceless had to admit to himself whilst reading through his contract that was slid over the surface of the table, Deshra was smart, calculating. He had clearly done his research and adjusted his contract accordingly so that it stuck to him like an arrow sticks into a hunted beast. No matter how carefully, how conniving his shapeshifting went to get him out of the spotlight, it would never break him free of this contract. This was his duty until it was completed, his hat would be thrown into Deshra's pot to be used as he saw fit. More than his hat, more like the very thing that made Faceless Faceless. He had never really considered the art of cloning nor held any real value to his DNA. Yet here he was, ready to pass it over to some Zeltron that had brought him all the way to his office to strike a deal and a contract.

Was it worth it?

Kark yes.

"You've made a very interesting offer, Magnus. You can consider me on board fully. I just want to know how much I'll get paid and how much restriction I'll be having on earning my living. And this... Offer for the Sleens you have? Hit me."

Today was a very strange day.

[member="Magnus Deshra"] | [member="Kirk Skobra"]
The golden eyes darted between Skobra and Faceless as Magnus leaned back in his seat. He steepled his fingers, clapping them together as he considered the figures in his head and the services each man was providing. They were professionals in their craft, after all. He didn't wish to insult them.

"50,000 credits per month. Equivalent to an average bounty." Since the Clawdite wouldn't be in danger, his equipment would be taken care of and his needs would be provided for at his accommodation, Deshra thought that was more than fair. "For the Sleens, I want them on retainer. I want the services of the employees; they'll be paid regularly, and in return they will work for me on a moment's notice. They can still chase their own bounties, their own jobs, quit if they so please...but while they're being paid, in the end they work for me." He supposed it seemed like somewhat of a bold ask, but his face wasn't showing it.

"5 million credits as an advance to you personally, for full control. I may also have further training classes for each of you to cover; you'll get extra pay for each one." Magnus was not the sort to think small. He had many different versions of clones and units in mind.

[member="Faceless"] | [member="Kirk Skobra"]
It seemed like a good idea; easy money, easy job. Whilst Faceless enjoyed the thrill of wet work and various other jobs he was put on, this seemed like an interesting avenue to go down to give him a new angle on his career. For five million credits as an advance with fifty thousand per month, the chance to go and earn extra on the side as Deshra wasn't about to hold a tight leash on taking side contracts and jobs and possible extra training classes that he'd be paid for, Faceless' mind was sending thousands of green flags to go for it. The money, the job, it seemed perfect, perhaps a little too perfect but after everything he had been through in order to get to this stage, he was willing to drop the defenses just this once. If it was a set up, a trick... Well, at least he'd die rich minded.

"Say no more. You have a deal."

The Assassin's voice was firm, as if he had already decided. He'd lean back in his chair and await what was to be said next, or the knife to come to his throat and the trap to be played by the part of Deshra. Yet despite the thoughts of possible betrayal and being killed right there and then, Faceless showed not a single drop of hesitation.

After all, he was a mercenary at heart, he was still focused on the money.

[member="Magnus Deshra"]

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