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Faction A New Dawn: A New Imperial Decree






In the continued effort to protect the Empire's economic integrity and sovereignty, it is necessary to criminalise any activities that undermine these goals. Henceforth, any Imperial citizen found to be profiteering, conducting business with, or financing hostile foreign corporate entities, including but not limited to the Galactic Alliance, shall face severe penalties, including imprisonment or execution. This decree is enacted to preserve the Empire’s resources, secure its economy, and prevent any acts of economic treason.


1. Definition of Unauthorised Activities:
- Profiteering is defined as the exploitation of the Empire's resources for personal gain through illicit trade or business practices.
- Unauthorised business refers to any commercial transactions conducted with hostile foreign entities without explicit permission from the Imperial Administration.
- Financing hostile foreign corporate entities includes any form of monetary support, investment, or facilitation of financial operations of entities outside the Empire, particularly those associated with the Galactic Alliance.

2. Scope of Prohibition:
- The prohibition applies to all Imperial citizens, including individuals, corporations, and any other legal entities operating under the jurisdiction of the Empire.


1. Imprisonment:
- Any Imperial citizen found guilty of profiteering, unauthorised business, or financing foreign corporate entities shall face a minimum of 20 years imprisonment.
- The term of imprisonment may be extended based on the severity and impact of the violation.

2. Execution:
- In cases of severe economic treason, where the activities significantly harm the Empire's interests or security, the penalty shall be execution.
- The determination of severity shall be at the discretion of the Imperial Judiciary, with recommendations from the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB).

3. Confiscation of Assets:
- All assets obtained through illegal activities, including profits from unauthorised commerce, shall be confiscated by the Imperial Administration, through COMFEAR and agents of the Imperial Treasury.
- These assets will be redirected to support the Empire's economic and security initiatives.


1. Imperial Security Bureau (ISB):
- The ISB is tasked with monitoring, investigating, and enforcing compliance with this decree.
- The ISB shall establish a special task force dedicated to identifying and apprehending violators. Oversight will belong to COMFEAR, the Imperial Treasury Department and the Office of the Grand Vizier.

2. Judicial Process:
- Violators will be tried by a special tribunal established under the Imperial Judiciary, ensuring swift and decisive justice.
- The tribunal shall have the authority to impose sentences in accordance with the severity of the offense.

3. Reporting and Compliance:
- All citizens and entities within the Empire are required to report any suspected activities of profiteering, unauthorised business, or financing foreign entities to the ISB.
- Failure to report such activities will be considered complicity and shall be punishable under this decree.


1. Legal Framework:
- This decree serves as the supreme legal authority on matters of economic treason and unauthorised foreign commerce.
- Any laws or regulations in conflict with this decree are hereby repealed or amended to ensure compliance.

2. Administrative Orders:
- The Supreme Imperial Authority shall issue additional orders and guidelines as necessary to facilitate the implementation and enforcement of this decree.
- The ISB and the special tribunal shall report regularly to the Supreme Imperial Authority on the enforcement outcomes and any challenges faced.

3. Review and Amendments:
- This decree shall be subject to periodic review to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with the Empire's evolving needs.
- Amendments to this decree may be made by the Supreme Imperial Authority as deemed necessary.


The enactment of this decree is a critical measure to safeguard the Empire's economic integrity and prevent acts of economic treason. By criminalising profiteering and unauthorized foreign commerce, the Empire reaffirms its commitment to maintaining sovereignty and protecting its citizens from the detrimental impacts of illicit economic activities.

Long Live the Emperor! Long Live the Empire!


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The news had been distributed without much fanfare. In fact, most hadn’t even noticed it amongst the vast holo-news announcements or conferences that were available to be watched by the Imperial citizenry. But they had been passed by the Grand Vizier’s Office and signed into law by the Emperor.

What had made even less of a fanfare was the slew of arrests that were made in the early hours of morning, Empire-wide. They were being detained against new legislation that had been passed, their activities considered seditious and, worse yet, treacherous. The vast list of bad-actors and hostile agents had come across the Vizier’s desk without ceremony. She had, truth be told, barely glanced at it before affixing her signature and seal of office. All part of the Empire’s future plans, she had convinced herself, going back to other affairs of state.

There were just so many.




In the continued effort to protect the Empire's economic integrity and sovereignty, it is necessary to criminalise any activities that undermine these goals. Henceforth, any Imperial citizen found to be profiteering, conducting business with, or financing hostile foreign corporate entities, including but not limited to the Galactic Alliance, shall face severe penalties, including imprisonment or execution. This decree is enacted to preserve the Empire's resources, secure its economy, and prevent any acts of economic treason.



1. Definition of Unauthorised Activities:
- Profiteering is defined as the exploitation of the Empire's resources for personal gain through illicit trade or business practices.
- Unauthorised business refers to any commercial transactions conducted with hostile foreign entities without explicit permission from the Imperial Administration.
- Financing foreign corporate entities includes any form of monetary support, investment, or facilitation of financial operations of entities outside the Empire, particularly those associated with the Galactic Alliance.

2. Scope of Prohibition:
- The prohibition applies to all Imperial citizens, including individuals, corporations, and any other legal entities operating under the jurisdiction of the Empire.



1. Imprisonment:
- Any Imperial citizen found guilty of profiteering, unauthorised business, or financing hostile foreign corporate entities shall face a minimum of 20 years imprisonment.
- The term of imprisonment may be extended based on the severity and impact of the violation.

2. Execution:
- In cases of severe economic treason, where the activities significantly harm the Empire's interests or security, the penalty shall be execution.
- The determination of severity shall be at the discretion of the Imperial Judiciary, with recommendations from the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB).

3. Confiscation of Assets:
- All assets obtained through illegal activities, including profits from unauthorised commerce, shall be confiscated by the Imperial Administration, through COMFEAR and agents of the Imperial Treasury.
- These assets will be redirected to support the Empire's economic and security initiatives.



1. Imperial Security Bureau (ISB):
- The ISB is tasked with monitoring, investigating, and enforcing compliance with this decree.
- The ISB shall establish a special task force dedicated to identifying and apprehending violators. Oversight will belong to COMFEAR, the Imperial Treasury Department, and the Office of the Grand Vizier.

2. Judicial Process:
- Violators will be tried by a special tribunal established under the Imperial Judiciary, ensuring swift and decisive justice.
- The tribunal shall have the authority to impose sentences in accordance with the severity of the offense.

3. Reporting and Compliance:
- All citizens and entities within the Empire are required to report any suspected activities of profiteering, unauthorised business, or financing foreign entities to the ISB.
- Failure to report such activities will be considered complicity and shall be punishable under this decree.



1. Legal Framework:
- This decree serves as the supreme legal authority on matters of economic treason and unauthorised foreign commerce.
- Any laws or regulations in conflict with this decree are hereby repealed or amended to ensure compliance.

2. Administrative Orders:
- The Supreme Imperial Authority shall issue additional orders and guidelines as necessary to facilitate the implementation and enforcement of this decree.
- The ISB and the special tribunal shall report regularly to the Supreme Imperial Authority on the enforcement outcomes and any challenges faced.

3. Review and Amendments:
- This decree shall be subject to periodic review to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with the Empire's evolving needs.
- Amendments to this decree may be made by the Supreme Imperial Authority as deemed necessary.



The enactment of this decree is a critical measure to safeguard the Empire's economic integrity and prevent acts of economic treason. By criminalising profiteering and unauthorized foreign commerce, the Empire reaffirms its commitment to maintaining sovereignty and protecting its citizens from the detrimental impacts of illicit economic activities.

Long Live the Emperor! Long Live the Empire!
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In Umbris Potestas Est
Ord Mantell

Onrai was one of the first Imperials to see the news in question. She blinked for a moment and began to ponder the inevitable issues this would create: namely that the lack of a licensing scheme or other means of gaining a broad-stroke Imperial approval for foreign commerce effectively isolated every company in the Empire from being able to conduct business. She pondered particularly over what this would mean for the Trade Federation, given their fingers in every slice of galactic pie - and insofar as the business relationship made with them. If the Empire pursued asset forfeiture, it would turn their representatives into pariahs, and possibly result in the further leverage of Nute Griimda Nute Griimda by the Galactic Alliance intelligence operatives seeking to interrogate him.

Whatever consolation she was able to sum up was that Ord Mantell was self-sufficient, and even if the worst came to worst, the world made enough of its own resources to continue to survive in isolation from the broader Imperial trade network if needed. Sighing, she headed to the planetary museum - there were things to do and consider, and possibly meetings to schedule.



The atmosphere within the Skako Skyhook was marked by an eerie stillness, interrupted only by the rhythmic tapping of fingers and the gentle flow of data traversing the holographic displays and monitors positioned throughout the Office of the Commanding Viceroy. Each figure on the monitor depicted a stock oscillating between green and red, reflecting the typical fluctuations of the market as goods and services were bought and sold.

However, the InterGalactic Stock Exchange began to exhibit erratic behavior with a significant decrease of confidence across all industries, signaling that a development had taken place that would impact the entire commercial framework of the galaxy. The Trade Federation quickly became aware of the cause behind this decline, as the Galactic Trade Network was filled with reports originating from the Dark Empire.

It was revealed that a recent Imperial Decree, enacted by the Ruling Council, rendered all foreign trade and war profiteering illegal within Imperial Space, with violations subject to asset confiscation and a host of other punishments. Laborr examined the Decree with a critical gaze, meticulously analyzing each article and amendment for potential vulnerabilities and loopholes, despite its current appearance of being robust and offering limited political flexibility.

His thoughts raced as he contemplated the ramifications of such stringent economic regulations. He recognized that, if enforced, these measures would severely hinder any prospects for growth and advancement within the Dark Empire, resulting in a prolonged period of stagnation. The inability to invest in capital development or sustain reserve funds would leave the Empire ill-equipped to respond to evolving conditions, rendering it susceptible to economic turmoil.

The Trade Federation put out a statement to the Holonet on Channel 4

"The Trade Federation unequivocally condemns the recently issued Imperial Decree that bans all foreign commerce and restricts legitimate trade practices within Imperial Space. This draconian measure not only threatens the very foundation of intergalactic trade but also jeopardizes the economies of countless planets within the Empire that are reliant on free and fair commerce.

The Trade Federation has always stood for the principles of open markets and cooperative economic relations. This decree represents an alarming shift toward isolationism and further centralization of power within the Empire, stifling free enterprise and disallowing fair competition that would generate corporate support for the war with the Galactic Alliance. By prohibiting foreign commerce, the Empire is effectively undermining innovation, limiting choices for consumers, and harming the livelihoods of countless traders and businesses.

We are particularly alarmed by the decree's implications for war profiteering—a term that has been misused to target reputable enterprises that contribute positively to the galactic economy. Financial measures aimed at reforming war-related profiteering should instead focus on accountability and transparency rather than the sweeping closure of legitimate commercial activity.

The Trade Federation calls upon the Imperial Ruling Council and other corporations to join forces and advocate for an immediate repeal of this decree. We implore the Empire to reconsider its stance on foreign trade and work collaboratively with interstellar partners to develop policies that promote growth, security, and prosperity for all.

In these challenging times, we must come together to support an open, thriving galaxy. The Trade Federation remains committed to ensuring that dialogue and diplomacy—rather than restrictions and penalties—drive our collective economic future."




TAG: Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf




The Shadow Hand was sitting at his own desk, a datapad on its back on the leather in front of him.

His fingers created a pyramid underneath his chin as he leaned back in his chair, a sinister smirk playing at his mouth. The Decree had finally come to fruition and he looked forward to the results.

He had never cared for the Imperialistic side of things, but elitism and entitlement were some of the things he understood very well. In the recent direction the Empire was going very much aligned with his own goals so he deemed it prudent to support it. In this Decree's case, he felt an odd sense of satisfaction. This would put a noose around the necks of those that think they could play fiddle with a powerful behemoth.

"My Lord?"

Ice-blue eyes turned up to regard the fearful guard addressing him.
"Yes?" his usually calm baritone asked but not fooling anyone anymore.
The Trooper cleared his throat. "Some Executives have also been detained and are calling for you by name to get them out of the mess." he almost squeaked toward the end, knowing he was risking his life relaying the message.
"If they were detained, there's a reason for it. They can stay where they are and enjoy the Imperial hospitality." Välk said without so much as moving a muscle at the audacity of the message.
The Trooper almost gave an audible sigh of relief. "Yes, my Lord." he said with a bow before retreating from the Dark Presence of the being that now held the favour of the Emperor himself.

Now to sit back and enjoy the fireworks erupting in all corners of the Empire.

Some were bound to erupt louder than others.



The announcement was made across all appropriate channels, overseen by the Director of OIT himself. It would likely prove to be a rather controversial move, even within the mind of Reiner himself. He was no businessman, but he knew all to well the scheming of individuals like Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe and his ilk, and they would likely not take this declaration lying down. It was a small matter, though, for in the past few weeks Reiner had ramped up his clandestine efforts to monitor the members of the Trade Federation, as well as Tithe himself. The only criticism he could muster in this moment was simply that his timeline had been pushed forward, making certain maneuvers more difficult than they should have been. And yet, such was life in the Empire. One made do with the demands made of them, and Reiner knew all too well to not rattle the wrong cages.

Calling a meeting of only those that had appropriate clearance, Reiner sat in his usual chair within the dimly lit room of the OIT office.

"As you are all aware, the Grand Vizier has recently released a statement regarding the Empire's economic future. This change in policy will likely have a few ramifications, which we will have to handle swiftly and discreetly."

Appropriate data would be sent to each individual at the table, along with more personalized tasks. The Director leaned forward in is seat, his eyes scanning the room with a cold ruthlessness.

"I have already put together a media packet to ensure that this will be accepted by the masses, but there will be those that are more... stubborn. Those individuals must be retrieved and held until we can either convince them to change their tune, or change it for them... indefinitely."

A slight pause would follow, ensuring that everyone was adequately taking in the subtext of that statement.

"Now, for those that will be missed, such as the officials within the Trade Federation, we will redouble our efforts to track and monitor their movements. Diligence will be paramount. It has been decreed that ISB will be in charge of policing these policies, and no one is exempt from retribution. I have sent several of you the needed information, as well as who is to report to whom."

Straightening his back, Reiner's voice picked up in volume, making sure that those present would have no misunderstanding of the situation.

"As said before, discretion and a swift hand are the orders of the day. Do not let a misstep here cut your career short."





A trio of janitorial droids trundled into the Imperial Treasurer’s office and surveyed the carnage before them. The lead droid issued a mechanical trill of surprise. The service request, for a priority clean and repair, had failed to disclose the extent of work required. Destroyed furniture, broken datapads and smashed artworks littered the once-opulent room, which more closely resembled the discard pit of a trash compactor. The gilded walls, wrought at great expense by Muuninlist artisans, were pitted with holes and slathered with the contents of smashed bottles of Alderaani wine. Broken light panels overhead faded in and out as a small fire, the result of an attempt to destroy official flimsiplast records, flickered in the corner.

The droids immediately got to work, the silence of their diligent work interrupted only by a broken holoscreen that teetered precariously on its wall mountings.

“…the economic stability of the Empire must be held in the highest regard, higher even than personal ambitions…”

One of the droids retrieved a broken datapad and placed it into a trash receptacle. The display of the small device, snapped in half by its last user in a fit of rage, showed a receipt for the purchase of an illicit Iskalon mushroom, a blackmarket purchase commonly used by gamblers to subdue facial expressions. The amount purchased suggested the user was concerned their facial tells would give them away.

“…as of today, COMFEAR has the power to break up these pan-galactic monopolies and restore financial independence to the Empire. No more will our citizens be at the mercy of financial oligarchs…”

A janitorial droid dragged the shattered remains of a greel wood desk toward the nearest incinerator, revealing a strange artefact. Another droid surveyed the artwork - an official portrait of Grand Vizier Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf whose face had been slashed and burned with a cigarra. The droid compared the artwork against the inventory of approved decorative items, and deemed it should be discarded.

The broken holoscreen on the wall flickered, revealing an image of Imperial Treasurer Aerarii Tithe speaking from the steps of the COMFEAR headquarters, his oration absent of its trademark mannerisms and phrasing.

“…and finally, I want to warn any conspirators out there who think they can profit from the Empire - you will be found, and you will be brought to justice.”

Tithe turned and left the lectern without taking questions, his shoulders noticeably slumped.

En Route to Hapes
The Sarlacc

Danger Arceneau leaned back in her plush chair, the subtle creak of well-aged leather underscoring the quiet tension in the suite. A slender cigarillo balanced between her manicured fingers, sending curls of spicy blue-white smoke drifting lazily toward the ceiling. The Queen of Trade, with all her years of navigating the galaxy's treacherous markets and delicate political landscapes, was no stranger to challenges, but this new Imperial Decree from the Dark Empire? This one was a sticky web.

She tapped the edge of the datapad lightly, skimming the lines that spelled out the [ Criminalisation of Profiteering and Unauthorised Foreign Commerce ]. Her crimson lips tightened into a line as she exhaled another plume of smoke, her brow knitting in subtle concern. Ithor and Empress Teta -- two of Arceneau Trade's prime footholds in Dark Empire space -- might bear the brunt of this, but it wasn't just about those worlds. The ripple effects on supply chains, trade routes, and the delicate dance of galactic commerce loomed large in her mind.

With a graceful hand, she rubbed the bridge of her nose, the cool metal of her wedding ring catching the light; she couldn't quite take it off yet. Arceneau Trade had always prided itself on playing by the rules, no matter which banner hung over the territories they operated in. Her people had paid the tariffs, filed the permits, transparant on their trade routes and locations, and done everything by the book -- even when the book was written by Imperial bureaucrats more inclined toward control than collaboration. But now? Well, this decree felt like a closed door dressed up in legal language.

The Dark Empire's intentions seemed clear: choke out independent players, force them into compliance -- or worse, exclusion -- under the guise of stability. It was a move Danger recognized all too well, echoing back to the old days when another Republic's tight grip on trade led to disastrous wars and broken alliances. She sighed softly, rounding her desk to pour herself a drink. The amber liquid caught the light as it filled the crystal tumbler, swirling like molten gold.

"Well, recokon the krayt dragon's outta the cave now," she murmured to herself, her voice low and honeyed, carrying the weight of wisdom that only years in the trade could grant. There was a time when the galaxy's traders could talk their way around such restrictions, find a loophole, strike a deal behind closed doors. But this? This smelled like something far more restrictive, like the Imperials were pulling tighter on the reins, driven by fear or desperation -- or both.

Still, Danger wasn't about to sit idle. If there was one thing she knew, it was how to turn a challenge into an opportunity. The Galactic Trade Federation was already buzzing with concern, and she had no doubt that other business leaders were just as rattled. With a sip of her drink, she mentally lined up the next few holocalls she'd need to make, ensuring that Arceneau Trade was ready to navigate these turbulent waters.

War had a way of reshuffling the deck, and Danger was nothing if not a master at playing the cards she was dealt. Even if it left a bitter taste in her mouth, she'd find a way to keep her trade lanes open -- whether by diplomacy, negotiation, or a well-timed show of force. She could only hope this would not end in blood-shed.

If anything, she first had to make sure her people were not to be harmed, sending word to Aeri that all Arceneau Trade Stations within Imperial space and Arceneau ships were to reroute if they were headed to Imperial space, or if they were within it, to proceed with following protocol, docking at the nearest ATC station, wiping their files, and providing ample compensation for the local Imperial citizens who worked in those Arceneau Trade facilities were placed on paid furloughs. Danger would rather ensure things were settled than risk any of her workers or their families for perceived treason.

Whatever goods were in the warehouses could be left behind and confiscated if the Imperials so deemed that Arceneau Trade no longer had authorization. First would be to find out that status, but precautions were not a bad thing to take.

For now, she would continue to wait, watch, and keep her ear to the ground. The game was changing, and Danger Arceneau intended to stay ahead of it.





The Imperial prison was very odd today. Prophet Poven was very accustomed in treating traitors, the so-called paladins of justice and democracy. Today, for his surprise, they were lacking, their space given to administrative imperial staff, and even oligarchs of ancient, ancient families. Jebriell knew why they were here, of course, but he couldn't ignore the irony. Those arrogant, self-glorifying idiots, rats standing over a mountain of credits. The Empire made them fall to where they really belong. With a satisfied grin on his face, the Prophet makes his way to the first interrogation room, to rehabilitate his first prisoner.

As he enters the room, Jebriell sees a familiar face. A fellow prophet, immobilised and stuck on the wall, what a surprise. The place was full of the most influentious of people, of the most dangerous, both to the Emperor and to the Empire. Even then, Prophet Poven couldn't hide the astonishment on his face. A prophet should be an example on how to act within the Empire, for he knows the true secret that lurks behind every imperial myth. Such a pity, that even those who were to be the most loyal servants of the Sith'ari were not yet purged of cowardry.

"Of all people, you should know we aren't free of the Emperor's rage!", Jebriell said, mockingly and with a big smile on his face. While its veiled in hospitality, there is something deeper in his smile. A certain joy of finally using what he studied for such a long time on someone he saw as an equal. The false prophet seems terrified, even reluctant to speak. He, as a former prophet himself, may have heard or even seen what Jebriell is capable of. Of course, Prophet Poven is far from the most agile man. He isn't even the strongest or the most resistant of the Prophets. No, he was quite focused on one thing, and one thing only: Sith magic. And of all their various techniques, what most interested the old man was the Qâzoi Kyantuska.

"Now, rest assured, I will remind you of who is your master...", the prophet said as he approached his victim. He couldn't care less about their crimes, it was not for him to decide if the false prophet is guilty. That has already been done, by the only judge there is, the Sith'ari, our Emperor. "...and why you must never betray him again".

As Jebriell's hands held the false prophet's face, it all silently began in the traitor's head. People expect torture and brainwashing to be a very painful, loud process, but anyone that passed in front of the interrogation room, would only perceive how unbearably the ever-lasting silence echoes through that door.


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