Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A New Day (master/ training)

Naadi had remained on Tython during the clockwork incident, while her master, Ree Botaa had gone on missions most dangerous into clockwork-held territory. It had been some time since he had sent word.

Now that Coruscant had been liberated again, she was to get a new master, either for the interim while Botaa was away, or as replacement, should the worse outcome happen to the neimodian jedi master.

Grand-master Teferi's statue now adorned the main entryway, and was still abit of a shrine, with notes and flowers being laid there. In due time the notes would be stowed away, and the dead flowers tossed into the garden for peat moss material.

Today was a new day however, and Naadi was to meet her new master, in the north gardens.
Padak was given a Padawan by the Council. Well, his old Master, who happened to become the Grandmaster, had pulled him aside one day and asked if he wanted a Padawan. Padak had decided it would be best for him to teach, pass on his experiences and his Master's teachings. So he was headed toward the North Gardern, where he was told he would find his new Padawan albiet most likely temporary Padawan, Naadi Maaro.

He entered the garden, looking for his new Padawan. He spotted a feline set of ears behind the statue dedicated to Master Teferi. He walked over to her. "Such a shame, what happened to him. He died in a war that had notthing to do with the Republic."
"Yes, but he did try to bring about peace, atleast once more." Naadi said, quoting a line from now grandmaster darron wraith's eulogy, which was exactingly accurate of Teferi. "It is said that death is a natural part of life..... Im ...... not sure i believe that, with certain kinds of death. "

She was referring of course, to violent deaths that weren't predatory. Naadi ate mice and other small creatures, so if anything, she was expertly well versed in death in the circle of life, but she wasnt sure she saw the same of politically induced death, such as death in combat or asassinations and the like.

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