Gael bar Ammon
Pride of Old Mandalore
Hi all,
OOC, I'm here because I want to RP a diplomat. I had intended to go with the Mandalorians, and while the FA's were supportive of the idea of a Mandalorian politician, the concept met some resistance with some members of the Alor'e Council, both IC and OOC. So, I'm here because I believe it to be the best place to carry out my endeavor to RP a politician, a diplomat, unhindered and in a community of like-minded individuals. Politics and diplomacy aren't something the Mandalorians practice too much or well, which is why I want to branch out into that role.
IC, Gael bar Ammon is a retired Mandalorian soldier who wants to continue in public service to the people of Mandalore. Because he can't do so on the Mandalorian side, he's doing so from the Republic side. More in depth background in my character bio, link's there.
Thanks for having me, I look forward to RPing with you all.
If anything, to make it official, we could have a Senate vote to create the office to make it official IC ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
OOC, I'm here because I want to RP a diplomat. I had intended to go with the Mandalorians, and while the FA's were supportive of the idea of a Mandalorian politician, the concept met some resistance with some members of the Alor'e Council, both IC and OOC. So, I'm here because I believe it to be the best place to carry out my endeavor to RP a politician, a diplomat, unhindered and in a community of like-minded individuals. Politics and diplomacy aren't something the Mandalorians practice too much or well, which is why I want to branch out into that role.
IC, Gael bar Ammon is a retired Mandalorian soldier who wants to continue in public service to the people of Mandalore. Because he can't do so on the Mandalorian side, he's doing so from the Republic side. More in depth background in my character bio, link's there.
Thanks for having me, I look forward to RPing with you all.
If anything, to make it official, we could have a Senate vote to create the office to make it official IC ¯\_(ツ)_/¯