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Private A New Moon


Srina Talon Srina Talon | John Locke John Locke

When the Confederacy had fallen she had lost her home for the third time, and though she had reunited with remnants deep in Wild Space, she still felt listless, like a ship without a rudder. In that deep corner of the Galaxy, she seemed to find no purpose beyond simple survival, and even that she was tired of. It was nearing ten years since that day, and for the last couple, she had remained out of sight, hidden away in some dark corner and seeming to doubt all the choices she had made in giving herself to the duty and safety of others. Finding herself in a dark corner of her mind, she had ventured out and sought to find some meaning to everything that she had accomplished, everything that had been lost since her first steps away from Alderaan all those years ago.

In those journies she had ensured to keep herself hidden, secluded, finding no reason to reach out to those that she had known or still knew; and in any case, how many of those old acquaintances and friends were still alive? A lot can change in ten years, a lot can change in just five or fewer. She had no reason to believe or know that those she had once stood shoulder to shoulder with still thrived somewhere out in the galaxy, and it was a gamble to put that call out. It wasn't until she had found herself at the far end of The Slice that she found someplace that she thought she could once more call home. It was a little moon, barely stable and only just recovering from the threat that the Bryn'adul had posed to that Region of the Galaxy. It stood on its own, facing down pirates that stepped into the vacuum left behind by the collapse of the Bryn'adul; as well as facing down the Hutts, Imperials, and Crusaders from the West, they also faced unknown threats creeping their way North from Wild Space.

Amelia had resolved to focus on herself, to be selfish, to take what she wanted. After all - she had pondered - wasn't it only fair after a lifetime of service to others, that she should get to be selfish and think of herself for once?

However; upon first setting foot on the Moon of Selun, she found it difficult to push away her previous proclivities and take what she wanted. On Selun she found a Moon in trouble, a people crying for aid and assistance. What government there had been was gone, having taken what they could and fled - cities held on by the thinnest of strands and the Shadow of Corruption had already consumed one grand city.

And it was there that she found herself, once more unable to turn a blind eye to the plight of others. She had spent years on Alderaan serving its people, even to the point of exile when she took the action she thought was proper. She spent years on Commenor seeking to aid its people and the Queen, an old friend that had been long gone, and when her position there was no longer tenable, she had been forgiven and accepted into the Confederacy. Three homes lost in the last Forty Years - and now she hoped that this new home would be able to stand - though to do that, she would need to reach out and find assistance in those she had once stood with so many years ago.

As the message was sent into the aether, she hoped that it would find them.

She hoped that they were still alive and well.

She hoped that they would answer.

There were few constants in the galaxy, there was war, there was death, always taxes and then change. In a universe that was ever-changing it was almost Ironic that change was the one certainty, you could hang your hat on. John had stood at the peak of galactic politics, of policymaking for most of his life now. First with the Silver Jedi and then the Confederacy he'd seen the waves of darkness clash against the bulwarks of civilization in a never-ending conflict that only served to grind up the innocent civilians caught between the two primal powers.

There were countless worlds out there, countless worthy causes that cried out for aid and support to anyone who would listen, who would help. The holonet was replete with stories, with calls for aid that went unanswered. John didn't have the resources he'd once commanded, even the resources of the premier company in the galaxy paled beside those of a nation. Whistling up resources, troops and aid just wasn't something he could do anymore, but he made a point of funnelling what aid he could to those he could.

The cyborg kept track of the forces moving in the galaxy, political, military and humanitarian, it paid to know who was doing what, and what supplies or technologies they might need to…adjust the market and the flow of his goods accordingly. The situation on Selun would have been a name on the list, one that wouldn't have completely passed under the radar. OR would have if it wasn't for one particularly important note, the presence of one Amelia Von Sorenn.

It was a large galaxy, friends came and went, finding new homes, and places to spend their days before popping back up on your radar. Too many friends had vanished since the fall of the Confederacy, and too many names had vanished off the surface of the galactic map. John had found a home on Naboo, and had never thought of leaving the garden planet. It had become more than a set of head offices to him, it was home in a way he'd never had since Coronet City.

Dark eyes stared at the planet that grew bigger in the viewport, the air around the shuttle starting to glow with the heat of friction. Hopefully, Amelia had found a home, somewhere to rest and protect, to find that sense of belonging that everyone needed.

She'd summoned and for an old friend, he'd answer the call.

Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn | Srina Talon Srina Talon

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