Darth Tennacus
Current Location: Darth Senthral 's ship
Mentions: Darth Senthral
Destination: Unknown to Darth Tennacus
Journey Intent: Shopping
Wherever they were going, Lord Tennacus did not know. He had entrusted their discretion and safety to the knowledge of his Apprentice, in order to take them to a genuine trader or marketplace where they could purchase necessary materials and items - especially a new ship - without going through the means of official transactions. Darth Tennacus ensured that he did not want them purchasing anything which birthed a paper trail. And with all that they had hoarded back onto his craft, they certainly did not want to be scanned for any illegal equipment. Artifacts older than the Old Republic did not amount to genuine cargo, especially in the abundance in which they possessed it. The Sith had ordered they disable the tracker, jump out of hyperspace several times along the route, and power down completely in quiet systems.
Lord Santhrel had told his Master that they would be at their destination soon, so Tennacus sat with him within the cockpit, reading through one of the ancient Sith books they had required. It was in the ancient runic language of the Sith, but Tennacus had been taught to translate it. This particular book spoke of Sith magic, most notably the legendary Leviathan that had been pulled into the realm of myth. While it did not say how to command or even summon it, it guided them on how to discover such power through guidance and meditation, once other books or Holocrons containing its knowledge were required, however. One step at a time, though. For now it made good reading.
"I'd very much desire to master this power," Tennacus said, "But in good time." He turned to the next page, reading blindly into paragraphs halfway in. He liked to read that way sometimes, then piece it altogether. The Sith were known to never be precise in their methods, anyway. One could read a book from cover to cover, memorise every rune, close the book and verse it out loud, and they'd still be years away from their accomplishments.
"We should probably make a brief list of what we need." Tennacus was still with his eyes glued to the book, but he was able to multitask. "We need new material to form you a new suit. Not certain on the element you're in favour of, so I'll leave that to you." Of course, Tennacus was paying for everything. "New rifles, if we can muster that. Or the components to build our own one. I prefer long-range, but close range is more important in our way of life." Tennacus fell silent. "Oh, and we need droids. A protocol droid for my personal use, and some others used solely for war and expeditions. If they're not outdated, Sith Mark 1's would be perfect. Twelve of them if they have such an abundance. Don't need to be working; I'll fix them up myself." And he would. "We also need a protocol droid for your personal use, too. And then a ship. If we can get it all in one place - perfect. If not, just make sure we are not going into any Alliance-occupied territories or those of the Jedi. Not with what we have on board."