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Faction A new source of Manpower | Diarchy & Haxion Brood


Location: Orinackra | Headquarters of The Network
Tags: Darius Vex Darius Vex Darth Nathrax Darth Nathrax Syoh Pa Syoh Pa

The Diarch walked the pristine halls of The Network’s headquarters, it appeared the investment High Adjudicator Vex had asked for seemed to be paying off. Agents and analysts hard at work keeping the Diarchy safe seemed to scurry about, barely registering the presence of the tall man in black.

However, the Diarch wasn’t here on a social call, he and the High Marshal had been discussing a way to supplement their manpower, and the topic of clones had arisen. Both men were keen on the idea, but overtures to Kamino had not been returned at this time. So, Vex had been tasked with finding a cloner of Kaminoan skill, but far less scrupulous.

Reign had received word of success, but as with everything the High Adjudicator provided, the information was requested to be passed in person, to avoid any potential data leaks.

As the Diarch approached the offices of the High Adjudicator, he again was thankful that his high councillors were such efficient beings.

Darius tapped his finger against the datapad on his desk, the rhythmic motion an unconscious reflection of the thoughts swirling in his mind. Chin in hand, his sharp gray eyes focused on the door with a distant intensity, awaiting the arrival of Diarch Reign. His thoughts were, by his standards, unusually scattered—a sign of just how monumental the proposal on the table was.

The idea of a clone army was as intriguing as it was daunting. So many unknowns loomed over the project, and without the support of Kamino, it might seem laughable to the uninformed. Yet, the Diarchy had a spark of hope—a name that carried both promise and danger: Syoh Po.

Darius's thumb brushed over the datapad, activating a holographic projection of the Kaminoan geneticist. The image shimmered in his office, casting a cool blue glow across the polished surfaces and reflecting in his calculating eyes. Syoh Po. Exiled from Kamino for her rogue experiments. Perfect for their program. Or perhaps, he mused, perfect was the wrong word.

Her reputation was both an asset and a liability. She was a pioneer, unshackled by convention—a brilliant mind willing to push boundaries. But she was also a wildcard. Her exile from Kamino had been well-earned, her proclivity for bending the rules and defying authority the very traits that made her both a solution and a potential threat. Loyalty, after all, was non-negotiable in the Diarchy.

The soft chime of his monitor interrupted his thoughts, alerting him to the Diarch's presence. Darius casually swiped the datapad, dismissing the hologram, and rose to his feet. He adjusted his suit jacket with a deliberate, practiced motion, ensuring his appearance was immaculate. As the doors hissed open, he stepped around his desk, datapad in hand, his demeanor composed and authoritative.

"Diarch Reign," he greeted with a respectful bow, the kind that conveyed both deference and professionalism. "You'll be pleased to know that the initial stages of construction on Orinackra are proceeding without issue." His tone was polished, formalities slipping effortlessly from his tongue.

"But, of course, we both know that is not the reason for your visit." Darius’s lips curved into a faint smile as he held up the datapad and placed it on the table before activating the hologram once more. Syoh Po’s image returned, her lithe Kaminoan form rendered in glowing blue light.

"Syoh Po," Darius began, stepping aside to give Reign full access to the information displayed. "Born on Kamino, an expert geneticist, and ultimately exiled for rogue experimentation." His voice carried an undertone of intrigue as he gestured toward the data. "Po was branded a rogue after attempting to engineer superior genetic beings. The familiar tale of progress stifled by the bureaucracy of morality."

His disdain for the concept was evident in the way he spoke those last words. Too often, progress was chained by fear—by small-minded individuals unable to see the bigger picture.

"After her exile, she formed her own underground cell," he continued, pacing slightly as he spoke. "Unfortunately, it’s been a waste of her talents. Black market child's play: arms dealing, bioterrorism, and other pursuits that reflect a lack of proper resources and direction. She’s been operating well below her station."

Darius paused, his sharp eyes flicking toward Reign as if to gauge the Diarch's reaction. He had often wondered how he himself might have fared in the underworld. But arrogance—and an innate sense of destiny—had always kept him above such petty ventures. He was meant for more, and the Diarchy had proven that.

"Her last known location is Daiyu," he added, his tone shifting slightly. "A fitting place for someone working in the shadows. It’s chaotic enough to mask her operations and secluded enough to keep her out of the reach of Kaminoan authorities—or anyone else, for that matter."

Darius clasped his hands behind his back, giving Reign a moment to absorb the information. The data was thorough, as always, but this was no small decision. He wondered if he should voice his own reservations—her instability, her ambition, the risks she posed. Yet, Darius was not employed for his opinions. His role was to gather intelligence, to present the facts, and let the Diarchy's leadership decide.

Still, the hint of ambition in his stance was unmistakable. This was his arena, his domain, and he had brought a solution to the table that no one else could. With Syoh Po’s expertise and the Diarchy’s resources, they had the potential to rewrite the rules of war—and Darius Vex intended to ensure that potential was realized.

Diarch Reign Diarch Reign


Location: Orinackra | Office of the High Adjudicator
Tags: Darius Vex Darius Vex Darth Nathrax Darth Nathrax Syoh Pa Syoh Pa

The Diarch listened to the briefing, his own thoughts were kept under wraps but he had concerns based upon the information the High Adjudicator had given him.

He nodded his head briefly towards the other man.
“Daiyu… noted, impeccable work as always High Adjudicator. I look forward to seeing the completion of your headquarters upon my next visit.”

With that he turned and walked quickly back to his shuttle. The pilot had already started the take off sequence.

Reaching for his comm, he contact High Marshal Nathrax on their private line.

“High Marshal, our target is on Daiyu.. meet me there immediately, I will send a briefing to your personal datapad”

The Diarch landed on the planet, a temperate planet filled with urban sprawl. The bright neon and crowded streets an assault on the senses.

Having transmitted his coordinates to the High Marshal, the Diarch waited.


Daiyu was a world that never truly slept, its sprawling cityscape an endless labyrinth of neon-lit towers, shadowed alleys, and perpetual activity. The smog-filled air carried the hum of speeders zipping through the labyrinthine traffic lanes, while holographic billboards cast eerie glows over the rain-slick streets. Vendors shouted from cramped stalls, offering wares of questionable origin, as off-worlders mingled with locals in the perpetual chaos. Above it all, the ever-present haze of Daiyu's industry hung like a shroud, giving the planet a sense of gritty vibrancy that was equal parts allure and menace.

From the shadows of a secluded balcony, a figure watched the descending ships. His armor was sleek and black, its design reminiscent of Clone X troopers from an earlier age. The red symbol on his pauldron, a stylized DNA helix, marked him as one of the Sanguine Helix, Syoh Pa's personal gang. The figure adjusted his helmet, the faint glow of his visor betraying a momentary shift in focus before he activated a secure commlink.

"Lady Pa," he said, his voice distorted by the modulator. "They’ve arrived. Ships bearing the Diarchy insignia, just as the intelligence suggested."

On the other end of the line, Syoh Pa was calm, her tone as unyielding as the steel of the lab where she worked. The Kaminoan geneticist stood before a holotable, her tall frame casting a shadow over the glowing schematics of a new bioengineered creation.

"Good," Syoh replied, her tone measured and distant. "They are resourceful, but predictable. Let them believe they are the hunters here."

The soldier hesitated for a moment. "Shall I prepare the others for—"

"No," Syoh interrupted. Her elongated fingers danced over the controls of the holotable, shutting down the projection as she turned her gaze to the darkness of her laboratory. "Invite them to the compound. Let them see only what I wish for them to see."

"As you command." The figure snapped the commlink shut and melted back into the shadows, disappearing into Daiyu’s chaotic streets.

The dark armored clone reappeared and approached the Diarch and his entourage. His movements were almost droid like, the product of genetic programming. He carefully pulled out a holoprojector displaying the same Helix symbol as on his armor.

"My Lady welcomes you to Daiyu, Lord Diarch." He droned, "She has been expecting you. Your agents are commendable, but left their traces. She humbly invites you to our operations base. When your forces are ready, you follow me."



Location: Daiyu
Tags: Syoh Pa Syoh Pa Darth Nathrax Darth Nathrax

A minor flare of irritation and being found out struck him, but he quickly tamped it down. Any one in his targets line of work would have their own counter intelligence. So with a smile on his face, he followed the man.

As they walked, the Diarch took in the sites, he had only ever heard of Daiyu, it reminded him of a little Nar Shaddaa, but he was not here for sight seeing, he had a task for the good of his people. Something that would be able to turn the tides in the wars to come.

"It is impressive that you were able to trace our inquiries back to us.. our network takes great care to mask their presence. I will have to give my compliments to your boss."

His gaze lingered on spiced meats at a vender stall as they walked past, realizing he hadn't eaten yet. But there would be time for that later. He dialed in his focus as they approached a large building. This was business, and if there was one thing that Reign was starting to get a handle on.. it was negotiations.

"Here we go.." he said to himself softly.


The armored thug kept moving forward to the warehouse. At the side entrance, there was a small piece of graffiti that bore resemblance to the helix on his pauldron. He pressed his hand, moving it in an odd sequence, the door unlocking as a response. He motioned for the Diarch and his entourage to follow.

"Lady Pa," came his disguised voice once more, "Presenting the representatives of the Diarchy."

The warehouse's interior was very much a laboratory and barracks. Others like the armored thug, in variations of the same uniform inspecting weaponry. Scientists in black lab coats, studying various genetic codes. Cloning tanks, occupied by homunculi of different species, at various gestational stages. Standing before it all was a tall Kaminoan, dressed in a dark variation of her kind's native wardrobe with red accents.

"Excellent," Syoh Pa's monotonous voice intoned "You're dismissed, SH-9766. Gather nourishment and switch shifts with SH-1616. You're reaching 12 hours since last REM cycle."

The soldier of Sanguine Helix saluted before walking off. Syoh Pa walked to the Diarch, her movements fluid and graceful like a serene fish through water.

"Welcome, Diarch Reign." Syoh spoke with cordiality, "I do apologize for violating the integrity of your spy network. Given my....history with my homeworld, I take caution seriously."

She snapped her fingers, and several of her gang members moved slowly. They set up a table and a few seats. A few others came forward, looking similar to the Decraniated, offering refreshments. The Kaminoan took a seat, giving a gentle motion for her guests to do the same.

"Shall we get to business?" She questioned, "Your time is valuable, I'm sure."



Location: Daiyu
Tags: Syoh Pa Syoh Pa

The Diarch absorbed all that was transpiring around him, while the exterior facade of the building made it appear as though it was just another non-descript warehouse the interior was a masterpiece of bleeding edge cloning technology. Reign maintained his cool exterior, but beneath the surface, he was buzzing with excitement. He had never seen cloning tech up close before, and what this technology could do for the Diarchy was running through his mind.

At being addressed directly by his host, Reign bowed low, remembering in his history lessons how the Kaminoans valued decorum.

"Mistress Pa, think nothing of it, if anything, you provided us an area to improve. I thank you for taking the time to meet with me."

Taking the seat which was offered, Reign looked directly into Syoh's eyes.

"Yes, it seems time is a commodity that has become quite scarce for me. To the long and short of it, the Diarchy would like to employee you in the creation of an army. One that will finally bring peace to the galaxy"


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