Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A New Story

Nauren sighed as he leaned back in the chair of the YTA-2150 he had bought a while back and was now using for his smuggling runs through the galaxy. His hands tightened on the controls though today as he sailed through the air of the moon of Yavin Four. Once a place in which the Massassi people held strong but now a ruined world with Jedi Temples in the former Massassi areas. "If i get caught, i wonder what would happen... Probably some kind of jedi mind wipe thing..." He smiled as he rubbed at the hand that had been broken in the far off past by a Sith. "Least they hopefully wont break something."

His hands moved to tear through the clouds now with the ship as he was working on a tip to find a place where there might be some old Sith tech that could fetch a decent price for a collector or the black market. Either one would be more than interesting if he could find such a thing, it just took some looking and hope. And the fact if he could get into there without it breaking on the landing which he was easing into already. The place that he was looking at was simply a bit small but he was sure he would be able to move into the area and slowly brought it in before killing the engine. He smiled and started to stand up from his seat, grabbing his two blasters and laaughing. "Time to take out ghosts."
A ship here, now that peaked her interest. Plus she had never really lost the habit of chasing down a landing ship as they were such rare things on Dathomir and well she figured she should police the place considering she was on a wilderness excursion of her own. So she was mainly just curious who would land here of all places. She approached the ship carefully, remembering how she was taught to approach outsiders from when she was on Dathomir, staying out of sight in the brush first spying on the craft and when she saw one man, she stood. " Who goes there" She said in an ascented basic. It was clear it wasn't her first language.

She didn't hold anything in her hands though it was clear something like a lightsaber was on her belt and she was probably an sight, considering she was in her Dathomir clothing, of leather and clearly of primitive make. Nothing fabricated with modern technology. It was carefully handcrafted and was nice but clearly something odd to most in the galaxy. She preferred wearing it, she felt it gave her more protection. Though to modern guns, that was not likely so noting he had two, well it made her reconsider that was sure. But well nothing was hostile yet, plus perhaps she could claim him, as she did with the last man who landed a ship near her, though not on Dathomir..who was going to argue in the middle of nowhere on Yavin? She could at least deflect a shot if he tried with her hand, though she hoped it didn't come to that.

[member="Nauren Oricion"]
[member="Elayne Hawk"]

The moment Nauren stepped out of his ship the words hit him like a bullet and he sighed. "Well, that was quick, i had expected the ghosts to atleast let me walk around for a little bit..." His hand went to his hair as he pushed it back and turned his head to look at the woman who stood there in the clothing of a woman from Dathomir, carrying a primitive looking saber at her side that made him a bit cautious about grabbing for one of the blasters at his side. "Hello there, i don't expect you will let me go and do what i came here for... will you?"

His hands crossed behind him, both to show he was no threat but also to allow him easier reaction time in which to grab his blasters and aim them. If this woman was going to do anything about his being here he would try and disable her without hurting her but if he had to he could. "My name is Nauren Oricion, im just here to check out some temples and to go... if you don't mind me going on with my business, then perhaps we can have a nice little chat later. Hmm?"
"Well I am not really stopping you I have no say in what is allowed here go ahead and do whatever you want here. I mainly came to see what someone was doing landing here in the middle of nowhere." She looked him over and smiled wishing she was on Dathomir. "Can I help?" She asked figuring what was the harm, plus she could get to know the man, she was always up for learning more. "I am Elayne, Elayne Hawk."

The least she could do was introduce herself if she was going to tag along with him. She hoped he would let her, she hadn't worked up the courage to explore the temples due to her last experience exploring ruins. She shivered at the thought of the amulet that use to be around her neck. She never wanted to have that happen again. She was so going to stay away from strange artifacts.

[member="Nauren Oricion"]
[member="Elayne Hawk"]

Glyph yawned as he walked off the boarding ramp before smiling wide. His hands were clasped behind him as he walked, his eyes running over the face of the temple a little ways off. While he listened to her talk he turned his head to her. Giving her a kind, small smile that held no degree of ulterior reason for talking to her. His hands came around him as he clasped them and smiled a bit wider. "Well then Miss Hawk, shall we go. I never turn down help and you probably will keep from others coming around too." He stopped and looked her over for a second to judge if she was skilled or not, unsure in the end. "My name is Nauren Oricion, its a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
"Do you enjoy hearing your full name out loud?" Elayne giggled as he introduced himself a second time. She refrained from saying anything out loud but it was odd still to her that males were allowed such freed om in the galaxy. Cultures.. She sighed and followed him she was quick on her feet and kept up with him at ease. After all she had been living in the wilderness practically her whole life.

“So what do we hope to find… I mean you don’t take me for the type here for academic reasons like a bulk of the jedi that I have met. “ Elayne pondered just what he was here for. Was it stealing if he took what no one owned? She didn’t think so after all she had explored her own ruin and while that had ended badly she still had enjoyed every bit of it. Perhaps today would be fun too and they wouldn’t run in to anything to horrible.

[member="Nauren Oricion"]
[member="Elayne Hawk"]

"It does have a nice ring to it if i say so myself, but in truth i was just making sure that the wilderness here did not dull any wits... it seems it does not and that is something i more than am sure of. Plus, if i was not saying my own name more than once i would be saying yours miss Hawk. It is a nice one." He smiled at her and started walking towards the temple as he continued talking. "You see, the Massassi Temples could hold any number of items from holocrons, to sith swords, to even some archaic writing that survived. Creations thousands of years old, preserved from time in the tombs and temples of a race bred for war and only that. The fortune held in these temples could make a man very rich... or get him killed." He smiled and stared at Elayne as he walked.

What he said next though was more of a challenge then out of curiosity. "Tell me, are you able to fight. It is possible that Sith spawn like Tarentek may still reside in these temples, four hundred years of darkness does normally leave secrets behind that no one should find. And i want to make sure i wont be watching over you Elayne and that you have my back." He was still smiling, testing her himself, waiting for her to take his challenge.
She took his challenge, not believing a male would say such a thing letting her anger get the best of her. She would quickly pounce hoping to pin him to the ground, using her training from her clan and the fact she was rather strong from her lifestyle. She would pull no weapon just try to pin him to the ground, and glare in his eyes. "Of course I know how to fight, and for a male to question that is an insult, I should be concerned on if you can fight, after all you’re male." Then she realized what she had done and blushed a bit if one paid close enough attention. She would try to let him up, the question is what would he do.

[member="Nauren Oricion"]
[member="Elayne Hawk"]

Her trying to pin him was completely unexpected, which is why the moment she tried is the moment he went down without knowing what in the world just happened. It took her words and a few more moments to jolt him back to consciousness in the realm of capable thought. Once she decided to question him too... well thats where the fun began. As soon as she let him up, assuming she stuck out her hand to help him up he would use her weight against her and attempt to pull her down. His body would then move in one fluid motion in which he would try to roll over and kneel over her, a saber shooting from his sleeve and the cold metal placed against her neck.

What if she didn't reach out to help him up? Well that was just as quick a movement where instead of getting all the way up he would kneel there for a moment before kicking off with his feet and launching himself forward with the force to tackle her down to the ground, this time using his arm to try and hold her down by her throat. He wouldn't press hard enough to hurt her, nor cut off air flow, just looking to turn the situation around on her.

What would he say or do either way should it work, why he would be there, smiling down at her. Watching the tiny bit of blush before making a comment, the comment coming if he succeeded or not. "Whats with the tinge of red, you getting sick there Miss Hawk?"
Elayne blushed and felt bad, so of course she went to help him up, reaching down to offer him a hand. “Sorry I..” Was all she got out as she felt her world turn upside down. He had gotten her right back, was her last thought until suddenly she felt steel on her neck. That was unexpected, she thought staring back at him. “It’s nothing …” She said looking away and pushing him off of her with the force, getting up by herself. She held her arms and sighed this whole equality thing was hard “Let’s go to the temple… we both seem capable fighters.” She said the blush still apparent. He had impressed her, she hadn’t thought it in him to be bold enough or able enough to pull it right back on her.

It wasn’t every day you met someone who could knock you off your feet like that she supposed. She didn’t want to have to explain herself surely it would have been easier but she just walked along in silence willing to let it go. Not believing that one she had done that.. and two that he had done it right back. Elayne hadn’t been expecting his retaliation. He was bold.

[member="Nauren Oricion"]
[member="Elayne Hawk"]

He smiled at her as she turned her head and pushed him off with the force, causing him to stumble for a moment before laughing and brushing himself off. "Oh come now, no need to be so stiff. We aren't Sithspawn chow just yet are we?" He smiled at her as he started walking towards the temple near her, his saber returning to its hidden place in his sleeve and he starting to walk towards the massive opening. "By the way, i wont have to hold your hand or get a light for you right, don't need one of us leaving here with our lunch gone from our stomachs." Again, his tone was joking and cheerful. Not a single word meant to insult or put the woman beside him down. Simply meant to lighten the air between him and this random... he assumed Jedi.
Elayne scoffed “ You wish” She said rolling her eyes at the comment. This Dathomir witch laughed and ran ahead towards the temple “Last one there has to catch lunch.” She said giggling as she ran. After all she didn’t like being showed up “And no using the force to run” She shouted running as fast as she could. She remembered running with her friends and the rancor herd that lived near her visit, including her mother’s rancor. She had fond memories of playing games with her mother’s rancor. She hoped that if she had her own daughter that she could have just as many fond memories.

Elayne rounded a large tree and jumped over a hole giggling and making her way to the temple. She was almost there and she wasn’t sure if she was going to win this, he might surprise her after all. She giggled as she ran having fun for the first time in ages. Life had become far too serious. This was more like it racing someone to a destination, exploring and just generally not having to worry about force orders and the safety of one's friends so much. She so missed her home planet. She ran as fast as she could muster determined to beat [member="Nauren Oricion"].
[member="Elayne Hawk"]

"HEY!" He watched her dart off and challenged him back. Very well then. He was about to push the force into his feet as he ran after her until she spoke those seven little words. 'Smug much... I guess its only fair...' He thought to himself as he ran but instead of rounding the tree he decided to jump. He made his fun out of running from people across roofs and through alleys, with or without the force. So as she came around, jumping over that hole, he was coming down and starting off right beside Elayne as she continued to run.

He would admit that the run was fun, more fun then hes had in a while. But Nauren was not going to just let her win. His legs stretched with each stride, trying to push ahead of her as they ran. But, she was a tinge bit faster and he smiled as he looked at her. "I never was good with rules." Kicking up some dirt he pushed the force into his body and shot forward as they neared the large opening in the temple. Seeing if that burst was just enough to beat her into the temple's confines.
That was when Elayne started singing, the song one of power and a Witch trick. She after all liked them better than those jedi moves. Her song was in Pancean. an language native to Dathomir. It was beautiful and hopefully distracted as she felt her self have the ability to run faster, hopefully tying with him. Though if he wasn't distracted than she probably lost. But she hopefully tied with the cheater. " Cheater... " She said panting as she leaned against the opening's frame for support as she regained her breath. Singing and running didn't go well, she wasn't so sure about trying that one again.

She giggled looking at him. " We will have to work on that if we get the chance for a rematch. " She said with a smile as she pulled out a torch from her pack and spoke a Pancean spell, this one lighting the end on fire. It would be clear she wasn't your average Jedi by here, or perhaps not one at all. "Lets find something then, I mean that is why you are here right?" She said waving the torch around. It was clear she didn't own anything 'modern' She used tried and true methods for everything. Why use technology? Plus the last time she had messed with a datapad she had broken it. She had apologized to Syn, but she knew it had been bad as he ended up throwing it away. "

[member="Nauren Oricion"]
[member="Elayne Hawk"]

"A torch, i like it. Though if you don't mine me i think i brought my own." His hand moved a bit before the air in his hand sprang to life into the form of a flame. It liked at the air and he grinned as he glanced at her. He was a bit of a showoff and he was having a bit of fun with this girl in searching the temple so far, she was different... but if she was going to show off with her fancy language (At least, thats all he thought it was.) Then he would do so too. The two of them weren't quite done when it came to the competition and he would certainly have some fun here and now that her was no longer alone in this. "Say, Hawk. Do your eyes match the name?"

He couldn't help himself, curious if she had eyes like a hawk. It was a bad joke, but thats what he was here for, bad jokes and a barrel of laughs. "I mean, you must if you are going to toss around a name like that."
"Show off" She giggled and recited another verse of Pacean. Soon both of their fires erupted into flaming arrows that shot down the hallway. She hoped nothing flammable was down there as she did so but she figured it was worth the risk. "You will just have to find out for yourself. " She smiled following him wherever the They still had their fires but it was clear she pulled of some sort of trick. "You will have to show me how you did your trick... all I can do without a spell is shoot lighting out of my hand." She laughed and bumped him towards the side of the hall way with her hip. "So if we find anything I so don't suggest putting it on. I got cursed by a sith amulet that way. " She said shivering at the memories of what had happened to her.

[member="Nauren Oricion"]
[member="Elayne Hawk"]

"Little bit of space magic and poof, i got my hand on fire. Trust me, its not as glorious as it sounds and really it hurts alot at first." He smiled as she asked him how he did it with a spell. "You are Dathomiri, aren't you? Between the clothing, your saber, and the point you brought up about spells. I suspect you are a member of one of their clans... You aren't a nightsister right?" He looked at her curiously and smiled even more at the comment about the amulet. "Oh, don't worry. A necklace on me wouldn't even look that great. If anything ill grab a sword and get possessed, that way atleast the item is useful during the possession."
"Singing Mountain Clan, and really if I was a nightsister, you would know it most likely by now." She said giggling at his comment. " I don't know I think you could pull of a necklace.. and plus with a sword, that means I have to fight you and a sith sword... which doesn't sound nearly as appealing to fighting possessed you with a cute necklace on. " She said giggling and wondering if she could get away with claiming him. She could convince him to dathomir and by the time he was visiting her village he would be all hers. She pondered the plot and instead just decided to try this the normal way according to Syn, For the man told her numerous times.. she couldn't just claim men like she was use to. Men had rights here, which was surprising but tolerable mainly because she kept to herself. She followed Nauren and just wondered where they would end up as their path ended with a right turn. "Seems we have to go right. " She said yawning to show that she was waiting for something exciting to happen or something to find. At least the last place she had explored had traps... she thought remembering barely surviving the one that she had fell into.

[member="Nauren Oricion"]
[member="Elayne Hawk"]

He looked at her as they walked and listened to her words as she mused about him wearing a necklace. She sure was absorbed in that thought granted but there was another thought crossing her mind that he couldn't quite decipher. It made him curious as to what was going on in that little head of hers... then again she probably wondered what was going on in his. Were they both wondering about what was going on in the heads of others. Oh thoughts for another day and something to think on.

So he walked and his eyes came to the wall at the end of their path, turning his head to the side and looking around past the corner for anything that would indicate traps or something of worry. "You know though, if we did fight i think i would probably win. Just pointing it out there. I heard you Dathomiri are quite easy to beat." He smiled at her, another statement clearly meant as a joking challenge to the woman.
"Oh yeah? You think so?" She said furrowing her brow a bit. " Ever wrestled with a rancor? " She asked with a giggle. "I think you are sorely mistaken, I will have you know that you would lose, though it hardly be your fault, you are male after all." She said as she froze as she noticed a tripwire. She went to warn Nauren but she wasn't sure if he would hear in time. " Stop!" She shouted trying to pull him to a stop if nothing else. As convinent as it would be to have him die to a trap when it came to gaining belongings, she rather liked the man enough to at least save his life. He entertained her with his notions. She wondered what was going on in his mind. He knew a great deal to know that she was Dathomiri. What else did he know?

She would prepare to motion up a deflection spell if something shot out at them if Nauren activated the trap after all. She didn't want to die with him after all. She would hate to have it all end on some remote moon and temple. That would be a horrible ending if there was one.

[member="Nauren Oricion"]

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