Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Night Aboard the Fleet- Expeditionary Fleet

[member="Ark Tallen"]​
[member="Ali Hadrix"]​
[member="Tyranus Collik"]​
[member="Venris Helion"]​
[member="Larana Holst"]​
[member="Areiana Slayer"]​
[member="Daniel Imura"]​
[member="Zavzen Sae'ryx"]​
[member="Emily Beleren"]​
Timeline: Sometime after Tortuga and Illum. Before Sith Crusade
Location: Unknown
Objective: Your characters life, off duty on board the fleet at night.
The fleet was in deepsace now, corralled up for protection. In the Circle Vassaras own vessel the Gypsy Carvan drifted in formation. It had been a gruelling few weeks. Fighting Pirates, liberating station, exploring planets. She'd put a lot of time and energy in and now it was relaxation time.

As she sent her final message cross the fleet, Silas took first watch on the helm. Without a word she slipped out of the cockpit and walked back towards the hangar. She passed her room, and hung her coat up, stripping off everything but belt, with the lightsaber, her trousers and a dirty white tank top.

It was time to train, to take her mind off the whole ordeal of the galaxy and the struggles between good and evil. She arrived in the hangar and opened a crate, lobbing two remotes into the air.


They sprang to life, beady little sensors scanning the room and stun blasters activating.

"Initiate directive one alpha."


She closed her eyes, letting her saber hang lifeless by her side. The remotes darted about for a few seconds, regarding her stance. Vassara expanded her connection with the force, opening herself up to the currents of the void.

Buzz, the saber roared to life as the first blaster bolts sailed, splitting the air with crackling energy. Both shots met her lazy parry, but the deflection was off and the droids darted aside from the returned blasts....
The lights were dim around the ship, and all was quiet. That was, unless one happened to walk by the training room. As they got closer, they would hear the rhythmic sound of someone practically murdering a punching bag, and then a thump as it fell down. Reaching down to grab the bag once more, Daniel hefted it back up to the hook. He wanted to try and improve his aim, but he wasn't that much of an ass to make the crew listen to gunfire all night. Wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead, he went to sit down in the corner after looking around to make sure nobody was near. He hadn't exactly let out his secret yet; for whatever reason, he didn't want word to travel around that he was a shaper. It was probably futile to try to keep them in the dark now however. Since they'd done that mind meld thing, he was pretty confident they all had an idea of what he was, and what he could do. Still, it made him feel safe. Closing his eyes, he delved into the force, and the floor around him began to cover itself in a thin later of frost.

Ark Tallen

Quartermaster of the Expeditionary fleet.
Ark enjoyed the peace of his ship, not his personal ship, but his frigate. Respectively, the Acheron belonged to the whole group, but Ark liked to enjoy her as if she was his own sometimes, strolling around its armored halls, taking into prospect its beauty. The halls where lit with a bright blue light, and each door held another vital crew member, one of Arks brothers and sisters in exploration.

He cared for the Acheron like it was his own child, and was always looking for things to add. Strolling through the halls, he looked at what he had begun to ass to the ships decor, his next achievement would obviously be a basilisk, but it could wait. Looking out into the hangar, he saw the crew members working about on repairs, keeping things steady. It was beautiful.

Walking up to the bridge, Ark took his spot and watched over deep space with a cup of fine whiskey in his hand, living the high life.

[member="Vassara Raxis"]
In his own corner of the Gypsy Caravan, Venris was sitting in meditation after a workout of his own not dissimilar from what Daniel or Vassara had been doing. He had taken advantage of finally being back in his element to both practice his Soresu against drones with small stun blasters, and later he worked himself into a sore and sweaty mess through a couple hours of different exercises, using the Force to enhance his performance and push himself to the limit before his body had finally screamed 'enough!' and forced Venris to take it easy for a while.

From where he was Venris had only a vague idea of anything else going on throughout the ship. Not willing to spy on his brothers and sisters of the fleet, he was attempting to reach out with the Force in search of something far beyond the fleet's boundaries...something that he had felt calling out to him.

Unfortunately exhaustion had begun to drag the young man down into the dreaming world as he continued his search, leaving him slouched against a crate and dreaming of the very thing he had sought...concealed in a bar on some distant world, beneath the hood of a cloak and taking a sip from a glass. The being paused in setting its drink aside, and a pair of familiar yellow eyes opened beneath the hem of the hood.

"Don't look too far," Sedita Helion whispered as he flashed a fanged grin. "You never know what will be looking back at you."

Venris woke with a start, barely a few moments having passed since he had drifted off. Rubbing his head, he climbed to his feet and rolled his shoulders a bit. "That cuts it...I need a drink." He decided, leaving his resting place.

As he passed by the training room that he had been using not a few hours ago Venris felt a chill run up his spine and glanced at the sealed door. He knew Daniel was inside the room, and he had a good feeling that the drop in temperature was related to the young man...Venris had found out quite a bit from their time in the Battlemind, but he'd never called Daniel out on it before and wouldn't start now.

[member="Vassara Raxis"] [member="Daniel Imura"]

Roth Tillian

Unlike other people of the fleet who had large vessels and crews, Roth had one ship and a crew of one droid with an attitude issue. As it happened, his ship was having a bit of an attitude issue as well. Hence the reason he was lying beneath the console with grease up to his elbows and his sleeves rolled up.

"M1, pass me the hydrospanner." The droid whistled and Roth raised an eyebrow, not that it would be visible, but it was still his reaction. Roth frowned and tapped his hand on the underside of the console. One of the droid's arms extended and handed the tool to him. "Thank you."

Something thumped loudly beneath the console and he yanked his head out, rubbing at his scalp. "Send a message over to fleet HQ to see if they have these spare parts." M1 seemed to laugh maniacally, if that was even possible for a droid, but catalogued the parts Roth pulled out from the console and dumped in a storage container, and sent a message to fleet supply.


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Vassara Raxis"]
He barely ever was in the Gypsy Carvan but he was living here now, after what happened to the Hydra and his other ship he was stuck he for now. He laid motionless on a bench with a bottle of booze on the far side of the bench along with his shotgun and helmet and armor. He just laid their in his armored pants and black tanktop sleeping soundly. Suddenly he woke up and he saw Krell, with the dead crew members around him. Tyranus rushed and grabbed his purple lightsaber in one hand and his orange lightsaber in the other. Krell send a stream of lightning towards Tyranus and he dodged out of the way, throwing both sabers towards Krell. Krell ducked and the blades embedded themselves into the interior of the ship. Krell ran towards Tyranus and grabbed him by the neck and began to shock him. Tyranus yelled in pain and then when he thought it was all over, Krell suddenly talked.

Soon, Soon you will see me and you shall die!

With that Tyranus woke up, sweat covered his face and shock in his eyes. He sat on the bench for a minute before leaning back on it and drinking some booze.
[member="Vassara Raxis"]

Zavzen was following his time honour tradition, only sleep for two hours. He had leant back in the slave pens how to operate on little to no sleep and had continued it to this day. He was currently aboard his ship The Eternal Saviour. He was standing, bare-chested in the middle of a cargo bay that was empty of anything but a small chest pushed up to the left wall, wearing only his silk trousers, as usual. Slowly he began to move gracefully before picking up speed and ferociousness. As part of his training as a Je'daii he was to learn the Arts and ever they had been his escape, his relaxing past time and he often delved back into the Arts when everything became to much.

An hour later Zavzen slowly wound down until he finally came to a stop, heart pumping him his chest. Walking over to the chest he opened it and pulled out a violin before starting to play a haunting melody as he walked out of the room, towards his study where he would finish his ritual with a drink to lost family and friends before burying himself into his research. He had so much to do before he went after all.
Stardust sat in the hangar doing her usual check on her fighter, a nice xwing that she trusted but not as much as her good friend r8. Who was a astromech"r8 have you performed a check on the systems "the little droid tweeted and beeped" awesome

She sat in it propping her feet up on the console with a sigh, things had changed a lot for her, recently a good friend had died she left her past behind....again.....but she was glad to be alive and in the company of friends

Ark Tallen

Quartermaster of the Expeditionary fleet.
A buzzing was felt from the arm rest of Arks seat, a call it seemed. Taking a swig of the luxurious amber liquid, Ark pressed a button on the console, answering a call from a ship adrift out in the fleet needing spare parts. Ark loved mechanics, and at the head of a beastly frigate, he was of no desire to say no.

"On my way with what spare parts we have, hold your horses." Ark spoke with a laugh into the mic. Looking over to Rusty, he called out to his little probe droid. "Get some men to get the buckets of spare parts were carrying into the Emerald Kingfisher, load up to the ships mainframe and ill be back soon."

Only five minutes later Ark arrived at the hangar, and his ship was filled to the brim with boxes of random parts, the droid took him literally when he said everything! Ark was honestly surprised the light speeder of a ship could even fly with all that weight. The engines roared to life and Ark began the ascent to his companions ship.

@Roth Tillian
As Daniel began to meld further into the force, he began to enter another memory of Morna's. It started when he walked up on a couple and called them out on it. No, wait. Not a couple. Morna had feelings for the girl. And the man was his friend, apparently. Both became angry, and a fight ensued. He felt the conflicted emtions inside his head. Anger at his friend, yet not wanting to really fight him. But the situation only got worse. They drew their sabers and began a duel, the whole time leaving the girl to watch, horrified. The memory cut to Morna standing over the man, breathing heavily. The other was heavily burned, Daniel guessed it was due to Morna's shaping. It had been quite an intense fight... Opening his eyes with a start, Daniel quickly noticed that ice had spread out everywhere around him, and was creeping up the walls, sealing the door shut. Opening his mind out, he quickly willed the ice to melt, then dissipate into steam. The evaporation of the water took a little longer; he was still learning that side of his abilities. That if he could freeze water, he could also evaporate it. Simple knowledge, really. Before he sat back down, he felt a familiar presence walking by. Venris. Quietly opening the door, he saw the man walking down the hallway. Taking a few moments, he decided to catch up with him. "Hey."

[member="Venris Helion"]
Zavzen sighed and cracked his back a few hours later when he emerged from his work. He and HAELI had been tracking down a slaver from reports of missing people, kidnapping cases and financial records and had finally. Looking across at the crono on the wall, he sighed. It was still a few hours until his next training time and until then he had nothing to do. Pushing himself to his feet he made his way to the air lock where The Eternal Saviour was docked and connected with Gypsy Caravan. Maybe Vassara would be up for a spar.

[member="Vassara Raxis"]
[member="Daniel Imura"]

Venris turned and glanced back at Daniel. "Oh, hey." He nodded, greeting the younger man. "Can I assume that the whole thing is related to your powers? Okay I know that's a stupid question but..." He shook his head and turned around entirely so he was facing Daniel, pausing to raise one hand and brush strands of hair weighed down by perspiration away from his forehead. "Sorry, I'm rambling, happens after a long work out. How's your break been going?"


The Darkness feeds me
[member="Venris Helion"]
Tyranus stood up and walked towards the training room, trying to keep his mind away from the Nightmare. He continued to walk down the hall and then leaned against the frame of the door trying to think away the Nightmare. He closed his eyes for a minute and then opened them and saw Venris near the training room. Tyranus would've said something but he kept his mouth shut and leaned his head back, the back of his head resting on the steel door frame. Suddenly, a comm opened up on his wrist and he opened it.

Uh, Hey who is this?

A friendly and relived voice answered the comm.

It's me, Mando. Remember me? Will also I will see you soon.

Tyranus closed his eyes again and leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes and letting his mind wander. He breathed deeply and then continued to stand their with his arms crossed. He put a hand to his neck feeling the tender tissue where he was shocked and he grimaces slightly in pain as he runs his hand over a specific severally burned and scarred area. At the time he didn't know it, but the look of his face was visible along with the long scar reaching from the tip of his neck down to the bottom of his neck.


Disney's Princess
The Hanalei Bay

She was a luxury yacht. No guns, no secret hidden compartments. Built on Corellia for business and the apex of civilian comfort. This was home that showed love in every detail. Not a scratch on her.


Grant sat in office just off the bridge. A captain's cabin made for two. Outside the view window he could see the other ships. On this computer screen sat the latest draft of a news story he was writing. Some people still called it, Journalism.

She was off on another crazy adventure in the Expanse. Grant had the house for the week. Well. Maybe longer than that really. She'd call in tomorrow. Tonight the void was his. He'd spend it typing until he got tired. The droids could do the helm.

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