Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction A Nightmare to Escape From

Lightning struck with ferocity, each bolt providing light in the darkness.

Rain battered down, striking against an undisclosed number of identical clear glass pods. Each pod was spaced roughly 10 metres apart. All of the pods were hundreds of metres up in the air, suspended by thin struts to what appeared to be a starship of some description. All of the pods appeared to be suspended directly in the heart of the storm that surrounded them.

Darkness consumed each pod, the thick rain and dense cloud making it near impossible to see out of. The only source of light were the strikes of high voltage electricity, providing only a few seconds reprieve before plunging each of the individual pods back into the unforgiving darkness.

Each pod contained a single individual, unconcious through design. Each individual had something in common. They were all servants of the Darkside of the Force. As they started to come around, they would realise very quickly they had no memories of how they came to be locked inside their pods. Maybe the last thing they remembered was being asleep? Maybe it was training?

Where had all of their equipment gone? All of them would have been carrying equipment, surely. Now it was gone. Instead, all nine were dressed the exact same. Simple black robes, a utility belt with one single stimpack, a fuel source of some description and a torch. All of them had a single sheet of paper on them that simply read "Good Luck" in High Sith.

Some may have been able to make out the other pods, a very rare few may have even been able to make out the individuals in the pod next to them. Some would attempt to escape and find no way out. They were entirely sealed in. Others would accept their fate, getting comfortable and accepting the end.

Without warning, all of them would hear the same voice in their head. It was deep and intimidating, intentionally so. It attacked from all directions, there was no-way to drown it out or change it's volume. It spoke one single word, nothing else.


Then the floor of each pod opened, and without warning all of the individuals were plunged into the storm below.
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Equipment | In Bio

Location | Haiklet

Tag | Open

As her eyes had opened, she saw naught but a wild storm around her. It was unclear to her how she even ended up in this mess... Her hands feel around the pod, seeing no way out unless she wanted to take a gamble at smashing the glass and plummet emperor knows how deep into that fog.

Trying to keep a focused mind she then feels at the equipment that was adorned onto her, getting a feel of the robe and belt. A brow is raised as Brooklyn feels at the healing injection, and then the flashlight that was also on her belt.

A finger presses on the button, letting out a faded light in the sea of fog around them.. Oh great, still cannot see chit.

With another click it turns off, the agitated Epicanthix hearing a voice in her head.

"Another test by some carcking jacka-"

Before she could finish, the pod opened, sending her down into the fog below. It wasn't too long that she found herself splashing down into a pond, the brutality of the storm shadowing the world around her as the girl stepped out from the water.

One thing was for sure.. These tests or trials needed to be taken at a cautious pace, just as she had done before on Krayiss II. Braving the sands with even less equipment than this time, and her ears could have sworn that she had heard other sounds a distance in the waters.

Whatever, or whoever it was. She didn't desire to cross paths, not in this state. And so, without and hesitation the girl ran deep into the thick brush.



"The Key to Joy is Disobedience
- Aleister Crowley -

Location: Unknown
Gear: In Sig

They're Coming to Take Me Away

"Wake Up! Wake up, girl!"

Zanami's eyelids began to flutter, allowing to seep in nothing but more darkness, and the occasional glimpse of her reflection staring peacefully back at her. Shaking her head from side to side, attempting to toss off the lingering webs of confusion, she finally snapped her eyes full wide. "Finally, you're awake," the voice said, drawing to reality that Zanami was somewhere not of her choosing.

Sitting up in the pod was beyond pointless, as it appeared it was form-fitted to her physical dimensions, and screaming would only wake the other voices currently hibernating somewhere in the fissures of her mind. Zanami began pounding on the transparent window, hoping to break out, when the voice added,
"I do not think you will find success that way, child."

The arrival of a foreign voice put the world on standstill: "Survive"

Zanami stopped her pounding, frozen further in confusion. Then the bottom fell out.

Twisting and turning, trying to right herself against the fall and the pulling of gravity, she fell through the darkness, landing in a wet marsh with one knee bent, fist from an extended arm planted in the murky fluid. Raising her head, eyes glistened in a dew of madness, she chuffed like a primal and feral beast, darting into the foliage.

Zanami Zanami | Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano | Serina Calis Serina Calis | Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway

Waking up to darkness.

This was not a new feeling for me. Too many times as a child did I have this same feeling. Even when I had been... changed. It was always like this that chit went through the roof and forced me to deal with a situation. The clothing I wore was... itchy compared to what I normally wore. Heavy, thick. As if it was meant to be every day wear, but also be protective enough for most situations. My hands moved over my form. Finding I still had my prosthetic arm. I had a slight sigh of relief. At least whoever did this to me, let me keep it. The metal hand feeling around the pod. The slight metallic clank as the prosthetic fingers clashed with the metal of the pod.

My other hand shifted through what I had on. Feeling around the utility belt trying to get a bearing of what was happening. I started to lightly chuckle at myself. My mind was already shifting through what was going on and how to get out of the situation. All because of what I had dealt with before. I guess that is one blessing of having a cultist mother.

Yet, as soon as those thoughts came to my head, a simple word came to my mind. A deep presence that felt similar, yet foreign. It felt like the voices from beyond. A terror not of our world. I shivered just before the pod opened.

The light blinding me like a flashbang at first. My eyes adjusting as I landed down into swampy mud. My senses already changing gear to over drive. Hearing breathing around me. All equal distances away. Many were of different species, genders, and ages. But all of them seemed to be in a similar situation as myself.

Thinking back to the word. That singular word of survival echoing in my head. This was a game. A dark and twisted game of the greatest magnitude. Hearing stories written in the past of what this may be. The greatest game ever hunted, was that of a human. Because of their ingenuity. My eyes were adjusting quickly enough I looked around. My clothing and that of everyone else seemed to be black. My vision turned to a woman. ( Serina Calis Serina Calis )Younger in years, blonde-ish hair, and had a presence in the force. Strong and fierce, but still unrefined. Like an ore not completed formed into an ingot. Standing up from the mud, I looked around for a moment. At first wanting to wait, or even speak to this woman, but the voice once again echoed in my head.

I didn't wait any further. the force flowing through me, I sprinted off into the treeline through the open area in front of us. My best bet with all of these people here, was either we were hunting one another, or someone was hunting us. And so I needed to get ahead of the game. Without hesitation, I ran for it. Aiming to find an advantageous point or something to search for to defend myself with.

Once again, a blessing from my failure of a mother. She trained me for bad situations. However, I would never admit that out loud.
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Student At Kor'ethyr Academy

Leshanna’s heart thundered within the confines of her ribcage as the teenage Sith acolyte tried to get a read on her surroundings. She only just woken up, and found herself trapped within a small pod of some sort, wearing only a black robe with a utility belt and some items she hadn’t quite figured out the nature of yet. She couldn’t remember how she had managed to find herself inside said container, and though this was a concern of hers - it was the least of her worries in the moment.

Stuck to her was a piece of parchment with some scribble on it in what most certainly was a Sith language, but she was still too fresh an Acolyte to understand it.

Outside the glass of her container, a flash of lightning gave her a brief look over her immediate surroundings. It appeared to be raining hard, but she couldn’t really make out anything through the deep shadows even with the flickering lightning providing some light.

How in the bantha balls am I supposed to get out of this thing?? The girl thinks to herself as she looks around, trying to figure out a pathway out of the cramped space. Am I on Korriban still? In the Academy? Is this another of the Sith King’s tests…? Is Naami and Haro in this too?

Am I alone?

Oh she really hoped her best friends were here as well - but she had to be prepared for the case if they weren’t. She knew that relying on them all the time was not wise; yes, they were a team and they worked well together, but she was learning what it meant to be a Sith and sometimes they had to work alone.

She just hated the idea of it.

Suddenly, a deep and rather dark voice filled her mind, issuing forth a single command to her: "

…and the next thing Leshanna felt was weightlessness, and she couldn’t stop the sudden scream of genuine terror that ripped from her throat as she plunged into the darkness and the storm around her. The girl flailed a bit, her black robes fluttering about her form…before she suddenly plunged leg first into a vast and icy watery expanse.

Her fear only increased, as icy cold terror clawed at her mind: she couldn’t swim.

If she didn’t find a way out of this mess quickly…then she was going to die.


A Nightmare to Escape From.
Location: ???
Objective: Survive.
Allies: ???
Opposing Force: ???
Tags: Zanami Zanami Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway Leshanna Leshanna Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano Lúthien Tinúviel Lúthien Tinúviel

Where in the Force am I?

Lightning tore through the darkness, illuminating the maelstrom for mere fractions of a second before plunging it back into the abyss. Serina Calis barely had time to register the sensation of falling before the winds roared in her ears, rain striking against her skin like a thousand tiny daggers. The storm swallowed her whole, the violent gusts whipping her simple black robes as she plummeted toward the unseen depths below.

She should have been panicking. She should have been scrambling for a way to slow her descent, reaching for the equipment she no longer carried, summoning the Force in desperation. Instead, she tilted her head slightly, an almost amused smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.

"Well, this is new," she mused aloud, the words stolen almost instantly by the howling winds.

"Oh, absolutely. A delightful change of pace, wouldn't you say?" came the familiar voice in her head. It was deep, rich, and laced with mirth—a perfect mirror of her own, yet older, seasoned, as though it had walked a thousand roads and danced in a thousand shadows.

Serina sighed, rolling her eyes mid-fall. "Alright, then. What's the play? Where did I put myself this time?"

"Darling, I wish I could take credit for this one, but I'm as clueless as you are. I do appreciate the dramatics, though. Someone clearly has a flair for theatrics—pods in a storm? The ominous voice? Classic villainy. I almost feel flattered."

let out a breathy chuckle, closing her eyes briefly as the rain lashed against her face. It was a ridiculous situation, really. She had known for some time that there was something lingering in the abyss of her being, something whispering to her from the shadows of her mind. Dark tendrils, curling and slithering from the wound where her heart had once been, had always been her closest companion in the solitude of her thoughts. The entity had been there for as long as she could remember, promising power, whispering secrets of things yet to come.

Only recently had she discovered the horrifying, amusing, inevitable truth. The entity wasn't some ancient, external malevolence. It wasn't some forgotten Sith specter or a fragment of something beyond comprehension.

It was her.

Her own future, reaching back to help herself.

It had made perfect sense in hindsight. The cryptic warnings, the amusement at her struggles, the way it always knew what she was about to say before she did. She had spent so long treating it as an other, an enemy lurking in the shadows, when in truth, she was merely arguing with a version of herself that had already walked the path she now stood upon, a version which considered her inseparable, with the love only someone as ego-driven as Serina could give herself.

"Then why are you here?" Serina asked as the ground loomed unseen beneath the storm. "I thought you only dropped in when I needed guidance. I hardly need help falling to my death, do I?"

"Oh, sweetheart, if you were about to die, do you honestly think I'd be talking to you like this? Give yourself some credit. You're far too stubborn for an ending as simple as terminal velocity."

couldn't help but smirk. "Then where's the ground?"

"Good question. Below you."

As if on cue, a bolt of lightning split the sky, illuminating a chaotic landscape below. Jagged rock formations jutted upward like the teeth of some colossal beast, interspersed with patches of dense, tangled jungle. Rivers of crimson light snaked between the trees, their eerie glow barely piercing the relentless downpour. The sight lasted only a second before darkness swallowed it again.

Serina let out a slow breath. The landscape wasn't inviting, but she'd survived worse.

"So, what do you really think is happening here?" she asked, shifting slightly to adjust her descent.

"Now that," her future self mused, "is an excellent question. Whoever orchestrated this knows exactly what we are, which means they're playing at something far greater than mere elimination. They didn't just drop us onto some backwater world to die; they made a spectacle of it. Pods, identical outfits, a singular directive… Survive."

"Sounds like a game," Serina murmured.

"Precisely. And if it's a game, then there are rules. And if there are rules…"

grinned. "Then there's a way to win."

The wind suddenly shifted, a new force yanking at her limbs as the storm roared anew. The ground was coming fast. Too fast. She reached instinctively for the Force, feeling the dark tendrils that made up her former heart coil hungrily in response, eager to be unleashed.

"Easy now," her future self chided, "let's not go splattering across the scenery just yet. Try not to break anything valuable on impact, yes? I would hate to have to fix that pretty face of yours again."

ignored the jabs and reached deeper into the abyss, drawing upon the Force, needing some way to break her fall. The storm surged around her, the raw power of it wrapping around her form like a shroud. Her descent slowed—not completely, but just enough.

And then, with a violent crash, she hit the ground.

Pain exploded through her body as she tumbled, striking against wet earth and slick stone. The impact knocked the breath from her lungs, but she forced herself to move, rolling with the momentum until she came to a jarring stop against a twisted, gnarled tree.

For a moment, all was still.


"Oh, darling, that was spectacular. Ten out of ten, truly. The landing? Flawless. The agony? Delightful. The sheer refusal to die? Impeccable."

groaned, dragging herself upright. She ached in places she hadn't even known she could ache, but she was alive.

"Shut up."


"Good, I like the compliments."

She exhaled sharply, brushing wet strands of hair from her face as she surveyed her surroundings. Shadows loomed all around, thick and unyielding. The rain had lessened to a drizzle, but the oppressive atmosphere remained. In the distance, she thought she saw movement—others, perhaps, just as unfortunate as she. One caught her eye, the crimson hair sticking out like a sore thumb ( Lúthien Tinúviel Lúthien Tinúviel ). She began a frantic run towards the tree-line, Serina taking note.

She rolled her shoulders, wincing.

"So," she muttered to herself, "what's our next move?"

"Oh, I think you already know, dearest. After all…"

lips curled into a slow, knowing smile.

"We're very good at surviving."

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Lysander's eyes opened slowly, dragging him from the depths of unconsciousness. A thick haze clouded the boy's thoughts. One of the last memories he could cling to was his stay in a bacta tank at the Kor'ethyr Academy, where he had spent what felt like an eternity waiting for his body to heal. Instinctively, he ran a hand over his knee, feeling the strength and mobility that had been restored; it was a miracle, one that he was beyond grateful for.

Amidst the fog, images of Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano and Haro Aven Haro Aven Aven also surfaced.

His current surroundings were like a puzzle, and he now found himself wondering why he was stuck in some strange pod. He wasn't panicking, not yet at least, but the confusion gnawed at him relentlessly. Where am I? How did I get here? The questions began playing in his head.

But then a voice cut through his thoughts, sharp and clear.


Before he could fully understand the meaning behind it, the ground suddenly gave way. The boy’s heart jolted as he began falling, spinning through the air; there appeared to be no end in sight. The wind roared in his ears. "Kriffff!" he yelled.

He definitely wasn't going to let fear take over without a fight. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, even as the heavy weight of helplessness started to envelop him.

And just when he thought he would never reach the bottom, he hit the water with a jarring thud that instantly rattled his body.

The weight of the black cloak felt heavier than ever, dragging him down as he kicked his arms and legs. An all too familiar and alluring presence began guiding his instincts, allowing the dark side of the Force to whisper, sharpening his clarity. It began swelling within him, and Lysander didn't hesitate to harness its power. It steadied the acolyte as he embraced the darkness, allowing it to guide him.

A more primal drive also propelled him forward then. Although his vision was blurred from the water, he could still make out another shape in the distance: dry land. Moments later, he broke free and dropped onto solid ground. He was drenched, but alive.


Unfamiliar and Insufficient Gear



As if waking from a fever dream, Naamino Zuukamano blinked to awareness whilst standing… in a storm? He needed a few moments to gather his bearings, a few precious seconds he would soon realize he didn't have.

Whatever drug or effect the zabrak had been subjected to had passed through his system a little faster than some of the others.

Others that he suddenly registered, suspended nearby, while adrenaline tightened pupils scanned his dark and stormy surroundings. He felt paper clenched in one hand, sparing it only a glance before stuffing it into the pocket of unfamiliar pants. Then lightning flashed, jaggedly illuminating the darkly roiling, fulminous sky and giving him one key moment to spot a familiar face.

A strangely familiar voice sounded in his mind and he snarled silently at the unwelcome intrusion.


The zabrak was suddenly plummeting. He'd learned so long ago that crying out did nothing helpful, so at this point it was instinct to clamp his jaw shut and focus on his breathing when he was extremely distressed. He tightened his form for the drop and tried to keep wind whipped eyes trained on whatever was rushing up to meet him in a catastrophic display of gravity 101. Naami even had half a mind to call forth a Force blast in the event he needed to propel himself into a roll upon landing.

No such thing was necessary.

The moment that cold water bitterly swallowed up his form, Naami felt dread zing through him. He was a strong swimmer, despite his extra dense musculoskeletal make up. It was not himself he was worried for in that moment. He knew that his friend couldn't swim. They'd talked about it after the Sithspawn excursion, after which Naami had insisted that both her and Haro Aven Haro Aven begin learning immediately.

Hastily the teen slipped out from the dragging weight of the dark robe, as it would only slow him. After that, he swam as quickly as he could in the direction he remembered seeing Leshanna Leshanna . Surely they hadn't fallen far enough to disrupt their trajectory overmuch.

Something deeper than logic called to him as he swam. A knowing bestowed on him by the Force perhaps? He pumped his legs, bare feet blessedly better than boots, and threw his long arms forward into a freestyle swim stroke. Suddenly he felt a grasping hand below him and dove.

A few beats passed before Naami reemerged from the dark water's surface, this time with one arm wrapped firmly around his friend and fellow Kor'ethyr student.

"Lesh- Hold on!"

The boy steeled himself, helping Lesh to get a grip on his shoulders before he made his way to the nearest shore. Almost completely winded and with more than a little excess water in his lungs, the zabrak hit murky reeds after half a minute of hard labor. Naami took to his feet in the shallow, muddy water and looked over his shoulder to check on Leshanna as he continued walking.

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Beau had been taken.

She was vaguely aware, and did little to resist it. The young woman figured if she was to die then so be it, but instead, Isobeau Srina Talon barely reacted as the floor of her pod gave way. Gravity reclaimed her with all the enthusiasm of a long-lost friend. Rain lashed at her face, and the wind howled in her ears. Lightning illuminated the abyss in stark, flickering glimpses that for a moment entertained her.

Yet, none of this was particularly surprising to her, nor did it warrant anything that might resemble panic.

Why panic? This was merely a challenge, a way of culling the weak.

There was little time to dwell on why she had been taken for this fascinating task. She had no weapons, or memory of how she'd arrived, just a meaningless, "Good Luck." Scrawled out in High Sith, as if this were some elaborate joke. If only...

How quaint, she thought, whoever orchestrated this had an affinity for the dramatic. Typical Sith.

She at least respected the effort, even if it lacked subtlety.

Beau twisted her body midair, eyes scanning for anything below, a landing, an obstacle, an unfortunate soul flialing without dignity. The air resistance bit against her limbs, slowing her descent slightly, but the storm made it impossible to judge just how much time she had before impact.

All she heard, was a voice, that spoke - no commanded one thing; survive.

How terribly uninspired.

Yet as the wind howled like an overzealous opera singer, and the rain continued to hammer against her skin with the grace of a drunken brawler. Beau continued to be unimpressed. As she continued her descent, the young teen considered her circumstances.

She considered them, a challenge and did so with an almost academic detachment. Memory loss, standardized attire, lack of weapons, and the distinct lack of an immediate escape route. A puzzle? Maybe. An insult? Absolutely. A challenge? Well. Beau supposed she should be flattered.

Her sire, Iuuna would expect her to adapt and not flail uselessly in the wind screaming at non-existent gods. If, Beau died then it was deserved, and frankly that wasn't an option she was willingly to entertain.

Beau's fingers twitched as she tested the wind resistance, adjusting her form to minimize drag. There had to be something below, a platform, a body of water, terrain, the body of an unfortunate soul who did not survive their rapid descent, anything. Beau didn't need to land well, she just needed to land first, and make sure that she didn't end up at the bottom of the food chain when the rest of the acolytes caught up.

This would at least be interesting, if not entertaining.


A Nightmare To Escape From
Location: Unknown​
Gear: N/A​
Alana woke to the sound of rain hammering against glass, the deep rumble of thunder rolling through her bones like an unspoken threat. Her head swam, thoughts sluggish and fragmented, as if she'd just surfaced from a dream too deep to fully recall. But there was no comfort in this waking. Only the cold, the darkness, and the faint pressure of something unfamiliar strapped around her waist.

Her fingers twitched against the simple fabric of her jumpsuit, her pulse steady despite the disorienting nature of her surroundings. It wasn't the first time she'd woken somewhere she didn't recognize, stripped of her weapons and her bearings.

Wouldn't be the last, either.

Panic was her first instinct, her memories droning at her like a warning of things to come.

Her gaze flickered, adjusting to the strobe-like flashes of lightning illuminating the rows of identical pods. She could just barely make out movement in the one closest to her—someone else, caught in the same twisted game. Her jaw tightened.

Then the voice came.

Deep. Overwhelming. Inescapable.


No time to react, no chance to brace—just the sudden, sickening drop as the floor beneath her vanished. The air tore past her, rain striking her skin like needlepoints, wind howling in her ears. She angled herself instinctively, arms and legs spreading to control the fall, to slow herself even slightly before she hit—


She didn't know.

Didn't matter.

She just had to survive.

Just as she always had.

The impact wasn't clean.

Alana hit hard, her body slamming into the muddy, rain-soaked earth with a force that rattled her bones. Pain flared up her side, sharp and immediate, but not deep enough to be debilitating. Her instincts had kicked in mid-fall, shifting her position just enough to roll on impact, but the landing still knocked the air from her lungs.

She lay there for a breath—just one—before forcing her body into motion. Every muscle screamed, but she shoved herself onto her hands and knees, blinking through the rain as she assessed her surroundings.

Darkness. Storm-churned mud beneath her palms. The distant flashes of other figures crashing down nearby.

The first thing she did was pat herself down.

She exhaled sharply.

No weapons. No explanation. No way back up.

Alana pushed herself to her feet, testing her weight on each leg, rolling her shoulders to check for deeper damage. Bruised, aching, but nothing broken. Nothing that would slow her down.

She took a step forward, rain sluicing down her face, and scanned the dark terrain ahead.



She'd damn well figure out how.
Interactions: Serina Calis Serina Calis
Others: Alana Calloway Alana Calloway Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano Leshanna Leshanna Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania Zanami Zanami Haro Aven Haro Aven Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway Beau Talon Beau Talon

The force flowed through my form. Crossing the distance with an unnatural speed even without the force. I welled up the energy within me. Charging myself. Feeling like my body was going to explode before I released it. Yet, send that explosive power down to my legs. And with a sudden leap, I was sent skyward. Distance and height that was clearly practiced and done many times before. The black robes I wore flapping and fluttering a the speed in which I was moving. The wind rushing past my ears. Feeling the air turn cold from the acceleration. Twirling my arms a little bit to make sure I stayed upright as I reached the apex of my leap.

Starting to come down I saw the woods and the thicket in which an almost swampy ground below. Landing into the mud and grime would not be good for me. It would limit my movement if I even tried, and the area was an unknown. Sink holes were a real possibility. Not all ground was solid, and for that, as I came down, my hands lanced out. Pushing back to slow my descent enough that I could come to a stop. Landing on one branch, but not staying there. My foot barely there for a second as it pushed off to the other. Increasing the time of my "landing" so that as I filtered between the branches and trees I was deep within the woods by now.

Turning around, my presence expanded. Reaching out to feel those who had yet to move or were already doing so by now like I had. My metal fingers piercing into the tree to hold me steady just in case my weight broke the smaller branch I stood upon. My mind flowing through the current of the galaxy. Reaching out in such a form many would not be able to register. To sense someone in the current, one must know of it before hand. And trained to sense and feel its presence in the force. A unique property of the abilities I held.

"This is a game, there are rules to every game. Some evident, and some not. I need to figure out these rules and break them."

Talking out loud to myself for a moment, I released my grip. Stepping off and sliding down the trunk of the tree down to the ground. Landing onto the root at its base. Making sure no one was near me, I reached out further. Closing my eyes to focus on what I needed. Searching, feeling its flow. All things had a ripple. And I hoped that the ripples I found would lead me to something that could give me an advantage in this game. For now, I would restrain the beast I had. Opting to only use it if I needed to.

I found something. It was a head of me by a couple dozen paces. The ripple was small but significant. Leaping again, my hands lanced out to the branches. Swinging with momentum from them like a spider-monkey, I threw myself forward and then continued to run along the branches. Good thing I knew very well how to free run and parkour. Allowing much easier movement through the thicket of trees and flora.

A Nightmare to Escape From.
Location: ???
Objective: Survive.
Allies: ???
Opposing Force: ???
Tags: Zanami Zanami Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway Leshanna Leshanna Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano Lúthien Tinúviel Lúthien Tinúviel
Alana Calloway Alana Calloway
Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano

Haro Aven Haro Aven
Beau Talon Beau Talon
Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania
Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

Where in the Force am I?

Serina wiped the rain from her face as she stepped cautiously over the gnarled roots beneath her feet. The storm had not relented—it merely hung overhead, an ever-present force of chaos rumbling in the distance. Her simple black robes clung to her form, soaked through and heavy, but she ignored the discomfort. There were far more pressing concerns at hand.

She was being watched.

No, not watched—sensed.

The touch was subtle, refined, far more delicate than the usual invasive prodding of Sith acolytes trying to establish dominance. This was something else. A careful expansion into the currents of the Force, as though the intruder was testing the waters rather than diving in outright.

Ah," came the smooth voice in her mind—her own voice, yet aged beyond her years. "Seems we're not alone in playing this little game."

Serina smirked, tilting her head slightly as she let her own presence settle in the murky depths of the Force. She could reach out—she could respond—but why make herself so obvious? Instead, she let herself drift, weaving through the darkness like a whisper instead of a scream. The one searching for her would only find echoes, distorted traces of where she could be rather than where she truly was.

She reached into the folds of her robe, fingers brushing against the singular stimpack tucked into her belt. Useless, in the grand scheme of things, but its presence was confirmation enough that this was deliberate. There was a purpose behind all of this. And if there was a purpose, then there was a path to control it.

The crack of movement above drew her gaze. A flicker of shadow among the branches, fast and precise. Someone was moving with an ease that suggested confidence—no, experience.
Serina watched the figure vault from limb to limb, metal fingers piercing into bark for stability.

Well, well.

She could sense the intent radiating from them—a quiet calculation, an analytical mind at work. This was no mindless brute, no fool thrashing through the underbrush hoping to outpace the others.

Serina exhaled softly, shifting her weight ever so slightly. Her feet made no sound against the damp earth as she adjusted her posture, blending into the darkness between the trees. She was not in the business of making herself a target—at least, not without purpose.

Oh, come now," her future self chided in amusement, "we both know you're dying to say something clever. Go on, make a dramatic entrance. You do love those."

Serina smiled.

Talking to yourself already?" she called out, her voice carrying just enough to reach the moving figure above. "A little early for madness to set in, don't you think?"

She didn't bother masking her amusement, nor did she give chase. Let them decide whether they wanted to keep their distance.

The one above had spoken of rules. Rules were made to be bent.

Serina had every intention of corrupting them.


Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member
Immediate Goals -
1: Survive
1.1: Coordinate with your fellow captives (optional)

BLUFOR - Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano || Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano || Leshanna Leshanna || Alana Calloway Alana Calloway || Serina Calis Serina Calis || Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania || Haro Aven Haro Aven || Chasianna Chasianna || Beau Talon Beau Talon || Zanami Zanami

OPFOR - Enemy Unknown

TARGETING ACTION(S) - Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano || Zanami Zanami || Leshanna Leshanna || Haro Aven Haro Aven || Serina Calis Serina Calis || OPEN FREQUENCY

With groggy realization that this was the second time he'd been surreptitiously snatched from his bed - the Kiffar took a few breaths to pry his Mind's Eyes open.

Force sensitives, some he recognized, some he didn't. Confused. Confident. Quiet. They are all brothers in bonds, or pods for that matter, all given presumably the same slip of paper.


Trayze rolled his eyes, breathed deep, and fell forward into the sluice below - the icy depths of the waters awakening whatever drugs or arcane means of sedating him. Gliding through the unseen currents, he rose, willing the Force to exit the droplets of water immediately from his body, not that the torrential rain could be avoided. Trudging through the mud, the slit of is auric pupil seared into each of the presences he's felt, giving a firm flick to indicate that he's alive, to rendezvous on his position.

Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano , Haro Aven Haro Aven , Zanami Zanami , Leshanna Leshanna - these can be considered as "blufor" in his mental tally, but he sensed someone else ( Serina Calis Serina Calis ) that was present. And she no doubt sensed him.

Survival was tantamount, and he who coordinated, conquered.


"The Key to Joy is Disobedience
- Aleister Crowley -

Location: Unknown
Gear: In Sig

They're Coming to Take Me Away

Zanami sat crouched behind a tree, her eyes staring into the darkness, looking through the mist using her infrared eyesight. There was very few attributes Mother didn't ensure her daughter to have, and this was one of those Zanami was grateful for. She didn't need to see objects or outlines of whatever stalked this unknown region; she could detect them through their evaporating body heat. If this was to be a game of cat and mouse, she knew her belly would bloat painfully from all the tiny mice she would devour.

Digging the claws from her left hand into the tree, she repositioned herself to get a better scan of the area. There was someone or something out there. She could smell them, the air of confusion wafted like blood in the water; and how many predators, she wondered, would come crashing through for a quick bite? And what kind of predators where there? Wherever was. Taking no chances, she dug all her claws from her four appendages into the tree, scaling up into the higher branches.

Again she tasted the air, proceeding to expand her Force senses outward; only to feel a ping bounce back. Habitually, she reached down for her weapon, catching only absence. A guttural growl escaped between her pursed lips, as she now stared to realize what that invading voice meant by survival.

"Let me have full control."

Zanami thought about the voice's words. She didn't know what happened when that voice took over her mind, or the others, but she witnessed the aftereffects, the diabolical scenes caused by it; the non-guilt she felt from switching the controls of her mental sun. Looking around again, contemplating the tragedies forthcoming from sitting in the back, watching the world through the eyes of one who is transfixed on the back of heads; only to wonder what those faces look like if she was not the monster she was.


And again, she began to transform mentally.


Every party had survived their fall and was now wondering around on the rain soaked planet.

Already their weaknesses were beginning to show. Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano was loyal and Leshanna Leshanna couldn't swim. Serina Calis Serina Calis had a voice in her head whilst Beau Talon Beau Talon simply appeared used to this. Everyone had something exploitable.

As the parties began to disperse into the overgrowth and the foliage, the voice that had spoken to them already would speak again into their mind. "Congratulations on surviving. That was just the first task. As I am sure you have all noticed, you are not the only one playing my game." There would be a pause. "One of you is on my side, in place to take you out one at a time. Trust no-one but yourselves and be the last one standing."

Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano had made for the brush first, and the further in she adventured the thicker she would find the brush. At times, the overgrowth became impassable and a course correction was required. Eventually, she would find her way to a handmade shack, clearly something that had been thrown together recently. Inside would be nothing but a single table, upon which sat an extremely dull vibrosword. It was old and rusted, probably more suitable for bludgeoning an opponent than stabbing them. The only issue was, it wouldn't release from the table.

Zanami Zanami had opted to climb a tree, get some height. She would hear stomping off in the distance, and from her height advantage would be able to identify a Reek blocking her path. She would have to go through it, but how she would do so without a weapon was anyone's guess.

Lúthien Tinúviel Lúthien Tinúviel had also fled from their original landing site fairly quickly, utilising the Force to clear large areas quickly. He would eventually come across the entrance to what appeared to be a tomb, recently crafted. It called out in darkside energy, almost begging him to enter and explore it's contents. Who knew, maybe it contained a weapon?

Serina Calis Serina Calis was one of those who interested their host the most, as she appeared to have two personalities. Her adventure into the brush would be mostly uninterrupted, eerily quiet even. In time, she would come across a body of water. It was deep, deeper than anyone could physically swim. At the bottom, something was shining. Any attempts to use the Force it would be unsuccessful, it wanted her to reach it physically.

Leshanna Leshanna and Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano had banded together. Their host wondered how long they would stay together with the suggestion that someone was a traitor. Would they turn on each other immediately? Would they stick it out to see? Either way, their walk away from the landing area would be marred with rain and lightning strikes in their vacinity. They would have to make their way through the storm looking to kill them.

Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania was one of the last to leave the landing areas. He was soaked through after his swim in the water and the falling rain was making it worse. The temperate was plumeting around him, making the cold just that little bit worse. Something was watching him from the bushes, but the question was what?

Alana Calloway Alana Calloway had been hurt on the way down, but she got up and continued nontheless. It was a good sign, someone that could take their beating and continue. In time, she would come across a large ravine which was seemingly impassable. At the bottom appeared to be water, but there was no telling just how deep or how shallow it was. Unfortunately, her decision would be made for her. She'd feel two palms press against her back whilst she was near the edge.

And finally there was Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar . Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr was unlikely to be impressed that Trayze had been kidnapped, but it was no matter. He cleared the area and quickly found himself in an open field surrounded by numerous individuals all chained together. Each was a member of a different species, and one would approach Traze with a note that simply read "Guess who the criminal is".

Would they all play their games?

Or would they find a way to break the rules?


A Nightmare To Escape From
Location: Unknown​
Gear: N/A​
Alana barely had time to register the shove before she was airborne.

The world lurched beneath her, the solid ground vanishing as gravity ripped her down into the abyss. Her heart slammed against her ribs, but she refused to scream. Her mind, sharp even in free fall, processed everything at once—the rush of air, the jagged walls of the ravine flashing past her, and the black water below, its surface barely rippling in the dim light.

Was it deep enough? Or was this just a long fall to a shallow grave?

The thought barely had time to register before her instincts took over. Years of training, of fights where hesitation meant death, came to the forefront. Alana twisted midair, pulling her limbs in tight. If she hit the wrong way, she'd snap her spine or break every bone on impact. If she hit just right—

The water exploded around her.

For a second, the world became nothing but cold and silence. The impact sent a shockwave through her bones, pain flaring up her side where she'd already been hurt. The weight of her weapons and gear threatened to drag her under, the deep pressing in, unrelenting.

But Alana wasn't the drowning type.

She forced her body to move, fighting through the disorienting swirl of bubbles and the burning in her lungs. Her arms sliced through the water, her legs kicking hard. With a final push, she broke the surface, gasping in a lungful of air. The cold clung to her skin, her soaked clothes weighing her down, but she stayed afloat.

She fought against the grasp of the waters. She threw a frantic look upwards. The jagged cliffs of the ravine loomed above, the ledge where she had stood now empty.

Someone had pushed her?

Her jaw clenched, water dripping from her face as her mind raced. Whoever it was, they'd assumed she was finished. That the fall would kill her, or at least keep her from coming back.

They were wrong of course.

A slow, humorless smirk tugged at her lips as she treaded water. Fine. Let them think she was gone. Let them think they'd won.

But Alana Calloway had spent her whole life surviving.

And she wasn't about to stop now. She felt herself being jostled about in the water, slamming against the sides of the rocks as she scrambled for a handhold, trying to keep herself from being bashed to death against the rocks.

She felt panic rise as her body slammed against the rocks, rage creeping in at the possibility that this was how she would go.

The familiar beckoning from that darkness within her trickled through her like a chill, and frantic against the rising tides, Alana seized it.

She was not going to die her. She let the cold sink into her bruised body, as she clung to the rocks, trying to use her profane strength in the force to save her from this watery grave.

Trayze Tesar

Well-Known Member
CURRENT MISSION - Judge, Jury...
Immediate Goals -
1: Survive
1.1: Coordinate with your fellow captives (optional)
2: Find the criminal (optional)

BLUFOR - Brooklyn Zambrano Brooklyn Zambrano || Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano || Leshanna Leshanna || Alana Calloway Alana Calloway || Serina Calis Serina Calis || Lysander von Ascania Lysander von Ascania || Haro Aven Haro Aven || Chasianna Chasianna || Beau Talon Beau Talon || Zanami Zanami

OPFOR - Enemy Unknown

TARGETING ACTION(S) - Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway || OPEN FREQUENCY

Looking at the first person who produced the note, he made sure not a single detail was out of place. He came through with a sense of certainty of outcome, that he would mete out justice for the injured, nurture the contrite, and bring oblivion to the unrepentant.

This was a test - one no doubt concocted by a half-addled imbecile who watched far too much vengen-schlock, that detestable genre that loomed over comic, film, and fanfiction where the point was the power fantasy. He weighed the paper in his hand, looked at each of the figures.

In his ears, he tasted the heartbeat, the pulses of each species, hid mind alight with the telltale signs of guilt or fearfulness of each prospective member. With his eyes, both unseen and burgundy, he registered how soaked their clothes were, the weight of the schackles on each of them - how only one was permitted to move just enough to give him his message.


The notion almost was enough to make him gag - guesswork was banal, a sign of insufficient knowledge, or insufficient will and acumen to question. He had already thought of two ways to outwit the "game master" - as loath as he was to title this unseen adversary, and the means of game theory and interrogation already echoing in the back of his mind to turn his hypotheses to clearer, more inevitable conclusion.

"Scuse me?" he asked. "M'name's Trayze Tesar, and Ah'm a detective." he gave a warm, genuinely reassuring smile to those still chained up. "Does... anyone have a pencil or a pen on 'em? Ah'd like ta get ta' know ya but Ah'm terrible with names!"

Assess the resources, advance with a question, ascertain how coordinate these captives might have been. Open with a joke, demonstrate that you're just as vulnerable as they - the opportunistic pounce, the despondent will curl in on themselves, and the sympathetic will reach out.

"Guess the criminal" my arse, Trayze thought to himself even if these lot were responsible for pissing in Darth Carnifex's wheatie-flakes, if there is no source of law for this action - there is no justice in it. To run counter to the spirit of justice is the highest form of criminality, the highest means of destroying community. Vigilantism may be accepted - but vigilantism ought tempered by compassion, by restraint, by understanding. Not by sadism. Self-gratification leads to self-righteousness.

Equipment | In Bio

Location | Haiklet

Tag | Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway /Open

Her eyes examined the shack from a distance before confirming that no one seemed to be home, then again.. This wasn't the kind of place you just simply call a home. Her mind figured this structure to be built for the purpose of this game, and thus she treated it with appropriate caution.

Snapping off a long enough branch she pushed the door open from a distance... No traps? As the girl got closer she checked the floor.. No traps..

A spot as good as any to ready herself then, giving the dullen blade glances as she felt at her loose black robe. It was only slowing her down, adding extra weight thanks to being soaked.

Going back outside for a moment she collects herself two stones before going back inside, using one to chip away at the other until it became sharp enough.

Using her now sharp little tool, she cuts and rips her robes to only cover what was needed, fastening the rest as a tied sling around her back and the rest as poor quality bandages.

And now with far less weight burdening her, she brings her attention back to the blade. Being the amazonian type build that she was, there was no issue in smashing the table apart to take her prize... Said prize was swiftly attached to her belt.

Making use out of her improvised stone knife, she began to make use of it. Taking the long branch she used earlier and snapping it into shorter segments, sharpening the ends to make quick and cheap throwing spears that could be kept on her back thanks to the sling.

She had already been tested before in harsh conditions, she was ready.



"The Key to Joy is Disobedience
- Aleister Crowley -

Location: Unknown
Gear: In Sig
Tag: Zachariah Conway Zachariah Conway / Open

They're Coming to Take Me Away

The sounds of heavy footfalls, followed by the sounds of heavy crashing off to her right drew her attention, something big was coming her way. Readjusting her position in the tree, her eyes slowly scanned the area looking for the detection of a radiating heat source, ignoring the voice that preceded the not-to-distant incoming visitor.

With the drizzling rain now forming into a torrential downpour, even with her thermal sight she would have difficulty to detect the intruder, however, the brief flashes of lightening cutting through the night sky like jagged little knife slashes offered up a natural lighting. It was on the last passing of the blue streak high in the sky that she caught a glimpse of the creature sauntering its way toward her. It was a beast she had never encounter before.

Zanami watched as the three-horned brute sniffed the air, attempting to catch her aroma, whilst trying to gauge how to engage this mighty creature without a weapon. Then she smiled, coldly. The voice, the one Zanami had dubbed Madness, who now was fully in control began babbling incoherently; mimicking verbal sounds that Zanami, now watching from the inside out, was confused by. The beast, swiveling its ferocious looking head side to side, started to make chuffing sounds; its eyes narrowing to pinpoint the location of the unusual sound.

The entity, known as Zanami in appearance, crept along the thick, elongated tree branch, moving into position above her prey; as it still chuffed more loudly, as if offering up a challenge. Eyes inked in red, watched the movements of the reek as if they were being demonstrated in slow motion. Waiting.....waiting....waiting....and then, she leapt from her advantage point straight down, all four limbs extending her razor-sharp claws, claws that could tear through nearly all materials, in the direction of the zeek.

Sounds of agonizing howling echoed throughout the forest area.....then suddenly, all fell quiet; for the exception of faint sounds of something being ripped and shredded.


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