Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Not So Chance Encounter

So far her day within Coronet City was atypical for Velda and yet quite typical at the same time. As the Corellian royal swayed down the street, she could hear the variously different hums from random speeders as they went by. All the while she took in the aroma from the various eateries in the area and there were also some food stalls by the street as well.

Absent of her entourage, that always accompanied Velda on her royal escapades. She found the time being out and about, alone, to be like a breath of fresh air. Then the click-clack of her heels with every step that she took with her shoes stopped as she paused. She sensed a familiar but vague presence, one that she had not felt since she was a child. Could it be…Brandyn? She felt that it could be, she told herself that it was indeed him, and perhaps that a part of her wished that it was.

She had heard about how the Sal-Sorens began to learn the force from the Jedi. Being no fan of the Jedi herself, at least Velda knew that Brandyn, would never have gone through the harrowing acts her father put her through within her years of training within the great mysteries of The Force. That was a mental and physically taxing experience. And with some of those experiences, she wasn't even sure she would have lived through them.

And yet, Velda had indeed lived through them and here she was right now. And the result had been she was all the stronger for it.

Behind Velda was a street musician taking on various song requests, and also credits. All the while Velda ignored him as she paid attention to the presence through the force that she had noticed. Oh, how such a mystery should be solved, how enticing.

That was when she made her way toward the familiar presence. The hidden Sith Lordess had been using a technique called Force Clouding ever since she started her trip today, and in this instance, it would see continued use. If they were in training to be a Jedi, they could still sense her presence within the force, but not sense that she was a Sith.

The music had thankfully faded away now that she made her way in the direction of the mysterious presence. It wasn't long before she ventured around a corner and almost ran into him, but thankfully she didn't and managed to stop herself before that happened.

Almond eyes sized the boy up instinctively after their averted collision. And as her eyes did so, The shocked look on her face signaled her disbelief, he was handsome, devilishly so.

"Hi…" Even in moments of awkwardness, Velda managed to be confident. "I'm terribly sorry for my lack of awareness." Even in her feinted moments of humility. Her voice stayed smoky and sweet, with that ever-present hint of confidence. That wasn't an act, not with him.

She could have walked around him and continued on, but she didn't, she stayed right there by him. She thought about making introductions, but seeing as she just about had a tumble with him, she felt maybe he should do it if he chose to.

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Brandyn Sal-Soren

Corellia was not where Brandyn wanted to be. He wanted to be back on Coruscant, training to at least try and catch up with Briana, or back on Hapes protecting the Queen, or even on assignment investigating The New Way. No Corellia was not where he wanted to be because all that he would normally prefer to be doing needed to be done elsewhere. But this. This was important.

For to long his sister, Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren , had carried the weight of their father's business empire. She had done well, but she had done it alone. As much as Brandyn despised business, especially the fashion business, he was not going to let Briana bare all the burden anymore. True, his father was back and he was taking care of most of it now, but Brandyn still felt obliged to help.

He was deep in thought as he scanned a datapad full of boring statistics and numbers. Revenue was up. This was good. The business was rebounding, and it had attracted the attention of some big companies. He had just finished talking with his father about the possibility of selling Glitterstim while it was on the rebound financially, freeing up people's time and giving the family a much needed injection of cash. Baros had seemed unwilling to entertain the idea, but it was not for reasons that the elder Sal-Soren stated - Brandyn sensed in that moment there was more to it, left unsaid.

A spike in Force awareness hit him as he was about to sling around a corner. There was someone coming...and...

The almost collision gave way to Brandyn recoiling slightly, apologizing quickly and preparing to pass to the woman's left. He smiled and accepted her apologies, but offered more of his own. "I should look where I am going..."

As he moved to her left, he finally looked properly at her face, and then away only to make a double take. There was something familiar, not just about her, but now as he thought about it her presence in the Force felt familiar. Memories from his childhood started to unravel, his face lit up a little.

"By's" He said, brow furrowing in surprise while his eyes sparked to life.

Politeness forbid him from visually taking in more than her face, especially given their public setting, but he was positive it was her. And he could tell from her eyes that she knew him.

"What...has it fifteen years?" He said, shaking his head in disbelief at the happenstance that would lead a childhood friend back into his life like this.

As she recovered from the surprise of the pleasantry of this encounter. The awkwardness of the following moments had been diffused somewhat to a point with his response.

"I should look where I am going..."

That would be advisable, but Velda supposed it depends on what he was looking at as well. She found his smile quite pleasing to the eye. And besides that, she did not feel any inclination to judge him over their almost collision.

Her eyes kept watch while he stepped to her left, and she wondered if their sudden encounter would be fleeting. A part of her knew she would feel the tinge of disappointment if that would be the case.

Her potential disappointment however was unwarranted as he paused to do a double take. He did indeed recognize her, just as she did him.

"It's me...." She normally wouldn't admit to it when she was out and about like this. The girl mostly stayed elusive, enigmatic, and a mystery, when not being a royal. Still, with Brandyn who would know of her, she would.

Fifteen long years, as she thought back on their time as children. "Give or take yeah, fifteen, I suppose. A long time." Watching him she smiled. "It's quite lovely to see you again, Brandyn."

With a casual thought, she ran her fingers through her hair. "I don't have any appointments on my schedule to keep me occupied would you like to have some company?" They had a lot to catch up on.


Brandyn Sal-Soren

It was the voice. He was lured in, but also surprised by the voice. The matured, grown up woman before him carried the features of someone he had once knew, but she was most definitely not the same person she had been. But then. What was one to expect? It was just, all quite a lot to quickly protest.


The logical answer was of course, yes.

No, that wasn't the logical answer. Yes was a very different sort of answer.

" Nar-Donna..."

He was clearly still coming to terms with the suddenness of her presence, and the immediacy of her offer to accompany him through his day.

" aren't busy?"

He was. Did that matter? He held up his datapad and casually waved towards the schedule on the right of the screen.

"I'm afraid its meetings...and marketing think tanks for me this afternoon," he said, ruing his full schedule.

He could feel the moment slipping away. A chance to catch up with an old friend. Yeah, that was all it was.

"But...if you are still not busy later tonight. We could..."

He was going to suggest the Glitterstim party that evening, but his father would be there. He didn't really want the sort of attention from his father that would come from having someone of Velda's station and beauty in his orbit. After all, they only wanted to catch up.

"...I'm staying at the Mon Klere in Coronet City. Meet at the bar tonight? My day ends pretty late say...10 pm?"

In her anticipation for an answer, her gaze upon him was soft, bright, and thoughtful. As if she was contemplating that he was gathering his bearings, and she waited patiently while he did so. Hoping to hear him say yes to her offer for company this evening.

When he said her full name, her gaze seemed to brighten just a little bit more.

" aren't busy?"

"No, I'm quite free this evening, love." It's Velda, she was busy mainly in the moments when she chose to be busy. And if she had been busy, she could easily make a change of plans. Because she's Velda, and she does what she wants.

"I'm afraid its meetings...and marketing think tanks for me this afternoon,"

Her gaze swayed into a roll of the eyes with the brief glance at what was on his datapad. Business meetings and marketing, how boorish and drab. Brandyn deserved so much more and she really considered suggesting the idea to him of having him change his schedule or just drop it all and spend the rest of the day with her, they had much to catch up on. Nudge him into being a rebel, and break his chains. Though Velda knew he was a boy of duty. And for him, it was only right and polite that he would see it through, so she would not be the devil on his shoulder, not in this instance, for now. The really important part however was that he didn't say no. Although she did feel as if the moment was slipping away…then.

"...I'm staying at the Mon Klere in Coronet City. Meet at the bar tonight? My day ends pretty late say...10 pm?"

"I'm free tonight too. So 10 pm would be sublime." Her words were of assurance as her gaze sailed over him discreetly. She did find it a bit strange for it being such a late hour as a passing thought, but she didn't judge it. It was a good sign because it meant that he really did want to catch up, and she felt likewise. And it also would give her time to dress appropriately for the occasion.

"Try to enjoy the rest of your day, love, I'll see you then."

She turned and continued down the sidewalk. With a more positive happier swing to her step. After a moment, she looked back over her shoulder at Brandyn as she walked, and gave a last smile and wave as she continued on. Velda knew he would be on her mind for the rest of the night now, which wouldn't be the worst thing to ponder about.


Brandyn Sal-Soren

Oh. She's trouble.

Brandyn could not decide if he was excited or afraid. Sure, some people used the term 'love' as a commonplace nomenclature. A term of general affection rather than specific endearment. Still. He felt uncomfortable.

He also found himself staring, mouth agape as she walked away. Who? Who had just entered his life? Sure. He knew knew her name. But he did not know her. Now. He had a date with her. And every word that dropped from her mouth was an unsubtle hint both in tone and word choice.

Shiraya be damned if she turns out to be evil or something.

Coronet City
Mon Klere Chalet
10.05 pm

To say that it had been hard to concentrate on the meetings that followed was the understatement of the year. Every possible scenario had played through Brandyn's mind as he sat in Glitterstim financial meetings, marketing brainstorming sessions and even as he rubbed shoulders with Corellia's fashion police at his father's preorganized shindig.

Was she trying to get at the parents money? Did she want information? Was she a spy? What did she want from him? He had certain ideas at what he hoped she wanted from him, but that had to be pushed aside. His roles in life now required a certain degree more caution in any relationships he struck up. And yes, then there were the issues of relationships. What was his status with Cybelle Sal-Soren Cybelle Sal-Soren ? Seemingly, it was just business now - really it had never been anything else. What about Queen Kha'la Daaray Kha'la Daaray ? His relationship with her was, confusing, at times. On top of that, he was still grieving his friend's death at the hands of Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof . Nothing was easy. Did he need complications?

Depends what kind, right?

His parents had never talked about his father's lifestyle before meeting Teyla Sal-Soren Teyla Sal-Soren . Had they done so, it might have helped Brandyn understand that some part of the complication was a matter of like-father-like-son, even if the son had yet to be is as recklessly indulgent as the father.

Adding to all the concerns he had about this meeting, he was running late.

When he entered the dimly lit room on the fourth floor of the Chalet complex, Brandyn halted upon seeing the woman sitting alone at the bar.

By the gods. She's gorgeous. Keep your wits about you, Brandyn.

He walked, with haste in his step, to the bar and tapped her shoulder.

"Apologies for the delay," he said, "I hope you haven't been waiting too long."

He caught her eyes, which he instantly regretted. It was like the were hooks on a line, seeking to reel him in.

"You look wonderful...Velda. We have so much to catch up on...where do you want to start?"

Good Brandyn, maybe you will get a hint for her true intentions.

Being prompt and on time usually was not much of an issue for Velda. Punctuality was something learned as being a royal. So it was no surprise that the limo speeder had dropped her off on time. She did of course have her moments of being late, and she was technically late here, her chrono had read about 10:03 pm, by the time she had made it to the fourth floor of the Mon Klere. To which, she had already sensed that Brandyn had not yet arrived. She found that a shade concerning, still, he did seem to have a busy schedule today.

She sauntered over to the bar and got comfortable in her seat. The tender came over to ask what she would have and she just waved him off for the time being. And that left her alone with her thoughts. It had been fifteen long years, and Velda would have never guessed he would have grown into a man that was such a gorgeous fellow. She found that she enjoyed him being close, there was an almost sinful excitement when he was in her orbit. Something that felt so wrong and yet so right.

Still, what were her true intentions with Brandyn? Maybe it's best he finds out with her showing and not telling, not to mention much more fun.

Velda had made a habit over the years of mostly being cryptic with her intentions, until they are obvious, of course.

He did seem to be running a tad late however and she wondered if she should just leave, this was becoming irksome. Maybe he wasn't showing and she started to feel the tug of impatience. But then there he is, she felt his presence now arrive, and before long she looked over at the entrance and she spotted the visage of the man. And he began to walk in her direction and made it over to her.

"I've only been here a few minutes, so not very long." She said to his apology at being late. She was not about to lie to Brandyn saying that it was fine that he was late, because of course it was not. Still, it wasn't like he was a half hour late, so she will give him the pass on such an occurrence seeing as his day did not appear to be idle in the slightest. She was pleased that he finally made it, and that is what counted.

"Thank you." She said quietly watching him, his words meant a lot. "We do have so much to catch up on, handsome. I think we should start with you, what have you been up to? Besides business meetings??" She was truly invested in his reply.


Brandyn Sal-Soren

He settled onto the stool next to Velda, his smile cautious, but genuine. "Besides business meetings?" He said with a lift of his brow, "to be honest. I don't have many of them. It has only been a short three day trip...trying to take some of the load of Briana and my father."

He found himself ignoring the bartenders attempts to get his attention until he cleared his throat. Brandyn glanced, with a bit of start, at the man, and ordered his drink. His attention then came back to Velda.

"What has mostly occupied my time in the last...4 years now?" He said with a small amount of hesitancy, "I joined the New Jedi Order and have been training under one of the Masters there. You may have heard of her? Valery Noble Valery Noble ."

He waited to see her reaction. With all his time investigating The New Way he had learned the hard way that there was a not insignificant number of people that saw the Jedi in a negative light. The upper class had not been immune to these issues as well. Her reaction this revelation would determine a lot about the rest of their evening.

With her arms casually over the bar, she leaned just slightly toward Brandyn's direction beside her "Not many on a three-day trip? Have you spent the time wisely in between the meetings then?? Some fun perhaps?" She asked watching him. "It is quite noble of you to think of them and volunteer for such things."

Even if she found such meetings monotonous and lacking the spice of excitement. Perhaps with Brandyn, she might have a different view though.

As far as a drink would go, Velda decided to keep things interesting and she glanced at the tender. "I'll have what he's having." She said as the bartender went to fix up their drinks.

When he answered her question about what he had been up to. He mentioned his training as a Jedi. Much as she suspected. For about four years, and even gave his Master's name, a Valery Noble.

Her answer came not as a scathing review of the Jedi as a group. Her response mostly shifted back onto him, with some concern, for his safety, a part of her reaction was theatrics, but the other part of her concern was very genuine, still, a part of her seemed interested. "Ohhh, the Jedi!! You always did seem like the hero type!! It does seem a bit perilous, going on the missions that I can imagine you've had.." Her concern for his safety was sincere, still, with him being a man, she would be confident that he could handle it all.

Delicately she shrugged at the mention of his Master's name. "I'm quite sure your Master recognizes your talents and abilities. And gives you the respect you deserve, of course. Unlike what I've heard from The New Way movement, so they call it." She said, contemplating the gaslighting from that movement. "I would imagine the movement is only temporary and your career as a Jedi will be a bright one." She said reassuringly.

Although privately, Velda had a feeling that very soon. Brandyn will become more powerful than any Jedi.

While she didn't voice her opinion on the Jedi as an institution. Her true views of them were, not positive to say the least, in fact they were horrifyingly worse than bleak. Still, she did not find the subject of the Jedi to be of much importance right now, to her, it was all about him. Even if she did have strong and unflattering opinions and feelings about the Jedi.

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Brandyn Sal-Soren

By Shiraya, his cheeks flushed a deep red. Her flattery was unnecessary, and all the more welcome because of it. It had been a while since someone had openly appreciated him. Come to think of it, other than his mother and the initial moments of reconnecting with his sisters, there had been little appreciation shown the Jedi Padawan. Despite his initial discomfort with her flattery, he found himself sinking into the complements.

"Really...I am just doing my duty," he said, hand waving away the flattery while his face showed it was clearly appreciated.

He wanted to correct her a little. Because no, it did not feel he got credit for the skills he brought to the table. Perhaps that was just the nature of undercover work. Her mention of The New Way gave him pause though. It was only now that he started to consider if she could be an agent of theirs. Had one of his cover stories from a previous mission been blown?

"You...know of The New Way?" He said, trying to keep it casual, "like...more than than what the media are saying?"

The continued flattery somewhat fell on deaf ears now that he was honing on on her true intentions, or at least what he perceived could be her true intentions.

He already felt a little foolish for being so easily swayed by the kind words of her mouth.

He had a way of drawing her in. "Of course, and you do your duty with effortless charm without a doubt." Velda couldn't believe she just said that, but she did and her lips swayed a little wider with her smile. Followed by a thoughtful but gentle bite on her lower lip as she watched him.

She noticed that he didn't remark on whether or not his Master recognized his abilities. Perhaps a sign that he wasn't as appreciated as she had opined. Appreciated in a way that she felt Brandyn deserved.

The New Way seemed to be a subject of tension for Brandyn. She couldn't use The Force to tell that he conjured up suspicions about what she knew of the group. Seeing as she was still using Force Clouding so using The Force may blow her cover. She could infer through intuition, however, that the topic bothered him, and that there were some vague suspicions of her motives for mentioning it.

"Only what I've heard in the media. Like what happened in Chandrila, they are becoming increasingly violent and unabashed about being aggressive. I also heard that they wish to put all the Jedi on a registry. They seem unaware of how tyrannical they sound."

Not that putting the Jedi on a registry is a terrible idea. It would be an efficient way to keep track of them all. Still, that was not the future Velda wished to see for Brandyn.


Brandyn Sal-Soren

His cheeks flushed red with the compliment. Her ease at disarming him was in and of itself alarming. He wondered how many men she had already practiced on. Was he in a long line of successful conquests? There was no small part of him that minded being another notch on her proverbial belt.

"Effortless," he said, looking at his just delivered drink, "I wish. It is you that brings the effortlessness to proceedings"

She spoke of Chandrila. He tried to hide the tension that caused. Chandrila was one of the locations of a recent mission he was on. Again, there was just this little inkling of doubt about the purpose of their meeting.

"Yes. What happened there was a tragedy. But it is not just the Jedi they wish to register. Sith too. Now that...that is a tall order. I could see some Jedi being willing to give in to the requirement, to keep the peace you know, but Sith would not stand for it. I wouldn't stand for it either. As you said. Tyrannical."

He looked back at Velda, her features were all at once soft and hard. She was noble, and had every appearance of it. Hers was a spirit of solidity and control, with a finally sculpted exterior of innocent allure. Her eyes though. He could see in her eyes that innocence was not her forte. Depending on what that meant, he was either more excited or trepidatious.

"So. Velda. Nar-Donna," he said, speaking each word as if it deserved its own sentence, "now that I have spilled my deep dark secrets. How about a bit from you? What does the future hold for the Countess of Corellia?" He leaned in playfully as he spoke her official title.

She couldn't help but be flattered by his comment, even if he said it was actually her with an air of being effortless. "So you are admitting to drawing me in then effortlessly?" She said, in a teasing manner, giving him a brief glance of suspicion, but a playful one with a smile. "I'm not complaining, you are doing wonderfully."

As their drinks came he commented on the incident Chandrila and how The New Way not only wished to see Jedi in a registry but the Sith as well.

The secret Sith Lordess arched her brow for just a moment with the thought of that being some sort of fate for the Sith. There was a reason she did not mention them, Velda found the idea of such a registry for them to be a bit of a lark. Yet, Brandyn was correct in saying that seemed to be their hope, as much as it would never happen, she still entertained the thought anyway. "Trying to put The Sith on a registry would be…unwise, at best. And at worst a terrible fever dream for the movement. Let us hope that it never comes to that. And they simply go away."

She didn't really go into further details than that for the moment, although, as a Sith, she certainly had her opinion. To Velda, The Sith exists, to remind the galaxy and of Ashla, The Lightside. That free will within this galaxy will never be extinguished. And that with every breath a Sith takes, the Sith is a reminder of that. We pursue our darkest desires, it is we, who break our chains. And as for those that accept their bondage in chains. That is their choice to accept, perhaps the wrong choice but their choice nevertheless.

He leaned in closer and Velda did not move away an inch. She preferred him close and she listened as he repeated her name while watching him, letting him know he had her attention their lips were now a bit closer as they spoke. And when he referred to her by her royal title. It was now her turn for her cheeks to flush into a flattering red hue. She gave thought to half hiding her smile in her hand before pulling her hand from her face. Wondering what to do before her gorgeous brown eyes found him again.

Gathering her thoughts she answered his question. "It is not as interesting as yours I'm afraid. I still have yet to make an unscheduled visit to the royals of Alderaan in the near future, time permitting, to tie up some loose ends, how exciting. And I'm due to sell a few of the art paintings I've collected over the years. And I will no doubt collect more. And there is the private island and beach on Z'Trop that I have an eye on buying. To build a vacation mansion on it, that is the idea, time will tell if the offer is accepted."

"I really like to keep my thoughts within the moment, though."
She had other plans as well, with him in mind. That involved some delightfully sweet corruption of his heart.


Brandyn Sal-Soren

Brandyn had to admit that Velda's comings and goings sounded just as if not more boring that his own business dealings of the day. He could not help but have his eyes purposely glaze over in boredom, a feeling she clearly shared. Hers was the typical life of the well-born. Filled with high end extravgant purchases with no thought of their resale value.

"Thoughts in the moment, huh?" He said, heart beating a little faster just for the fact of their closing proximity, "and what...pray tell...are those thoughts right now..."


Brandyn jumped back away from Velda with a start. There had barely been a datapad's width between them, and the barkeeper had finally decided to announce that he was, in fact, still very much present.

"We are a few minutes from closing up," he said politely indicating that they may look to move on from their perches on the barstools.

"Right," said Brandyn before gulping down a couple of mouthfuls of his beverage, just to avoid a complete waste of money on the tab.

He stood, offering Velda his arm. He was doing his best to avoid eye contact with the barkeep.


Thoughts that were in the moment, in the present. Thoughts of the man that sat beside her on his stool. He had been on her mind in many moments throughout the day, as her mind drifted to the rendezvous they were now having that started at 10. And Brandyn wished to know.

"About you…" Her voice was sultry, smoky, smooth, and inviting as she told him. What she didn't tell him was that her thoughts were positively indecent but all the while so fun with him.

Their lips inched ever closer, and closer still. And Velda's lips parted again somewhat almost as if she was getting ready to speak again. Perhaps though, she was about to fall into a kiss, they were achingly close now, they were right there…her brown eyes gently fell to his lips and back to meeting his eyes…and.


The veteran elder voice of the bartender, almost gravel-like in sound and hinting at a life's worth of experience. Startled Brandyn as he jumped back within the moment. Velda just sat there unmoving and just stared at the Jedi, all the while not turning to the bartender at all, but hearing what he said. They were getting about time to close for the night.

Her deep brown eyes narrowed mischievously while giving him a playful but sinful smile. Cooly she slowly leaned back and took her drink, sipping some of the cinnamon-flavored elixir through her drink's straw as she watched Brandyn, before setting it back down on the bar.

Brandyn offered Velda his arm and uncrossing her legs she pushed off the stool, and with practiced grace took his arm as they made their way out of the bar.

Side by side, and close Velda leaned in as they walked. "Perhaps we should head to your suite? I am quite curious to see it. If you approve of course."


Brandyn Sal-Soren

And just like that, his primate brain took full control and all precaution was swept away. He knew exactly what she meant when she said she wanted to see the suite. It was not unlike a million she had seen before. It was not her point of interest, and he would happily play along for the sake of the patrons that were exiting the bar with them.

It wasn't long before they were on his floor and quietly heading towards the door. Small talk had been made. Nothing truly of note, just space filler as they set about not making a scene in public. When the door slid shut, the talking stopped.

Velda was quickly met with an impassioned kiss. He had gotten the message.


[ Velda Nar-Donna Velda Nar-Donna ]​

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