Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Note To Companies..


I own several different companies, so I hope this hasn't been perceived as doing this. :O
Most of my subs of the past month have actually been Personal. In any event, I'll try to slow down for Judges' sake.
I own a small company as Xander and I have made only two things for his company so far. I plan on only doing two a month RL time which would be alot of IC time for it to happen. Its reasonable speed for people. So people who post like 7 a month is getting to become overkill. Use canon stuff, or make remakes of Canon items, or supe them up to be more this Era/Age of Star Wars.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Eh, I gave up on VyperTek cause I can't find the rest of the info in my head and it was a purged sub I'd have to rewrite entirely in order to get back due to this awkward situation...

A suggestion to other companies... DO NOT keep that up and just do it at a slower pace if you NEED to shell out tech.
Normally I'd restrict myself to an occasional project every now and then, but I do occasionally get told to shove a butt-load of tech through the Factory by one judge or another. Similarly, I also have two major projects that I'm working on. Each of which requires numerous submissions through the factory.


Thera Mayeen

I like to think (since Daw left...and came "back" but didn't make anything) that the subs I posted have come out over time and not all at once. Because of the lack of an actual time line on the site or in the Factory things like this happen. One person's view of what should be a month or a few days is completely different from player to player. For all you know these subs could be coming out several months between each other. I mean...there are characters that start of children and then in a month irl time they've sprouted into 20/adult ages and everyone else is still the same.

If the tech judges feel they are being swamped I'm sure people would understand if they limited or even just stopped subs for a while so they could catch up at their own time, but IC time and space mean very little in the factory as it is indeed up to the writer to judge weather or not there has been enough "time" between their submissions.

Or we could institute a time line...


Disney's Princess
Darron Wraith said:
There is no need to shotgun tech everyday in the creation forums. Companies literally do not saturate the market at this rate, IRL you'd go broke from this.
Hey Darron. How can I make the most elite, elite, of elite ELITES? Cause I've submitted about 100 average elites and about 1000 kinda-elites and about a dozen elite-lites. But tomorrow I'm going to try again to finally outdo myself and sub the elite-of-elites? Any advice? ...I'm thinking of spelling it 3LIT3 from now on and using a restricted item with it. Ya know. Mix up it a little. Make it really elite.


Disney's Princess
Ya know. If you limit the number of LEGO bricks all the kids get, they have to smash their old creations to build new ones. Just saying. :p
And that will become harder and harder as Krayt is a T2 company and their reach will soon exceed their grasp as they try to create an entire faction's fleet.

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