Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Old Friend

Razz Michaels

Razz walked off his ship onto a planet which he had once called home,He had met Romeo Sin there many times just to talk...

Razz smiled feeling the sand under his boots again, he always liked the heat.

Razz had contacted Mr.Sin about meeting him, He walked near a building and sat in the shade, He then looked at a new guard of his, Shane Zion and his mutt of a canine.

Razz waited under the shade and smiled, he liked Shane because the boy knew his place and didn't talk.

Romeo should be there soon

[member="Romeo Sin"]
Within minutes of getting the message meeting up in their old place of peace, and scorching heat, Romeo had already left. He had not seen his old friend in a long time, and was glad to finally hear from him again. Taking off in one of his BlackFire-class fighters, Romeo had shot off to Tatooine. Landing at the docking area, Romeo had reached out in the force to locate Razz Michaels. When you had a connection, a bond, as strong as theirs, it was not hard to find him. Walking in the general direction of Razz, he finally came up to the man in bandages. Among the man was a new guard, with some sort of canine. "Mr. Michaels, you change guards, like a woman changes her attire." He smiled under his mask. The heat was truly comforting, as Eclipstica was not a hot place, but not cold, more of a luke-warm temperature.
[member="Razz Michaels"]

Razz Michaels

Razz smiled warmly at Romeo as he had appeared "Ahh Mr.Sin....Yes, It seems I do, but it is hard to find a great guard now days, Shane here is more of the silent type thats why I like him."

Razz paused and stuck his hand out for a handshake.

"It is good to see you again Mr. Sin, what has been happening?" Razz asked with a grin before waving him along an to follow and going into the cantina next to them.

Razz sat in a booth while Shane and his canine friend stood near.

"Glad your still alive Mr. Sin, This is Shane and his Canine Shadow, he follows me...." Razz said.

"Hello M'lord..." Shane said with a soft voice and a wave.

[member="Romeo Sin"]
Romeo removed his mask, which many knew he didnt do in public very often. He shook the man's hand, and smiled back again.
"Indeed they are, as I have seen what you do to those who do not please you." He followed the crimelord to a booth, and sat across from him, and leaned in. "I have been away from the Empire for sometime, and when I came back I took my throne back as well. So far, all goes well. It's broken, but not destroyed. Im hosting a ball soon, if you wish to come, and experience how a dark jedi holds a fancy party." He chuckled to himself. As he was introduced to the man named Shane, he nodded his head ad the man with a grin. "A pleasure to meet you. That's quite the companion you have there. Good name." He leaned back in his seat. "So tell me, what has the great Mr. Michaels been up? Making money I presume." [member="Razz Michaels"]

Razz Michaels

"Remember my friend, there is always hope..." Razz smiled and ordered a few drinks for the two.

He paused, Razz had always liked going to fancy balls, the dancing, music, made him happy, it also reminded him of his beautiful love he once had.

he smiled.

"Yes I would love to attend." Razz said.

Shane watched as Romeo and Razz talked, they were different from who he normally stayed with, a crowd that actually talked insted of blasting each other

Razz took a sip of the drink

"To The Shadow King."

[member="Romeo Sin"].
Romeo clapped, and thanked him for the drinks. His smile grew as he confirmed he would attend the ball.
"To his friends to whom he owes it all to!" He said to the toast, and tapped Razz's cup gently. "So, tell me. What is new with you friend? You seem..changed" [member="Razz Michaels"]

Razz Michaels

Razz smiled at Romeo then took another sip.

He looked straight into Romeo's eyes...

"Well, lately I have been actually doing jobs...there has been a lot of conflict that could jeopardize all that I have worked for...There is crime wars everywhere on Coruscant. have you heard this?" Razz asked. He slowly undid his bandages and let his burnt face touch the humid air.

"Hearing you talk about the ball has reminded me of a love I once shared..."

Razz smiled then looked at the table...

​"Is there any preparations you need done before the great ball?"

[member="Romeo Sin"]
Romeo listened with full attention, and looked back into the man's eyes. His face was surely scarred, but Romeo still saw a good looking man, not that he was interested, just taking note of it.
After Razz finished talking, Romeo leaned forward. "Yes we would need food, and drinks, gambling, and dancers. We need all kinds of stuff. The planet wide." he grinned big. He sipped his drink, and leaned back. "Mr.Michaes...allow me to make you a mask with a cooling system for you, and a low bacta dosage injector." [member="Razz Michaels"]

Razz Michaels

Razz smiled and closed his eyes

​"a lot of preparation indeed." Razz said, he opened his eyes when Sin mentioned a mask.

"Ah...That would be excellent, though I do feel I should pay." Razz said before looking at Shane, Shane then pulled open a pack that was fitted on the canine and pulled out a box of credits.

((I have a pic in mind...ever heard of Kabal from Mortal Kombat?))

[member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Razz Michaels"]

(Sir I grew up on MK I know what you speak of.)

Romeo leaned back as well. "Indeed. I plan this party to be the best in the galaxy as the Five Circles as much to offer, not including the Shadow Keep itself that it only a little ways from the great cities." He said. He was truly enjoying this day with his friend, but he waved the credits away. "This is a gift. I want to do you a favor, I want to help make your life comfortable Mr. Michaels." He sighed. "I am a King, money is not the issue, it is alliances, saving face, and wars. Always wars. I need a queen." He joked.

Razz Michaels

Razz sighed, he had always been one to give, but Romeo decided not to take the credits this time. Shane bent back down and put the credits away.

Razz chuckled at the thought of Romeo being married off to a queen.

"A queen would help a lot." Razz said as he felt his face. then he put his hands on the table

"What about you Romeo, what have you been up to while you were not on the throne?" Razz said

Shane stood back up and looked at Romeo, he just stood there.

[member="Romeo Sin"]
Romeo smiled, helping a friend about always made him happy.
"Indeed a queen would help, but I have no suitors." He cocked his head, and scrunched up his face.
"Traveling friend, I was inside the One Sith, left that, I was just moving from place to place. I had lost myself, and I guess I was looking for it again." [member="Razz Michaels"]

Razz Michaels

Razz smiled

"Haha...I don't think you are into males, but one of my associates swing that way." Razz said with a huge grin.

Razz was reminded of Romeo's family...

"How is your family Mr. Sin?" Razz said changing the tone

[member="Romeo Sin"]
" sir Mr.Michaels, not unless its with you." He winked, making a obvious joke.
"My daughters are great, Erika is growing up fast, and Keturah is helping me build a space station." he sipped more of his drink.
"Razz, tell me..what is this about a love?" [member="Razz Michaels"]

Razz Michaels

Razz Smiled as Romeo told about his family then frowned when he asked about his love.

"Ahh so you want to know?...Ok, My love was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She was my equal, we went out many times a week, just to dance at grand ballrooms. She herself had no clue I was within the criminal world. I was out one night finishing up a spice deal with Zane and Raul...she came too early and she had seen I was buying spice. she had ran off, I tried searching for her for weeks, but I never found her. I went to my apartment and found all of my credits stolen and a single paper with a lipstick stained kiss. I can honestly say I loved her." Razz said with a smile returning

[member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Razz Michaels"]

Romeo frowned as Razz told his story, and shook his head. "That sir, is terrible...I am sorry Mr.Michaels, have you tried looking for the woman afterwards?" He leaned in covering his mouth with his hands, starring the man in his eyes. "We could always find her with our combined resources, with us working together there is no one who can hide." Romeo chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

Razz Michaels

Razz started to chuckle.

"Maybe iIl could even wear a dress..." Razz said jokingly

"Though that may be true, I am sure she had ran off to another star system with some slimy Hutt." Razz said while still chuckling.

Razz smiled as he looked at Romeo

[member="Romeo Sin"]

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