Alexandra Feanor
The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[Before the Faction Move]
There was Celebration to be had.Alderaan, having recently joined the New Republic was now one of its greatest members, and there was need for a more relaxed day for the fighters and leaders of the Republic. A day that was two fold in its use.
First there was the fact of the matter, the battle for Kuat and Corellia. The battles had taken the lives of Republic soldiers and officers, those who died defending a planet that still held people captive for helping them and under the iron grip of a nation which refused to look at evidence. The Republic would not forget their people and on Alderaan, a monument would be build, a simple wall with the names of all those who had died, scrolling through the numerous dead and each being honored.
The Republic maintained that it had not caused the events of Kuat, continuing to prove such through its transparency and while the Republic could not change people's minds forcefully, it would make sure people knew that it would always be open to scrutiny and always be there to continue its mission. This monument would be erected in Aldera City, and be created as a shining example that those who lay down their lives are immortalized, not forgotten. It was a sight that would deeply contrast the events a long distance off, providing two experiences for the people of the Republic and for the people of Alderaan in particular.
Some distance, there resided a far more happy event, a gathering of Republic members and families on one of Aldera's beaches. Those who came were there to relax, enjoy the waves, and find something more in their time. things have been hard for the people of the Republic and now was the chance to decompress and enjoy the world around them.
That was where Alexandra was, laying on the beach already and listening to the children play with the sand to her right. She smiled as she listened and knew everything going on around her was much better than the battlefield and the events that had occurred on Kuat. Cries of pain changed to cries of joy as people moved around and the galaxy seemed to be in its usual state of blissful ignorance. She smiled at that, happy to know not everyone was stuck in this need for conflict and fighting.
OOC: Enjoy the thread, its a dual purpose thread serving both as a memorial for those who died in service to the Republic at Kuat and Corellia as of recent times, and a thread as promised to provide a more relaxed and party focused thread. Get drunk, have a good time, meet some new people.