Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction A Peaceful Blade (Jedi)


OOC: Gonna try something new with this. Lessons aren't just taught once to one group of people, so if you can't join this one I'll be doing another after this one's finished. Rinse and repeat so long as there's someone who wants to learn. We'll see what happens, yeah?

Panic. That was something Iris didn't normally feel but certainly did at this point. She was going to teach. A class. Of Jedi. Some of which were probably Padawan's she was a Padawan with not even a month ago. All because she was now a Knight. And teaching was what Knights were supposed to do, right? She certainly wasn't ready to have her own Padawan, but teaching a class was different, right?


She let out a breath as she glanced down towards her lightsaber. The hilt itself was dismantled, revealing the internal components and the two crystals she housed within. One of Kyber, her first. One of Entropite. The nonlethal crystal had been something of a staple for her own fighting style. Harmlessly knocking someone out instead of battering them into unconsciousness with an underpowered blade, absorbing rather than deflecting blaster fire, other useful things that actually helped in ways she didn't expect. Though, that wasn't the point of the lesson.

Right now, she wanted to show others how to make that kind of crystal. Show a different way to bring a conflict to a close without death. Or literally disarming people.

Just needed to wait for people to show up.

Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest | Calix of Thyrsus | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani , Aiden Porte Aiden Porte , Calix of Thyrsus, Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

Iris had been the one to find him when he first arrived on Coruscant. Not long after that, she had ascended to the rank of Knight. Now, she was teaching her own class. Oni thought very highly of the young knight. She was highly skilled in the force and was very proactive. He knew that there would be much to learn from her. The class was specifically about combat and ending battles non-lethally. Oni was still adjusting to combating lightsabers, and he was still working on the non-lethal side of combat. This seemed like a good class to begin working on these skills.

Oni entered the classroom, offering a respectful bow to Iris before taking a seat. She seemed to have lightsaber components laid out for a demonstration of some kind. Whatever this was, Oni was sure that it served a purpose. This was her first class, from what he had heard. Oni was more so excited to see what new flair she brought to the table. Most teachers tended to be boring, or not very engaging. Oni was a studious individual, but even he struggled to stay awake in some classes. He hoped that Iris's relative youthfulness could bring something interesting to the table, perhaps even change the general lessons for the better. Of course, only time would tell.
Another day, another class. It was the usual routine for the Jedi Padawan. While some might find it boring, AIden was always ready to learn something new. Or just polishing up on something that was already learned, there was always ways to perfect it. The Padawan dressed in his typical jumpsuit, the standard for his everyday attired. The New Jedi Order was not short of these jumpsuits, they were all the rage now in exchange for the typical Jedi Robes.

Aiden entered the classroom as Iris Arani Iris Arani was already present and another Shem Spinner Shem Spinner

"Master Arani." Aiden said with a small polite bow towards the Jedi Knight, present at her elevation ceremony. It was truly awesome to be a part of. The Padawan turned to Oni and offered the same gesture towards Oni. "Good to see you my friend." Aiden spoke and even added a wave after the bow and took a seat until the rest of the group would arrive.

Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest Calix of Thyrsus

Calix of Thyrsus


Iris was teaching a class on fighting.

At least, that's what the young Thyrsian understood it to be. Which, he'd never seen Iris fight before, so how could he not show up? Learning new fighting tactics was what being Thyrsian was all about!

Well, that and Nagai since it seemed something Jand Talo Jand Talo was equally passionate about.

In any case, the afro-headed boy wandered into the area where it seemed that Iris had set aside from learning. Curiously, she seemed to have her lightsaber disassembled. That seemed an odd point from which to open training.

Was she going to address how the assembly of the weapon reflected the user? How to better connect with the kyber? Was there some secret to her technique that required a modification to their lightsabers to perform, like old-school Makashi or whatever?

Now the boy's curiosity was piqued, as visions of ancient secret fighting techniques danced in his luminous, Echani blue eyes.

Awkwardly, the young padawan ventured in, realizing that Iris was actually the only person he knew. "Uh, hi," the Thyrsian offered, with a slight wave. "I'm Calix," the boy supplied, for the two that didn't know him. Or, at least, he didn't know them.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani , Aiden Porte Aiden Porte , Calix of Thyrsus

"Good to see you my friend."

"Good to see you too," Oni nodded. "I don't believe we've crossed paths since Master Lesan's lecture."

Soon, they were joined by a younger Padawan, no older than 14 from the looks of it. The boy had bright blue eyes and a notably distinct afro. He was quick to introduce himself as Calix, but was rather nervous. Perhaps he was not familiar with anyone else present.

"Well met," Oni greeted with a half bow. "Oni Manrok. I don't believe I've seen you before. Of course, I'm still rather new here. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other."

Oni's focus honed in on the core of the disassembled lightsaber. It was not your ordinary kyber. There was certainly something different about it. The class was about non-lethal engagements in combat. He figured, with some deduction, that Iris may be speaking on the unique properties of the gem, though he could only speculate.

"What a peculiar stone," he noted, gesturing to the Entropite. "It does not feel like any kyber I'm familiar with. Any of you know what that may be?"

Upon her entrance, Cora took a moment to examine those who'd arrived ahead of her. Beneath a poised veneer, her teeth ground in frustration. She'd made a grave mistake in coming exactly at the appointed time; of course the other Jedi had joined earlier! What a terrible impression she must be making, showing up not second, not third, not even fourth!

But that was still no excuse not to greet the host. Striding to the Jedi Knight in charge of this class, she bowed stiffly to Iris.

"Humble greetings, Master Arani; I am Corazona von Ascania, daughter of Viscount Ascania of Ukatis! Please accept my utmost apologies for arriving to your class late. I assure you, such behavior will not occur again."

Rising slowly, she chanced a glance at Iris' face, hoping that her perceived slight would be forgiven, and that this would not reflect poorly on her homeworld. The Jedi looked young—younger than Cora had expected, but she held her self capably. Now that she was getting a better look at the gathered students without the context of her lateness, they fascinated her. One young man had a pale blue hue to his skin, with tribal markings adorning his face. Another male appeared similar in age, and the youngest of them all seemed humanoid as well. This put Cora a little more at ease; she had very little interaction with non-humanoid species, and found them a tad unsettling.

Puffing out her chest, she spun around to give them all a proper greeting.

"Good day to you, fellow Jedi! I am Corazona von Ascania of Ukatis; however, you may call me 'Cora' as a sign of our mutual goodwill."

When the blue fellow inquired about the stone, Cora thought for a moment.

"I have no idea. I am confident that Master Arani will teach us everything we need to know about this mysterious stone!"


Tenn Kalos


Tenn had more or less done everything in his power to avoid group lessons since his induction into the New Jedi Order. Strangers were a hard sell. Jedi especially, even if many of his views on them had been upended after joining. Old habits die hard.

Still, he couldn't avoid it forever. So what better time to get it over with than now? If he was going to stick around with this lot, he'd have to learn to trust them sooner or later. From his understanding, the teacher here was fairly new to being a Knight. Maybe all the focus would be on her performance rather than the quiet kid in the back of the class. That worked for him. Baby steps.

There were a few others assembled. Unsurprisingly, none of them familiar to Tenn. They… seemed tolerable enough. Although there was one girl who arrived late (which was to say, right on time), who entered in perhaps the exact opposite fashion that he would have. He pursed his lips and watched with a macabre sense of curiosity, but eventually found himself looking away, out of concern that someone here deign to take notice of his staring.

Baby steps.

Lukan Rath


A Peaceful Blade
Iris Arani Iris Arani


Another day, he was being forced to attend another class for 'his benefit' according to the adults around the block. Yes, it was indeed safe to say that Lukan wasn't taking too well to this new life that had been thrust upon him. He much preferred hanging with his friends back on Nar Shaddaa. The so-called 'bad influences', were at the very least, more entertaining to be around than the Temple had been thus far.

Although, there were a few shiny knick-knacks that he'd managed to 'collect' while exploring the place, and it couldn't be said that the Jedi weren't well off when it came to credits, judging by the state of his new home. It was lavish in every sense of the word compared to where he had come from.

Despite all this, the title of the lesson had mentioned something about a blade of some kind and so guessing that it had something to do with the training saber that he'd been given the day of his arrival, Lukan reluctantly gave in and allowed himself to be dragged to the place. Accompanied by a Jedi of some greater stature (or so they thought) until he was seen to be entering the room before Luke was left to his own devices.


Looking about the room, he noted a group of people looking closer to his age group yet didn't stop to pay too much attention and instead sauntered towards the rear of the room where he might find a place to sit and stay out of the way. Should something interest him this time around, then perhaps he'd volunteer some effort but for the time being, he had little choice than to wait it out and see if he couldn't manage to sneak out while the tutor was distracted.



Garb: XoXo
Gear: Lightsaber
Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Tags: Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Shem Spinner Shem Spinner | Calix of Thyrsus | Lukan Rath | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Tenn Kalos

He strode along the pathways, his footfalls soft, yet each step filled with meaning. The Jedi Ronin known as Luric Ee'everwest did nothing without a reason. All things were connected, even when one did not readily see the how of it. His was a journey not typical of the Jedi of the Order. No, his path was somewhat unique, indeed. Still the raven black haired Atrisian adjusted his robes slightly as he walked, sensing his friend Iris Arani Iris Arani near. Recently ascended to the rank of Knight, and Luric could not be more proud of the girl. They had known each other but a short time, yet, he felt a bond with her he could not explain adequately.

As he approached, he took note of the Padawans that had already gathered, mingling with one another, and some even looking to the saber hilt which was sat down disassembled, it's parts and crystals spread out. He smiled warmly, his features radiating a sense of the helpful older brother type. He had been told by a few of his elders that his attitude and the way he held himself made him seem much older than he actually was. If there was any truth to that, he himself was not aware of it. There was much he left up to the little filaments of fate and of the Force.

His own lightsaber dangled from his left hip, a hilt that was styled after the ancient blades of his mother's ancestral home-world, Atrisia. His own Jedi garb took it's style cues much in the same manner. A modern-day Samurai, if ever there was one, his cousin Briana had once called him. Still, he made his way up toward Iris, and placed his hand upon her shoulder, gently giving just a hint of a squeeze. He whispered, so that only she might hear his words. "You are going to do just fine, Iris, my friend. Take a deep breath, and relax. You've got this, I know it in my heart of hearts."

Winking playfully, he let out a bit of a laugh, and spoke in a more even-toned voice, his volume normal once again. "So, what shall you be showing us this day, Iris? I see you've laid out your saber in it's respective parts. I would wager a guess that perhaps it's something to do with not only how one uses the blade, but how one alters it to better serve them?" he said, giving her a bit of an in to begin her lesson, and perhaps take a bit of the pressure off his friend. After all, that's what friends were for, wasn't it?



"Humble greetings, Master Arani; I am Corazona von Ascania, daughter of Viscount Ascania of Ukatis! Please accept my utmost apologies for arriving to your class late. I assure you, such behavior will not occur again."

Iris blinked. Offered a smile and a nod. And did her best not to just freak out over the introduction. There were a lot of titles there. And Master Arani? That sounded weird. So very, very weird. Still, she did her best to at least seem calm and composed. Not at all nervous about hosting her lesson. For the first time. Officially, anyway.

Luric was a welcome distraction. She did just as he suggested. Took a breath, nodded to him. Offered a smile. She could do this. Easy peasy, right?

Her gaze shifted to the group, which while had some familiar faces it was thankfully a lot of people she didn't know. Less awkwardness about ordering someone around who she shared a title with only a couple weeks ago. Mostly. No, no. Don't think about that. Iris stood up, slowly, plucking the Entropite crystal up in the process. Just to hold aloft, to show the others.

"We fight a lot. In a lot of wars. Against a lot of people. It's hard to not kill people. It's hard to remember we're not executors. That we're not soldiers. There are times we don't have a choice. I'm not going to teach about when and when not to strike lethally. That's not the point of this. I'm just going to show you another choice you can make." The gem floated from her hand, shimmering slightly in the light.

"This is Entropite. It, like Kyber, can make the heart of your blade. It's not found naturally, there's a process to make it, but what makes it special is the blade it produces. It won't cut, instead, it absorbs energy. Strike a droid and it will drain it's power cell. Block a blaster shot and it will absorb it instead. Same with a flame. The reason why I use it the most? Strike a person, and rather than harm it will make them tired. Strike them enough, and they'll fall harmlessly to sleep. My lightsaber is made to switch between both a Kyber and an Entropite blade as needed.

You can always turn down the intensity of your blade. It won't cut, but it could still burn. Still batter someone around. I just prefer this. .. So I guess I'll show you how to make one of these crystals, if you want?"

Aiden Porte Aiden Porte | Shem Spinner Shem Spinner | Calix of Thyrsus | Lukan Rath | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Tenn Kalos | Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest

Lukan Rath

It's hard to not kill people. It's hard to remember we're not executors.

Suddenly this class had just gotten a lot more interesting. Luke's attention had peaked. Up until now, he'd been forced to make the best out of a bad situation by stashing a small collection of what looked like expensive bits and pieces from around the temple in order to fund himself a way back to Nar Shaddaa, but the sudden realization that the Jedi were killers took him by complete surprise and he had to do his best to feign experience in the face of knowing so little about them.

The stakes had been raised. The cost of getting caught had not gone way up in his head. A 13-year-old nobody from Nar Shaddaa sitting in a room with a bunch of know-how killers. Why had nobody told him this before his gonk parents shipped him off here? 'They figured getting stabbed was bad....-So they send me here?' he thought to himself in disbelief. Was it so he could learn to protect himself? He was so green, he felt like such a gonk.

That lady Amanda braska had seemed deceptively kind. Lukan made a mental note to ask her about all this.

For the time being, however, he kept his head down and simply listened intently to the subject of Kyber Crystals and this other En-tro-pite thing. They sounded useful. Anything with a use came with a price tag. Gods, how'd he land himself in this place?


Calix of Thyrsus


"Well met," Oni greeted with a half bow. "Oni Manrok. I don't believe I've seen you before. Of course, I'm still rather new here. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other."

The moment that he realized the blue-skinned padawan was bowing to him, the Thyrsian was quick to emulate the same. As the younger, Calix made a point to give a full bow -- he wouldn't want to appear disrespectful of an elder, even if just an elder classmate.

A few more joined them, with another boy around his same age appearing to linger toward the back of the group.

One though, caught his attention for how she introduced herself to Iris. The Thyrsian just blinked, at a deluge of... titles? Was she, like, royalty?

Puffing out her chest, she spun around to give them all a proper greeting.

"Good day to you, fellow Jedi! I am Corazona von Ascania of Ukatis; however, you may call me 'Cora' as a sign of our mutual goodwill."

"Uh," the Thyrsian managed, offering an awkward fumble of a wave. "Calix," he supplied, giving his name in return.

Whoever this girl was, she seemed like she had a lot going on. But, the class seemed to start in earnest after her appearance, as another Jedi joined them, picking up on the question about the stone.

When Iris began to address them, she quickly caught the boy's attention.

"We fight a lot. In a lot of wars. Against a lot of people. It's hard to not kill people. It's hard to remember we're not executors. That we're not soldiers."

Large, blue Echani eyes just blinked at that statement.

It was Iris. He trusted what she said was right. But... it didn't feel right. After what happened on Ilum, Calix had felt like a soldier. Master Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire had led a division of GADF soldiers in the push against the Empire's invasion. It was the same when Calix had joined the operation against the slavers. Jedi and the Alliance, fighting side by side.

The boy's mouth fell open, as though wanting to protest and then questioning himself for it.

What followed made sense. A crystal that offered a choice. A lightsaber that could alternate between a blade that could kill or simply put someone to sleep. That much resonated strongly with him. The blaster that Calix carried -- begrudgingly -- was selected specifically because it let the Thyrsian select a stun mode.

So Iris was offering a way to do the same with a lightsaber?

"Yes, please," the boy chimed at the offer to teach them how to make the crystals.
Iris Arani Iris Arani Calix of Thyrsus Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest Shem Spinner Shem Spinner Aiden Porte Aiden Porte Tenn Kalos Lukan Rath

Fortunately, Master Arani did not appear displeased. Cora allowed her shoulders to relax in a moment of relief; the pressure to perform well was enormous, as she was representing the whole of Ukatis. It was lost on her that many in the room may not have even heard of the small, humble world that grazed Alliance space, much less have an opinion regarding the planet.

As Ukatis was seeking the protection of the Galactic Alliance, it was of utmost importance that Cora notmake a poor impression.

…even if she had just made a weird one.

When the lesson began, Cora perked to attention. Though trained in the basics of combat, she'd never fought in a war—nor a skirmish, or any sort of conflict where actual danger had been present. She certainly hadn't killed anyone, and the sudden prospect that she may be expected to made her queasy. Her eyes edged over to the others, daring a glance away from their instructor. How many in this room had taken a life before? Several of the young men present looked…less refined than she had anticipated. Cora had expected pristine robes and ethereal poise.

She blinked over the boy who seemed to be busy minding his own business, the quiet scruffy young man, the Atrisian who seemed to be on good terms with Master Arani, and—the young Thyrsian. Were they….? Had they…?

Solutions were so often wrought in blood. A less lethal option was always appreciated by Cora. She made a hum of agreement after Calix spoke.

Tenn Kalos


Only when the teacher spoke, did Tenn finally turn his gaze back up to the class. She seemed straight to the point, which he appreciated, even if her introduction reminded him that he was probably going to be thrown onto a battlefield in his near future. But the real purpose of the lesson was to show off a unique form of lightsaber crystal: One that offered a nonlethal alternative.

Tenn's personal views on killing weren't the kind of thing he really bothered to think about. His dog-eat-dog upbringing on underworld streets left little room for leniency. He had done it before, but he believed it to be a last resort. A view he presumed was shared among most of his classmates.

The idea behind the Entropite crystal was appealing enough, assuming it didn't have any sort of significant drawbacks in comparison to a normal saber. "How?" Tenn suddenly blurted out, letting his curiosity get the better of him. Immediately, he pursed his lips, and scanned the faces of the other padawans for a reaction. Realizing it was too late to take back, Tenn continued, "I mean… how does it… do… that…" He trailed off, feeling an intense urge to slap a hand over his face. But he resisted, knowing it would only make him look dumber. The more mystical aspects of the Force often flew over his head. And this, as far as he was aware, fell into that same category.

"Good day to you, fellow Jedi! I am Corazona von Ascania of Ukatis; however, you may call me 'Cora' as a sign of our mutual goodwill."

"That's quite the title," Oni remarked. "It seems that formalities in the Alliance are far more elaborate than where I come from..."

The future was a strange place indeed. Perhaps Oni could do with a title of his own... Swordmaster Oni Manrok, Ancient Feller of Darkness. A bit too cliché. Maybe titles weren't all they were chalked up to be after all.

"Just Oni," he greeted.

"This is Entropite. It, like Kyber, can make the heart of your blade. It's not found naturally, there's a process to make it, but what makes it special is the blade it produces. It won't cut, instead, it absorbs energy. Strike a droid and it will drain it's power cell. Block a blaster shot and it will absorb it instead. Same with a flame. The reason why I use it the most? Strike a person, and rather than harm it will make them tired. Strike them enough, and they'll fall harmlessly to sleep."

"Peculiar," the Pantoran noted. "A stone like kyber with different properties. The use of such a thing could be quite valuable..."

When Tenn Kalos asked how it worked, but then broke down in embarrassment, Oni was overcome by confusion. Had he not come here to learn? What good was learning if one did not ask questions. There must have been something that he was missing. He didn't quite understand 'modern' social ques yet.

"I'm curious how it works as well," Oni piped up. "The way it absorbs energy sounds like Tutaminis. Is it similar?"




Iris blinked for a moment. It wasn't something she thought about when it came to the blade. She knew how to make it, sure. How to use it. But how similar it was to that skill? That hadn't crossed her mind. Maybe it should have. She nodded once to Oni before turning her gaze out towards the rest of the class. Just wanting their colors. Her bluntness on the subject of killing seemed to pull a lot of their attention. Some had yet to face war. Some already had.

The differences there were surprisingly minimal, though.

She raised a hand, let her blade reform itself before settling in her grasp. A flick of the switch, and the cool, void blue of her blade ignited in the air. No traditional hum of a Lightsaber. No sound at all. Just a quiet, pale blue.

"It absorbs energy, just like Tutamanis. From people, droids, machines. It's what knocks people out. But like I said, it won't cut." She lowered the blade, simply settling it against the floor. As expected, nothing happened. No sound, no cutting. Just the blue resting atop the ground like a stick would.

"And it needs contact. It won't knock people out in one go. You'll drain your opponent, but it will take longer. It will expose you to more danger. No reflecting shots means you won't thin the number of blasters shooting you until you get close. You're opening yourself up willingly to more danger in favor of not taking a life. .. But that's what Jedi do, I suppose."

Then she shook her head. Right, not the philosophy. But the science. The action.

"Who knows what it means to Bleed kyber?"

Shem Spinner Shem Spinner | Tenn Kalos | Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania | Calix of Thyrsus | Lukan Rath | Luric Ee'everwest Luric Ee'everwest | Aiden Porte Aiden Porte

Lukan Rath

Though he kept his eyes averted from the rest of the class, Lukan listened to the lesson being taught, taking in what he understood of it all. He had on his person a training lightsaber, that of which only delivered bruising blows with a searing heat enough to simulate the results of a true spar in as generous a manner as the younger students were allowed. This of course suited him fine, after all even he had his standards and he'd never go so far as to kill someone.

The notion of this new kind of lightsaber being introduced by their lecturer sounded like it might be the best fit for himself, or all of the Jedi really if what they said was true and they didn't mean to kill other people. If he understood it correctly, enough good hits on someone would knock them out at worst, and at best leave them too weak to continue fighting. Despite his tendency to...procure or borrow certain things, he liked the sound of this alternative far more than having to live with the death of someone else on his conscience. And yes, he did have one. A conscience, that is.

In his peripheral, he thought he caught a look from one of the other students. One of the girls. His head turned a little, yet he stopped himself from making eye contact and reminded himself of where he was. This wasn't Nar Shaddaar, and he hadn't made any friends here. He was an outsider, and he was on his own. He might as well have been back home on the streets. Niceties didn't come cheap in his experience and so he remained silent and isolated himself further.

All the same, he wanted to hear more from their tutor.

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