Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A peaceful visit to the bar, or not.

Yusan sat at the bar and took his drink in hand, it was a light drink, and for good reason. After his recent streak of bad luck, he wanted to be sure that he was of sound mind in case said bad luck got worse. Yusan breathed in, this wasnt exactly the sort of bar you'd see a Senator in, but it wasnt a seeder bar he wouldnt got to. His hood remained raised, his saber hidden in his back, and his eyes focused on the counter as he thought over the recent happenings.

Thaddeus Creed

Bursting through the door, Thaddeus Creed, the cyborg bull, came into the bar, looking ever-so thirsty. This day, he was not in his traditional heavy suit of armor, but in a large, everyday clothes. The large man walked over to the bar, slamming his fist on the counter, and asked for a drink. "Give me vodka, small girl." Thaddeus barked. The woman quickly scurried to get the man a bottle and a small glass. She poured the drink into the glass and, when the glass was halfway full, Thaddeus knocked it away and grabbed the bottle from her small hands. Thaddeus took a large chug, straight from the bottle, only to be followed by a obnoxious belch.

@[member="Yusan Fenn"]
Yusan glanced up at the man and spoke lightly. "You know, theres no reason to be that way." He stared at the man for a few moments before going back to his drink. "Not to mention a moronic brute has no reason to be allowed to speak that way." @[member="Thaddeus Creed"]

Thaddeus Creed

Thaddeus slammed the bottle onto the counter and looked directly at the frail man that spoke to him. "Speak up, little man. Can't hear you." Thaddeus chuckled, followed by a punch to the stranger's shoulder. Thaddeus' biceps were so large that the punch would feel like full force from any normal man. Thaddeus had no care for the man's words. It's likely he was too blind to realize who he was talking to or else he wouldn't have said what he did. Thaddeus just returned to his drink and thought nothing of the little man.

@[member="Yusan Fenn"]
Yusan started at the man then the bottle, focusing on it slowly applying pressure to the glass till it shattered in the man's hand as he was drinking it, the contents dropping in his lap. He spoke up as such happened and looked as the man's face. "If you werent so rude to people, that might not have happened. Its called Karma my friend, learn about it." @[member="Thaddeus Creed"]
Aela had been in the bar for at least an hour. She'd come because was the closest place from the port where she'd parked her ship. Sipping down at bit of her third beer Aela thought back to her recent bounty she collected on, a skinny little smuggler who'd pissed off the wrong people. Nothing special. She wasn't her in armor this time, just her casual jumpsuit with nothing but her blaster and a pocket of credits.

When @[member="Thaddeus Creed"] had busted into the bar she only rolled her eyes. She'd heard about this man among the other hunters, smugglers and the like. A really tough cyborg who had the attitude of a bull, and probably the brains as well. She looked over when @[member="Yusan Fenn"] began trying to talk with him, braiding him for making all the noise and commotion. If he'd known him like she did he'd have known to expect it.

When Yusan mentioned Karma to the cyborg she leaned over from where she was sitting, on the opposite side of Yusan, and commented with "Be careful about mentioning karma to him. He looks like a slow learner."
The Last Son
It looked like people wanted to piss off others. Washing a glass from behind the bar. I came out as the girl, lindy who thought of me as her big brother, came into the back saying that their might be a fight. I shook my head and stood up. "Go ahead and keep washing these dishes, I'll take care of the bar for a while." Seeing as I was dressed in a tight shirt with simple pants. I also had other things with me. Under my shirt where there actually was loose clothing, rested a twin set of pistols that I relied on most of my time. With a simple walk out of the door. I could see a hulking mas of man and machine talking to a woman and a smaller man.

I grabbed the Vodka from the counter and put it up nice and easy, unlike the large man who slammed it down. All of them looked to be Mercs or bounty hunters by the way they acted. Though the other man clearly was not one. Sitting there with robes and a hood, I didn't think he was from around here. "Can I help you three? and Sir, please don't slam the glasses down, or I will have to ask you to leave. People come in here for a drink and a few games of pazzak, not a fight." I stood next to the counter with my right hand behind my back acting profesional, when really it was resting on the grip of my pistol. If the man chose to attack me, he would first have to get through the bar. and seeing as how I was a good meter away from him, he couldn't just grab me.

@Aela Kellov, @[member="Yusan Fenn"], @[member="Thaddeus Creed"]

Thaddeus Creed

Thaddeus looked over to the oh so very convenient 'male' bartender that spoke to him. He grinned and let out a hefty chuckle. How he automatically assumed that the glasses being slammed was him, especially when there were men taking shots all over the place which usually includes slamming glasses down once complete. "You mind your own business, toad." the cyborg said. From his seated position, Thaddeus could easily see the bartender attempting to reach for something behind his back under the tight shirt. It was obvious it was not to be professional because, well, it was a bar. Nothing professional about that. Luckily, Thaddeus had something under his clothing as well.

Thaddeus then looked back at the little man to his side. "Can you believe this guy? Assuming I make loud noise. Bahaha. Hannibal. Get over here before I bust I gut." the mans heavy accent was quite obvious when he spoke through is commlink implant. It was as if he was from a galaxy far, far away.

@[member="Zack Danheir"] | @Aela Kellov | @[member="Yusan Fenn"]
The Last Son
Letting my hand drop as he man spoke, I could only smile at him. "As much a I allow Slamming of individual glasses that are inexpensive, slamming our product is not allowed however. And I knew it was you because the only one thing that the little girl is scared of is yelling. Now, yes you may be large and bulky, but I have seen worse than the likes of you. I simply ask that you stop." Taking out a glass I set it down and poured a drink for the man. ​"Take a drink and settle down please." Picking up a used glass I wiped it down clean and set it back under the shelf.
@[member="Thaddeus Creed"]
"You heard the man." Aela said, looking over at @[member="Thaddeus Creed"]. She then looked back to the tender and said "Speaking of which I'll have another." holding up her empty glass for him to see. In her mind she had to give the guy credit. for standing up to Creed the way he did. Either he knew enough about him and didn't care or he had some skills to him he kept under wraps. Either way he had guts. Looking to @[member="Yusan Fenn"] she noted "You know you don't seem the type to come around these parts. Any reason why that's different today?"

@[member="Zack Danheir"]
"No, im just waiting for something is all." He drank from his glass again and watched the larger man for a moment. He raised a brow at the twos exchange and spoke up, keeping his words carefully chosen. "You really should just take a load off and go calm down, maybe then you wont be so rash about things." He drank from his glass and put it down, standing up slowly after. "Well i thank you for your time all but i need be going." @Aela Kellov @[member="Zack Danheir"] @[member="Thaddeus Creed"]
@[member="Thaddeus Creed"] | @[member="Zack Danheir"]

Hannibal had been content to enjoy his drink on the other side of the pub, as far away from Thaddeus as possible. He knew how that repulsor-tank of a man got when he drank. Better to ride the shockwaves out of this joint than be caught at ground zero. Hannibal emptied his glass, slid his helmet and mask back on, and strolled over. He was duty-bound to answer the call of his partner in crime, after all. He sauntered over, but did not sit. The first thing he noted was that the woman who usually waited the bar was gone. Yes, woman, and not girl. Girls did not work in bars. That would be silly. Nor would they work in a bar if they couldn't handle a bit of rowdiness from the patrons.

Hannibal, like most men, much preferred his drinks be served by fetching young ladies. Not men with bad haircuts and tight shirts.

"What's crackin', Thad?" Hannibal inquired, sizing up Danheir. "Who's the gimp?"
The Last Son
I smiled as the man got up to leave. As he did so I spoke. "Thanks for coming in." Grabbing the glass from the woman's hand I filled it up again for her. Watching as another armored man came over and called me a gimp. Really I could care less. But once more I spoke up. The gimp is your bartender and please re-frame from using language in my bar." As much as I would rather like to knock their blocks off, I had a business to keep afloat. "Miss if you would like to move you may do so." Turning back to the different ales that people could choose one I grabbed another glass and set it down. "Drinking anything else?" I may be small to them, but what they don't know is what I do best.
@[member="Hannibal Oryen"], @Aela Kellov, @[member="Yusan Fenn"], @[member="Thaddeus Creed"]
Watching the guy leave Aela shrugged while saying to herself "Nice metting you too." Aela perked up when @[member="Hannibal Oryen"] came over to talk with @[member="Thaddeus Creed"]. Another name she knew but never met or seen the guy in person. They were an interesting pair to see in the same place. Made her wonder if there wasn't something going on that she wasn't aware of. Some job someone forgot to mention her about. Either way it was making this a bit more interesting. Hearing @Zack Danhier give his suggestion she shook her head and said "Nah. I've dealt with worse than these two. Try being in a Hutt palace bar." Once her drink came back she took a sip before hearing him offer anything else. "Well I don't know. What would you recommend?"
@[member="Zack Danheir"]

"Re-frame from using language?" Hannibal sniggered. "The word ya lookin' for is refrain. Unless you's lookin' to frame my words 'a wisdom."

Even without his rather silly misspeak, the request was ridiculous. Who was going to refrain from using language in a bar? What were they going to do, silently stare at each other? No, that could involve body language. The patrons would have to avoid all form of contact with one another in order to comply with this total outlaw of all language. And if he did actually narrow that down to profanity, it wouldn't have been any less ridiculous. This was a bar, not a five-star restaurant. What kind of place did this guy think he was running? This was a pit stop for mercenaries, bounty hunters, and smugglers. Foul language was a staple of those who worked such professions. At least, the one's who weren't uptight and weird about it. Cussing was as natural thing as any other. It was raw, powerful expression.

"No wonder they kept ya in the kitchen. Can't speak, can't bartend, dress like a tool. Bring the chick back out 'ere, ya hypersensitive mook."
The Last Son
With the woman asking me what kind of drink I would recommend for her, I was about to answer when the man spoke up calling me a mook. Shaking my head I would just have to deal with him. "Lindy is getting off shift soon. You can see her then. For now she is working in the back. Call me anything else and I will have to ask you to leave." Turning my attention back to the girl I picked up a bottle and handed it to her. "The Devil's sweat. Drink thats almost pure alcohol, with alittle bit of taste and all the burn." I handed it to her and moved to wipe clean the glass that the man had left behind on the other side of the bar. As much as I might dress like a tool of his opinion. That doesn't mean I was one. Seeing how this was the only shirt that I had that was allowed at the bar. It would have to do.

@[member="Hannibal Oryen"], @Aela Kellov, @[member="Thaddeus Creed"]
@[member="Zack Danheir"]

Hannibal had just been issued a challenge. He accepted.

The Fondorian leaned over the bar, attempting to get all up in Danheir's grill. He then raised his voice, so that the entirety of the bar could hear his retort.

"Fething. Gimp."
Jerrick walked into the bar looking for something to do. It had been a busy day for him, and now he wanted to relax. Wearing his black Beskat'gram, Jerrick decided to keep his helmet on picking the nearest spot in the corner away from everyone. He sat down in a small caddy corner table shadowed by the lack of light. He kicked his feet up on the table and leaned back to relax. It was streaming with people it seemed, or maybe it was just a relatively small bar, Jerrick didnt care to measure the place, all he wanted was to relax. He wondering his mind to home to see his mother again, Idia, it had been a few years since he had been home, but he knew he would always be welcomed back with opened arms. In his helmet no one could see his face, or hear him talk. A server came to his table.
"What will you be having sir?" he asked, Jerrick thought for a second then ordered. "I'll take a ale, whatever you have thats strong."
The nodded, and went off to fetch his drink.
Aela nodded at the sound of the drink. "Sounds hot." Next thing she knew @[member="Hannibal Oryen"] was bothering him further. She really didn't like that. The guy was just doing what he needed to and this was no place for him to act like he did, even with his friend present. A small sip from the drink she'd been giving, giving a small "Wow." at how it hit. Aela tapped Hannibal on the shoulder and said "Hey! Leave him alone. He's just doing his job and you're not making it any easier for him by calling him names. Now cool off!"

@Zack Danheir @[member="Thaddeus Creed"]

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