Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A penny for your thoughts.

The hospital was starting to get bothersome. Everything she had been told seemed outlandish and out of her character. Why would she have joined this Rogue Squadron? Why would she join the Galactic Alliance? None of it made sense and Allyson began to question who she was and what she was about. As much as she wanted to leave, the Alliance had not contacted the person she had put on her file as her ‘call in case of emergency’. It seemed they wanted her to remember more and hopefully not run off and disappear.

Amnesia was a fickle thing, she could go either way, by accepting her reality and believing it or she could deny it and formulate a new reality. The latter sounded like a better idea. She wouldn’t have to be some puppet for this agency or this alliance. Yet, she wondered if the girl in her dreams was a part of all of this. Of course, she was still determined that the Doctor was the woman she dreamt about every night, but she was playing difficult about it. Those dreams plagued her mind, but she tried her best to organize them and keep them in some order that made sense.

A knock on the door echoed and Allyson made a noise alerting the person who was there that she was awake for the most part. A man in a suit entered and placed a file next to her. “The leader of the Rogue Squadron will be arriving soon. At least be prepared to answer any questions and ask any questions that you need answers too. With your rehabilitation – you’re going to need to relearn how to fly an x-wing and other star fighters the Rogues have in their arsenal.” The man waved his hand a couple of nurses entered and helped clean the girl up. Sponge baths were not her favorite thing, but then they were in an odd way. The man left – leaving the nurses and the downed Rogue Pilot alone to prepare for her visitor.

[member="Ben Carlin"]
He had been told about this visit a week or so before the actual day arrived so he could figure out what he was going to do and say to help this member. He hadn't known Allyson personally when he was just Rogue Three but not that he was Rogue One he had to do what he could to help her, and he had no problems with that. He couldn't think about not knowing how to fly, it's a unique thing, it can't be taught, true flying is in someone's blood and everyone in rogue had it in their blood.

Hearing about her case with amnesia, more of a fight truly he had been asked to help her learn how to fly again and hopefully remember more about her past through the experience. He decided to do something special for the girl and the day after he was told he began planning out what he was going to do for the day. As the day had stumbled around he finished up his project and was just waiting for the time to go meet her. He didn't have any expectation on what she would act like towards him or if anything would happen, but he just hoped it would run smoothly.

Making his way to the hospital he walked in the front doors and showed him his military ID and he began to make his way to her room. The twists and turns of the hospital weren't that bad but he did look a little foolish wearing sun glasses in doors but he truly didn't care as he made his way towards her room. He kept his flight suit on because he wanted to get straight to the flying if they could and wanted to give her a reminder of what it looked like. Finally making it to her room he straightened himself up and checked himself in the mirror before finally knocking on the door and waiting in front of it for a response.

[member="Allyson Locke"]

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