Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Personal Mission, And the End of a Senator. (Knight)

Yusan stood alone as he waited for the woman that he had contacted, what he was about to do could be considered treason but there was something far more important to him than the Republic and the recent session had made him see it. With a after thought he sent a message to [member="Popo"] as he stood waiting for the representative to arrive.

"Dear, Chancellor Popo.
I regret to inform you that i am resigning from my position on the Senate and it is likely the next time we meet it will not be on the same side, while my life is with the republic there is something i must do that would only create a problem worse for the Republic than it already stands in. I hope this reaches you and is taken in the way that it is meant to be, and if there is ever a time when my mission is done i do hope that the republic will once more accept me, though if i really do become a traitor for this i apologize to you and to all those that had given me a second chance after the affair months ago.
Sincerely, Yusan Fenn, Former Senator of Katarr."
With that his hands returned the datapad and he looked at the office, walking in to meet with the Omega Protectorate Representative and hopefully finally get on a path that would allow for him to do as he wished to do so long ago.

[member="Yusan Fenn"]

Knight sat there in her office as the shifter enjoyed for a few moments a relaxed leisurely stretch without being shifted. Her pale skin and body reaching as far as she could before she got the chirp that someone was here. Shifting back into her more commonplace form letting the bubblegum colored hair extend out. Her robe appearing and she stood up for a moment while she straightened out the clothing, grabbing her sabers and putting them on her belt while she spoke. "Send him in." She sat back down and let her office speak for itself. Decently colored carpet with white walls and an antique wooden desk.
Yusan walked in slowly with the cane as an aide, his eyes focusing on the woman as he moved to look on her and instantly take in as many details as he could, her appearence, clothing, weapons, room, everything. His other hand was crossed behind his back as he walked and his eyes falling on her as his unobscurred and scarred face, half of it still marked by the burns of a bomb though it had recovered greatly. "Miss Knight i presume, i have come to ask for a deal."

[member="Yusan Fenn"]

"Straight to the point huh." Knight had a smile on her face while she sat there with her smile getting wider and wider. "Well I am also ready to hear a deal as it comes to people." Her hands going up to her chest and for a moment as she turned in the seat to adjust it and straighten out. "So mister Fenn what do you bring to the table?"

Yusan rested his weight on ths cane as he began. "I can promise my blade and experience to the Protectorate which includes my strategic mind, i have commanded both fleets and armies before and given the chance i will crush those before me. There is only but two things i ask of the protectorate if you would allow me to, first if ever there is a time that Panatha is attacked, that i will be given leave to strike at it and rescue someone who i must rescue, unless it is the Protectorate itself that attacks the planet. Secondly, if ever there is a time when a Sith is taken prisoner, especially if it is the Zambrano demon, and they should be executed, i want to be their executioner." His hands had curled around the cane as he stood there and his eyes focused on [member="Knight"], there was but simple hate, rage, and utter wanting to crush Kaine once and for all as well as any that follow him, if only Yusan could find him though, if only he could have him before his feet.
[member="Yusan Fenn"]

Two very heavy requests, by most reports Kaine was dead... by most but rumors of ones deth were often inflated and false. Sometimes at leastshe had learned there were dangerous sith in the One Sith and all of them named Darth he could have easily fallen into the crowd and disguised himsef. As to the attack on a planet that one was out there in Fringe space, somewhere they were currently going. "I can make no promises for the moment the Fringe are being quiet and giving no reason for the Protectorate to attack. Same for Zambrano as much as I would love to say you could have him.. He is simply something that might never come you o understand that yes?" She remained sitting the flicked her eyes pointing to the chair. "Sit. There is plenty to discuss such as where you want to be stationed we have several worlds that could value from your experience."
Yusan nodded and moved to the chair, contemplating what she had told him and thinking over every word as he sat down. "I also want to make it very clear, it is likely that once the one i am doing this for is safe, i will likely be leaving the Protectorate to return to my true home with her. And as for Kaine, i realize that he might already be gone, but i still need to make sure and crush any chance of him returning should it come to pass." His body lowered into the chair as he set both hands on the cane before he inclined his head. "Now, what is it you needed to discuss."

[member="Yusan Fenn"]

"Me I wanted to discuss the usual the weather, how well you keep secrets, favorite foods, holodrama's and most importantly make sure you aren't going to run off with a ship and cause an incident." She remained there in the seat and held her hands out. "I am tame but we can't have you getting access to the Leviathan or Starfall and going to lose it. Or causing an incident with your anger."

"I could care less about your ships, but do not worry about my anger. It is directed at a singular peoples and i will not let some machine do what needs be done with my own two hands, i would sooner gut a sith than watch one taste the mercy of a firing squad or quick death..." He blinked for a moment and then registered his own words looking down and lumping in the seat as he realized them before speaking again, this time his voice full of shame for what he had said. "... Sorry, ive just been... unable to hold that in for days... I keep my secrets better than most and my favorite food is simply stews, and again you don't need to worry about me betraying you, i will warn once more that it is likely i wont stay after the Sith are dealt with, but i will betray nothing to anyone and that much i can stake my life and that of my family's on... or atleast i won't willingly do it."
[member="Yusan Fenn"]

"Well then I will have to watch you and we'll work to make sure the sith are handled in the end." Knight remained sitting there and she didn't respond to that outburst of anger she didn't deny people had it and being in the protectorate she dind't really have chances to do things with the jedi or a force order. "I believe the chef is making some good soup and meat for the meal tonight. You can stay if you wish."

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