Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Pirates Life

Location: Adrathrope - the Expansion Region

The expansion region not exactly the wilds, or the Outer Rim but it offered places rich in history and presence. One such place is Adrathrope. Such a history Maz Kinata the Pirate Queen was said to have hidden her treasures there. She also drafted the first version of the Smugglers Guild there, and then there were the artifacts rumors of what and where was everywhere.

The first editions of the book though were to have contained the locations of the treasure of the Queen, the book had been passed and shared by so many over the years that no one right now could say they knew who had it. But the first scribblings of Maz's journal had to be on Adrathrope and it might contain sketches of the maps.

She understood that others were also already looking there K KAR and Castor-Kama Castor-Kama it was likely she would run into them. Would they be willing to work with her? Would they...share information? Explorers were often private on their information. No one knew who had the right clue, but sometimes it took all the clues and a bit of trust to find it, that one elusive item that your whole life you had looked for.

Your whole life...was this it for Serena? She would know only when she felt it pulling at her, when excitement was so overwhelming she would lose control. So far that had not happened.
Location: Adrathorpe, Orbit.

"Ugh this is so boring!" Castor-Kama complained as he leaned back in the co-pilot seat of his brother's light freighter. "Can't I go one second without hearing you complain? " Castor's twin grumbled as he continued to gaze out of the viewport. Castor sighed. "I just don't like being cooped up." Castor said as he looked around the cockpit. "Hey...ever wondered how-"

"Stop, I dont want to hear about whatever it is that goes on in your head." The twin cut him off with a smirk. Castor-Kama huffed, but ultimately stopped. "Anyway, why did you ask me to bring you here again?" Castor's brother asked; hoping to break the silence.

Castor's face lit up.
"Oh! Right. So get this! The other day I overheard a rumor, apparently a legendary pirate queen had treasure vaults. One such vault was rumored to be here." Castor said. "And you plan on venturing out to a place you know nothing about? By yourself?" The twin skeptically asked.

"Yes. Well. No?" Castor sighed. "Apparently I'm not the only one looking for it. Maybe some people will wanna team up."

"That's your ace in the hole? Ha Really? Whatever, I'll trust you" Castor's brother said as he began to enter the planet's atmosphere. Soon enough the ship would land and the ramp would lower.

Location: Adrathorpe, Unknown land.

"Yada yada yada. You're irritating you know that?" Castor joked as he got up and grabbed his gear. "Yup. See you soon brother."

Castor waved as he exited the cockpit and soon after, the ship. Not long after that the ship would take off, leaving Castor to gaze at the vast land before him.

"Whelp. What now?" Castor-Kama asked aloud.

K KAR and Serena Bouie Serena Bouie
Serena was walking slowly lost in the map she was studying looking for something that looked like....without watching she ran right into Castor-Kama Castor-Kama , "Oh my I'm so very sorry. Are you alright?"

She looked at him from head to foot he looked uninjured much to her relief but she had only bumped him. She could see he was carrying a bag, so...vacation? home visit?

She did not know, she would either have to stand still and ask or give the apology and move on.
Castor-Kama barely noticed the woman bumping into him, only when she began to speak did he turn to her. The Geminaie gave a warm smile to the lady before him. "Oh! Don't worry about it madam, I'm actually a bit lost. So I'm glad I ran into someone." Castor admitted as he adjusted his backpack straps. Castor looked the woman and wondered if she was an explorer, then his gaze fell to the map in her hands. Interesting. Maybe she would be able to help him find what he was looking for, or maybe he could help her.

"Castor-Kama. I'm actually here searching for something that has been lost through history. Maybe you've heard of it?" Castor asked as he turned his attention to the sky. "A lost treasure vault of a Legendary Pirate Queen." Castor said as he brought his gaze back to the woman.

He didn't meet much people out on his expeditions, so the Geminaie was quite excited. "So, what brings you all the way out here? Trading? Running from the law?" He asked as he gestured to the world around him.

Serena Bouie Serena Bouie
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Coincidence, perhaps. The force at work she would assume. She nodded, "I'm Serena Bouie" A soft bit of laughter escaped her as she tried to pull together her words and her thoughts.

"I too am looking for something, yes some history with the Pirate Queen. So exploration, trading if necessary...but definitely not running from the law.' There were ways to handle such chance meetings. There was a time she might have considered the overly friendly way of things but she had developed a sense of restraint with this.

She never knew now who her twin had encountered while leading a double life. It was best to remain reserved.

"Perhaps we can discuss the Queen...share some thoughts an if we are in agreement perhaps we can look together. Is that suitable?"

Castor-Kama Castor-Kama

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