Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Pleasure It Is

Hi, everybody! (Hi, Dr. Nick lol)

New to the site, but not new to rping or Star Wars in the least. I'm from the USA, work graveyard shifts, and am an aspiring writer.

When it comes to Star Wars, my favorite movie is probably Empire Strikes Back. Favorite character from the entire series is Darth Bane. Favorite game is Knights of the Old Republic. And favorite novel is hands down Death Troopers. I will also say that, when it comes to Star Wars as a franchise, I'm much more invested in what is considered "Legends" over the current Disney-StarWars canon. Nothing against those who like it, but I'm not a fan and choose to follow what came before (including the Clone Wars show)

Other interests are other sci-fi series, like Star Trek, the Expanse, Farscape, etc. Also big into fantasy, especially Forgotten Realms lore. And my major favorite thing is comics (since you can get a nice blend of several genres into one), with DC having my favorite characters overall.

So, yeah, that's the long n short of it. Anything else you want to ask go right ahead. Otherwise, happy to have found this site and hope to make a good impression on ya'll. :)
Thanks a lot! I do have a question, can you just make a character that's whatever force user rank you want or are there rules set for that?
I'm not Valery - but you can make your character however you wish, force abilities included. There are limits that are noted in the rules, but they're very reasonable.

This isn't like most forum based RP spots, where there are hard RPG elements that limit your innovations from the beginning.
Yeah the rules here are very free form. You can make your character a Padawan, Knight, Jedi Master or equivalent ranks for Sith or whatever Force group you want to be part of.

Same for skills, abilities and all that. We don't review character sheets, so you have a lot of freedom :)

The only "ranks" you'll often see being restricted on Chaos are leadership roles within factions.
Yeah the rules here are very free form. You can make your character a Padawan, Knight, Jedi Master or equivalent ranks for Sith or whatever Force group you want to be part of.

Same for skills, abilities and all that. We don't review character sheets, so you have a lot of freedom :)

The only "ranks" you'll often see being restricted on Chaos are leadership roles within factions.
Awesome! And don't worry, I don't jump into leader roles like that. I tend to be a stout follower anyways lol
Welcome to Chaos friend! Sounds like you have a better understanding of Star Wars then I do! So you'll probably have a blast here! Enjoy yourself and explore whenever/wherever possible!
I'm much more invested in what is considered "Legends" over the current Disney-StarWars canon
And my major favorite thing is comics (since you can get a nice blend of several genres into one), with DC having my favorite characters overall.


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