

"And that Colonel Amsel, concludes our tour today." The young adjutant pleasantly informed the First Order colonel. And what a tour it had been by the young Pa’Deshi ensign. A sojourn the cavernous tunnels, and laybrinthian laboratories of Fortress Dosuun, the Final Redoubt of Prefsbelt Command. Its bastion of strength and power projection. The tour had started in the hangars, and upper civilian accommodations. But had quickly descended down through the barracks, facilities to now the dark heart of things. Where Stossjaeger watched every mood with beady eyes, and security checks were a plenty. It was cold and sterile. Brightly lit, but cruel as metal plating contrasted with the jagged volcanic rock. "If you'll follow me, I'll take you to the Admiral Regent now."
Boots clicked against the flooring as the adjutant lead Amsel through one final security checkpoint, flashing passes and smiles at the faceless Stossjäger. The door in front of them opened, and lead to a sort of antechamber. It was white, with a finely polished metal which seemed to resemble plastoid, feeling as if they were sat in a room made of stormtrooper armour. It was sparsely furnished with a few benches and seats, and another fresh faced soldier garbed in black uniform. “Your coat sir?” He hit a panel on the wall, with it opening and revealing the chamber to act as a cloak room.
Waiting after he had made his decision, the aide pressed another panel, opening to a door. “I hope you enjoy your evening sir.” The room before Amsel was lush, luxurious. Carpeted with fine, Pa’Deshi silks. Couches sunk into the floor. A bar sitting to the west, and a large holoprojector in the middle. And there, standing at the centre, stood Carlyle Rausgeber. In the flesh. The Grand Admiral was dressed in what would be considered casual attire. Black naval fatigues, but with his rank plaque glinting in the light.
“Ah, Colonel,” Rausgeber greeted, approaching the man from the bottom of the room. “Please, I apologise once again for my inability to greet you personally,” Carlyle mused, a wide smile over his face, “The business of state is relentless.” Once within reach, the officer offered his hand, “Please, sit down before you fall down. I hear Ensign Porp’ara gave you quite the run down of our little fort.”