Sphaera Tea Company Owner

With death comes life. A neverending cycle that existed since the dawn of time. Even among the stars and planets themselves, things that are perceived to not be among the living, that same cycle persists.
Out on Altiria in a small tea shoppe on the outskirts of one of the towns, that cycle was about to be renewed.
Kay sat at one of the tables next to the fireplace looking worse for wear. The shoppe had been closed for two days so far. A bond had been broken and severed. But not just any bond. It was a Force Bond. Her ex-husband Veiere, divorced for political reasons had been slain. She caught a glimpse of his death in those final moments and while Veiere may have found peace after his death, Kay did not.
She hadn't slept. She barely ate. All that Kay could do was drink her teas and wrap herself up in one of Veiere's old set of robes that her daughter had brought her from Commenor. And of course she cried. The realization of being cut off for good now hit her. Twice now she had become a widow; twice at the hands of Sith Lords that just couldn't leave her alone.
What was to happen now? The shoppe couldn't stay closed forever, she needed an income. Kay stared at the flames of the fire, hoping to find an answer there.
Something will come. The life cycle would continue. It always does.
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