Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Quick Return before I Leave Again Unexpectedly


Heya Chaos!

Sorry for disappearing randomly around the end of May and not saying anything about it! So here's the dealeeo;

I now have no way to access Chaos for long enough time periods since I do not have a laptop anymore so I will be taking a break from it for the rest of the summer and maybe longer depending on if my family is moving for my mother's job or not. If you want to contact me over the summer you can follow me on Wattpad (FalorneltheHunter) or look for my Pinterest page (Aster Stargazer;finality319). Other than that you probably won't see me again for a while longer so I wish you all well and my apologies to anyone I was threading with. If we want to continue our threads once I have a more stable schedule PM me once I get back.

Love y'all and see you soon,

[member="Skylar Ichor"], [member="Pyro"], [member="Tindōmiselde Tokani"], [member="Elion Menaio"], [member="Casey Romarin"], [member="Deio and Dahlia Leafwalker"].


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