Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Quick Word (Marek)

Bolero, a Tiss'shar -- large, strong, reptilian, intelligent, a cold-blooded (hah) businessbeing -- was the AEL exec who made the call to [member="Marek Starchaser"]. Bolero had bounced around AEL's operations and former subsidiaries, managed phrik mines, helped not publish an introductory guide to acquiring a talent for Sith Magic, skinned terentateks, and currently sat behind a desk.

Mr. Starchaser,

I'm contacting you on behalf of the CEO, who's occupied on personal matters. Time is short. It's come to our attention that you're interested in placing distribution venues for our products within your cruise vessels. We're willing to entertain that kind of partnership, and we have a small request, involving Tionese security measures.



Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
He didn’t recognized the name Bolero, and that was sort of bothering Marek. He was someone who should be knowing the power players in the galaxy. Not that Marek was complaining. For him, it didn’t matter who one was, so long as they were willing to play ball with him. And truthfully, his new operation shouldn’t be worrying anyone. Besides, with Akure, they would bring in a strong group of clients to his casinos.

Still, they were willing to work with Bright Side.


It’d be wonderful to work alongside Akure. I understand there is a request, a Tion request. Would you like to meet face-to-face to discuss this?


He was probably going to have to ready his ship. At least he had Alana filling in the office at the Technate back on Hypori.

[member="Rave Merrill"]
[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Though we shou|d certain|y meet at some point, the CEO informs me that time is of the essence. This situation requires an immediate response.

There has been a kidnap attempt against the CEO, Rave Merri||. Tion assets have been jeopardized. The CEO wou|d |ike to monitor the situation before committing to a response. Is it possib|e for any of your cruise |iners to visit Chandri|a, Bonadan, Echidna, Morje, Morgania, Aurum, Cadomai Prime, Dubri||ion or Oberon? If so, is it possib|e for them to dep|oy Santhe/Sienar SkyEye probe droids in any of those systems?

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Marek could respect that. He nodded at the next message. And there was a bit of a need for him? [member="Rave Merrill"] was a friend, of sorts. A business partner, and someone he would stick his neck out for. And taking the liners around those worlds in order to do some listening?

Good, word was getting out that he could be in a lot of different places.

We can make that happen. Bright Star 6, one of the Space Liners will be visiting Chandrilla. Would you like me to arrange for us to pick up an order of SkyEyes before? Or can they be shipped in our next order for supplies?

If Rave was missing, it would definitely be smart to start searching as fast as they could.
[member="Marek Starchaser"]

The |atter, and the CEO expresses her thanks. It wi|| be a sma|| shipment, more RedEyes than SpyEyes -- the RedEye used to be Repub|ic exc|usive, and Chandri|a is a Repub|ic wor|d. It shou|d draw |ess attention, idea||y. Corporate espionage happens a|| the time in civi|ized space, but our opponent |ike|y has no compunction over using |oca| |aw enforcement as a too|. I'm sure you understand.

The CEO asks me to reiterate our thanks for he|ping to manage the situation, and wou|d happi|y compensate your corporation in whatever amount you find appropriate.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
That was going to work just as well. Marek was going to happily make this happen. At least Bolero was thinking on this. Sometimes the Starchaser didn’t think about covering the espionage bit. He needed to get an agent to work in his stead on this.

That will work. I’ll make sure I have an agent placed on BS6. She will be able to access the droids and make sure they’re deployed properly. And there is no need for major recompense as this is Tionese business. Rescuing the CEO is good business. Merely pass on word that when AEL is ready, we have held aside certain storefronts that should enhance both our companies.

Was he just getting into the corporate espionage game? That was something he was hoping he could do. So long as his agent didn’t get exposed, this was going to go off without a hitch.

[member="Rave Merrill"]
[member="Marek Starchaser"]

The CEO expresses her thanks. She is sti|| recuperating from the kidnap attempt, and in confidence I shou|d te|| you that we expect a second attempt soon. Some among us fee| it wi|| be another persona| attack, but others be|ieve that the attempt wi|| be against corporate assets, perhaps our offices or our farms. Suffice it to say, with potentia| attack vectors from a|| directions, we have a three-pronged strategy. Survei||ance comprises one of those prongs; the other two are rapid response and site security. Rapid response teams have been contracted, security has been marked|y enhanced, and our inte||igence efforts are not without their dangers. The CEO is current|y overseeing the Dromund Kaas dig; I'm attaching security subcontractor credentia|s shou|d you wish to visit her there.

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Really, he was finally starting to pull his weight here, he felt. The rest of the message was just what he was looking for.

I'm here to help. Let the CEO know that Haor Chall and Bright Star are here to help however she needs. I'm probably more suited for any form of transportation and information gathering. Just don't want to say I can do things I'm not suited for. I appreciate the credentials. I'll be heading to DK shortly, as there is some business I need to take care of. My ships are ready to assist however we can and the agent is being deployed to BS6 as we speak. Should have your droids in place shortly.

Is there anything else I may be able to do?

[member="Rave Merrill"]
[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Thank you for you aid, Mister Starchaser. You have my persona| gratitude, and if this situation reso|ves itse|f in a time|y manner, I fee| we and our corporations shou|d co||aborate more often. Perhaps you and your executives wou|d care to fie|d test some of our upcoming e|ite products; an office gift package of sorts is on its way. You wi|| find that, even in times of crisis, we pride ourse|ves on remembering our friends we||.

Best wishes,

Bo|ero, VP Operations, AE| |aekia

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Now this was the kind of business deal he wanted. Something where he would benefit personally, and not only professionally.

Composing the next line in the chain of communication, he smiled.

Our pleasure to help. Tion comes first, and if one of the CEO's is in danger, its the rest of our responsibility to help them. They'd do the same for the rest. I'll hopefully cross paths with your CEO shortly, and I would be honored to test out the new line for AEL. Look forward to meeting you in person, and to our business together.

M. Starchaser
CEO Bright Star

He didn't need to mention anything about Haor Chall, sure, they were also helping with the Hegemony through Santhe Corp, but he wasn't representing them currently. He had a few good trips ahead of him, here. Speaking of, he needed to go over the manuals that [member="Rave"] Merril has left him, so he could get to work on preparing to actually perform alchemy.

Not that would be fun.

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