Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private A Quiet Time

Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo

A Quiet Time
Tag(s): Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus
Objective(s): Bond


The Neo-Crusaders were on the rise. The true Mandalorians, the ones tired of hiding and pretending, were finally coming forward to remind the galaxy of their place. Sig couldn’t be more ready. Yet despite the rise of this new faction dedicated to the Old Ways was beginning to pick itsef up, Sig’s mind was set elsewhere today.

Today it was set on his other goal beyond reestablishing Mandalorian dominance: building his clan. While he still carried the memory of his clan, Sig believed he needed to forge a new one from it’s ashes rather than revive it. And like the other great leaders who’s clans still exist to this day, so to did Sig plan on having Clan Dryggo leave it’s mark.

Today he was meeting the first new member of his clan. Recruited on Concord Dawn after impressing him, Zandra Ruus had pledged to join Sig and his quest. While she was in the space above while he was on the ground, Sig was aware of her display of skill during the raid on Contruum. They hasn’t spoken since then and he was anxious to hear her perspective of the battle.

He had sent her a message to meet at a small cantina on Nar Shaddaa, where he sat at a small booth patiently waiting. He told her it was to debrief after the raid, though truthfully Sig wanted to bond. It had been years since he had been with any Mandalorian who shared his views and desires; those he had been around had been during the raid, no time to talk then. No today he wanted to get to know his newest clan member, and perhaps begin imparting his knowledge of their culture upon the young woman.

Nar Shadda was a welcome sight after The brutal fighting that has taken place just a few days prior. After stealing that frigate, a little R&R was just what the doctor ordered. The thought of a Mandalorian doctor was a slightly amusing one, did they have to walk around in armor, a smock, or both? That silliness out of her mind, she proceeded to follow a digital guide to the cantina.

Despite never being on Nar Shadda before, the cantina felt familiar. It seemed like almost every planet had a place like this. Some seedy pub that only the locals ever really went to, nestled in the deepest darkest part of the city's gut. Maybe it was just her being a slum urchin, but she felt at home in places like this. It reminded her of a time when she was cutting purses rather than throats.

It wasn't hard to find Sig in the mess of a cantina, he stuck out like a bloody red thumb. The young foundling walked to the private booth, a chipper pep in her step as she walked up.

"Geez, your operation must have been way tougher than mine. Your armor is fragged man!"

It looked like the older Mando's armor had been blasted by something much higher grade than a blaster. Then her mind turned that thing over a few times, what could do that much damage to Mandalorian armor? Jedi!

Sandra gave a sneer under her helmet, her voice dripping with disdain as she spoke to Sig. "So... All those reports were right? We have Jedi to worry about? Buncha lowlife stuffed shirts. Preach to the galaxy about peace and unity while people suffer around them..."

Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Sig glanced down at his newly installed cybernetic arm, thinking back to the fight with the Jetiise. Of course to everyone else the distinction between his old arm and new one was nearly impossible to tell; given that he grafted his armor to his arm instead of synthetic flesh. Regardless he let the young Mandalorian continue. He could sense the spirit within her, he just hoped he could guide it.

“The Jetiise are an ancient foe,” he remarked, “One brought upon us by the Darjetii,” his voice also growing with disdain at uttering the words. He sat for a moment, his thoughts on the previous battle but also thinking forward. “What do you know of our people, of our history?”

Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus

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