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Approved Tech A.R.C.A.N.E. - Advanced Robotic Combat Artificial Neural Entity

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Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd with minimal tech from Lucerne Labs
Type: Cybernetic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Average
That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell
  • General Information:
    • The Algorithm for SERAPHIM is based on the need for a Tactical "Overwatch" when not always available to be self-deployed More than just a "Threat Analysis" program, the system's main program can self upgrade and in many ways "learn" from previous operations to build on and offer analysis with up to the minute results. It operates on the bases of ten primary rules or "Directives". The ARCANE system works under much the same principles for each model through some minor tweaking.
      1. Able to identify and target potential Galactic Alliance threats.
      2. ARCANE cannot engage a target unless the IFF is confirmed through SERAPHIM.
      3. ARCANE is able to act independently for an inordinant amount of time, able to "refuel" mid flight.
      4. ARCANE must follow orders from SERAPHIM, Galactic Alliance Defense Force or 5th Fleet officers.
      5. ARCANE can provide Complete, Full, and Transparent Tactical Analysis for GADF officers unless up to the minute from its location(s)
      6. Capability of independent operations combined with linking up with manned flight.
    • Real-time, up-to-the-minute and constant connection with all 5th Fleet, allows and provides multiple unit movement and positioning.
    • Real-Time health and wellness monitoring to provide up-to-the-minute reports for each unit to unit command including but not limited to physical, mental, full situational awareness and multiple options per each mission objective allow for an assorted number of ways, angles, and operations any member of Nirvana fleet can take.
    • Up-to-the-minute threat analysis scans to provide true threat assessment to offer 5th fleet units recommendations of "when to shoot" and "what to use" when possible. Constant updates to and from SERAPHIM allow for the ARCANE system to more efficiently identify, target and engage enemy opposition.
    • Provide sector, planetary, topographical, and cultural information of region to GADF personnel and Special Operations like Omega Squad with up-to-the-minute efficiency giving turn by turn GPS efficiency as well as background information of any points or landmarks needed for the team "to just disappear". This also provides the operational capability to insert in the most tactically efficient locations when a landing zone is compromised, or where to commit to a more efficient extraction.
    • Provides real-time power usage and operational capabilities of suits and vehicles rerouting systems end shutting down damaged programs so as to not slow vehicle capabilities or disable team efficiency.
    • TAKES AWAY ONE JOB, CREATES SO MANY MORE- The wide net of responsibilities that ARCANE can claim with "Overwatch" and "Operational analysis positions, they give so much more in programming and planning. There is the capability to keep GADF central command apprised moment by moment with a 5th fleet Operation where this may not have happened in the past.
    • SELF-AWARE but SELF-SECURE- Like SERAPHIM, each ARCANE is a Tactical and Operational Analysis AI on a starfighter, that is what it is and that is what it knows, it also knows that while it is more than capable to expand capabilities it will not be able to do so without the expressed consent of both GADF Command and Liram Angellus Liram Angellus Liram Angellus Liram Angellus .
  • Defensive capabilities:
    • Redundancy programming - Get rid of one part of the algorithm, another will automatically "step up" and continue the operation. Get rid of another, and another will do the same. The overlay of programming code makes it "Mustafar" for a Slicer to shut down.
    • High-Level Security Clearance Required - There are "High", "Very High", "Top Secret", "Above Top Secret" and there is "SERAPHIM". While the "ARCANE" system is not the type, or to the level of the program that "SERAPHIM is , it is still not THAT type of program, the amount of knowledge, type of background, history, and interviews necessary to reach the clearance level required to reach that level of clearance to be able to operate with SERAPHIM, let along be able to work on, give commands (those require more interviews and scrutiny).
    • Redundant Memory Cores (Black Sites on Commenor, Kasshyyk, Aresia, Coruscant, Corellia)
  • NOT JUST A DROIDBRAIN: Droidbrains, even Droid fighters in general can operate autonomously, but must follow programming. While the ARCANE system works in a somewhat similar fashion the AI can operate on thousands of calculations in a milisecond. This can be compared to "instinct" in some semblances.
  • SECURITY: A part of the initial sourcecode of each ARCANE unit is a constant communication with SERAPHIM when identifying potential targets so while ARCANE can identify and target on its own, it still requires confirmation from SERAPHIM with its more detailed code and stronger capabilities to confirm.
  • CAN BE IMPLEMENTED INTO MULTIPLE TYPES OF STARFIGHTER: There will be some minor tweaking to the source code but if there is the ability for it, the code can be implemented.
  • THE RIGHT SLICE, THE RIGHT HACK: The AI can indeed transfer to backup sites, but they do not carry half the security it does. If you can get Seraphim to withdraw from its primary servers you have a good chance of getting what you need from it.
  • BUREAUCRACY: If the need revolves around Vanguard Fleet's mission then it is a different story, but the permissions are limited outside of mission parameters and the AI is relegated to a "records keeping" mode when not on a mission.
  • NOTHING BEATS THE PILOT IN THE BOX: The thought of putting less and less pilots in danger is a good one, but there is still the issue of being able to outperform a good pilot.
The SERAPHIM program has proven successful and sparked ideas coming from the tactical department of the 5th fleet ("The Tech geeks" as they are often quietly referred). Unmanned flight was more and more conversational, but not merely "Droid fighters" there needed to be a system that could operate and engage without specific programming. The ARTIMUS program was initiated, creating a small set of ships directly operated by SERAPHIM. While this proved to be effective, the thought of the fleet AI overextending could prove horribly problematic. There needed to be a new system focused at the starfighter level.


Image Source : Here

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create an AI system that can fit in and operate a starfighter, eliminating the need for droidbrains
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: Artificial Intelligence
Permissions: Gir Quee, my subs
Primary Source(s):

Artificial Intelligence

Technical Information

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Model: A.R.C.A.N.E. - Advanced Robotic Combat Artificial Neural Entity
Modular: Yes
Material: Electrical Components, Code, Digital Network
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Liram Angellus Liram Angellus

Nice one! However I found some problems:
  • The Image source field is broken, I would like to ask you to add the image source link to the template (others usually put it under the art). Thank you for your understanding!
  • And the cross over is prohibited. I would like to ask you to remove the Asimov's laws of robotics from the sub.
That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell
Okay, don't know why the link doesn't show in the template unless I go to edit it and I can see it fine. Oh well. I put in the link below the picture and tested it.

EDIT- Hope that is what you are looking for MANIAC MANIAC
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Liram Angellus Liram Angellus

I would like to remind you that there is no precedent in either Factory or Codex. English is not my mother tongue and I only read the books in Hungarian, so I only now noticed the similarity. But I have spoken to John and he thinks it is still correct so no need to change it, so feel free to write back if you like.
That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell
I apologize if I offended you. I wasn't complaining or anything. Anxiety set in when you asked me to change it. I did not want to cause waves so I tried to be forthcoming on everything. No issues and I'll keep it the way it is now. No worries.

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