Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Raven In The Shadows

With another attempt to train a grey jedi, Romeo walked back, and forth in the throne room. "Anymore longer, and he'll be having to do push ups for me." He sighed, and tapped his foot as he stopped. "Jedi, they always take forever to do something." @Corvus of Poe
Walking draped in his robes today. His armor was stored in his back slung over the right shoulder. It bore weight better. As he walked he used the force to mask his approach. He was late but had a good reason. He was researching something that would help him on his path to becoming a grey jedi. It was rare and he was sure the dark jedi would know where it was. “We take our time when we worry about walking into traps and I have a good reason.”
Dropping into a bow Corvus smiled. He was battle hardened and lost his arm to a sith master. He would make her pay in time. That was one of the few things he still was clouded by anger about. The cybernetic armed was his pride and joy constantly updating it. It glowed blue like his light saber. “I was looking for a rare crystal to power my saber. I think it fitting to use a new color given my new choice to walk the razors edge.”

[member="Romeo Sin"]
Romeo slapped his face, and slid it off in the most dramatic way possible. He slid off his mask, and looked the man in the eyes. His red iris glowed softly. He sighed, and rolled his shoulders. "And what razor edge are we speaking of? You havent been speaking to Razer have you?" He tilted his head to the right side. "Please tell me you havent been speaking to my brother about the force...that's the worst decision you could make." [member="Raven of Poe"]
“No Dumbass.” He stared at the man with light blue eyes. “The path of light and dark.” He sat cross legged on the floor. “I am having difficulty finding what I need though. I need a rare white crystal to power it. I havn’t decided though if it will be a dual color with a black core.” He held out his robotic limb and pulled a synthetic white crystal out of the small compartment. “I was thinking of using a synthetic but it would be better to have the real thing.”

[member="Romeo Sin"]
He shook his head, well there were worse things to worry about. "Does color matter? Since when you know where do they can be found at least?" He said shaking his head. "You know that there are people yo can buy these from?" He took the crystal from the metal hand. "Its certainly synthetic, but doesnt stop it from doing what it should." [member="Raven of Poe"]
"says someone who recently went from red to black?" He crushed the crystal in his steel hand. "No color doesn't matter but it was time for a change." He smiled and shrugged. "I have searched every holocron for where to find one that would work." He Jumped up and stretched. "I did run across an ancient name that was revered in the archives though. Perhaps i could find his and use it. He was considered a great jedi and i seem to align with his views."
[member="Raven of Poe"]

"You seem to be with everyone. You're talking to a dark jedi who even went as far as to..nope nope...I've trained that even works." He shrugged. "Fine I'll help ya, and teach you little more on the way there."
"I was thinking of finding a grey jedi to train with. Qui Gon Jinn was said to be one." He smiled and dropped the bag his armor making a thud on the floor." The cyborg sighed. "So any idea where to get that particular saber?" He pulled a holocron out and hit the hidden switch. The ghostly image of the great Jedi Qui Gon Jinn appeared. Hitting another button the saber came up. It was very plain compared to the others of the era. "I am interested in this Jedi. He was a great warrior. He Was felled on Naboo before the clone wars. He spawned two of the greatest warriors of that era. The General Obi Wan Kenobi and a Sith lord Darth Tyranus. "Do you know anything about him?" Corvus' voice changed as he talked about the dead Jedi. He revered him and wanted to follow down his path.
Corvus sighed. Corscsunt was currently being held by the Sith. While Corvus was able to perhaps sneak in Romeo would be prone to trying to kill the entire sith order. He had seen his hatred for it before. “You know you should try making amends with them. If we don’t we have bodies stacked to the old temples ceilings.” Using the force he lifted the armor from his bag and attached the various pieces. Each new armor piece lit up to match his lightsabers crystal. “Let’s hope it goes better than that time you burnt the bar on Tantooine. Though that was hilarious.” Putting the holocron away he stared at [member="Romeo Sin"]. “Do you know anything about Qui Gon Jinn or the Grey jedi?
Grabbing his bag he whistled as he walked with Romeo. “Let’s go then. Best get started I still have to search for a master to train with in the ways of the grey jedi.” He moved swiftly to the hangers his icy blue eyes showing the fire of adventure and that thirst for knowledge. “I will have that saber if I have to defeat every sith on the planet.” There may even be a few holocrons on Jinn to keep him busy. “Melting it is just as bad you know. I hope the saber is there.” This was going to be his goal to get that saber. Romeo had went after Revens Saber. He didn’t currently have it though. Corvus was determined to get this saber.

[member="Romeo Sin"]

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