Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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*A respectful howl*


CEO of Verres Trading
Salutations. Decided to come in as a republic senator(as soon as I get my tags). Perhaps it's time for Amar to be properly represented. By the way... how is the Republic's economy doing?

Bartholomew Tedesky

The whole avi remind me of a guy I used to RP with, he was known as Jyrral


CEO of Verres Trading
Fantastic! ..however, I will need a resume mister @[member="Kaine Zambrano"]. By the way, all sentient beings are animals as well. The difference lies between beast and sentience.
But @[member="Thessa Kai"]

I will take them.
I will break them.
I will claw at their flesh and forsake them.
Seek revengeance, for my brother.
I will not rest until I'm satisfied.

It takes patience; we are alike!
You have the strength, but the cunning's all mine!
I am the brains, you are the power!
The legacy of Dethklok will be devoured!


CEO of Verres Trading
A pirate... How exciting! I may have some contacts for you to procure some lum from, as well as some enemy parties who may need a hand lifting some of the weight of their profits. @[member="Jack Sparrow"]

@[member="Vulpesen"] Oof! *whacks with my fancy dancy cane* Down child!


Lurking SWRP Sites Since 1998
Kaine Zambrano said:
So they're letting animals be Senators now?

This is why you can't have nice things, Republic.
If you play dead he might just sniff you then leave you alone.
@[member="Kaine Zambrano"]
The Republic's economy is doing great, pumping plenty of cash into my coffers as they purchase my cheap cra... I mean my extremely valuable commodities with extreme amounts of historical significance.

Please visit a Hana Exports outlet store near you.



CEO of Verres Trading
Especially when said fox has a plethora of animals living at his home, including kath hounds, nexus, bomas, bursas, Akk Dogs, and various other nasty creatures I've befriended over the years.

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