Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A return after a refreshing month long break :)

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone!

Obviously you might of seen me floating around here and there OOC, but I've not been connected with the community for several weeks now. I'll admit, I've cheated on you Chaos, and started role playing again on an Avatar: The Last Airbender board, and love playing a secretive firebending merc :p

Although I thought the pause would be indefinite, I have [member="Boethiah"] to thank for convincing me (it didn't take much, and they didn't even try :p) to come back. Ever since I started the Genocide story-line on Mirial, I wanted to play as an escaped refugee, that attempts to bring peace to her shattered people.

Also, spoilers, Zambrano the Hutt might be reincarnated into something dramatically ironic ;) It's either that or a wookie... or 'permadeath' by being forever in the Bubble of the Lost. One of those three!

So, nice to see you all again :)

Connor Harrison

[member="Fatty"] Welcome back...Airbender!

The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Fatty said:
I'll admit, I've cheated on you Chaos, and started role playing again on an Avatar: The Last Airbender board, and love playing a secretive firebending merc :p
Hmm, I wouldn't be firmly against finding a link to such a board in my PM... you know, for research purposes and all.

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