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A Return to Roots: Proposed Cultural Overhaul for the Mandalorian Faction

It's no lie that we've not been having our most active seasons lately. Until this invasion, the most we'd see is someone going off to mine beskar within the faction and make their armor before dashing off into the sunset to go play a Mandalorian mercenary for another group. We've been active enough to avoid the Admin Axe when it comes to major factions and, sure, we've been hugely active in this invasion and the prep leading up to it, including the ~30 hour dominion of Taris a few days before the battle of Wayland.​
The problem is we face the same question after Wayland as we normally do after a spike of activity: What happens now? Talks of invasions happen, discussions of skirmishes are tossed back and forth, and dominions are sometimes started to try and expand the borders. Unfortunately, many times these plans fall short. In two cases of dominions, it took months to complete despite all the proper planning and a set storyline. No one person or group is to blame, but rather perhaps we've beaten this particular path down to the point that we've worn ruts in the dirt from armored boots.​
So, we have two options, I feel. The first is to go back to the way we've always done things. We fight, we do the invasion thing, the fighting ends, and despite our best intentions we go back to a quite murmur in the background. The second is, to put it bluntly, to try something new and unusual. Hence my proposal...​
Raids! And lots of them. The Mandalorians in the past were raiders and were renowned for hitting targets without fear or failure. In fact, even the concepts from the Real World for the Mandalorians are based on raiders. The most easily recognizable two are the Celts and the Norse. For this, we'll focus more on the Norse.​
The Norse, also known as the Vikings, were famous raiders known throughout history for their infamous raids and the plundering of large swaths of Europe using their skill at arms as well as both their skill on the sea and with shipbuilding. They were also known as time went on for their diverse peoples, skilled craftsmanship, and unique culture. In fact, much of the Mandalorian culture can be traced to the Vikings in many ways if you think on it. Mandalorians detest uncleanliness and cowardly behavior. The Vikings believed that only the brave found their version of heaven and were actually quite concerned for their own cleanliness and appearances as well.​
My proposal is this: We focus on raiding. We swap our cultural outlook towards a raider perspective. This does a number of things for us. Primarily, it gives us the chance at a constant state of PvP that many of our writers enjoy. As we would have a great many raiding targets, the PvP would rarely grow stale as opponents would change as quickly as raid targets do.​
Second, it allows us to further grow ourselves not just as a warrior culture, but also as a trading one. It's no secret we have writers more focused on business or character development. This gives them a chance to enjoy their style of writing, too, by interacting with writers from other factions when it comes time to sell or trade what we take or even to help injured Mando'ade returning from that massive raid on Teta or Geonosis last week.​
Thirdly, it helps us develop as a faction. It's no secret that many dislike fighting with the Mandalorians. Why? We're a little territorial on the OOC. IC, makes sense. OOC, we're a little attached. A raiding culture doesn't need a presence on the map to stand out and respects no borders of those who do. Long story short, with this new path the map no longer matters aside from the fun of harassing Tefka on a monthly basis.​
Now, I know the next question is something akin to "why stay a major faction, then?" The answer? It serves as the edge of our empire and the borders from which other factions, companies, and individuals can come to trade, buy, and sell with our economies. Also, it shows other factions something very important:​
Here there be Mandos.​
The shift to a raider culture would also include shifting to a more rustic and basic concept for the Mandos. More homesteads, more clan homes. Less city folk and more bonfires, hunting, and drinking in bars of timber and wooden floors. We'd pay more homage to the old ways rather than bow down to the waves of technology in the galaxy. Why? We're the Mandalorians. We can survive on the bare basics where others can't. Jedi and Sith complain of tents and lack of caviar. We're swapping war stories around a campfire while eating field rations.​
I mentioned something in the earlier statement on how the Vikings used their prowess on the waves and with ships to make their mark in history and so I have taken the liberty of doing the same for us. I've designed a ship that can literally be made by anyone, at any time, with the practical materials on hand. The official military use ones are blinged out, sure, but take those away and you still have a great raiding ship capable of being built in an IC month or three with a small clan working at a steady pace. Here's the best part: want the top of the line ship for yourself? The thing can be upgraded. You can literally have the top of the line version with a little time and a little effort to become the greatest raider you can be. The sky is the limit and with this ship we can all make a name for ourselves.​
The Witches
The Witches of Dathomir have never been hugely active within the Mandalorian faction. The reasons for this are simple. Half of the reason is that those writers often have Mando characters and when the faction needs writers, they contribute with those characters instead. The other half is because they're more or less stationary on their homeworld due to a dislike of technology and a fair amount of distancing from both sides. The best way I can put it is something akin to "Oh, the Witches of Dathomir? They're over there on Dathomir... we don't go there."​
This new culture and even religion gives the Witches a way to spin themselves in a new light and become highly active within our own faction. The ancient Norse had a small population of wise women and witches scattered around their lands called Volar. These women were unmarried and carried out the duties of priestesses, healers, miracle workers, and even seers or soothsayers. Generally, they were believed to possess supernatural powers and because of the respect the Norse had for them, they were more or less allowed to roam the land freely and unharmed.​
The Witches have supernatural powers that aren't replicated anywhere else in canon and are more in tune with nature than most other Force sensitive groups or cults. The Witches can easily fulfill the duties and roles of wise women and soothsayers.​
This allows us two opportunities. Primarily, it gives the Mandalorian and Witch writers a chance to interact with each other and write together as Mandalorian warriors seek the advice of Witch seers or Dathomiran soothsayers and priestesses attend to Mando warlords or communities to utilize their powers and gifts. Second, it allows the Witches the ability to leave their planet. Captain Larraq has offered to create a line of bioships available to the Witches who are adverse to technology. With these ships, they may now travel. With such travel, they may visit Mandalorian worlds. As they would have the role of oracles and the like within the Mandalorian culture, they could feasibly travel freely and as they wish. All in all, it promotes freedom and activity for both Mandalorians and Witches. It's a win-win scenario.​
So that's the pitch. A bit long winded and looking a little like one of Larraq's ship subs, but that's the proposal. A new path, a new identity both building off the old and merged with the original concepts of the early mandalorians. Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Concerns?​
About to head off to bed, but I can post some quick thoughts. Thoughts may not be entirely coherent!

I like the Space Vikings idea. It does fit the Mandos. Well, that or Space Mongols! :)

I am undecided on the religious aspect. Not because I mind it in principle. My main point is this: Are we assuming that the Mandalorians have always had this pantheon on the board and in their IC history, in other words retconning things by making it universal from the get-go (after it has been decided oocly etc., if it comes to that).

Bit awkward then if only a minority follows it (or other members feel put off). Or are we presuming that a group of Mandalorians decide to rediscover their roots (as I understand it, the Mandalorians used to worship war) and spread the word? As I understand it, this is supposed to be a community project and stuff, as you said.

As for the Witches, if they become more prominent in the Mandalorian faction and play a more active role that would be sweet. How many of them are active right now though? I know there are a couple writers with Witch chars, but the only one I really recall seeing around is Illie's alt in a few doms.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

You and Strider and space mongols lolol

As far as religion goes, it's technically neither. No retconning at all as that could cause problems with previous threads and make folks think their past threads aren't accurate anymore or don't count somehow. Not a rediscovery of roots, either. At least, not in the sense of finding the old gods and such. This would be a new pantheon. How it comes to pass, not sure. I figure if we as a community decide to go with it, we can figure it out then. My guess is perhaps pull a page out of some books I've read in the past in other genres: the deities find us instead.

Illie is active with her alt, but I was talking with her earlier today. She mentioned some of the others were active on alts on occasion or were off and on active. She seemed taken with the idea and said that it could potentially get more activity. I'm guessing by drawing in old members for a new turn of a leaf and maybe pulling in new members as well as the Witches get more active.
Arrbi Betna said:
Religion The ancient Mandalorians worshiped ancient gods and eventually worshiped war itself. This is a bit of a rougher idea and is basically just an interest pitch on its own. I propose introducing a pantheon of deities for the Mando'ade. The why is simple: Conflict. Each deity represents a form of conflict a Mandalorian would face in every day life, on and off the battlefield. These deities add flavor, fluff, and conflict to the faction. Mandalorians thrive on conflict. The conflict of battle and war being the most obvious form we see. The idea here is that if we have different gods and goddesses to follow and represent our IC ideals, we create diversity more so than just the clans we inhabit. Through diversity, we reach a certain level of conflict internally. This conflict leads to IC development for both the faction and for characters. In short, I propose 8 deities, 4 male and 4 female, for this new Mandalorian religion. Six for the Resol'nare and two more for aspects the Six Tenets don't cover. I also propose that aside from creating the bare bones of these deities - meaning outside of the very basic concept of each deity - we make the actual creation of this pantheon a community project. This means we all have a say, we all have a part, and we all can contribute to the collective future of our faction and its development.
Some people like this aspect of RP... I do not. I think that culture can be enough without the need for supernatural beings

The rest looks great.
[member="Arrbi Betna"]
The cultural aspect of most ancient civilizations fluctuates from heavy Theocratic Influence to very minimal influence. At one point the Pope was able to rally all the christian nations into a war. The Next Generation the Pope was merely a figure head and had little to no political power. Ancient Mesoptomia believed in a pantheon of gods, but historical records and texts believe that they worshiped their gods through their everyday actions. They believed that this life was the best there was and no matter how great you were or how crappy this life was, the next one would be far, far worse. Their culture wasn't centered on their gods, it was centered on their people, their legends. Gilgamesh was a mortal man by their legends, the greatest mortal man. And yet he died and went on to nothing, to be forgotten.

A culture in itself can be very similar to a religion without actually crossing that barrier. Some Star Wars aspects of belief in the Force view it as a deity, some don't. I like that aspect that the Force, while connected to everything and all encompassing isn't really a deity. In any religion there are hard liners and casual believers, and then people that don't believe at all. Because of that, I don't think religion is a necessary aspect for the advancement of RP or the development of a Character.
[member="Draco Vereen"]
Fair point, but you realize that the Mandos canonically and currently believe in an oversoul after death called the Manda? It's believed if you live life like a true Mandalorian that you ascend to the Manda after death. This has always been, but isn't a huge component of every day mandalorian life outside of how they live. This would be a sort of...Expansion of this. The Manda still exists, but to guide in every day life there are... Deities. Basically, they're embodiments of the traits all Mandalorians should follow. Perhaps deities is a too strong word here. Mayhaps the term spiritual embodiment is a more proper term.
[member="Ijaat Akun"]
Alright, did some research. Basically, the same thing I was proposing, just a bit more technical and a real thing rather than the generalization I was making lol That's a good way to put it. Each "deity" isn't so much an all-powerful deity, but rather a form of archetype. I like it. Any way you can explain it for the laymen so I can put it in the pitch? lol
Late feed back, but here it is.

I had no idea that we Mandos had a religion. Yes, I know we believe in the Manda, but never did I know we believed in gods. It'd be interesting to see that, not sure how it would go but be interesting to write with.

Raiding? I'm all in for raiding. I've always knew we were Warriors and Raiders of the Galaxy.

The pitch of the Witches? I'd love to see that. A bit sad to see the witches not active but this pitch will surely get them active and interact with them.
[member="Arrbi Betna"]

The raiding makes perfect sense, you have read my idea about raiding in my PM, The return to the old campfire culture is perfect, it gives the Mandalorians a culture that is unique from everyone else. There are many ideas that I can think of for RP that involves raiding parties and random bedouin style interactions around a campfire.

The addition of the witches into the fold as soothsayers and healers is a great idea. It gives them a culture tie to the mandos in a way that does honor the fact that the original culture was a reflection of the vikings and of norse culture as a whole. I for one have been playing with the idea of a witch alt for fun, so that appeals to me greatly.

Religion is touchy subject in SW in general, mostly because it's all force related. I don't see the Mandos needing a religion to set them apart. the battlefield is their temple and they worship combat over everything else. like [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] said, we would have to retcon the religion into the culture. We should just hold old heroes in high esteem, make them the standard with which we strive to attain. Gods are for the weak, we are strong, we don't need to pray for help, we make others do that.

Arrbi Betna said:
Long story short, with this new path the map no longer matters

If we shift to this ideal it will give us something totally different from the norm to play with, something no one else on the board is currently doing. Most factions use dominions for training and thread count for promotions. By changing our ideals to raiding we become the different faction on the boards, the faction that we should be because we are a warrior culture.

Also as a smuggler, it would give me access to some cool stuff to trade with for other stuff we may not have access to. Opening up another RP idea for me and for some others.

Andrea Kryze

Innocence and Killer Instinct
Okay, so I personally avoid ic religions for various reasons. If we did this, would following one be mandatory? I don't like wrapping my head around any religions in fictional works, especially in rp. I don't need myself mixed up. Sorry, that's just the way I role.

Anyhow, do the Mandalorians really need a religion? I think we're completely fine right now with our own language and our epic armor, you know B)

Going "death watch" and just riding around the galaxy? I have the same opinion as [member="Orick T'ane"]. It would completely revamp the way we do things, and it puts down a lot of the promotional stuff concerning training works.
Well, as we said, the religion is now a separate pitch. It may appeal to some, but not others. Personally, i think it's a neat idea. Gives more depth for those who want to utilize it. Nothing says you have to though. As for the raiding thing? ALLLL over that. LOVE it. And I think it's a neat way to change up the cultural identity for the Mandos...and I love how it takes the focus off the map. Some people obsess over it x.x

[member="Andrea Kryze"] [member="Orick T'ane"] [member="Arrbi Betna"]
The religious aspect of it is iffy as is. I've noticed people love it or hate it and very few are in between. Those that are show indifference rather than a "wait and see" approach. I doubt it'll be an issue and I really doubt it'll go through at all. If it does, okay. If not, no worries.

[member="Orick T'ane"]
I see where you're coming from. There wouldn't really be a need to retcon anything, honestly. Like I said, the concept of the gods finding us could work well. Plenty of religions often have concepts where the gods approached their worshipers to gain them. I do see what you mean, though.

[member="Andrea Kryze"]
True, we don't really need it. I thought it as something extra or fluff oriented we could play with. Maybe convert the Witches to it and get more RP options that way in time. As for our armor, would you believe I'm trying to start getting folks to move away from using beskar? People use it too much nowadays. I should know, I'm the reason why even Mandos have to do a dev thread for it. I'm looking at bringing about an IC reputation of a different caliber. We start with raids, but that's just a small part of it. The... first step, so to speak.

The idea of ignoring the map is key. The map determines borders, sure, but nowadays more and more you see people playing the map game. Look at Wayland. Even the Mandos are doing it and have been for a while. The age old argument: These are our worlds. These are our worlds. They're not yours.

We have a 'Them and us' mentality. That needs to stop. This concept is the IC start of an OOC shift from that. The them and us has to stop, so we start with the grass roots: IC fluff. We're all writers on the same board. None of us are actually Jedi or Sith or Mandos or whatever. We often forget that and move into our own little cliques. We segregate ourselves and ostracize entire factions sometimes. Hell, I'm guilty of it in the past. Still kind of am in a lot of ways.

There's only one way to fix it, though. This whole return to roots thing? It's the IC start of what I hope the board itself will come to be on the OOC level.

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