Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public A Reunion and a Walk-away (open to all)

Location: Outer Rim
Master Bari's words echoed through Nef's mind as she dropped out of hyperspace.
"The past always be there to be helpen yousa. But yousa also need to build yousa's now..."
Her now...her present. Nef knew right where to start: her son, Articus and her husband, Gherron. She'd sensed her offspring's presence in the force: older, but still sweet, and very scared. Shortly after, the holonews reported on a shuttle full of younglings that had gone missing in the Outer Rim; so that's where Nef was headed.

There, in the middle of space; a derelict star destroyer was adrift, bearing the markings of The Union of Democracy that Nef had served long ago.
"So much for simply letting go and focusing on the moment."
Her trusty R3 unit beeped a sassy quip in reply.

Nef could sense multiple younglings on board, and the readings showed all security droids active as Nef's ship lurched forward into a tractor beam. Nef reached out into the force, sending a message to the minds of any who could feel it.
"I've found our little ones. Let's bring them home."

Zak Dymo

Wearing: Padawan Jet Robes | Corellia Digital Beats | Go Mobile Wristlink
Wielding: Riptide, the Lightsaber of Zak Dymo

[ lost ]​
The J-2 Interceptor cut across the mottled sea of hyperspace.

Inside, the small pilot had curled onto his side inside the cockpit. With the seat planed out into a sleeper configuration, the Nautolan slept surrounded by an open, half-eaten bag of shrimp chips and the sound of the music that continued to resonate from out of the onboard music player that set the beats on fire as the Jedi starfighter sailed through the cosmos.

The Whänau and its young navigator were returning to Svivren from Hoth, where the Nautolan had briefly met with other Jedi from different sects around the galaxy. The distances involved had necessitated several stops along the flight path, not only to refuel the one-man stunt fighter but also for bathroom breaks and food.

Somewhere beyond Sullust, Zak had passed out after setting the navi-computer and making the jump to hyperspace. Now, he was blissfully passing the hours in a restful slumber to a soundtrack of the sickest beats to drop this side of Zeltros.

...the boy's eyes snapped open.

He bolted upright, a loud thunk marking the moment that the startled youth's head smacked against the canopy that sealed the cabin away from the vacuum of space. Bathed in the blue light of hyperspace, the many tendriled amphibian seemed confused for a moment. At first, about where he was. Then, as the sleep subsided, the boy was able to regain his senses.

With one hand, the Nautolan swept the open bag of chips from off the seat and into the floor board area. With a press of a button, the cockpit shifted from sleeper configuration back to pilot mode. As the boy's fingers touched the different consoles around him, a slew of small screens popped up. Astrogation charts. Galactic compass. Range finder.

There was nothing on any of his screens. But, for a moment, he'd thought he'd heard her voice. Felt her presence.

Had it been a dream?

No. He couldn't explain it, but he knew that it hadn't been. Nefertari Sovint Nefertari Sovint was here. The Force was with her.

Disengaging the hyperdrive, the wash of blue light became a brilliant flash of white that slowly split into the myriad of stars as normal space re-appeared. Or, rather, as the starfighter slid back into normal space-time. Switching the controls to manual, the Nautolan turned the starfighter.

What course? He didn't know. Except, he knew that he didn't need to.

Eyes closed, the boy allowed the starfighter to drift for a moment. His hand hovered above the hyperdrive controls, yet hadn't been touching them when the fighter had made another jump to hyperspace.
Nef's windshield slid forward as she landed in the docking bay. She quickly got out and headed for the nearest door. It took a minute to remember, but she tried her old passcode. Surprisingly, it worked and the door opened with a metallic shriek. With any luck, Nef could avoid fighting her way to her son and his peers. After all, she was here on a rescue mission. Not to cut down a horde of her old electronic allies.

Of course, even if she found the younglings first, there was still that pesky tractor beam that likely caused this situation and also various systems that could malfunction at any moment.

"I have a bad feeling about this." She said to nobody in particular as she stepped into the triangular corridor.

Nef was slightly nervous that her first mission in about three years turned out to largely be a solo mission with high stakes. She was used to having Gherron or Josh at her side at least.

Walking through the wrecked ship, and feeling the force, Nef searched for any of her objectives. A moment later, she heard an odd metal whir. What was that sound? Her fear hit her like a brick: Droideka.

Nefertari quickly ducked around a corner and held one of her lightsabers ready to ignite. No such action turned out to be needed, as she soon heard sparking and hissing coming from the droid as it fell over at the intersection, its circuits completely worn out.

were these things ever actually that scary? Nef wondered

As Nef continued, the toe of her boot hit something: It was her memory book that she carried in her robes. The ducking must have caused it to fall out. It had fallen open to a page with a picture of Nef with and her master at a festival. Next to it was a picture of the same festival years later, with Nef and Zak Dymo in the picture. Nef wondered how her amphibious friend was doing as she picked up her book and continued her search; reaching out again.

"I'm on my way, Arty"

Sitting in the fetal position somewhere in another part of the ship, a little blonde boy lifted his head as he felt something in the force. Something which he didn't know much about yet.

"Dad? Is that you?" he called out. Nobody replied.
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Zak Dymo

Wearing: Padawan Jet Robes | Corellia Digital Beats | Go Mobile Wristlink
Wielding: Riptide, the Lightsaber of Zak Dymo

[ afterhours ]
To each their own.

Legs folded up in the seat, the young Nautolan was in a lotus position as he meditated from within hyperspace. That wasn't to say that it was quiet. Far from it, the dubstep was pumping from out of the onboard music player, stressing the cockpits speakers and sending tremors through the starfighter frame from the subwoofer that the boy had added.

They said that, in space, no one could hear the beat drop.

Zak's starfighter answered, challenge accepted.

Rolling his shoulders, the youth bopped in time with his music. His senses extended beyond the cockpit. As he meditated, the starfighter reverted back from out of hyperspace.

Where ever the Force was taking him, it appeared that this was it. Opening his eyes, the boy stretched his legs and settled back behind the controls of the Jedi interceptor. There was an object pinging on the com-scan. A derelict ship?

Not just a derelict ship, a derelict star destroyer. "That's probably not a good thing," the Nautolan commented aloud, engaging the ion drives and navigating his fighter closer toward the hulking derelict. The airlocks seemed to be operable.

The Force had brought him here. Might as well see what the deal was.

Nefertari Sovint Nefertari Sovint 's ship was visible as the boy eased his fighter into the docking bay. So his master was here. The engines were still hot. She'd been here recently.

Dropping from out of the cockpit, the Nautolan clutched at the headphones the rested atop his shoulders, hanging from around his neck. If this got serious, it wouldn't do to get caught without his tunes. Holding out his arm, the boy tapped on his wrist comlink. Maybe he could get a signal out to Matsu Ike Matsu Ike ? This had the feel of being a trap. It definitely wouldn't do to be caught out here and have no one know just where he was.

A loud commotion caught the boy's attention. Holding the lightsaber hilt at the ready, the small Nautolan headed into the corridors of the ship.

It was one of those old Confederate Battle Droids, like in those old war holos. Except this one was on its side. And its circuits were doing a lot of smoking. Neither of those things were like in the movies.

He could sense Nef's presence. And hers wasn't the only one on this ship.

He was getting close.

To Nef? Maybe. To figuring out just what the kark was going on? Hopefully.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She was mostly retired, on Ahch-To in the ancient temple. The Repository that the caretakers kept was thousands of years old... filled with generations of jedi artifacts and equipment... era, history and so so much. That would keep her busy for the rest of her lifetime if she didn't take time away to go exploring on worlds elsewhere. Which is what made t so much fun compared to some things... right now though it was the grandest adventure of them all... even more so then when she and Ashin fought an eldritch hellbeast or when she and Vulps assailed the netherworld itself... battling within the heart of Mortis or even learning from the bedlam.... few things compared to it as the jedi master..... took a nap.

She was older then most and laying there with Hanna Ike Hanna Ike was a well deserved break when she heard the sound. Her personal comlink on her wrist chevron. A few were able to reach her but the AI usually handled them and filed it or sent it to her office... only a smaller handful had the means to bypass all of that and reach her no matter where she was which meant that. "If this is Zak Dymo telling me he got a new high score... I am going to send him to a pocket dimension populated only by girls who ride cooties." She thought it to herself not wanting to roll over and detach from the warmth on her side but she did seeing the message as her eyes adjusted to the light of the screen.

She looked at it and Zak was asking for her help.... she would go but... but... she turned her head and looked at the blonde and then at the screen...... So later on as she sat in the bridge of the ship, her robes on and hair stright the jedi master went over what he said again and the spirit of the ship spoke. Appearing thanks to the hadlight next to her. "You do not look happy master Ike... I take it your time with Hanna was cut short again?" The spirit of an almost dead jedi... housed in the brain of the ship who had wanted this because of fear of dying. She wasn't so heartless and the ship served another purpose as it couldhelp them move on and fulfill their role as protectors.

"Yes but at least I got a couple hours of a nap... maybe. Set course for the coordinates and lets go and meet Zak... if he needs help then I won't say no to providing it." She touched the well cane that Maple Harte Maple Harte had made for her and while she didn't need it being plenty spry she still used it as a means to make others feel more comfortable. She didn't know many other older jedi aside from Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill so the old hermitish woman on Ahch-To let her mind stretch outwards searching and sensing for the boy and whoever he was with.

Nefertari Sovint Nefertari Sovint
Hanna sighed she was really comfy in that bed. But good causes right? She hadn't done much lately besides sit around the house and manage things Matsu was too busy to manage. However this time she had snuck on the ship, well she was pretty sure Matsu knew she was on board, but she wasn't going to let that stop her. She had grabbed some random robes from one of the many collections in their house and her trusty light foil. She was ready for adventuring and now she just had to scare Matsu, or try to scare her. Hanna mustered all the stealth she could using every trick she knew as she crept towards matsu's back. She held a finger to her lip to the spirit of the ship to try to tell her to not give her up. She darted towards Matsu's chair and attempted to kiss her on the neck from behind and whisper "Hello love."
Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Zak Dymo
Something didn't quite make sense here. How were this ship's systems running? And why? Droids had no need for a breathable atmosphere last time Nef checked.
Her train of thought was interrupted by a presence. Someone else was here; someone familiar.
"A youngling, come to rescue younglings? You've grown, little one." Nef said as she sensed Zak Dymo behind her. She turned around and threw her arms around him.
"It's really good to see you again, Zak."
Indeed, while not the young one she was looking for this time, Zak was always a welcome addition.

Much as Nef would like to sit down and catch up with the Nautolan over a fresh batch of cookies, that would have to wait. A few droids simply passed the two by...they weren't the security system's either. They looked like... repair droids?

Letting Zak go from her hug, she asked
"Have you seen anyone else? Is anyone else coming to assist?"

Tag: Hanna Ike Hanna Ike Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

Zak Dymo

Wearing: Padawan Jet Robes | Corellia Digital Beats | Go Mobile Wristlink
Wielding: Riptide, the Lightsaber of Zak Dymo

[ pop/stars ]

"You've grown, little one."

The Nautolan had walked right into a hug trap. Beaming up at the Countess of Rosedge, the boy gave the woman a cheesy smile as he boasted, "Master Ike says I'm very immature for my age!"

Never had truer words been spoken.

It was also good to see Master Nef. Though they had other problems at the moment. "What's got you here, of all places?" the boy asked, curious. "I got a signal out to Master Ike before I boarded the ship," he added, to her question about if anyone else was coming.

Maybe now he'd figure out what this was all about.

Or maybe not. It really didn't matter. Zak and Master Nef could take on anything! At least, so far as one not-very-humble Nautolan's opinion on the matter was concerned...

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
She was surprised... that was the best way to say it when Hanna was there and a look on her face as the seeker class was coming into position with the ship. She could sense Zak Dymo was onboard and she set up the ember system that was designed to access and hook into other ships so they would hopefully be able to dock without problems. if not the docking tub in the airlock would ensure that the two of them would be able to get through as the jedi master turned around to look at Hanna who had her equipment. "Well... this is a surprise but... not entirely unwelcome..." She had a large grin on her face where she was going now and standing up to look at Hanna Ike Hanna Ike .

"So you snuck aboard the ship... brought all of your equipment... and were expecting to what?" She had a grin as her arms wrapped around the woman and touched the blonde hair. "You wanted to see what I get p to when I go out?" She laughed a little more and felt out in the force to find Zak on this ship where she might be able to help him and there was someone else as well. "Grab the box of snack cakes... Zak if many things but one of the most important aspects is he can be bribed into liking you with sugar." She nodded as she knew what was coming from it and happening but led the way gathering her equipment including her necklace with the heart ofthe universe.

She was bringing out her chevron pad with the hacking software while two of the smaller droids moved. To get her hooked itno the system and to open the airlock while scanners worked for the pair of them. She had her saber close on her sleeve... her kimono form fitted but loose enough that she would be able to remove it and wear her sarashi if need be. The saori bells in her hair chiming and radiating a warmth in the force as they worked to oncrease the force flow throughout her body. "Stay close... we don't know if there are going to be any problems here and Zak was not entirely forth coming in terms of what the situation was Hanna... if we encounter a problem run back to the ship and tell the AI to activate the recovery beacon. It will get you to a safe place."

Nefertari Sovint Nefertari Sovint
"What's got you here, of all places?" Ah, Zak's curiosity. Sure it got the little Nautolan in trouble sometimes, but it was definitely one of his best features.

"I heard a shuttleload of younglings went missing in this area." Nef replied as she and Zak walked along toward the stern."I can also sense my son among them."

"I got a signal out to Master Ike before I boarded the ship,"
"Good job, Zak. I've only met Master Ike in passing, but she's just the right Jedi for this."
She then asked
"By the way, Zak, How have you been?"

The closer the pair got to the engines, the newer things looked, and the better Nef could sense the younglings on the ship.
"Your peers are scattered. And there's more going on here than I originally thought."
Nef looked around, and felt a disturbance in the force: a plan to end a war that had long since ended.
"This section looks like they repaired it recently. That makes no sense..."

Just then, from around the corner, came a loud banging. A child's scream could be heard through it. Two armored security droids were taking a battering ram to a door. A number of binders could be seen on their equipment.

Tag: Zak Dymo Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Hanna Ike Hanna Ike

Zak Dymo

Wearing: Padawan Jet Robes | Corellia Digital Beats | Go Mobile Wristlink
Wielding: Riptide, the Lightsaber of Zak Dymo

[ k/da vs bts ]

A shuttle of younglings?

"What? Like a bunch of space cadets going to a gymboree?" the boy asked, as his imagination took over. It was probably the camp counselor. Those people were definitely under paid, over stressed, and ready to break at any moment. One minute, it's a field trip. The next, it's a haunted star destroyer in the middle of the Outer Rim!

See? This was why he didn't do scouts.

"I can also sense my son among them."

"Azu's here?" Zak chimed, instantaneously. He had a HoloStation Switch stashed in his starfighter. They could totally game after they got out of here.

Of course, there was the whole rescue Azu thing that would need to be handled before any gaming could happen. And if there were other younglings around, then Master Nef would probably tell him that he had to play with the other kids, too. But he only had the one Switch with him...

They'd just have to cross that bridge when they came to it.

...and then a child screamed. "Sneaky time over," the youngling uttered flatly. Flipping his headphones up from his shoulders to his head, Zak's finger casually slid the switch on the side as he activate the music player.

The same instant that the first beat had dropped, the familiar weight of Riptide had smacked down into the palm of his hands. The world around him seemed to slow down, as the Nautolan slipped into Force Speed. Coming out from around the corner, the Nautolan became a green blur as he closed the gap between him and the security droids. Dropping into a slide, the Nautolan planed himself out as he did a low slide aimed right between the two droids. As he did, the white blade of his lightsaber's snapped into existence.

Coming up off the floor, the Nautolan executed a spin. Weaving the lightsaber through the air, the boy bisected the battering ram. It fell in two pieces to the deck with a loud bang.

Pulling his lightsaber back, the Nautolan extended his hand. A Force Push rippled outward, blowing both droids back down toward Master Nef and away from the door.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu tooks Hanna Ike Hanna Ike silence as agreement as she started to move. Whatever they were going to do well.. she couldn't do it from in here... well okay she likely could but that would require a lot of force energy and trying to convince Zak Dymo that she was not some crazy cat lady who didn't own cats.... he wasn't always the most subtle since meeting some new friend named Micheal or Micah or Michelangelo.... or whoever... the M person was clearly an odd ball who went around the temples. The biot managed to get the door open though and she was moving forward with her hands clasped behind her back as she stood to her full height.

She was moving forward and could finally feel Nefertari Sovint Nefertari Sovint and Zak Dymo ahead as she allowed the force to surround them and conceal them. "Her hand remaining there with hanna slightly behind her and leading them through the halls until she stopped in front of the two there. The jedi master look in the sight of the boy with the glassed over eyes... tendril hair and most important in his looks was... those adorable cheeks... "Hello, I got your message." She moved forward and looked down at Zak for a moment. "Zak you look adorkable as always... still trying to beat my high score?" She said it and looked down at him before pulling out one of the snack cakes and making a point to eat it in front of him. Pay back for allof the old lady jokes.
Conqueror of Heaven and Hell
An interceptor dropped out of hyperspace, with it's cloaking mechanisms, rather unusually, switched off. All power was immediately directed to the shields, even as a single message was looped, available for all to listen. "I am Sith. And yet, for once, I have not come to wage war. I need to talk to you, Nefertari Sovint Nefertari Sovint . For once, are you willing to set aside your hostility and meet in person?"

Zak Dymo Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Hanna popped out from behind Matsu, in her hands were a container of cookies. "I brought cookies, anyone want one?" She smiled at the two near her, curious who they were. She was the first to admit she didn't really know many of Matsu's friends unless they stopped by the house. It was nice to be out with Matsu and not in the wilderness for once. For some reason her wife loved going into ancient ruins and the like. Hanna didn't mind too much though as it gave her a chance to be with her amazing wife.

"I am Hanna, Matsu's wife." She gave her best smile as she held out the container of cookies. Hanna had found the hobby of baking after retiring and well she had to get rid of her goodies. There might be times when she filled the house with baked goods. So chances to get rid of them were welcome. "I have heard a little about you. I don't know how much you know about me. I used to be a politician before meeting my amazing wife. So be gentle with me."

However when a signal came over from a sith of all people she frowned. "I vote no, can't trust a sith." She knew her opinion meant little most likely but the idea with meeting with a sith in person screamed bad idea to her. That and well it would probably mean Matsu would send her back to the ship and that was no fun. She was here to explore whatever this derelict ship is.
Imperius Imperius Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Zak Dymo Nefertari Sovint Nefertari Sovint
Nef didn't have time to correct her adorable little friend that Azu was, in fact, her little brother before they were rudely interrupted by the racket from the security droids. Zak had definitely gotten good at his force speed, which definitely made him a bigger prank force to be reckoned with. Nef's pink blade snapped to life as she took a Shii-cho stance and made quick work of their mechanical adversaries. Immediately following, she felt the oddly comforting presence of Matsu Ike Matsu Ike as the old master joined them along with her spouse. Nefertari extinguished her blade as Matsu lovingly taunted Zak.

"A pleasure as always, Master Ike. And It's nice to meet you, Hanna. Thank you both very much for coming." Nef said with a friendly smile

"I brought cookies, anyone want one?"

"I'd love one. Thank you."

Nef returned her attention to the youngling the droids were trying to get to. As she forced the door open to what appeared to be the galley, she noticed a datascreen with a star chart open on it. Coruscant was set as the destination.
The pieces were starting to come together, and they weren't painting a pretty picture.

"oh no" she whipered under her breath.

An unusual dark presence appeared nearby.

"I am Sith. And yet, for once, I have not come to wage war. I need to talk to you, Nefertari Sovint. For once, are you willing to set aside your hostility and meet in person?"

Nef always wondered how the Sith made such an impressive comeback after Darth Senet's redemption left no known Sith in the galaxy. And wondered whether to meet with this supposedly peaceful person.

"I vote no, can't trust a sith."

"I agree we cannot trust him, but if what I think is going on here is actually happening, we could use all the help we can get."

The blonde kid in the corner lifted his head from his curled up position as Nef looked over.

The seven year-old stood up and ran over, clinging to Nef and crying. She could sense his relief at seeing her, along with his fear and confusion.
"Shh. It's ok Arty." said Nef, putting her cloak on her son and hugging him tight. "Mommy's here. Mommy's got you."

Nef turned back to her companions
"Ok, long story short, this ship used to belong to a faction called the Union of Democracy. In those days, their main enemy was headquartered on Coruscant. If that's what these droids still think, they might be making repairs to make an assault on an innocent population."

Zak Dymo Imperius Imperius Hanna Ike Hanna Ike

Zak Dymo

"I brought cookies, anyone want one?"

The Nautolan slid across the deck, interjecting himself between Matsu and this cookie jar wielding woman. Who turned out to be Matsu's wife. But also had cookies. And was handing out said cookies.

Zak liked this lady already.

A blond kid was hugging on Nef and a Sith was calling on the comlink. To any other pair of Jedi, this would probably seem a tad out of the ordinary. But being that this was Nef and Zak, it was actually pretty normal. Definitely better than what they'd run into on Cyrillia.

Cookie crumbs trickled down from between the boy's fingers, a few specs clinging to his moss colored kin as the Nautolan munched happily on the cookies that Hanna had supplied. Meanwhile, Nef was talking about stuff. Maybe important, didn't really listen. Union. Something Coruscant. Assault on innocent population.

"So... butt kicking time?" the teen asked.

It was pretty much his answer for everything that, well, needed its butt kicked.

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Hanna Ike Hanna Ike Zak Dymo Nefertari Sovint Nefertari Sovint

She listened to them and raised an eyebrow with Hanna behind her not saying anything as Zak seemed to almost teleport cookies into his hands. The sith arriving brought some attention but she had dealt with worse and wanted to roll her eyes. The 'put aside hostility' was victim card adjacent... it was something tiring from most sith who were happy to do horrible things but if they are called out on it suddenly they are the victims. She was prepared though when Nef spoke of the dangers and nodded her head. "Then if it is needed we can work to stop it." She had a serene expression on her face but internally well... a chance to stretch out her mental force muscles as it were compared to spending allof the time on some of the older jedi worlds and restoring temples.
"You know Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , if this is the kind of stuff you do all the time, we need to have words, way too dangerous." She said as she looked at the small child. Her heart melted, she always had a soft spot for kids. "Hey Articus, was it? Want to stay with me so that the others can focus on stopping this ship?" She offered a cookie after giving one to Nefertari Sovint Nefertari Sovint . "I have cookies and I have been told I am pretty fun by my own kids." She wanted to help and figured keeping the other members kid out of harms way. While Matsu and the others did the more dangerous work sounded like a great way to be of help. She had only really ever learned self defense from Matsu. She looked around trying to make sense of it all. What had they stumbled onto exactly? At least she could help her love this time, she was bored at home but maybe going on a mission with Matsu wasn't the right way to fight off the boredom. This didn't seem to be something she was much help with, if anything she was probably a hindrance. Though Matsu would probably not say that to her face. She smiled at Zak Dymo. Thinking the teen cute.
Conqueror of Heaven and Hell
((OOC: I had joined this thread to sort of act like a catalyst for my char to leave tse. Since then, however, I’ve already completed the move to ZU. For the sake of simplicity, however, lets stick to the origina timeline.
TLDR: Thread takes place back when my char was still TSE
WARNING: My character at this point was extremely arrogant and presumptuou, and whatever I write in this thread is in accordance with what my char was like back then. Please don’t interpret it as an insult to you as a writer. Also, if you have some pretty huge issues with something this char does/says, just pm me and we can work it out.))

O B J E C T I V E: Talk to Nefertari Sovint Nefertari Sovint



Location: Somewhere in the Outer Rim
Equipment: Solarion , Gold Armor
Zak Dymo Hanna Ike Hanna Ike Matsu Ike Matsu Ike

The lack of a response was...not welcome. He had spent weeks pondering over the dilemma that his life had presented to him, and his frazzled nerves no longer afforded him the luxury of diplomacy. He opened up with the weapons on his interceptor, the powerful weapons surgically aimed to create a hole in the hull of the spacecraft wherein he sensed the Jedi he needed to talk to. His Interceptor fit neatly through the hole, and just like that, he was in. The slow timing and careful aiming of the weapons had led to minimal damage to the ship; He moved through the corridors, trying to find the shortest path to the Jedi he needed to talk to.


Zak Dymo, Matsu Ike Matsu Ike , Hanna Ike Hanna Ike , Imperius Imperius

"So... butt kicking time?" Zak asked, covered in cookie crumbs.
Nef giggled at her adorable apprentice "Not quite yet, Zak. We still need to find where they took the rest of them."
Still calming down, Articus perked up at the mention of Zak. Nef had told her son stories of a nautolan youngling a few years prior, and Arty clearly thought he was super cool.

"They put us in jail and took our training equipment. I escaped." said Articus

When Hanna asked Articus if he would like to come with her for the time being, the youngling clung closer to Nef for a moment, but was easily swayed by the offered cookie and some reassurance from Nef.
"Thank you" he replied to Hanna.

Then came the sound of starfighter fire outside
"It would seem our Sith friend has invited himself."

Nef readied her second blade, but kept both extinguished, just to be prepared for whatever this Sith was prepared to dish out.

(Sorry it took so long. I've been writing this bit by bit when I've had time)

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