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A Reunion [Thurion]

Fridheim Settlement

A pair of well-worn boots stood on a small hilltop. From this vantage point, Valae Kitra surveyed the beautiful landscape of Midvinter. There were mighty mountains that lined the horizon, tall trees aplenty, and even a fluffy blanket of snow to cover the ground. Despite the clear skies, it was quite cold, especially with the wind coming in from the coast. And nestled below the hill was a rustic, but grand-looking home.

And just what was she doing in such a place?

Valae had come to Midvinter to pay a visit to the former Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi, and her Master. She had many fond memories of Thurion and his family. He was someone that she looked up to, and in her eyes he had even become something of a father-figure. But somehow, the years had slipped between them. Shortly after reaching the rank of Knight, Valae had left the Order for a time. She did not regret her decision, but she did regret the way she had left -- with barely a word.

Her gloved hand rose and tucked a few strands of chestnut waves behind her ear. Valae’s head bowed forward slightly and she pulled the hood of her parka down a bit further. As she made her way down the snowy hill, she could already sense the calm presence of her Master nearby. Despite the distance that had separated them, she had always felt the bond they shared -- she wondered if he still felt it, too.

Before she knew it, she was standing at the door. A hand closed into a fist and rose to set a knock on the heavy wooden door, but hesitated. Her mind began to race. How would he react to her sudden visit? What would she say to him? Valae had come all this way, there was no turning back now. Holding her breath, she finally knocked.

And then she waited…

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]​
As the months went by the small, humble settlement of Fridheim had flourished into a veritable town, and still it saw rapid expansion. There were always new settlers coming from far and wide looking to join this newly-founded home on the west coast, watched over by the Lord and Lady Heavenshield who were household names in any homestead on Midvinter. They had aided the Dawnbringer in avenging his father and reclaiming the throne, and then again when they saw to the breaking of the Vinterbound army at Tháinbroek when the old king gave his life when defending his kith and kin. Most recently the husband and wife alongside their many Jedi friends had fought off a Sith invasion. By now they were legendary heroes, their deeds mentioned in tales and songs.

Yet for all his accolades and great feats, Thurion held no higher opinion of himself than usual. He was more concerned with the raising of his son, having retired from his duties to the Order in favour of keeping his people safe. The Sith attack made him realise just how vulnerable they are compared to the advanced tactics and technology of the greater galaxy, and he knew that Midvinter would never have even shown up on the enemy's radar if it weren't for his name being associated with it.

He was always most efficient at thinking whilst working with his hands, and so the aging Jedi kept to himself inside his workshop added onto the Heavenshield residence after the fact, busying himself with crafting a new chair out of strong and stubborn Midvinter wood. But the familiar presence of another stopped him dead in his tracks. "I know this one," he said to himself before poking his head out the door.

There she was, just as he remembered her, standing on their porch and knocking on their door. Grabbing a towel to wipe his hands on, Thurion stepped outside and approached Valae from the side. "There's nobody home at the moment," he informed her with a grin. "Just little old me."

[member="Valae Kitra"]
Valae lowered her hand back down to her side, cleared her throat, and stood just a bit straighter. She had been expecting the door to swing open at any moment, and held her breath. But when the door remained shut tight, she blew out a sigh. Slowly, her head hung forward, her gaze fell down to see the finely crafted porch beneath her boots. Perhaps it had been a mistaken to come here.

But just as the brunette turned to leave, she heard the sound of a familiar voice.

Stopping mid-step, she looked up to see the kind face of her master. A smile formed on her lips, and her eyes immediately grew teary at the sight of him. Without a word, she ran forward and flung her arms around his broad form. Overcome by the rush of emotions inside, she sobbed into her master’s chest, much like she had when they first met on Tatooine – a night that seemed ages ago now. After a moment or two, she drew a deep breath in an attempt to collect herself. Pulling away just slightly, she looked up and said the first word that came to mind:

“Hi,” Valae said with a smile.

And now she took a moment to take in Thurion’s appearance. He was much the same as she remembered him, but perhaps a bit more weathered now. Still, her master was the perfect image of strength and dignity, completely deserving of the heroic songs and stories that were spoken in the settlement town. Next to him, Valae felt small – both in stature and presence. In a sense, Thurion was a man that was larger than life itself.

“I’ve missed you, master.” She said with a nod, “It’s good to see you.”
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Her sudden pouncing had him drop the towel to the ground as he met her embrace with one of his own, putting his arms around her and laughing as he does. "Hello," he replied just as simple, grinning wide. Both master and apprentice had aged since last they saw each other; she had matured into a beautiful, young woman, whereas he remained much the same save for a few more wrinkles. For now, Thurion felt content standing in place and embracing her further, pressing his lips to her forehead as a father would his daughter. "I've missed you too, padawan."

Once their heartfelt greetings were taken care of he then invited her inside to get away from the cold, where the living room hearth blazed all day long. He sat her down for a cup of tea in true Jedi fashion - though of course Thurion wouldn't touch the stuff! Hot drinks of any kind were not to his liking, so he poured himself a glass of blue milk instead.

In front of them the fireplace showered them with its warmth, and Thurion leaned back in his armchair and kicked off his boots. "A shame Coci isn't around at the moment, she's off for a walk with the little one. Boy took his first steps the other day and now he can't get enough of it. Not unlike someone we know," he chuckled and took a sip of milk. "When I heard about your promotion I could not have felt more proud, Val. Every master's wish is to see the younger generations surpass them, rise above their teachings."

[member="Valae Kitra"]
Valae had gratefully accepted the invitation inside, leaving the Midvinter cold behind. The warmth was there to greet her immediately, and she felt the feeling begin to return to her limbs. As they approached the blazing hearth, she began to shed her layers of winter clothing. She set her parka over the back of a chair and had a seat. A smile tugged the edges of her mouth as Thurion set a cup of tea down on the table for her; she wrapped her hands around the warm mug. After taking in the aroma of the brew, she took a small sip and sighed contentedly.

She peeked over the top of her cup as her Master spoke.

Her smile grew wider at the mention of Coci and their new son. And her cheeks grew a bit rosy at the sound of Thurion’s compliment. His approval meant the world to her. Valae gave her chest a small pat with the palm of her hand, and it came to settle gently over her heart.

“Thank you very much, I appreciate the kind words. But I’ve still got a long way to go.” Valae nodded, there was still much she needed to learn and accomplish. “I’ve got big shoes to fill.”

With a chuckle, she pointed at the large boots that Thurion had just kicked off.

“And a proud papa again?” She had recalled hearing the joyful news. “I’m so very happy for you and Coci, I’ll have to look in when they’re here. I’m sure that little critter keeps you both busy.”

Valae grinned into her cup before taking another sip. The warm tea was quite soothing and did wonders to remove the remaining chill from her bones.

“Speaking of Heavenshield sons, I’ve seen Theo a couple of times recently.” She said, “It’s been real nice to see him again. I’ve even been spending some time ‘round Ilum at the Iron Legion.”
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
The mention of his big shoes had him chuckle, and as she mentioned Thirdas he nodded as he took another sip of milk. "Oh yeah, that he does. Takes after his mother, that one. That Corellian curiosity," he smirked. "Coci and I felt for a long time that our positions within the Order were coming to a close. With another child on the way, it was the perfect timing to bow out and settle down, devoting ourselves to our family." Noticing his cup was empty, he got up to pour himself another.

"I wish I'd done the same back when Théo was born," he sighed. "I feel like there wasn't enough times when we were allowed to be just father and son. He had his Jedi training to undergo, and I was the newly-elected Grandmaster. Our duties kept us from seeing each other as often as either of us would've liked." Thurion sunk back down into his armchair with refilled cup in hand. "Well, I've done my duty to the Order. My only duty now is to my family and to my people."

After another sip, his face grimaced. "Ah, hell, you didn't come here to listen to a man past his prime complaining about what-ifs." He set his cup aside on the coffee table and sat up straight, taking Valae's hand in his. His gaze returned briefly to the boots on the floor. "Val, you don't have to feel like having to fill anyone's shoes, least of all mine. We all have our own paths to tread, our own lives to live. I want you to be Valae, not me." He placed a fatherly kiss upon her hand, caressing it.

"Now, tell me about you, Knight Kitra," he changed the subject with a warm smile.

[member="Valae Kitra"]
Valae sank back into her seat, comfortable and warm. With her hands still cupped around her mug, she took a couple more sips of the tea – a refreshing and invigorating blend. She chuckled into the cup when Thurion mentioned that his new little one had inherited his mother’s sense of curiosity. And she offered an understanding nod when the topic moved on to his retirement from the Order. Though Valae did miss having Thurion there to lead the Silver Jedi, she understood his choice – and things seemed to be doing well in the capable hands of the new Grandmaster.

Her eyes grew soft when her master spoke of Theo, she could hear the tone of his voice change. She did remember the times when they were out on missions for the Order, Thurion hadn’t been able to just be a father – he had to be a leader, too. But some of those times, especially their afternoon on Felucia, would always remain very fond memories for Valae.

“Oh, not to worry,” She chuckled, “I don’t mind listening.”

She exhaled softly and let her eyes shift down towards her lap for a moment.

“I know – I’m only just discovering my path.” Valae glanced sidelong at Thurion, “But I think I know the way now. It’s been a long journey, but I’m glad to be back with the Order and I’ll do my part. I’ll also be helping out the Iron Empire as needed.”

Reaching out, she set her mug down on the side table. As she relaxed back into her chair, she folded her hands over her stomach.

“And I will follow in your footsteps, just not on the battlefield, or as Grandmaster.” She grinned, for her master was known for his prowess and fighting skills. “But as a healer.”

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Thurion leaned back in his chair, hands upon the armrests. "My, my, such a busy bee these days! I am glad to hear you've taken up with the Iron Empire, they are a good bunch from what Théo tells me. I had the pleasure of visiting Csilla once for an audience with Emperor Baelor. Unfortunately the meeting was a formal one, so there was little in the way of really getting to know each other. They do like to stand on ceremony over there," he chuckled. "I guess the same is true for most Jedi. Never had much stomach for it, myself."

When Valae then mentioned becoming a healer, he smiled wide and reached across the gap between them, placing his hand upon hers. "You are wise to do so. Healing is in high demand these days, and there are few more noble professions out there. More Jedi should strive to save lives, rather than seek to end them." Giving her hand a reassuring squeeze, he then gazed straight ahead into the fireplace, allowing silence to fill the room for the time being.

Glancing over at her, he couldn't help but ask. "How are you holding up, Val? I know these things are not overcome easily," he spoke of her father's passing back on Tatooine. "If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you. Or we can just sit here in silence, either way is fine."

[member="Valae Kitra"]
Valae smiled wide, the reassuring words of Thurion had made her heart warm. Glancing to the side, she glimpsed Thurion's large palm resting atop her own. It was a fatherly gesture that she had never really known. But it brought her comfort and a sense of calm. As silence slipped between them, Valae watched the fire burning in the hearth. Blinking slightly, she turned again as Thurion spoke once more.

She took a long moment to consider his question.

"I'm holdin' up alright," She said with a nod, her expression quiet and contemplative. "But as you might know, I was lost for a time."

Chestnut eyes fell towards her lap, where her hands were now folded. She was referencing the period of time in which she had traveled the galaxy alone -- temporarily away from the mantle of the Silver Order. It had been a difficult time, but the light was there to guide her back. But no matter how much she had battled with her own feelings, she knew that she had come away from that experience a better woman.

"I went back home recently, spent some time dealing with some unsettled emotions." No doubt, Thurion would remember the difficulty she'd had with greiving her father. "Even if my Old Man was good for nothin', I still miss him." She smiled fondly, "But I'm lucky to have someone to look up to in his absence."

Valae gave Thurion a meaningful glance.

"As a matter of fact, I do need some advice. I aim to take on a padawan of my own soon, do you have any guidance for me?"

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Thurion's face lit up. "A padawan? Oh, that is splendid news!" He sat upright and shuffled his armchair to face Valae directly, he was so excited.

"Well, since you asked," he cleared his throat. "I would say getting to know your apprentice is paramount to a lasting relationship. Some of the traditionalists out there will likely tell you otherwise, but you already my feelings on detachment and all that hogwash. If you don't know and care for the person under your charge, why even commit to teaching them at all? Duty alone is not, and should not, be a valid reason to take on an apprentice."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "If you know them and their character, then you also know what trials to put them through as they learn from you." Leaning back in his chair, he summoned his cup of milk into his hand with a subtle motion. His gaze dropped into the blue drink swirling about before looking back up at Valae. "Do you remember that mission I took you on, that ship-turned-bloodbath?" He took a sip.

"I knew you'd grown up on Tatooine, and that you'd never been elsewhere until I showed up. I felt it was necessary for you to experience the ugliness of the galaxy at large, so I decided to bring you along. One of our duties as Jedi is to provide wisdom to those that seek it, and wisdom can only ever come from age and experience." Thurion emptied his cup for the second time and set it back on the table.

He then his head to gaze into the flames of the hearth, his face taking on a solemn expression. "Your apprentice should be like family. A brother or sister. A son... or daughter. Someone you would do anything to protect, to keep safe. It should be you who are at their service, not the other way around."

[member="Valae Kitra"]
As Thurion turned to face her, she leaned forward to listen. She would take in all of his words, taking care to remember them clearly, should she ever need to search her recollections in the future. Valae smiled fondly, remembering the way that Thruion had taken her under his wing, and made her feel just like family. And truly, he was the closest thing she had to family left now.

"I remember that trip well," She said, letting the images flood her mind.

She still remembered the sense of fear that had accompanied her on that voyage, and also the steady encouragement and strength of Thurion. It had been a shocking introduction to the darkness of the galaxy, but it had certainly opened up her eyes. Sure, she never had considered herself to be sage-like, but maybe she did have her own brand of wisdom to spread.

"I will take all of your advice, master -- thank you." She smiled, and gave her heart a small pat with the palm of her hand, showing him where she would keep it.

And now, she needed only to find the right person. It was a task probably easier said than done, but Valae would turn her trust to the force. She shifted towards the end of her seat, not wanting to take up too much of Thurion's time. But she paused, her hands still on the arms of the chair. Though she had come to catch up, there was another pressing issue she had come here with. She'd kept quiet for the time, not wanting to darken their time together.

"There is something else..." She started, furrowing her brows. Valae wasn't quite sure what to say. "I had a recent run in with [member="Connor Harrison"] -- well, he's not the same man we once knew." There was sadness in her tone. "He sent me to deliver a warning to your family."

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

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